Thursday, November 30, 2023

Journey to the Savage Planet and other notes

Tonight's stream of Journey to the Savage Planet saw Iceman and I finding all the orange goo and alloys in the Itching Fields, which didn't seem like it would be tough considering we got scanners to find various items.

However we did discover a second play through will be needed to get a particular achievement which involves not finishing the game and having 5 fuel containers... which is recommended to combo with trying to finish the game in under four hours

Anyway, Journey to the Savage Planet will return next Wedneday!

Thursday's stream will feature Persona 5 Tactica, and I did take the time to grind out several achievements, while learning about the Personas that unlock in a New Game Plus run. I'm not going to mind doing that since all the ones I have will be available from the start

Journey to the Savage Planet: Employee of the Month Edition Achievements

  • Stop Crapping On Me, Jessie: Got pooped on by a Skipper. That's good luck, depending on who you ask. Not me. I think it's gross.
  • Home At Last: You've returned home after fully completing your mission! You're a hero!

Persona 5 Tactica Achievements

  • New Heights: Learned the final skill in a skill tree.
  • Unparalleled Growth: Reached max level.
  • Weapons Master: Purchased 50 unique weapons.

For the raid we dropped in on zonesama for some retro cartoons hosted by Cecilia Littlewing

Work was alright, but a bit bleh.

Currently in the middle of working on a Mass Effect story commission that might take two days to finish.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Persona 5 Tactica and other notes

Tonight's stream saw us get a lot done in Persona 5 Tactica, rescuing Erina, seeing Toshiro unlock his Persona and seeing Lavenza arrive on train. Thanks to some off stream grinding, we're way more over powered that one would assume, but the cost trying to keep up with the fusion combinations as well as trying to get 50 weapons from the shop has made things a bit harder, but we're on track to basically have all but a couple of achievements by the time we finish the game. We also knocked out all the quests, so all that is left is the main story

Next time Persona 5 Tactica is on the agenda will be on Thursday night with the possibility of finishing that night, but I suspect there is going to be some long cut scenes.

Wednesday's stream is currently slated to featured Journey to the Savage Planet as Iceman and I resume looking for stuff to get as many achievements as we can out of that game.

Persona 5 Tactica Achievements

  • Stylish Synergy: Performed an All-Out Attack 50 times.
  • Metaverse Aristocrat: Accumulated 666,666 yen.
  • Walk Your Own Path: Used unique skills 50 times.
  • Those That Conquer Their Past: Defeated the third Kingdom's boss.
  • Ultimate Strike: Dealt 2,000 damage in a single attack.
  • Conqueror of Kingdoms: Completed all quests.

For the raid we dropped in on MissCammi316 who was playing Smite 

Work was solid, even if there was an oddness to my schedule hours.

Currently in the middle of writing a Spider-Man related commission request, which is probably about 60% finish. I will be working on that before going to sleep.

See ya!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Persona 5 Tactica and other notes

We had an interesting night of Persona 5 Tactica, while we didn't finish the 3rd Kingdom, we did learn that Toshiro and Eri were basically like the Phantom Thieves, but circumstances really turned dire for them in a rather shocking way. We all have every Persona up to level 71 fused (I believe), and discovered that grinding for levels and currency is going to be pretty straight forward i I really want to chase different achievements.

We shall continue Persona 5 Tactica on Tuesday's stream

For the raid we went over to Calyria who was playing a point and click game called Shardlight 

Work was solid tonight, getting to interview a few people, even if I got confirmation people in and around Tennessee's Knox County are a collective bunch of fucking idiots.

The Christmas gifts for my niece's arrived today... also picked up a elliptical pedal device to put to use a couple of times a day given how often I'm at my desk.

Currently in the middle of writing a WWE related commission, which is turning out to be quite mediocre... I really really hate taking on those commissions.

At least following it I have one based around Spider-Man, Mass Effect, Resident Evil and Dragon Ball to work on!

Good night folks!

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight's stream of Overwatch was pretty solid, big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of the fun. I picked up two plays of the game, one as Echo and one as Brigitte. In addition I played as Kiriko, Junker Queen, Reaper, Torbjourn, Mei, Soldier 76, Junkrat, Hanzo, Ana and a few others. Certainly trying to use a variety of characters in addition to my mains.

Our next stream will featured Persona 5 Tactica as we pick up things in the 3rd Kingdom. Also did a bit of achievement hunting in the game as well as seeing how one could grind levels and cash quickly.

Persona 5 Tactica Achievements

  • Ride, Johanna!: Pulled enemies into Vortex with Makoto 20 times.
  • Sleep Craftsman: Inflicted Sleep using fusion weapons 20 times.

For the raid we dropped in on elegantlyslays who was playing Friday the 13th The Game

Knocked out a pretty good commission story based around Star Wars, and th next one on the docket is (sigh) WWE related, not sure if I'll try and get that to 3000 words.

I do know this, once Horizon Zero Dawn is finished Alan Wake Remaster will be the next PlayStation 4 game featured on Friday nights.

That said, once I'm finished with Persona 5 Tactica, it'll be followed by Stray!

Hopefully we'll have work all this week, fingers crossed on that

Have a good night!

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Persona 5 Tactica and other notes

Today was a bit if a struggle as I continue to deal with various stages of a cold, snuff nose, headaches and stuff. I am trying not to go all in on self-medicating as that is what landed me in the hospital several years ago... and I don't have mom to help me balance things 

Tonight's stream of Persona 5 Tactica lasted a good long while as we wrapped up the second kingdom, and I was right that Yuki was Toshiro's mother, and everything surrounding her death hit way too close to home for me, and yes I was crying a bit because I was reminded about my mom. We left off somewhere in the middle of the third kingdom, where we learned that Erina is actually a representation of Eri, a girl Toshiro knew during his school days, and we have over 60% of the compendium filled.

