Saturday, November 4, 2023

Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Horizon Zero Dawn saw us getting back to the main area of the game, and focusing on finding Metal Flowers, and side quests, scaling a tallneck and find figures. We did run across an entrance to ruins that apparently I cannot get to until a certain quest is done. We did pick up a couple of achievements related to doing things but not related to story progression.

Since we're doing all the side stuff without advancing the plot, next time we play Horizon Zero Dawn (which will be next Friday), we'll be continuing our exploration. 

Our next stream on Saturday will be Starfield, and hopefully I can figure out which quests are important to the story.

For the raid we went over to lilmoolah_ who was playing Baldur's Gate 3

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • 3 Strikes From Above: Killed 3 enemies using the Strike from Above skill.
  • All Transport machines killed: Killed at least one of every type of Transport machine.

Read the Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Crossover, which direct crossovers with the Batman Animated Series from the 1990s and the TMNT series that started in 2012, and tone wise, it works very well. In fact during the stream I put the comic over a lot because of how it really made good use of the Batman villains.

Knock out a Resident Evil story to fulfill a commission request, and I needed to pad it with some plot related stuff because using Mr. X in a prominent role limit what I could do, because unlike Nemesis, Mr. X doesn't talk.

Next commission story I'll be working on is WWE related, in fact the next two stories are WWE related so... ugh... but hey, getting paid for it.

Had a nice long chat with my good friend Kristi today, which was awesome. Was nice to touch base for an extended period of time

Good night folks!

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