Saturday, November 11, 2023

Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Horizon Zero Dawn saw us focusing on finding all collectables and in the north west portion of the map, which meant finding vantage points, cups and metal flowers, plus one raider camp and oddly enough only one real side quests. We did put ourselves in a great spot to find the remaining of those items the next time we play this, but which day that might be is up in the air because of the pending release of Persona 5 Tactica next week.

Only got one trophy, but it came via a hunting trial, and I need to make sure to find the remaining cauldrons.

There is also the question of how many quests and activities will be rewarding skill points, or if there is a way to respec in game.  I don't believe there is a way to do that.

Our next stream on Saturday will feature Starfield.

For the raid, we dropped in on ElegantlySlays while they were playing Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Big thank you to Droggat for the raid during the stream!

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • Tore off 5 heavy weapons: Detached 5 heavy weapons from machines during combat.

On the writing front, I'm sort of caught up, just need to work on a Arrow commission request which centers around Thea Queen. Following it, I've commissions based on Resident Evil, Pro Wrestling and Ant-Man on the docket.

Bills are paid for this month, but we are entering the time of year where things ended up being really bad in the past, and this year has been so rough there is no way to count on partial unemployment if things go to shit.

On that note, good night!.

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