Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Evil Within 2, Social Media Update and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work today was alright as we picked up two complete interviews, which I think were pretty solid given the very clunky nature of the questions that were asked. The issue with day hours is still up in the air for next week.

Tonight's stream of The Evil Within 2 saw a lot of roaming around in the first area of the game, finding missing items and little secrets before advancing the plot. Turns out Sebastian's missing daughter is being chased by a loon in a suit. We reached the Marrow and crossed to the other side to put is in the area of City Hall, which means we''ll be in a whole new area of the game next time we play it on Thursday.

Also huge thanks for the re-subs during tonight's stream! The support is always appreciated!

The Evil Within 2 Achievements

  • Clearing a Path: Killed 60 enemies.
  • I Am The Night: Killed 10 enemies using Sneak Kills.
  • You Got Red in You: Used your first Red Gel.
  • Taken: Saw a chilling vision.
  • Now You're Playing with Power: Upgraded a weapon to Level 3.
  • Making Things a Little Easier: Used your first High-Grade Weapon Parts.

Our next stream, scheduled for around 9:30 PM Eastern over on will feature Journey to the Savage Planet. I'm going to try and start as soon as I finish work to get any tutorial and sets ups out of the way as the plan is for Iceman to join in

For the raid we went over to who was playing Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Huge thank you to zephyrwrestles for hooking me up with a Blue Sky invite link, as we're now on that social media platform, which will be helpful for when Twitter goes  tits up! Here are all my current social media links: 

Blue Sky:







 Finished the 16th entry in a series of Resident Evil commissions, with the focus being on Annette Birkin, since I won't use Sherry Birkin in these stories until way down the line. Also picked up a commission request for a Star Wars story which will make heavy use of 'time skips' to make sure it gets written in a reasonable amount of time.

 Phillies made the playoffs as the #1 wild card team in the National League, and they have a shot of finishing the season with over 90 wins.

And on that note, good night everyone!

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