Next time we play Persona 5 Tactica will be on Monday's stream.

Our next stream will feature Overwatch 2

Persona 5 Tactica Achievements

  • Wipe Them Out, Goemon!: Inflicted Freeze on enemies with Yusuke 20 times.
  • Well Traveled: Traversed 10,000 squares.
  • You're Wide Open!: Triggered One More 200 times.
  • A Bright Future Ahead: Defeated the second Kingdom's boss.

For the raid we dropped in on lilmoolah_ who was playing XCOM 2 

So CM Punk is back in the WWE... hell froze over I guess

Currently in the middle of writing a Star Wars fic to fulfill a commission request, kind of hard to do when I don't fully know what one character looks like.

And the racist trolls on Ao3 continue to amuse me on a daily basis.

Good night folks!

Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

Tonight's stream of Horizon Zero Dawn saw a big focus on the side quests as well as pushing forward on the main story, as we learned about what lead to do the down fall of civilization along with saving Meridian, the largest city in the game. Also learned and realized I missed several items that were necessary to a side quest in getting a particular armor set, but I'm not going to stress over that.

Horizon Zero Dawn will be featured next Friday night.

Our next stream will feature Persona 5 Tactica as I do believe we are close to finishing the second kingdom, and if the Persona compendium is any indication, we're possibly close to half way finish the game.

For the raid, we visited Wilveren who was playing Mega Man 3

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • 7 types of machine overridden: Unlocked and used the overrides for 7 different types of machine.
  • Learned of the ancient past: Learned of the ancient past at Maker's End.
  • Saved Meridian from its foe: Helped Erend investigate Ersa's fate, and foiled a plot against Meridian.
  • All machines catalogued: Encountered and Focus scanned every type of machine. 

Currently in the middle of writing a commission story based around WWE in the 2010s, and it's certainly a 'get it done' type of story.

I am laughing my ass off over how openly racist people are on Ao3 towards the pairing of Mary Jane Watson and Miles Morales 

Anyway, we'll see you tomorrow!

Friday, November 24, 2023

Persona 5 Tactica and other notes

 Got a very late invite to go over to my brother's mother-in-law's place for Thanksgiving dinner and I didn't see the message until like 6 hours after he sent it. He was kind enough to bring me a plate, and I was able to give my niece her present for her birthday last month.

We started the stream early and ran for 5 hours, as we got a lot done in Persona 5 Tactica (as proven by the achievement list for tonight. Near as I can tell we are close to finishing the the second kingdom arc, and what is impressing me about this story overall is that it seems to have the same vibe as Labrys's story in Persona 4 Arena, which only makes sense to me with how everything revolves around Toshiro coming to terms with things the way Labrys did.

Next time we play P5T will be on Saturday, as we'll start early-ish on Friday night to continue and knock out a lot of stuff in Horizon Zero Dawn

For the way we found someone else playing P5T in the form of neperrati, they were still in the First Kingdom portion of the story

Persona 5 Tactica Achievements

  • Take That Treasure, Kidd!: Inflicted Shock on enemies with Ryuji 20 times.
  • Dance, Carmen!: Inflicted Burn on enemies with Ann 20 times.
  • Close-Quarters Offensive: Performed 100 melee attacks.
  • Bewitch Them, Milady!: Hypnotized enemies with Haru 20 times.
  • Novice Craftsman: Fused weapons 10 times. 

 Currently working on a commission request based around Rooster Teeth... and it's really paper thin in terms of plot because there's really not much I can do based on the characters I'm tasked to use.

I did take advantage of sales to nab a few things dirt cheap on the gaming side, including  the upgrade to the complete edition of Terminator: Resistance, the DLC for TMNT_ Shredder's Revenge, the upgrade to the Special Edition for Dragon Ball The Breakers, as well as Resident Evil 3 (Remake), XIII, Flashback and the 360 version of Alan Wake

Also did some grocery shopping, getting more fruits and vegetables... too bad the instacart shopper picked some things that were expired.

Good night!

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Journey to the Savage Planet and other notes

Tonight, Iceman and I were focused on finding all the collectable items in the Landing Area of Journey to the Savage Planet, being rather successful, in addition to finding a teleporter we missed. In general we have covered well over 70% of what can be found in the game (if I did my math right). We still have more orange goop, alloys and other goodies to find in the remaining areas, but we have narrowed things down considerably!

Currently Joruney to the Savage Planet is scheduled for next Wednesday!

Tomorrow's stream will feature Persona 5 Tactica and we'll be starting fairly early to take advantage of the multiple day weekend

Journey to the Savage Planet: Employee of the Month Edition Achievements

  • Cannibals: Bait 5 creatures into attacking each other. Divide and conquer: Classic strat.

For the raid we went over to Zonesama for some retro television!

Currently working on a commission story based around Jimmy Neutron, finding a continuity point to age up the characters was interesting for a franchise that stayed static. Was asked to get it between 4000 and 5000 words, and it's going to be a stretch to reach that range.

Set up the Christmas Tree in the basement, it's exactly how mom left it when she set up in the living room last year.

Have a good night!

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Persona 5 Tactica and other notes

During tonight's stream of Persona 5 Tactica, we wrapped up the First Kingdom, and it was pretty straight forward, we had one big side quest and several battle in a row including the big boss fight against Lady Marie, which I believe would be a nightmare on a harder difficulty.

Now the first Kingdom was clearly based on revolutionary France, the 2nd kingdom seems to be taking inspiration from feudal Japan. Going to be interesting to see how that theme is applied to the game's story.

