Thursday, August 31, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work today was shorter than anticipated because we closed the one assignment we had since last Thursday, so I'm hoping we have something new starting tomorrow. Granted with got Labor Day weekend to worry about.

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 was focused on more side quests when I realized (and learned) that there are way fewer side quests in the Westbrook area of Night City, which meant we got a lot of things done, covering about 80% of the side content. We did do some major side story where we learned a little about Johnny Silverhand's early days in his band, but other wise, we were just cruising around doing stuff.

On our next  schedule stream for Thursday at 9:30 PM Eastern will see us continuing our adventures in Night City with more Cyberpunk 2077! Again we are hoping we have work to go with that start time!

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • True Soldier: Kill or incapacitate 300 enemies using ranged weapons.

For the raid we went over to where Ceclia Littlewing was hosting a montage of retro television shows

On e of the shows featured was COPS, the animated series that had that real bad ass intro from the late 80s. It was a firm reminder of how much budget companies put into having a bad ass intro them and animated sequence to catch the attention of kids..

Granted I ended up feeling real old because of commercials for various shows like Police Academy the Series

Finished another WWE short story commission only to get another one requested almost right away. Again I can't complain, because the last 7 stories I did at $15 each paid for some groceries I got today.
So on that note folks, have a good night!

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work was another abbreviated but productive sessions, getting a few interviews done and putting a huge dent into the effort to close out an assignment. I did get five rejection letters via email from various places I interviewed at... so I'm pretty damn depressed about that.

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 was focused on finishing all the side quests of the area called Watson, which took the entire stream mostly because of all the traveling that was involved to get from one place to another. I did find it funny that the last side quest I needed to do was not within the area. and the only reason I discovered that was because I looked it up to get an idea of what I needed to do.

Now having spent so much time doing side quests, in one area of the map, I can safely say I'm probably not going to do that with all the other areas on stream, and instead focus on the main story. Of course I do want to make sure I hit max level and get the achievements associated with doing a wide variety of in-game activities.

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • Must Be Rats: Perform the Distract Enemies quickhack 30 times without drawing attention to yourself.
  • It's Elementary: Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Watson.

Our next stream is scheduled for Wednesday night at 9:30 PM Eastern over at and what's on the agenda is Resident Evil 6 with Iceman to continue Ada's campaign, which of course would mean a lot of hilarity. If Iceman isn't available,

For the raid we went over to where Fortnite was being played

Finished the Resident Evil short story commission and I'm rather pleased with how I was able to rework some elements and details of events from the first game into something new. Did get another commission request for another WWE related story... ugh... can't complain, as these recent commissions are how I'm going to get groceries this week.

So a rather heart breaking piece on the horrible effects of Ron DeSantis' Fascist policies in the state of Florida as it relates to a school called New College... putting a focus on 'sports' at the expense of education. Dude's a fucking Nazi.

On that note, I'm going to bed, good night!

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work tonight started an hour later than expected, but was 'semi-productive', as my gripes about the assignment I was on Thursday and Friday rolled around. Did get to switch assignments that was of a much higher quality in terms of actually having a nice rhythm and flow to how things go.

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 saw a big focus on side quests, as I was doing every NCPD related thing I could find in the Watson area. If I want to get an idea of what would completion be like for doing every side activity, and to level up as quickly as possible, then it's kind of neccessary, even if it slows down story progression to a crawl. We did advance one story line a bit as it relates to the Rogue / Doctor Hellman path at the very end, mostly because I though it required more credits than it did.

We of course will be continuing Cyberpunk 2077 on Tuesday night's stream at 9:30 PM over on (assuming there is work of course)

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • Full Body Conversion: Install at least one implant in each system and body part.

For the raid we went over to where Cyberpunk 2077 was also being featured

Didn't really eat much today, had a box of Mac & Cheese that covered lunch and dinner... but that's about it. Also had a small orange.

Finished the short story commission request based on modern WWE, which I'm glad to be done with. At least the next commission request on the docket is to the continue the Resident Evil series of stories, which the next entry focusing on Rebecca Chambers and Chris Redfield. I think I'll focus on their first meeting for it.

Spent a good part of the afternoon talking to Kristi, as we kicked around some stuff Power Rangers related. It may not work as something to publish, but it's great doing something creative with her again after nearly 5 years.

That's kind of all that's on my mind, so with that, have a good night folks!

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Overwatch 2 was a bit different than normal as I spent the first couple of hours playing Mystery Heroes, where if you die you are swapped to a different character... and we had some modest success with that. Mostly did it to take full advantage of the Triple XP weekend when it came completing challenges and one was to play a certain amount of  Mystery Heroes or Arcade matches this week. Of course we ended up playing a lot of Quick Play matches, and we were joined by PandaSweet for several matches.

Picked up three Plays of the Game tonight as Moira, Tracer and Reinhardt, in addition to playing as Junker Queen, Winston, Bastion, and nearly every single other character thanks to spending time in Mystery Heroes.

For the raid we went over to where Texas Chain Saw Massacre was being featured.

I got a lot of writing done during the course of Sunday, with the first big focus on scripting out the first half of the Namek saga for my 'What If Vegeta Were Female' series of videos that will be appearing on my YouTube Channel in the upcoming weeks. I'm actually really proud of how of how detail I'm making this, I may night have MasakoX natural story telling approach, but I know about considering factors for alternate timelines.

Got two short stories done, the first being for a short story commission based on modern day WWE, which was started yesterday afternoon... and I left the ending opening for an immediate follow up, which was immediately rrequested which is probably going to be very slap dash since it's just a direct continuation. That follow up is in progress and I should be able to knock that out fairly quickly depending on padding.

Also knocked out the third chapter of my alternate universe variation of the Persona franchise, relying a lot of Persona 4 so far.

