Sunday, September 17, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Overwatch was the definition of frustrating, when I had several great matches in terms of my own stats, only to be let down by random teammates who made some very questionable decisions in terms of not defending the objectives or payloads.

 We were joined by PandaSweet for a few matches, which made things more fun. I did pick up three Plays of the Game I did pick up a few plays of the game as Junker Queen and Moira, in addition to playing as Tracer, Kikiro,, Ashe, Windowmaker and a few other characters.

For tonight's raid we went over to who was playing Final Fantasy XIV 

Out next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM eastern over on and will featured Cyberpunk 2077. And I realized something, that there are a lot more side quest in the game that locked behind either 'in-game game' or tied various main quests being completed which we haven't done yet.

Finished writing the second of a trilogy of commission based on the 2002 George Lopez sitcom, granted I'm sorta half-assing it a bit by just having the 2nd and 3rd parts being direct continuations of the previous entries. Goal is to get the final one written by tomorrow afternoon.

The soreness from the charley horse I suffered on Friday is starting to fade, granted it involved me laying down most of the day with my left leg elevated.

Team Four Star released a compilation of shorts that covered the Buu Saga, which served as a nice taste to see what they would've done with that arc of Dragon Ball Z. It's really worth checking out.

Have a good night folks.


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