Next time we play Persona 5 Tactica will be on Thursday.

Wednesday's stream is currently scheduled to feature Journey to the Savage Planet

For the raid we went over to calyria who was playing Coral Island

Persona 5 Tactica Achievements

  • No Mercy!: Inflicted Forget with Erina 20 times.
  • Come, Arsène!: Inflicted Despair on enemies with Joker 20 times.
  • Manifest Your Will: Used Persona skills 100 times.
  • Savior of the Land: Defeated the first Kingdom's boss.

I already know for sure I'm off from work on both Thursday and Friday, so we might do extended streams on both days.

The current story commission I'm working is related to the Batman Arkham games... and I only just recently learned in Arkham Origins that The Joker impersonates Black Mask. I should be able to finish it straight away.

I'm giving serious consideration to setting up the Christmas tree my mom use to have down in my basement.

Good night!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Persona 5 Tactica and other notes

We got a fair bit done during tonight's stream of Persona 5 Tactica, rescuing Fox and Queen to get all the Phantom Thieves reunited, along with seeing Toshiro is the center to the actual plot and not Erina. 

Finally saw the Accident variant for fusing Personas and it's hilarious, in addition to knocking out some side quests with the help of guides.

We're going to continue Persona 5 Tactica on Tuesday night's stream.

For the raid we went over to 13babybear13 who was also playing Persona 5 Tactica

Persona 5 Tactica Achievements

  • Show Them Your Might, Zorro!: Swept away enemies with Morgana 20 times.
  • Novice Dismantler: Broke down weapons 10 times.
  • Perfect Aim: Performed 100 shooting attacks.
  • The Battle Begins: Reunited the Phantom Thieves.
  • Big Spender: Purchased 10 weapons.
  • Accidents Happen: Witnessed a fusion accident.

Work was solid, even with a couple of technical difficulties picking up three interviews

I'm questioning the Phillies giving Aaron Nola a 7 year contract, but on the other hand he's going to end up being one of the longest tenured Phillies ever.

Didn't finish the WWE related story commission  I had on today's agenda but I'll be finishing it before I go to bed since it's about 85% finished.

Good night!

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight's stream of Overwatch was overall solid, as always big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of a lot of the matches. The great thing about having Panda in a match is that if I'm playing as a tank and they are on Support, it means I have one less thing to worry about.

Of course the random teammates were driving me up the wall tonight, as I feel we could've won three more matches just based on the statistics alones.

Picked up three Plays of the Game all as Junker Queen, also played as, Orissa, Reinhardt, Junkrat, Torbjourn, Soldier 76, Moira, Brigitte and a few others.

Our next stream will feature Persona 5 Tatica, which will for sure be on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this week, and either Friday or Saturday, depends on what day I want to play Horizon Zero Dawn on

Big thanks to PatDesolate for the raid following their stream

We raided DatShadowWolf who was playing Genshin Impact

Felt extreme sore all day and did not get done the WWE related story commission I had listed for today, I'll be working on that once this is posted.

Speaking of story commissions, I currently have 10 in the queue, and it's really cool that people are coming to see if I can make something work with their ideas.

Good night!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Horizon Zero Dawn and other Notes

Tonight we banged out a bunch of trophies tied to exploration and side activities in Horizon Zero Dawn, plus several side quests, including the big one tied to the Thunderjaw known as Redmaw. If everything plays out right, we should be able to get enough skill points via the main story quests, since at this point that is the main things we have to focus on. At the moment, Horizon Zero Dawn is slated for Friday night, but I might put it on Saturdays to finish it out, with Persona 5 Tatica in four of the dive weekday slots.

Out next stream will feature Overwatch, haven't played it at all this week due to getting a bit sick and sleep getting thrown out of whack because of it.

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV!

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • Cleared all the Bandit Camps: Took back all settlements from the bandit clans.
  • All Corrupted Zones cleared: Killed all the corrupted machines in every Corrupted Zone.
  • All Ancient Vessels found: Found all the Ancient Vessels.
  • All Banuk Figures found: Found all of Arnak's figures.
  • All Metal Flowers found: Found all of the Metal Flowers.
  • All Vantages found: Found and accessed all of the Vantage datapoints.
  • All Acquisition machines killed: Killed at least one of every type of Acquisition machine.
  • Hunted Redmaw with Talanah: Rose through the ranks of the Hunters Lodge and helped Talanah defeat Redmaw.

 Had a hard time knocking out a Resident Evil related commission, basically having to rewrite everything that was slated for it and take things in a different direction.

I know have back to back WWE related commissions and will be getting started on the first one shortly, as the queue is now up to nine stories. Depending on how wonky work gets this week with the Thanksgiving Holiday I might be knocking out a couple on in a day (or at least the ones that do not involve more than two characters)

Good night!


Persona 5 Tactica and other notes

We started Persona 5 Tactica today, and while it certainly takes a while to get going because of the long opening, this game continues all of the usual charm that I've come to expect from the Persona franchise, The fundamentals are clearly easy to learn but really tough to master, as I'm a complete novice when it comes to tactical based RPGs. The music and voice acting is top quality I fell.

Unlike everyone else, I elected not to the do the DLC story first because I wanted to understand how to play the game, because even on Safe Difficulty, I feel like I have to be very mindful of what moves I make.

We'll continue Persona 5 Tatcia on Monday's stream!

Our next stream will featured Horizon Zero Dawn as I decided not to continue playing Starfield, because at least with HZD I feel like I'm engaged with the content!

For the raid we dropped in on djparticle who was playing Splatoon 3

Persona 5 Tactica Achievements

  • Lavenza's Aid: Gained the ability to fuse Personas.