Our next stream is scheduled for Monday night at  9:30 PM Eastern over on as we'll be jumping right back to Cyberpunk 2077, and I really do think I'll focus all the side content to see if we can over level V in relation to the story.

 So on that note, have a good night!

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

 Hi everyone,

You know what I hate about waking up because of anxiety about things and then not going to bed about 22 hours later? It means I end up losing the majority of the next day, which was what happened today, as I didn't wake up till around 12 PM Eastern, which meant I didn't get anything done that I wanted to.

One thing was to do some branch trimming and possibly breaking out the weed trimmer to touch up the few ares that I would use that on. I prefer to do that before noon because it's not as hot in the mornings. T

Then of course was the writing for a short story commission, which I got started after doing a of research because I hate doing anything involving modern pro-wrestling, so it breaks my streak of knocking out stories in a day. Also doesn't help that this involves four characters. I should charge per character.

And lastly there was an issue with Burger King, now I made some Cheese Tortellini which double for lunch and  dinner for tomorrow, but I didn't feel like making anything else today. So I went to Door Dash and figure I'd get one of the Bundle pack from Burger King because I can get four meals out of those for a few days... but whoever prepared my order didn't included the two Hershey Sundae Pies or the Sweet & Sour Sauce. Needless to say I was pissed, and left them a review. For the record, the Burger King location that couldn't follow basic instructions per the order was the one on Crescent Blvd. over in Pennsauken, New Jersey.

Anyway night's stream of CyberPunk 2077 featured a huge focus on side quests and just roaming around in the area known as Watson, and I was amazed with how much side content there was in this one area, then realizing oh fuck, there's a lot to do in all the other areas of the game that open up as the story progresses and as V is leveled up. Safe to say, it's a good thing I'm dedicating at a minimum three streams a week to this game at the moment.

Probably the thing that is going to take up the most time is tracking down all the Police Scanner activities, and the mini-map isn't exactly helpful in navigating some areas. Then again the layout of Night City with the narrow rads is a total mind fuck in and of itself. 

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • True Warrior: Kill or incapacitate 100 enemies using melee weapons.
  • Christmas Tree Attack: Complete a Breach Protocol with a minimum of 3 daemons uploaded

For the raid we went over to where Smite was being featured 

Bob Barker passed away at the age of 99, and like everyone else, as a kid, sick days from school involved watching the Price is Right. When I saw the Phillies highlights and that every strikeout of a Cardinals hitter involved the 'fail horn', I chuckled a bit.

Our next stream is scheduled for 5 PM on Sunday and will feature Overwatch, I'll probably open with doing some mystery heroes before doing Quick Play matches.

So with that, have a good night folks!

The Last of Us Part II and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work tonight was okay, as we had the same clunky assignment and I question whoever said  it should only take 5 minutes. It does not take minutes to do this one interview when you have to probe and try and coax answers out of people.

Also had a job interview for a local place on the Camden water front near the Aquarium, which I hope leads to something. It would be way more hours than I'm looking for but at the same time it's also hybrid so it would be workable in that regard .

Tonight's stream of the Last of Us Part II saw us finishing the Abby's version of Seattle Day 1 and getting through the first half of Seattle Day 2. For a good portion of it I had some serious doubts about the time frame, because it looked like it was syncing up with Ellie's Seattle Day 3... but then realize and learn it does show events from Abby's point of over the same time period of each day. The character of Lev is pretty interesting as a Trans Male character (as in Female to Male... and the Abby / Owen sex scene was certainly out of left field.

Getting back to Seattle Day 2, the descent through that skyscraper was torture, and I'm not looking forward to going through the bowls of the hospital when we resume The Last of Us Part II on Friday

The Last of Us Part II Trophies

  • Relic of the Sages: Find the Strange Artifact
  • In the Field: Find 12 workbenches
  • Put My Name Up: Earn the high score in the archery game
  • Survival Training: Learn 25 player upgrades
  • Journeyman: Find all training manuals
  • Tools of the Trade: Craft every item

For the raid we went over to where they were playing Quake II 

Finished the Resident Evil short story commission in fairly short order while playing into the tropes of how zombies are used... and now I have another commission request to do based on modern day WWE... I don't know why people think I follow what's going on with current day WWE, but I'll somehow make it work... now I just kneed to know who the hell makes up the Damage Control group.

Real excited about an idea I have for my Headcanon series for a multi-part feature focused on the idea of What if Vegeta were Female, and I think by and large only Vegeta's relationships would be different. I already have the early years to the end of the Saiyan saga recorded, next is creating notes to cover the Namek & Frieza saga

Our next stream is slated for 5 PM on Saturday over on, and we're getting back to Cyberpunk 2077, doing whatever side quests we can before advancing the main plot to try and out pace the level scaling.

So on that note, good night everyone!

Friday, August 25, 2023

The Expanse, Ghostbusters & Other Notes

Hi everyone,

Work tonight featured one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to market research and that's when we have questions that have no flow or rhythm and feel disjointed. Sure I had three interviews, but I felt like I could have more if the questions felt natural!

Tonight's stream opened with episode three of The Expanse: A Telltale series, and this installment had the same problems episode one did, and that it's way too damn short. Sure big things happened during it, such as Drummer being betrayed, and the details of how people from the inner solar system view the people who live in the asteroid belt, but it barely lasted an hour. In fact I'm shocked I didn't find all the salvageable items because I was looking everywhere! I stand by what I said, there was no justification for this game to have a staggered release date.

The Expanse: A Telltale Series Achievements

  • Impossible Objects: Complete Episode 3 of The Expanse
  • Data Recoverer: Complete Episode 3 with all Data Logs

Now the plan was to play Texas Chain Saw Massacre, but when I went to play a match I saw a message that the servers were having issues. 

