Sunday, September 10, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Hi everyone,

So, picture this if you win, I go to make some pasta to have some meals prepared for this week, and the pilot on the stove won't light up on its on, thankfully I had something to ignite it, but it's just one more problem among many.

Anyway, tonight's stream of Overwatch 2 was a lot of fun as per usual, even if the some random folks I got teamed with were doing their damnedest to feed the other team (Genji players I'm looking at you). Yes I had some bad matches, but when I look at the scoreboard and see we could've won if someone wasn't trying to be hero and focus on the task at hand, I waste no time in reporting players. 

Still things certainly picked up when PandaSweet joined in as I could always count on them to provide awesome support to give me more of a fighting chance since I was focused on playing Junker Queen to try and get a particular achievement. Other characters used were Moira, Tracer, Bastion, Mei,, Baptiste and Brigitte. Also picked up two Plays of the Games, one as Junker Queen and the other as Moira.

For the raid we went over to where of course Overwatch 2 was being played since that is the offical twitch channel

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern over on and we'll be getting back to Cyberpunk 2077, focusing on 

Did a fair bit of writing during the day, finishing the commission requests for a Resident Evil and WWE stories, and started one based on Dragon Ball. I really do appreciate everyone who has been paying for stories.

And that's all my notes for today, have a good night folks!


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