Word was solid today, a few friendly folks to interview is always nice.

I'm currently working on a Resident Evil commission request, and that should be finish tomorrow... kind of over though out to use some elements of Resident Evil 3 and the chapter is turning out a bit lackluster.

Following it on a back to Back WWE related commissions requests, followed by Batman, Jimmy Neutron, Rooster Teeth, a 3rd WWE story and Star Wars tale. In a way I'm glad I'm off for Thanksgiving, and that some of these are concept that should only get around 2500 words, but of course I'll shoot for 3000 as always.

Good night!

Friday, November 17, 2023

Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

Tonight's stream of Horizon Zero Dawn was a pretty smooth affair with the big thing being accomplished was overriding the final Tallnecks and Core as well as closing in on finding the remaining vessels, vantage points and metal flowers, which we should easily knock out the next time we play it next Friday. 

Once that's out of the way, the then we can focus on the main story quests in order to progress towards finishing the game out right. At this point we have put in nearly 40 hours into HZD, granted a good 10 to 12 hours was spent in the Frozen Wilds.

Of course Friday's stream will feature Persona 5 Tactica, and I'm so excited! We'll be putting that on the Xbox Series console to have as smooth an experience as possible, even though it appears it can be played on Xbox One consoles.

For the raid we went over to abenonymous who was playing God of War

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • All Tallnecks Overridden: Scaled all of the Tallnecks and accessed their information.
  • All Cores Overridden: Reached the Core of every Cauldron and accessed the information within. 

Dropped in on Kalenal's stream where they were trying to do a raid in Final Fantasy XIV while wearing a blindfold, it was hilarious!

Nearly finish a Star Wars related commission story, really wish I knew more about the character of Mara Jade, but hell, everything I write has an alternate universe slant to it anyway, so it wouldn't matter.

Beyond that one story, I have 7 more in my current commission docket to write, so in a way I will be covering lost earnings for the two off days last week because of the General Election as well as a bit next week in regards to Thanksgiving. 

And I say seven commissions, because there is one Resident Evil, three WWE/Wrestling, one Batman, one Jimmy Neutron and one Rooster Teeth related tales.

Work was solid tonight, four interviews done, even if one guy was a complete asshole where I double-talk my way through his questions to get them to take part in the research.

Good night!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Journey to the Savage Planet and other notes

Tonight's stream of Journey to the Savage Planet saw Iceman and I knocking out quite a few achievements, finding all the collectables in the DL-C1 area and then focusing on finding all the goodies in the main area of the game. I do feel Iceman got cheated out of one achievement I earned, unless it's specific to something a player must do themselves. Either way we'll be back at it in finding stuff next Wednesday as we really want to find every thing possible! 

We also talked about an old show he watched as a kid called Captain Power, and just looking at the commercials and opening credits I'm wondering why and how did that show not air in the United States! Cause it looked awesomely cheesy!

Our next stream will feature Horizon Zero Dawn, yes we're playing it a day early this week because of the release of Persona 5 Tactica on Friday!

Journey to the Savage Planet: Employee of the Month Edition Achievements

  • For Science!: Complete the first set of Science Experiments. Science: It's not just for nerds!
  • Power Underwhelming: Craft all the new upgrades unlocked via exploration of DL-C1
  • Coastal Postal: Collect all the scattered postcards of DL-C1
  • Jewel of the Bargain Bin: Complete the entire DL-C1 Kindex
  • Deleted But Not Forgotten: Read all of the previous explorer's emails. Kinda nosy if you ask me.
  • Build It Up: Gather half the Alien Alloy on AR-Y 26. I'm half-impressed!
  • Pinball Wizard: Kill 5 creatures with a single Charged Shot. Because aiming is for chumps!

For the raid we went over to zonesama for some retro TV watching! 

Work was alright as we were doing a feedback study on local utilities in the midwest.

Didn't finish the Spider-Man related story commission I had on the docket for today, but it's like 90% finished will back that out before I go to sleep.

Following it will be a Star Wars related commission, then Resident Evil, two WWE and Batman.

So on that note good night!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Dead By Daylight and other notes

Tonight's stream featured Dead by Daylight for the first time since 2019, and thank goodness I did the tutorial off-stream to get a feel for the game, because we certainly got back in the flow of things rather nicely, managing to escape three times out of the survivor matches I played, plus we did one match as a killer.

Now does this mean DBD will be returning as a feature? Not really, I see it like Smite, a game I can throw to in order to fill a night if needed, but at least I know I have a fighting chance for the most part.

I will say this, the Ellen Ripley character model looks awful in comparison to many of the other license characters. I get that they couldn't make her look like Sigourney Weaver , but they made the character look rather chunky!

Tomorrow night, Iceman and I will be back at it with Journey to the Savage Planet to see if we can find stuff needed for achievements!

For the raid we dropped in on SweetLindir who was playing Baldur's Gate 3

Dead by Daylight Achievements

  • No one left behind: In a public match, rescue someone after at least one gate has opened.
  • Survival Treasures: In a public match, escape while bringing a new item to the campfire.
  • Make Some Noise: In public matches, scream 50 times.
  • Sorted: In a public match, spend most of the trial injured (more than 50%) and live to tell the story.
  • Preemptive Strike: Hook a Survivor in a public match before any generators have been fully repaired.

Knocked off two story commissions today, one was the WWE related one I intended to finish on Monday and the other was Ant-Man related.

Next story on the docket ties in with Spider-Man, after it there are Star Wars, Resident Evil, and at least a pair of WWE related stories (oh... joy...)

Work was okay, solid, if annoying with having to ask for listed individuals because some people have names that are impossible for me to pronounce.