So instead we played Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, we got in several matches, winning a few as Ghostbuster and nearly winning one as a ghost. There was certainly a lot of wildness happening when I ran into a super skilled ghost player.

Big thank you to x9abenonymous9x and YourDadPlaying for the raids and sharing their communities with me!

For the raid we went over to show was playing Hunt: Showdown 

Finished the Halo short story commission request fairly easily, thanks in large part to the Halo fan community doing an excellent job in having transcripts of all the major dialog points in Halo: Infinite. And of course, I got another commission request, this time to write a four story for a series based on Resident Evil. 

My next stream over on is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern time and will featured The Last of Us Part II, as we continue Abby's journey towards the Aquarium. It's going to be interesting to see how much time it takes to get through her side of the story, which in theory should be just as long as Ellie's. Of course if work is for some reason cancelled (and we hope not!), we'll start earlier.

So on that note have a good night!

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Had a bit of work tonight, as we had this multi-state assignment focused on issues regarding protected land in the United States, and boy did opinions vary from state to state... one would think folks would have a unified outlook on things like that, but nope!

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 saw me focusing a lot of some side quests and realizing that having a car in that game is necessary because there is a lot of traveling to do. Sure I can fast travel, but that's no fun. I did feel like I got a better handle on the combat system, even if I forget that taking cover is actually a smart thing to do in this game, but on the other hand I discovered I loved rushing down enemies with a katana! On a side note, the skill tree system can go suck a dick, because it makes no sense to me what so ever.

Didn't do a formal raid last night but I went over to to say hi, since catching their streams have been tough for me lately. 

Went through one of mom's closets to throw to get some more stuff thrown out in the trash... it's been nearly 7 months since she's passed and it hurts like hell doing this. Wish my brother would actually take the initiative and say he's coming over to want to go through her things before I finish my half-hearted approach to it.

Knocked out the shot story commission request for a story based around Rooster Teeth which turned out rather well I think. Picked up another commission request to do a story based on Halo and to somehow make it work involving Cortana's replacement called 'The Weapon'. Going to need do a bit of research.

Out next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern on Thursday night over on, now I believe episode three of TellTale Game's The Expanse series comes out this week, so if it does, we'll do that and pair with Texas Chain Saw Massacre. If we have the same problems we did with Episode 2, we'll just continue Cyberpunk 2077 and hope the next Expanse episode is ready by Saturday.

So on that note, have a good night everyone!

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work tonight was pretty solid, not as good as Monday night, but was solid, at the very least I didn't have to talk to heavily loyal Trump followers, which was a good thing. I did interview a person who was 99 years old who was still fully invested in what's going on in the world.

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 was real interesting a I got a little more comfortable with the combat mechanics plus reached the big story point in the game where Johnny Silverhand gets inside V's head. I have to say I'm not too keen on Keanu Reeve's performance so far, because otherwise I'm going to start thinking he did this role for the pay check. Jack's death was really well done I feel, as it followed a big plot point and a nice action set piece.

I kind of feel like I'm going to have to do a lot of open world stuff in this game to make sure I can over power and brute force my way through situations.

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • Right Back At Ya: Kill or incapacitate an enemy who threw a grenade at you.
  • The Lovers: Steal the Relic.

For the raid we went over to who was playing Smite

Did a fair bit of writing today, finished the Resident Evil short story commission where I really put a twist on the character of Rebecca Chambers at the expense of Richard Aiken, but the later was not really an important character in the games anyway.

Got another short story commission request on something related to the YouTube Channel for Rooster Teeth, so I'll have to figure out that.

Also started work on the third chapter of my Persona 5 Alternate Reality series, where I'm really going all in on using some characters from Persona 4... which is funny since I never play that game, but I know enough about characters like Chie, Naoto and Yukiko from the spin-off games to get an idea of how to use them for the plot.

I thought I had a second job interview this week, but it's not till September 7th.... fuck.

Out next stream over on is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern if there is work (which we always hope there is), and we're going to hold off on Resident Evil 6 this week as Iceman has to work late, so instead we'll continue with Cyberpunk 2077. 

So on that note, good night everybody!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Had a job interview Today which I think went well, if I get the job it would mean three days of guaranteed work with potential for more, plus the possibility of keeping my current job, which would be pretty cool.

Work was really solid, 7 interviews in 4 hours, so I'm well ahead of productions on the assignment, even if talking to Trump supporters got real tiresome last night because their stupidity was on full display.

Tonight's stream featured Cyberpunk 2077 and boy does this game have some settings that should be on from default, in fact the archive version of it will be missing the first 30 minutes because I didn't not turn on the censor to cover for how I designed V.  That said, there is a lot to do and the dialog is very well written, I'm probably going to struggle a lot with the skill trees and various little nuances of the game, as combat feels a bit weird.

This might be a game that could end up being dedicated to on only Saturday nights because of its open world and vast nature. We'll see how I feel about it over the long run.

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • The Fool: Become a mercenary.

For the raid we went over to where Paladins was being featured

Did some writing yesterday on the Resident Evil short story commission, and I'm really considering putting in some dark little twists to it to really separated it from the official continuity while staying true to it in key areas.

I will admit, I did not feel like making anything when I got back home from my day out, not lunch or dinners, so I just order out form Papa Johns and basically covered three meals with that (Lunch and Dinner for today, plus lunch or dinner for tomorrow)

Next  stream is slated for 9:30 PM Eastern over on and will featured more Cyberpunk 2077, we'll hope for more action and see how badly I screw things up.

Have a good night!

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Overwatch and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream started at 5 PM and ended at 10 PM, so two hours earlier than normal to start and hour earlier to end, but we got in more matches like this. We were joined by the amazing PandaSweet for a lot of hilarity as we carried more than our fair share in matches. In fact there were at least two matches where as a tank I damn near doubled the combined output of people playing the damage roles. Picked up no Plays of the Game this week, but played as Junker Queen,, Tracer, Bastion and even Mercy.

