Saturday, November 25, 2023

Persona 5 Tactica and other notes

Today was a bit if a struggle as I continue to deal with various stages of a cold, snuff nose, headaches and stuff. I am trying not to go all in on self-medicating as that is what landed me in the hospital several years ago... and I don't have mom to help me balance things 

Tonight's stream of Persona 5 Tactica lasted a good long while as we wrapped up the second kingdom, and I was right that Yuki was Toshiro's mother, and everything surrounding her death hit way too close to home for me, and yes I was crying a bit because I was reminded about my mom. We left off somewhere in the middle of the third kingdom, where we learned that Erina is actually a representation of Eri, a girl Toshiro knew during his school days, and we have over 60% of the compendium filled.

Next time we play Persona 5 Tactica will be on Monday's stream.

Our next stream will feature Overwatch 2

Persona 5 Tactica Achievements

  • Wipe Them Out, Goemon!: Inflicted Freeze on enemies with Yusuke 20 times.
  • Well Traveled: Traversed 10,000 squares.
  • You're Wide Open!: Triggered One More 200 times.
  • A Bright Future Ahead: Defeated the second Kingdom's boss.

For the raid we dropped in on lilmoolah_ who was playing XCOM 2 

So CM Punk is back in the WWE... hell froze over I guess

Currently in the middle of writing a Star Wars fic to fulfill a commission request, kind of hard to do when I don't fully know what one character looks like.

And the racist trolls on Ao3 continue to amuse me on a daily basis.

Good night folks!

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