Not sure what Thanksgiving is looking like for next week.

And on that note good night!


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

DuckTales Remastered and other notes

Tonight's stream featured DuckTales Remasted, namely the Xbox 360 version of the game, and I was reminded as to why it's been so many years since I last played it, in particularly, the DMCA issue with the game and it's music. I look forward to seeing at how many trips through the editor it's going to be on the YouTube side.

Gameplay wise, it's a fine two button platformer, and I should've played it on easy from the start because I forgot how punishing DuckTales can be on timing jumps to get through enemies and obstacles. In fact we probably wasted close to an hour on the Amazon stage alone before I restarted and switched it from Normal to Easy.

The big difference is that on Easy, each hit you take counts for a half a heart, and you get unlimited continues. On Normal, you're limited to a fixed number of lives.

It was great that the original cast from the DuckTales cartoon was featured one last time, June Foray as Magica Da Spell is always a treat

Our next stream will feature Dead by Daylight, which will be the first time we've played it on Twitch since 2019.

For the raid we went over to lilmoolah_ who was playing Baldur's Gate 3

DuckTales Remastered (Arcade) Achievements

  • Work Smarter Not Harder: Defeat Big Time Beagle using your noggin
  • Healthy Appetite: Eat some of Mrs. Beakley's delicious treats.
  • Sink or Swim: Dive into the Money Bin
  • Art Aficionado: Buy art in the gallery
  • Extravagant Housewares: Collect the Sceptre of the Incan King
  • Superstitious Hocus Pocus: Collect the Coin of the Lost Realm
  • Garbage Collector: Collect the Giant Diamond of Inner Earth
  • Any Crash You Can Walk Away From: Collect the Lost Crown of Ghengis Khan
  • Where No Duck Has Gone Before: Collect the Green Cheese of Longevity
  • Pogo A Go Go: Defeat 5 enemies in a row with pogo jump without touching the ground
  • Luck o' the Ducks: Get back what Magica stole

Woke up with a bit of a head cold today so I didn't finish the commission WWE/MMA story I had on the agenda for today, I will be knocking that out before I got to bed since it's about 90% finished

Tomorrow will be a full day as I have to record my review of DuckTales Remastered and also start work on the next commission story based on Ant-Man

Following that story, I have three commission this week based on Spider-Man Star Wars and Resident Evil, with the last two being very similar in nature which will be a pain to make different.

Work was solid, even if the entire Israeli / Palestinian conflict is going to be a tough subject for many people to talk about.

Good night! 


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight's stream featured some unusual problems with my microphone that took a few minutes to resolve. Apparently everything but my voice could be heard. 

We did have a wild night of Overwatch, plenty of wins and way too many losses that were due to questionable choices made by the random teammates we had. 

Big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of the fun as always!

Picked up two plays of the game (as Junker Queen and Orissa), also put in time as as, Reinhardt, Bastion, Sombra, Ashe, Lucio and a few others.

Big thank you to Redneck_23 for the raid during the stream!

Out next stream will feature DuckTales: Remastered, it will be our second time playing, but the first time playing it on console. 

For tonight's raid, we went over to MissCammi316 who was also playing Overwatch 2.

Finished two commission stories, one was related to Arrow and the other was tied in with Resident Evil

Next story on my docket is WWE/UFC related, which unfortunately will have the same gimmick as quite a few stories this one person asked for.

Other stuff in the commission story queue are related to Ant-Man, Spider-Man and Star Wars.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Starfield and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Starfield saw me stick to to the quests I had and progressing storylines a bit, finding the second temple, dealing with some pirates, managing to completely survey and planet and so forth. 

But the biggest thing was successfully romancing Sarah. Now where exactly does that lead, I don't know, but I do know its clearly based on how much time you spend traveling with the companion.

Oddly enough we didn't earn any achievements tonight.

Our next sream will feature Overwatch, and since I did do some off-stream gaming this week, we won't be completely locked into playing Support roles.

For the raid we went over to Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV

Nearly finished the Arrow related commission story, I'll be working on that once this is posted.

Did a little grocery shopping, mostly stuff for the freezer as I'm pretty well stocked on pasta.

Found out the Panzarotti Spot on Marlton Pike is now doing door dash deliveries, but considering it is a popular local spot, best not to try to order from there last minute around dinner or lunch time.

Good night folks!

Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Horizon Zero Dawn saw us focusing on finding all collectables and in the north west portion of the map, which meant finding vantage points, cups and metal flowers, plus one raider camp and oddly enough only one real side quests. We did put ourselves in a great spot to find the remaining of those items the next time we play this, but which day that might be is up in the air because of the pending release of Persona 5 Tactica next week.

Only got one trophy, but it came via a hunting trial, and I need to make sure to find the remaining cauldrons.

There is also the question of how many quests and activities will be rewarding skill points, or if there is a way to respec in game.  I don't believe there is a way to do that.

Our next stream on Saturday will feature Starfield.

For the raid, we dropped in on ElegantlySlays while they were playing Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Big thank you to Droggat for the raid during the stream!

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • Tore off 5 heavy weapons: Detached 5 heavy weapons from machines during combat.

On the writing front, I'm sort of caught up, just need to work on a Arrow commission request which centers around Thea Queen. Following it, I've commissions based on Resident Evil, Pro Wrestling and Ant-Man on the docket.

Bills are paid for this month, but we are entering the time of year where things ended up being really bad in the past, and this year has been so rough there is no way to count on partial unemployment if things go to shit.