Also tried the 'Death from Above variant of the Underground PVE mission on expert difficulty, which was very wild. We had to re-try the 3rd phase of gathering batteries for the repair station, but otherwise it was really straight forward.

For the raid we went over to where Midnight Club: Los Angeles was being featured 

Did a lot of writing during the afternoon, first  finishing up chapter two of a story based around Persona 5 which is including characters from Persona 3 and 4 to present an alternate take on this. Also finished a the 2nd commission request based around Resident Evil and was given the go ahead to write the next entry in the series..

I do have a job interview tomorrow at Virtua Hospital (which was West Jersey Hospital, I have to keep reminding myself that), which I hope goes well, once that's done, I'll be able to schedule the interview I was invited to take part in for Suburu.

Still haven't heard back regarding the Xfinity Job I completed three phases for, so that's still on the table I believe.

On our next stream over on, we're going to start playing Cyberpunk 2077 , it is a FPS, and since we waited a few years to play it that means all the bugs and glitches that were plaguing it at launched should be fixed.

Assuming there is work, the stream will start at 9:30 PM Eastern (which we hope is the case), if there is no work, we'll start the stream probably around 7 PM.

So on that note, I'm going to bed!

Have a good night everyone!

Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and other notes

Hi everyone,

Well today started with my electric and water bills both being paid straight away, so that was a hell of way to get things going. But things improved with some stocking up of a few goodies for the kitchen, some easy to peel oranges and a few things to go with stuff I already had. And I order a BBQ rib platter from Blowin' Smoque which was fucking delicious!

Also picked up the 2023 Convention Exclusive Funko Pop of Rita Repulsa from Power Rangers. 

On the down side, I am rather irritated with the idiots constantly littering on the sidewalk next to my house , found a near full set of Heineken bottles and the cardboard container just laying there, like fucking really?

Anyway, tonight's stream started at 5 PM Eastern as I'm experimenting with earlier weekend start times to off-set Monday to Thursday night streams being shorter in length. Tonight we featured The Texas Chain Saw Massacre which is available on Game Pass, and I can safely say I see the influence of Friday the 13th The Game (Since the same people are involved) along with Dead By Daylight, (Helps that Leatherface is in both games and basically handles the same way). The game is pretty much pick up and play, but the tutorial is a little lacking just giving broad over views in a video format.

I really don't have a favorite 'victim' yet, but as far as the Family members go, I really like Sissy because she can actually sustain a chase through most maps and follow through narrow passages. Leatherface and Johnny are pretty cool as well, but i really don't like The Hitchkiker or The Cook.

Will we feature this game again? Probably, we can play a little after doing some Resident Evil 6 some on Wednesdays. 

On a side note, the stream did go down for about 10 minutes due to an outage from Xfinity, and they said there is scheduled maintenance this evening at 1 AM, so hopefully whatever was going on they fix.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Achievements

  • Behind the curtain: Get your first unlockable.
  • Welcome to the Family: Execute your first victim.
  • First Blood: Execute the first victim in a match.
  • Dog will hunt: As Leatherface destroy 10 objects with your chainsaw (barricade, crawl space, door).
  • So Close…: Kill a victim within close range of an exit in any level.
  • He was the greatest ever: Feed Grandpa 10 times in total
  • The Saw is Family: Reach family bond to maximum and keep it there for the whole match.
  • I'm comin' for ya: As Hitchhiker use one gap, crawl space and ladder in a single match.

For the raid we went over to which was also featuring The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

Did a fair bit of writing this afternoon as well, finishing of a WWE Short story commission while forgetting one of the details that was requested (which I felt bad about), and started on another Persona 5 related story. Did pick up another short story commission based on Resident Evil which I'll start tomorrow afternoon.

Of course on Monday I have an in-person interview at what was West Jersey Hospital. I'll take a Uber to get there and probably take buses back. 

Our next stream is scheduled for 5 PM on Sunday evening over on, which will feature Overwatch!

And on that note, good night!

The Last of Us Part II and other notes

 Hi everyone,

We had work tonight, and we was another great night, getting five interview completed. Also took thethe talent assessment test for Comcast, which I hope might lead to something, and I may be able to schedule an interview for Subaru, which has a major office complex in my home town.There is a challenge because all the nearest dates and times are already filled!

Tonight's stream of The Last of Us Part II finally saw us reaching the point where Abby and Ellie meet face to face after the later was hunting down the former's crew, and now we get to see Abby's story, because as I said on stream (and will in an episode of Head Canon in a few weeks) Joel deserved what she got. Now having the added context that it was Abby's father who Joel offed at the end of the first game. 

But what really stands out about Abby is that she is freaking jacked, I mean dude, she has some massive arms, which I wonder is symbolic of her wanting to hunt down of Joel. There's also some complex details regarding her crew of associates that has me a bit curious as to whey they were like before Ellie knocked them off one by one.

The Last of Us Part II Trophies

  • Sharpshooter: Win the marksmanship competition
  • Mint Condition: Find 5 coins

For the raid we went over to , the offical Twitch channel for Mystery Science Theater 3000

Had to throw out one commission request because the client basically was filling so many messages to my inbox that it became intolerable. Which was a shame, but I do have a policy that states just because someone has a commission story in progress does not give them the write to try and have my full attention. So instead of two back to back WWE short stories in the works.

Our next stream over on is schedules for 5 PM Eastern on Saturday Night and will feature the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre game, since it's on Game Pass, making it a perfect little item to feature.

So on that note, have a good night everyone!

