Friday, September 8, 2023

The Expanse, Gundam Evolution and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Work was another rough night, and I have to say this, I think I prefer to be hung up on quick rather than having to go through my entire introduction. 

Also had a job interview today, and I really feel the person who I was talking to was a complete idiot, as it was clear to me they didn't want to do their job.

Tonight's stream opened with episode four The Expanse, and while it was nice, and had a puzzle that I couldn't figure out, it was painfully short. Telltale Games really dropped the ball in regards to giving players any sense of immersion beyond making the people get an idea of who Drummer is. You spend 90% of the episode alone, and the last 10% setting up the final episode which drops in two weeks time.

So with that done, we loaded up Gundam Evolution for the first time in 44 days, and runninginto instances of people leaving matches to have them thrown, we managed to win three games and got called the MVP! We did unlock the ability to play ranked matches, but no one was playing that mode, so we couldn't get any ranked achievements.

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern over on and we'll be starting up Horizon Zero Dawn. I see it has a 'Story' Difficulty, so we'll certainly be engaging the plot armor!

The Expanse: A Telltale Series Achievements

  • Drone Dodger: Made it past the Drones in the Mines without being caught
  • The Pit and the Pirates: Complete Episode 4 of The Expanse

Gundam Evolution Achievements

  • Rookie: Reach Player Level 10
  • Ace Pilot: Get MVP in a Casual or Ranked Match

For the raid went over to who was playing Starfield!

After 20+ years I finally found volumes 4 & 7 of the Resident Evil novels by SD Perry, so I now have the complete set!

Did some writing today, worked a bit on Chapter 4 of my Persona AU fic, as well as knocking out another commission based on the Spider-Man MCU films. Next commission request is Resident Evil

Saturday's stream may start a little late, I'm going to see if I can visit my brother's house that afternoon, 

Hope everyone has a good night!

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