On that note, good night!.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Sonic Forces and other notes

 Hi Everyone,

Tonight we wrapped up Sonic Forces, and in less time and attempts than it took me when I first played it on Steam several years ago. In fact, I remember the Death Egg Robot giving me real fits, but what really gave me trouble was the final classic Sonic stage which had an auto-scroll portion. Now I did skip doing SOS and Bonus stages, so keeping focus on the main story wast to my benefit. 

I still stand by what I said about how the game does not live up to its concept, but this is a game that actually has a lot of content and things to unlock, as Sonic Forces was released with the idea of being a game people played daily to grind out various achievements (like collecting 10,000 Rings and defeating 10,000 enemies).

Anyway, Monday we are bringing back DuckTales Remastered to be featured next week as we count down the days to Persona 5 Tactica's release on November 17th, and we will play day of release. 

For the raid we over to abenonymous who was playing God of War

Sonic Forces Achievements

  • Daily Devotee: Completed 5 Daily Missions.
  • Hope: Turned the tide of the conflict.
  • Bonds of Friendship: Defeated Infinite.
  • Way Past Cool: Equipped a part in every slot.
  • Saved the World: Restored peace to the world.

Our Friday night stream will feature Horizon Zero Dawn, of course next week it could be moved up a night to Thursday because of the aforementioned P5T.

Had a great chat with FnDanteSavage today when they called me, and we talked about life, music and games. It was great to touch base with him, and ya'll should keep your ears out, because he is going to be recording new music in an actual studio.

Work was alright, even if things were made harder because of quota requirements, and I ended up nearly losing my voice because of how people kept asking for something that basically forced things to be entered manually. 

Current commission story in progress is based around Rooster Teeth and it's more schlock heavy than a lot of other stuff I've written lately. It's about 70% finished.

Once it's done, I have  Arrow, Resident Evil and WWE related commission in the queue.

So on that note good night!

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Journey to the Savage Planet and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream saw Iceman and I make our way through the DL-C1 content for Journey to the Savage Planet, finding postcards and working our way through the various puzzles to find Kronus. As a small little expansion for the main game, it certainly was bright, colorful and had us questioning our sanity. The Kronus boss fight was certainly wild, involving a few attempts to complete!

We going to continue Journey to the Savage Planet next Wednesday to try and find more things needed for various achievements.

Thursdays stream will feature Sonic Forces, and there will be a huge question of if we'll be able to finish it, but I do remember how things went a few years ago.

For the raid we we over to ZoneSama where some old cartoons like Robocop and Wheel Warriors were being watched

Journey to the Savage Planet: Employee of the Month Edition Achievements

  • Part of a Complete Breakfast: Get covered in Tropical Pufferbird milk...
  • Little Shop of Horrors: Fed 5 Pufferbirds to a Meat Vortex. Yes, it blends!
  • Kronus: Unplugged: Unplug Kronus and restore Kindred's control of DL-C1 

I had a rough day mostly due to being unable to sleep last night, which means I didn't finish the Spider-Man commission story I had on the docket, but will be working on it before I go to bed tonight.

Once that's done, I have four commission stories in the queue based around Rooster Teeth, Arrow, Resident Evil and WWE, so days will be quite busy knocking these out!

Work was  real good tonight, plenty of interviews so having the two unwanted off-days didn't bother me too much. If I can keep up the momentum I can basically negate Monday and Tuesday completely!

And on that note, good night!

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Sonic Forces and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight we started up Sonic Forces, and while I had played it before, relearning how to play the game after several years proved to be a challenge, resulting in me not catching on to attack patterns or noticing when obvious dangers (like pits, spikes and enemies) appearing in my path. Good news is we did clear about half of the game and got a fair share of A and S ranks. Of course, I do remember how difficult some of the final stages get, so the questions is will I be able to finish it on Thursday's stream? That really depends, if I ignore all SOS mission notifications it's possible.

Of course I did have to talk about how Sonic Forces potential since it does have a similar premise to the Sonic SatAM series from the 90s, and I know I'll bring it up when I eventually do a casual review of it!

Anyway our next stream on Wednesday will feature Journey to the Savage planet as Iceman and I will continue with what was originally the DLC content for the game. Curious to see the expanded area.

For the raid we went over to xlunagoddess who was playing Life is Strange 2

Sonic Forces Achievements

  • A New Story Begins: Cleared Stage 1.
  • Your Own Story: Created an Avatar.
  • Sextuple Trouble: Defeated Zavok.
  • Hooked on Wispons: Changed Wispons for the first time.
  • Everyday Enthusiast: Completed 3 Daily Missions.
  • Infinite Possibilities: Drove off Infinite.
  • Super Sonic Rescue: Completed your first SOS Mission.
  • Outfitter: Collected 30 parts.
  • Mean Egg Machine: Drove off Eggman.
  • For the Future: Liberated a world.
  • Style Hog: Collected 100 parts.
  • Fighter: Defeated 1,000 enemies.
  • Global Allies: Utilized the Rental Avatar function.
  • Freedom Fighter: Completed 5 SOS Missions.
  • Courage in Hand: Drove off Infinite again.
  • Sonic Blaster: Collected 10 Wispons.

Knocked out a Superman related story commission today, and I have to say that I'm really annoyed at how Superboy is depicted in the Reign of the Superman film... he was not a foot shorter than Lois Lane in the comics back in 1993!

Next story commission is inspired by the Marvel Spider-Man games on the PS4, taking place with Peter and Mary Jane in Symkaria.

Didn't have work for the second day in a row, but I'll be damned if I can remember when was the last time I ever worked election night during my time as a market research interviewer. Should have work on Wednesday!

Good night!