Friday, August 18, 2023

Borderlands and other notes

Hi everyone,

We actually had work this evening, even if there were a lot of technical problems, but i had four completed interviews and learned how much of a nut case one of the folks in the New Jersey State Senate is.

Tonight's stream featured Borderlands to basically wrap up main story stuff related to the Intergalactic Ninja Assissan Claptrap content, which lead to picking up several achievements along the way, including the one requiring to farm drops for Tannis. It was a pretty chill night for the most part. We'll probably move on from Borderlands now, granted there are stiff some things to do, but nothing of real consequence as it relates to achievements that won't involve doing a second play through.

Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition Achievements

  • It's so realistic!: Collected 5 3D glasses
  • The Collector: Completed a crazy request for Tannis
  • Knoxx-Trap: Killed General Knoxx-trap
  • Ned-Trap: Killed Dr. Ned-trap
  • Steele-Trap: Killed Commandant Steele-trap
  • Muerte la robo-lución: Killed the Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap

For the raid we went over to where Walking Dead: New Frontier was being featured! 

Finished the first of a series of short story commissions related to Resident Evil, which is going to prove to be more challenging than one thinks because of how fucking screwy the continuity of the franchise is. At the same time, started work on another commission request for a WWE related one.... and also picked up another commission request that is also WWE related. Can't say I'm thrilled with doing wrestling stories, but extra income is extra income.

Made the decision that Saturday's stream will feature the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre game, since it's on Xbox Game Pass.

Our next stream  over on is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern on Friday night, and will feature The Last of Us Part II on the PlayStation. 

So on that note, have a good night everyone!

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Resident Evil, Forza Horizon and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work was cancelled again, as the client pushed back the start of the assignment again... needless to say everyone at the job was pissed. But I had a job interview that went fairly welly to the point I have a 2nd interview on Monday.

Tonight's stream did start at 9:30 PM as Iceman and I started up the Ada Wong campaign of Resident Evil 6, and what became real clear is that only the player playing as Ada (in this case me) can interact with puzzles and opening boxes and doors. So pulling up a guide to find the solutions to puzzles certainly was a tactic we're going to use. We cleared the first two chapters of the campaign, so there are three left.

Did like that Chapter 2 matched up with Leon's campaign, and it appears that Chapter 3 will sync up with Chris' campaign.

Resident Evil 6 Achievements

  • I Spy: Complete Chapter 1 in Ada's campaign.
  • Counterintelligence: Complete Chapter 2 in Ada's campaign.

We also did a bit of Forza Horizon 5, just some casually driving around, did a few races and made some progress towards a couple of achievements. Nothing major

For the raid we went over to Where Zonesama was hosting a Just Chatting stream 

Finished the closing chapter of the Mass Effect series of commission stories and not I was requested to do a series based on Resident Evil and to come up with a rough outline. 

Kristi and I also did some nice casual writing on our Power Rangers project, certainly exploring different aspects of characters and talking about things within the franchise has been a nice change of pace.

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern on Thursday, and we might do more random stuff in Borderlands as I ponder what next big game to start up. If work is cancelled (which I hope it isn't, we'll start around 7 PM.

So on that note have a good night!

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Spirit of the North, PowerWash Simulator and Other Notes

 Hi everyone,

Work was cancelled tonight as the assignment that was supposed to start got pushed back to tomorrow, so that helps in a big way as we haven't had work since the Friday before last! I also have a job interview tomorrow at 12:30 PM Eastern, which could possibly lead to a new career path. Then again I also applied for a position as for a major company that has a major presence in my home town too. Either job would be a good get because I wouldn't mind commuting via Uber or Taxi since they would be very local destinations with in the city!

We finished Spirit of The North on tonight's stream, and needless to say the final three plus chapters of the game may in total took two hours and changes to do, (since we were in the middle of chapter five last night), but man did the game develop a case of a 'where the fuck do we go', namely in the Chapter 7 where everything was mostly blue and rather hard to see. Almost at random I seem to find where I needed to go and things progressed to a rather satisfying ending.

Overall I like Spirit of the North, much like Abzu and Omno, there is a fairly logical approach to all the puzzles... and it's more about the journey and experiencing the creative direction the developers put in place. Would I personally play it again, probably not, but I do recommend folks play it.

Spirit of the North: Enhanced Edition Achievements

  • Match Maker: Match 12 sets of Revolving Matching Glyphs
  • Old Companion: Awaken 12 Shaman Spirits
  • Spirited Away: Make it out of the Spirit World
  • Northern Lights: Fill the night sky with Aurora Borealis
  • Foxin' Around: Stand still for 3 minutes

Since we finished Spirit of the North two hours into the stream, after a break we switched over to PowerWash Simulator, starting on the Firehouse job, and clearing out well over 60% of it, leaving the side structure to deal with. There is an achievment for not using the scaffold, which is going to be an interesting challenge next time we use PowerWash Simulator as a filler game

For the raid we went over to where Cammi was playing Smite

Kristi and I did a lot of free style writing on our little Power Rangers project, not sure if we'll publish it, but we certainly put in a lot of lore and detail into it.

Xfinity spent the morning installing fiber optic cable in my neighborhood so we're all on that 10G network... let's home that fixes the issues of intermittent Upstream power levels dropping.

I want to say I'm 70% finished the Mass Effect short story commission, and it's already the length of two and half stories at 5300 words. That's the problem with stories that involve 10 characters that need to be spotlighted equally.

Our next stream over on will start after 9:30 PM Eastern on Wednesday, as Iceman and I will begin the Ada Wong campaign of Resident Evil 6! I'm real curious to see where her story fits in with the other three campaigns.

And on that note, have a good night everyone!

