Thursday, July 28, 2022

I'm leaning Raider in Fallout 76

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Fallout 76 saw some heavy story progress done as it relates to getting into Vault 79... and considering all the trauma I went through finding Lou and Ra-Ra on the Raiders side of the story I'm heavily leaning towards siding with the Raiders just for the simple fact I used a ton of ammo to reach them, so one could say I'm invested in seeing how the story progresses. Got so bad at one point I was facing the 'boss', a multi-star Legendary sentry bot with only a revolver and a short rifle... which left me running around ducking for cover and trying to do sneaky ranged attacks.

We were of course joined by Iceman for some leavling up on the scoreboard side of things, using his Fallout 1st. It is always great to have him join in on the fun! Also at this point Fallout 76 has 63 achievements, and I have 49% of them, so slowly but surely I'm getting things done in this game.

We did have a couple of instances of stream lag, thankfully none of it fully effected the game play... I think But good news is that the stream didn't go fully down so everything stays in one VOD. 

Fallout 76 Achievements

  • Gold Rush: Gain 300 gold bullion

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on Oldish22 who was playing Final Fantasy XIV over at

I didn't notice until after the stream that the latest Logitech update really screwed with my mic settings as it pertained to things like mic gain. I sweat every time Logitech updates something it breaks one thing or another and takes forever to figure out what went wrong.

So the trailer for a movie on Hulu called Prey... it looks lame as hell.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Triple Combo #1, Weaving Combo #2 and Straight Combo #1 for 28 minutes.

Messed around some more with MultiVersus and discovered that the game does have a similiar unlock system for different builds and perks to what Paladins had early in its life and that each character can unlock the abilities from other characters. Actually this is probably closer to Dead by Daylight now that I think about it. Still I have continued playing as Harley Quinn because why the hell not. 

MultiVersus Achievements

  • Aerial Specialist: Get 10 Ringouts using the top of the blastbox
  • Credit Where It's Due: Give out 5 toasts to other players
  • Nice Speech: Give out 10 toasts to other players
  • Stepping Out: Win 10 Matchmade games
  • You Mean Business: Get 30 ringouts

You hear about the man who sells dynamite? Business is booming.

I gave my seat on the bust to a blind man. They fired me as driver.

What's big, gray and doesn't matter? An irrelephant.

Why did the snowman pick through a bag of carrots? Because he was picking his nose.

Song of the Day: Hungry Like The World by Duran Duran

If you're looking for tools to help with streaming or communicating from home with work, check out what Xsplit offers over at, use the promo code CASDEN to save 10% on your order! If you're looking for just general stuff, of course you can swing over to Amazon using my affiliate link:   

For tonight's stream we'll be playing Final Fantasy XIV, most likely a bit of leveling and dailies will be done. So on that note we'll see you later over on