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Resident Evil and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight we wrapped up Resident Evil HD, finishing with a play time of just over 12 hours, which wasn't bad considering how I was making blatant use of a guide to get through every puzzle while and to have a heads up of the various dangers presented in the game. I did have some serious questions of 'how exactly did Chris' get captured when Jill, Barry and Wesker made it into the mansion at the start of the game. 

Anyway we did not get the good ending as Barry ended up getting killed by the Tyrant at the end of the game as I kept missing shots with the grenade launcher, but I did save the game where I could give it another shot at some later point. 

Would I play this game again to do the Chris side of the story and the answer is... maybe? It's kind of a tough call considering that A) Chris's campaign is much more action heavy, B) I struggle with aiming and C) he has fewer inventory slots. Still we had fun, and I will say Resident Evil is a game that people need to play at least once.

For the raid we dropped in on lilmoolah_who was playing Baldur's Gate 3

Starting tomorrow, we'll be starting up Sonic Forces, a game we did feature on an all day Christmas stream a few years ago, but that was the Steam version, this time we're playing the Xbox one, so we'll be seeing some achievements popping!

Resident Evil Achievements

  • Trust Him: Save Barry from Lisa Trevor.
  • Where the Magic Happens: Break into the laboratory using Jill.
  • Sorry About the Wait: Save Chris from confinement using Jill.
  • Alpha Team's Finest: Finish the game using Jill.
  • Like Taking Candy from a Baby: Finish the game on Very Easy difficulty or higher.

Monday was the firs day in a few weeks without any work, but I was told something should be in place on Wednesday. Surely hope so.

Knocked out a Spider-Man / Captain Marvel commission story and I think I was probably able to do more to fix the MCU version of Carol Danvers but actually giving her a personality.

Current commission story in progress is based on The Reign of the Supermen film, and I can safely say, I hate the design of Superboy in it. Because I still have some comics from actual Reign of Supermen story arc, I remember how Superboy looked and acted, and he wasn't considerably short or puny when compared to other characters... the movie makes him look like a kid, which wasn't the case at all when the character debuted!

Anyway, once that story is finished, I'll have another Spider-Man story to do followed by one focused around Rooster Teeth.

And on that note, good night!


Sunday, November 5, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

 Hi Folks,

Tonight's stream of Overwatch was interesting as we had to content with a new tank in the form of Mauga, and much like Ramatra, I don't see myself willing playing as him often, as there seems to be a bit of a nuance to him. Figuring out how to count him was a lot more interesting as I think can, or at the least has the best chance of mitigating the damage he can dish out.

Big thanks to Panda Sweet for being apart of the action as always! 

Picked up one Play of the Game as Cassidy, while also playing as Sombra, Tracer, Bastion, Orissa,, Moira, Kiriko, Brigitte and a few other characters over the five hour stream.

For the raid we went over to Kalenal as they were playing Final Fantasy XIV 

Our next stream will seem resuming Resident Evil as we inch closer to finishing it. Depending on where we are on Monday's stream when we pause for the night will determine if I choose to go all in to try and finish it on Tuesday's stream

At the time of this writing got most of a WWE related commission request story finished, figuring out how to get it to 3000 words is proving to be a bit of a challenge.

Once that story is done I have two Spider-Man and one Superman related story on the docket.. thank goodness for that.

Having to do some research on The Boys comics / TV series to get an idea of how to do handle a particular character who doesn't talk for a future commission tale.

And on that note, good night!

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Starfield and other notes

Hi folks,

Well I wanted to focus on doing quests and we were successful in doing something related to the main story, finding a new companion and getting the first of a set of powers. I've basically given up on trying to explore, because apparently there are some quirks with finding flora and fauna that have been modded out of the PC version, but the console versions are start with. 

We did do a lot of space battles, which resulted in my first in game death. I'm not to keen on the space combat because my instinct to try and maneuver with the left analog stick makes me a sitting duck, Still I at least know that when I die in space it will re-spawn me at the beginning of the combat situation giving me a chance to get the fuck out dodge!

For the raid we went over to Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV 

My next stream will feature Overwatch, as we'll be grinding out matches due to the next K-Pop event crossover, and yes I did get the bundle for the new skins.

Starfield Achievements

  • Home Sweet Home: Build an Outpost
  • Into the Unknown: Complete "Into the Unknown" 

Didn't finish the WWE commission request I had planned for today, so once this blog is posted I'll be doing that after getting the stream and clips for tonight situated. 

Someone is asking my to do a story based on The Boys series and to feature the character of Love Sausage. Given my unfamiliarity with the show, that will be a challenge.

This week's line up looks like it's going to be about the same, and that will depend on when we finish Resident Evil, as the next big story point will be the decision to Trust Barry or not.

Added a few groceries today, milk, pot pies, oranges... minor stuff since I'm good on everything else. Also grabbed something from Wendys... forgot how good their Frosties are.

And on that note... good night!

Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Horizon Zero Dawn saw us getting back to the main area of the game, and focusing on finding Metal Flowers, and side quests, scaling a tallneck and find figures. We did run across an entrance to ruins that apparently I cannot get to until a certain quest is done. We did pick up a couple of achievements related to doing things but not related to story progression.

Since we're doing all the side stuff without advancing the plot, next time we play Horizon Zero Dawn (which will be next Friday), we'll be continuing our exploration. 

Our next stream on Saturday will be Starfield, and hopefully I can figure out which quests are important to the story.

For the raid we went over to lilmoolah_ who was playing Baldur's Gate 3

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • 3 Strikes From Above: Killed 3 enemies using the Strike from Above skill.
  • All Transport machines killed: Killed at least one of every type of Transport machine.

Read the Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Crossover, which direct crossovers with the Batman Animated Series from the 1990s and the TMNT series that started in 2012, and tone wise, it works very well. In fact during the stream I put the comic over a lot because of how it really made good use of the Batman villains.