Monday, August 14, 2023

Spirit of the North and other notes

Ho everyone,

Today was fucking awful, I had a job interview in a town called Mount Laurel, and I already had great fears about being able to get there and back because of the limited bus schedules, in fact I took an Uber over to ensure I got there for my interview on time while taking a bus back. But tings went from bad to worse when I was asked two questions that caught me off guard my best friend would describe me and how the person closest to me would describe me... and both made me very uncomfortable, the first because I'm not sure who I would consider to be my best friend and I never considered how they would describe me, and with the second... well, it's obvious I was close to my mom and I couldn't control myself from tearing up trying to think how she would describe me. I feel so fucking embarrassed by that, b

Then work was cancelled in the evening for the sixth consecutive shift.... and I may have missed out an opportunity for another job interview because I couldn't plan short notice for tomorrow (Tuesday). So yeah, really shitty day

The stream started at 7 PM and we played a little game called Spirit of the North, which is a puzzle platform  style game, where we guide afox through a journey involving spirits and... saving the land from pollution? Corruption? I'm not sure. It is a pretty game with a good sound track, but I may have glitched the game somewhere in the fifth chapter. 

There only eight chapters (apparently) so we should be able to finish it on Tuesday night's stream

Spirit of the North: Enhanced Edition Achievements

  • A Guardian Forgotten: Awaken the Spirit of the North
  • Infused with Light: Become Infused with Pure Ancient Energy
  • Fetch: Carry a Shaman Staff for 3 minutes
  • Awaken: Awaken 5 Shaman Spirits
  • Spirit Bark: Unlock Spirit Bark Ability
  • Eradicate: Destroy 3 Plague Tethers
  • Blooms of Light: Collect 25 Spirit Bloom
  • Spirit Form: Unlock Spirit Form Ability
  • Uprooting Darkness: Destroy 8 Plague Tethers
  • Garden of Light: Collect 50 Spirit Bloom
  • Best Friends: Cause the Wisp chirp 100 times
  • Weightless: While in Spirit Form; step on a pressure plate, an unstable platform, and walk on water
  • Written In Stone: Infuse 30 Standing Stones
  • Spirit Dash: Unlock Spirit Dash Ability
  • Plague Doctor: Destroy 18 Plague Tethers

For the raid we went over to where Princesspashley was doing a Just Chatting stream.

Didn't do any writing on the Mass Effect short story commission, which is already at 2900 words, and I intend to work on it on Tuesday afternoon

Touched based with my former co-writer and long time friend Kristi, throwing around a few ideas for a few things Power Ranger related. It could be very Morphinomenal.

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern over on with more Spirit of the North as indicated earlier. If work is canceled, we'll start at 7 PM Eastern.

On that note, have a good night

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Overwatch 2 was a lot of fun, we started early and featured all three story missions which is limited to those who have the story mission pack along with the Underground mission that is available to everyone. We of course also got in a lot of quick play matches as well, and shockingly we didn't really see the Flashpoint mission too much tonight. Big thank you to BangBangBang, PandaSweet and Odeu for being apart of the fun this evenings.

I picked up one play of the game on stream as Ashe, in addition to playing as Junker Queen, Moira, Tracer, Bastion, Mei,, Orissa and a handful of others. The new progression system means I may end up focusing on a few characters in particular to grind out levels for each character depending on role type.

For the raid we went over to where x9abenonymous9x was playing Midnight Club: Los Angeles 

Pre-recorded the second 'episode' of my new Headcanon series for my YouTube channel focusing on Mass Effect 3 and how the Illusive Man's entire arc as a character hides the fact that the players choice as Shepard matters. 

Speaking of Mass Effect I knocked out another major chunk of the latest commission request based on the party that takes place during the Citadel DLC.

I have to take a day trip out to Mount Laurel on Monday, and if all goes well (which I doubt) I'll have some exciting news. But more than likely it's going to be the waste of $60 in terms of transportation.

Our next stream is schedule for Monday night at 9:30 PM Eastern over on and will feature the start of Spirit of the North. In theory it should only take about 5 to 7 hours to finish, so if there is no work, we'll start early to try and do the game in one session. But if we do have work (which we hope), we'll split it over two nights

So on that note... good night everyone!

Saturday, August 12, 2023

The Expanse, Ghostbusters and other notes!

 Hi Everyone,

Tonight's stream opened up with episode two of The Expanse: A TellTale Series, and we purposefully went to get every single achievement possible that was not related to the one character we threw out the airlock in episode one. I was really pleased with episode two, as it allowed for some great character moments and interactions, plus some really obvious choices being made. Khan is probably my favorite character in her clearly just being a crotchety old lady who is a total bad ass. Also liked Virgil's backstory as well, and the possibility of unifying the crew is the best way to do things.

The Expanse: A Telltale Series Achievements

  • Stogie for Fogey: Give Khan a Gift
  • Drug Gifter: Give the Twins some Medicine
  • Spore Taste: Give Virgil the Mushroom Powder
  • Thorston Mayer: Discover the truth about Virgil's past
  • Martian Music: Listen to Maya's Music
  • Celebrations are in Order: Complete Episode 2 of The Expanse
  • Debris Spree: Complete Episode 2 with all Scavenge Items
  • Data Master: Complete Episode 2 with all Data Logs

We also featured Ghostbusters Spirits Unleash, experiencing the newest map and seeing a lot of the Ghostypes, along with the fact that the ghostbuster equipment can be customized to look like the gear seen in the Real, Extreme and 2016 extended universes of the franchise. While we mostly played as Ghostbuster (complete with fishnet stockings lol), we did do one match as a ghost, which was quite fun.

For the raid we went over to where elegantlyslays was playing Friday The 13th The Game. They ran into some cheaters,  and with the game so close to shutting down I don't blame them for not wanting give screen time.

Got a 40th commission request for a Mass Effect story, this time revolving around the Party that takes place during the Citadel DLC for Mass Effect 3. This might take a few days to write because of all the things I want to try and include for the client. 

