Friday, September 15, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work tonight was solid, even if we're still dealing with a 25% drop in hours, but hell, I felt productive and got several completes done. Just wish the we were going for more than just a few people.

Job hunt continues to go poorly as well, as anything I know I can do I am too far away from or requires to be living within a certain radius

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 saw us finishing up the last of the Cyberpsycho events and getting about 60% of the last side quests in one area done, next time we play the game on Saturday, that will be my major focus as I think I just have the gigs to do. Also progressed Panam's character quest, and the entire 'great train' robbery was kind of neat. Finding the talking pistol named Skippy was a bit odd, but hey, I've seen talking weapons in the Borderlands games.

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • I Am The Law: Complete all Cyberpsycho Sightings.

For the raid we went over to who was playing Path of Exile

Our next stream is slated for 9:30 PM Eastern over on and will feature Horizon Zero Dawn

Finished up the third straight Resident Evil commission request and now I have two back to back WWE related ones... I sweat being pigeonholed holed for all the wrestling related stories I've done from 2004 to 2016 continues to come back to bite me in the ass 

Eagles won two games this week, which was nice, but Dallas Godertt is really under performing so far this year, when the lst few years he was awesome. More concerned for my Fantasy Football team than the Eagles to be honest.

And on that note, time for bed!

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