Knock out a Resident Evil story to fulfill a commission request, and I needed to pad it with some plot related stuff because using Mr. X in a prominent role limit what I could do, because unlike Nemesis, Mr. X doesn't talk.

Next commission story I'll be working on is WWE related, in fact the next two stories are WWE related so... ugh... but hey, getting paid for it.

Had a nice long chat with my good friend Kristi today, which was awesome. Was nice to touch base for an extended period of time

Good night folks!

Friday, November 3, 2023

Resident Evil and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Resident Evil saw us make our way through the mansion as second time, getting turned around on where we had to go, but in the end we ended up in the Courtyard Basement, which meant we ended up knocking of the Yawn and Black Tiger (aka Giant Fucking Spider), and making some liberal use with the grenade launcher. Of course we did end up dying once because of a puzzle involving walls closing in and having to get a stature into an alcove. So there goes the 'no death run'. 

So next time play play Resident Evil, which will be on Monday's stream, we'll be heading to the elevator room to get the shaft to combine with the cylinder we found, and basically work our way to the big decision to Trust Barry or not. Now at this point I think we're maybe going to get two more streams out of Resident Evil, possibly three depending on how long it takes me to understand the guide and what needs to be done!

Out next stream on Friday will see us continuing Horizon Zero Dawn as we get back to the main areas of the game, finding the normal collectables and grinding towards hitting level 60!

For the raid we dropped in on DatShadowWolf who was playing Dead By Daylight 

Resident Evil Achievements

  • Giant Snake Got Nothin': Defeat Yawn using Jill.
  • Get Used To It: Die for the first time.
  • Spider Sense: Defeat Black Tiger.

Didn't quite finish the Spider-Man story commission I was working on today, because I wasn't feeling well this morning. But I'm going to finish it before I go to bed, so that I can work on the next Resident Evil related story commission (which will involve a version of Mr. X that fits the narrative I've established) 

After that I have two back to back WWE related story commissions, along with another Spider-Man and then one based on Superman.

And if knock all those out, I might get around to planning the next Persona: Dereliction chapter!

So on that note, good night!

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Journey to the Savage Planet and other notes

 Hi everyone, 

Tonight, Iceman and I wrapped up the main story of Journey to the Savage Planet, and it was certainly interesting and lot of fun when it came to figuring out how to navigate the puzzles while using limited items to get to higher platforms. I'm not sure how exactly some things would be possible to do solo, but we figured it out! I honestly think this is a great game to play co-op because the discovery of realizing what is possible and sharing that experience adds a lot of charm to a game like this

Of course we're not completely done with it, as we'll be keeping Journey to the Savage Planet around on Wednesdays to do the DLC content along with seeing if we can pick up more achievements. 

And yeah, Iceman and I did an extended chat after the gaming,  talking about the best players to wear every jersey number for Philadelphia and Toronto. 

Thursday night's stream will see Resident Evil return. On Tuesday night the last thing we did was get all Red and Yellow crystals... so it'll be off the East side of the Mansion. Hopefully we can avoid hunters!

Journey to the Savage Planet: Employee of the Month Edition Achievements

  • It's Not In The Game: Collect every obnoxious video ad on your computer.
  • It's Me. But Not Me. But Still Me.: Scan your own corpse. Best not to think about it too much...
  • Open Sesame: Enter The Spire. I've got a bad feeling about this...
  • Teratomo Defeated: Teratomo is no mo'. Now go take a shower. You smell bad. Very bad.
  • Teratomo? Teratomo!: Re-emerged onto AR-Y 26 after killing Teratomo. Back to work, I suppose!

For the raid we went over to ZoneSama where Cecilia Littlewing was hosting some retro TV watching featuring Bravestar and Jem & The Holograms!

Knocked out a WWE related commission, which turned out pretty well I think while playing into using references to the Miz & Mrs reality show.

Next story commission on the docket involves Spider-Man, and since I'm not sure about the MCU version of Liz Allen, it might be a challenge because I haven't seen those movies.

I really like the new skins for the crossover event in Overwatch. 

And on that note, good night!

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Resident Evil and other notes

 Hi everyone,

We're in November... and it's nearly been a year since mom passed away...

Tonight's stream of Resident Evil saw us cover all of the residence portion, and we maybe could've done more if the guide I was using was less cryptic about certain things. We did do everything such as dealing with the Neptune shark, Plant 42 and making our way back to the mansion to officially reach the middle portion of the game, with the last puzzle we did being the one involving getting the yellow and red gems. That will served as a great reminder of where we'll pick up next time we play Resident Evil which is scheduled for Thursday.

Wednesday's night stream is slated to feature Journey to the Savage Planet, and hopefully Iceman and I will be able resume our adventures in that silly game! If we can't then I'll continue Resident Evil.

For tonight's raid we dropped in on Calyria who was playing Resident Evil 5!

Resident Evil Achievements

  • Deep Sixed: Defeat mother Neptune.
  • The Key Master: Obtain the Helmet Key using Jill.
  • Who's the Hunter Now?: Defeat a Hunter.

Knocked out the AEW story commission, which turned out alright I think, about 2700 words or so.

Next story commission is WWE related, which I'll start working on before I go to bed tonight in order to knock it out straight away during the day.

Following that, I have commission request in the queue for Spider-Man, based around the Tom Holland films, then Resident Evil, followed by two WWE related ones. 

Saw a good deal on the omnibus collecting the Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle crossover, so going to add that to collection. Mostly means I'll be cooking my meals this week instead of doing takeout, but I think that's a good trade-off.

And on that note, good night!