Came across a great clip from Boston Legal where the Alan Shore character goes into just how stupid and exploitive the pharmaceutical is  to having a drug for every disease in comparison to the hypocrisy of religion towards its bigotry towards homosexuality. I mean both industrys (and yes religion is an industry) exploit people's fear of getting stick and fear of something different for blatant profit and do so with no shame.

In regards to the bit of yard work (well cutting branches) I mention last night, well I did that today as I was able to pick up some extra groceries thanks to the funds I earned writing short story commissions so far this month.

Our next stream is slated for 7 PM Eastern over on and we'll feature the three story missions of Overwatch 2 that were added this week before we get into Quick Play matches. I've already played the story missions off stream, but it's going to be nice to feature them on stream.

So with that, have a good night everyone!

Friday, August 11, 2023

The Last of Us Part II and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Work was cancelled today, but I was told we should have something on Monday which I really hope is the case. Didn't receive the paper work I was expecting for the job I applied for on Thursday, so I'll reach out to the recruiter who contacted me about the job I'm hoping I might get. 

Tonight's stream of The Last of Us Part II saw me covering all of Seattle Day 2 on Ellie's side of the story, which is mostly Ellie by herself hoping to find Tommy instead finding Jesse, and then going off to the Hospital to find Nora and getting the information on Abby's whereabouts. Because of Ellie's apparent single minded focus on revenge, it has lead to her getting some great character growth, particularly when the flashback of Ellie learning about what Joel did coming after her encounter with Nora. Again, Ellie is certainly shining brightly as she deal with the guilt caused by Joel's decision and the guilt of pushing him away because of it, and his fate.

Don't get me wrong, Joel deserves what he got, and I have no sympathy for him as a character, because his decision basically put a target on his back and lead to greater tragedies that could have been avoided if he wasn't selfish. 

That said, I'm looking forward to continuing this game on next Friday's stream

The Last of Us Part II Trophies

  • Specialist: Learn all player upgrades in one branch

For the raid we went over to where Zonesama was hosting a Just Chatting stream.

Finished writing the 39th entry in a series of Mass Effect related short story commission requests, and it wasn't the strongest entry, considering it revolved around the character of Maya Brooks. At this moment there are no commission requests in the queue, which means I might focus on an original story

Really have to break out the sheers and go our and cut some branches and stuff, maybe will do that on Sunday afternoon if it doesn't rain that day.

Figured out what I want the Friday videos for my YouTube channel to be, and it's going to make use of my brain as a fan fic writer and using my own head canon for various franchises to make topical discussions. The first video will focus on Trini from the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and will premier on August 25!

Our next stream on Saturday is scheduled for the usual 7 PM Eastern start over on and we're going to see if episode two of The Expanse is available to play, if not, then we may focus on something else, maybe continue the Claptrap DLC for Borderlands or actually start up a larger scale game. We'll see what I end up doing.

On that note, have a good night!

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Borderlands, Overwatch, Xfinity and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Another day and another day where work got cancelled, but I was told we should get two assignments in next week. Doesn't help me this week however. Job hunt may have lead to something as I came across something on Indeed that could be promising. I'll give more details if things move forward. Did have a bit of a job interview and an application filled out today as well

Had major issues with Xfinity this morning where somehow 'Bridge' mode on my modem was activated causing major havoc and too took an hour long call to get through to someone who could tell me that it wasn't just me but that most people are not smart enough to access the gateway to see what events occurred. 

Tonight's stream was supposed to feature The Exanpse A Telltale Series Episode Two, but TellTale Games outdated approach to release a game in episodic releases lead to it not being avaliable on either Xbox on PlayStation consoles. Many people were pissed and rightfully so. If it's resolved by Saturdays, we'll feature it then.

So instead, we played Borderlands once again as we knocked out various quests in T-Bone Junction and started on the Claptrap DLC content. Nothing major, just covered a lot of ground and worked toward leveling up Lilith. It might be possible to hit level 50, but getting to level  69 is certainly a grind. We picked up no achievements, but hey, this was more for the content than anything else

For tonight's raid we went over to to watch Kalenal play Final Fantasy XIV

Started work on a new short story commission today based on Mass Effect which ties in with the Citadel DLC content of Mass Effect 3.

I did play the new PVE content in Overwatch 2 before the stream, and the story and lore that was put in certainly made things real interesting and put more weight behind the various character interactions. We're certainly will feature the story content on Sunday's stream to lead things off!

Garbage was not picked up today, and is the second time in a month this has happened. Needless to say I logged my complaint with the Public Works department.

Out next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern over on and will feature The Last of Us Part II. If there is no work, we'll started at 6:30 PM Eastern, but obviously we are hoping for work.

So on that note, have a good night and we'll see you tomorrow over on

Resident Evil 6, Broforce and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work was cancelled again today, but on the other hand I made a little bit of cash via commissions for story writing, and I knocked out another commission request today, for another in a long line of Mass Effect stories.

Went through more of mom's stuff to throw out... and... well I was total wreck, even if I just grab and throw stuff in a garbage bag, it's pretty much heart wrenching every single time I do it.

Tonight's stream didn't start until 9:30 PM Eastern, because I wanted to lead off with Iceman as we finished the Jake & Sherry campaign in  Resident Evil 6. We basically had the back half of Chapter 4 and all of Chapter 5 to do, which we knocked out in about 90 minutes. Overall I liked this campaign a lot more than the first two campaigns, as the story and game play was a lot more smooth. Next week we'll start on Ada's campaign to begin the final leg of Resident Evil 6.

