Saturday, July 15, 2023

Friday could've been a lot better...

 Hi everyone,

Friday just sucked in so many ways, sure I got some compression socks because I'm at the age I need them apparently... but I ended up losing the entire afternoon because I just fell asleep after finding out work was cancelled, so that is now four days to make up. Sure I was told things should be better with more focus group work coming in... but that isn't till early or mid August.

Then there was when I woke up at 6:30 PM... and discovering my internet was bugging out again, lots of Upstream Power Levels dropping below 40 with the channels becoming unlocked... so I have another Comcast tech coming out between 4 and 6 PM on Satirday. Was so frustrated ended up ordering some takeout.

So the stream ended up starting a little after 8 PM and we went all out in regards to side-questing and doing things in Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales, finding another cat, seeing Miles crossing paths with the King Pin, knocking out various achievement / trophies, while also seeing how much ground work is being laid to integrate people unfamiliar with Miles to his world, which is a lot more down to earth in various ways when compared to Peter Parker. This is probably best seen in how much of the game revolves around Harlem, considering the most side quests take place in that portion of the map and how littler there is to do every place else. 

That said, if we go all out we can finish Spider-Man Miles Morales the next time we play since everything left revolves around side quests and the main story, plus stray trophies such as finding specific locations. It does seem like some trophies are tied to a New-Game Plus run, which (a costume, three abilities and 4 gadget upgrades) which is rather disappointing.

Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales (PS4) Trophies

  • I'm On A Boat: Ride the derelict boat in southern Chinatown
  • Urban Explorers: Collect all Time Capsules
  • 100x Combo!!!: Perform a 100x Combo
  • Five Star Review: Complete all FNSM app requests
  • The Core of the Problem: Investigate Roxxon's underground lab
  • Invisible Spider: Defeat 50 enemies while Camouflaged
  • True Deception: Complete the vault sequence in Underground Undercover
  • From Downtown: Use Venom Dash to throw an enemy into a group of three or more
  • Kitbash: Craft 10 Upgrades
  • Overcharge: Defeat 100 enemies with Venom attacks
  • Under Their Noses: Shut down all Roxxon Labs
  • Salvager: Open all Underground Caches
  • Underground Undone: Shut down all Underground Hideouts
  • Up and Over: Perform a Venom Jump, then a Venom Dash on a single enemy
  • Come at the King: Unravel a criminal conspiracy in Harlem

We didn't do a raid this evening, but I went o ver to hang out on BestiBunni's channel over at 

Did do some writing before finding out work was cancelled, so there was that positive, and used some funds I marked aside for entertainment to take advantage of the Xbox sale to pick up a few things. Tried to look for co-op stuff to do locally.

Our next stream on Saturday is scheduled for 7 PM Eastern, and I figure we'll just go ahead and finish Duke Nukem Forever to clear that game off the dockett.

So with that said, we'll see you next time over on