In the second half of the stream, I messed around with Broforce which was just added to Game Pass, and I knocked out a few levels while unlocking a number of Bros. One of the charms of Broforce is all the references to 80s action heroes. We'll feature Broforce again next week following the Resident Evil 6 part of the Wednesday stream

Resident Evil 6 Achievements

  • Still on the Run: Complete Chapter 4 in Jake's campaign.
  • See You Around: Complete Chapter 5 in Jake's campaign.

Broforce Achievements

  • You're Fired: Kill an enemy by launching them on a propane tank.

 For the raid we dropped in on x9abenonymous9x who was playing Resident Evil 7: Biohazard over at

Found out I got rejected from a few places I applied for... the job search goes on with the usual 1 step forward 20 steps back which is driving me nuts.

Our next stream over on is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern if we have work, and will feature The Expanse to lead things off. If we work is cancelled, we'll start at 6:30 PM. 

So on that note, have a good night!

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Killer Instinct, Story Writing and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Second day in a row work was cancelled, but I did got to ask a question regarding the how the current political climate in the United States may have actually negatively effect the world of Market Research. I suspect Donald Trump has made it virtually impossible for any traditional questions to be asked regarding how people feel about various public figures, and I know some agencies who favor conservatives are afraid of pissing him off.

Still have been applying for everything I can come across, hopefully something will pan out.

Anyway, because of no work, we started the st ream early at 6:30 PM Eastern and rolled with Killer Instinct tonight, learning the basics of how to play and seeing what the game has to offer. I saw there was a story mode that means it would be worth checking out the lore of the game, but the Shadow Lords and its micro-transactions based system certainly raised an eyebrow. Surprised there was no traditional arcade ladder though.

That meant I ended up playing a lot of matches against other players, and something that became real apparent is that Killer Instinct has an awful match making system, throwing low tier new comers against top ranked players with no actual rhyme of reason. Yes Killer Instinct is something like 10 years old, so the pool of players is going to be modestly small, but I certainly could tell the world of difference between me losing a close fight against another player with the same skill level as myself, and getting my faced stomped in.

Was shocked at how many achievements there are in Killer Instinct as well, so in terms of just 'grinding things out', the game certainly has replay value to anyone willing to try and go through the torture of it. Seeing as how there's a big update coming to improve various aspects of the game, I suspect there will be a spark of player interest in it once again.

 Killer Instinct Achievements

  • Enemy of My Enemy: You recruited an agent of UltraTech to your Shadow Lords team!
  • Stylish Gargos: You have unlocked a color for Gargos!
  • Friendly Rash: You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Rash!
  • Friendly Kim Wu: You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Kim Wu!
  • Stylish Kim Wu: You have unlocked a color for Kim Wu!
  • Friendly Cinder: You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Cinder!
  • Criminal Flair: You hit your opponent 5 times with Special Attacks while in Cinder's Instinct Mode!
  • Stylish Cinder: You have unlocked a color for Cinder!
  • Ready to Body: You've played all 10 Qualifying Matches!
  • Demonic Annihilation: You completed a combo that dealt 85% or more damage in any mode as Omen!
  • Competitive Fulgore: You have won a ranked match as Fulgore!
  • Friendly Spinal: You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Spinal!
  • Supreme Spinal: You have earned a Supreme Victory in an online match as Spinal!
  • Competitive Spinal: You have won a ranked match as Spinal!
  • Triple Trials!: You have completed 3 trials!
  • White Belt: You have completed 5 Dojo lessons
  • Survival Orchid: You have won a survival match as Orchid!
  • Orchid's Jaguar: You hit an opponent with a Jaguar while in Instinct Mode with Orchid
  • Stylish Orchid: You have unlocked a color for Orchid!
  • Friendly Sabrewulf: You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Sabrewulf!
  • Stylish Sabrewulf: You have unlocked a color for Sabrewulf!
  • Friendly Thunder: You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Thunder!
  • Stylish Jago: You have unlocked a color for Jago!
  • Sabrewulf's Claws: You Have performed 10 points of chip damage while in Instinct Mode with Sabrewulf
  • Competitive Sabrewulf: You have won a ranked match as Sabrewulf!
  • Friendly Jago: You have won an exhibition match vs a friend as Jago!
  • Competitive Jago: You have won a ranked match as Jago!
  • Competitive Glacius: You have won a ranked match as Glacius!
  • Thunder's Spirit Dash: You did a dash while in Instinct Mode with Thunder
  • Competitive Thunder: You have won a ranked match as Thunder!
  • Competitive Sadira: You have won a ranked match as Sadira!
  • General Novice: You have reached 10 General Fight Challenges!

For the raid we dropped in on MissCammi316 during their stream of Phasmophobia over on

Knocked out two story commissions today, which when the funds come in makes up for no work today, the first story was based on AEW's The Outcasts, and the second was based on the video game Vanquish. Really wish I knew more about both to put in more details, but hey, between both stories over 6500 words were written.

Out next schedule stream over on  is for 9:30 PM eastner on Wednesday with Resident Evil 6 with Iceman. Regardless of if there is work or not, Wednesday's stream will not start early in order to make sure RE6 is properly featured. 

So on that note, have a great night everyone. 

Monday, August 7, 2023

Mortal Kombat X, Job Interview and other notes

Hi everyone,

So first up, we had a job interview for Cooper Hospital today, and it kind of went okay, but I fear I might have botched it when asked 'Why do I want to work there?' which is never a question I'm good at answering, especially now when a big reason is more personal than professional. I was told that they are only in phase one of the interview process and phase two is when they narrow down the field to five candidate to see who among them would be the best fit.

On the plus side I was given some information regarding several of my applications that positions have not been filled and was encouraged to contact Talent Acquisitions to let them know I'm still interested in those spots.

Did end up looking on LinkedIn to see if there were any postings being listed, and there appeared to be a couple of promising leads.

Sadly, work was cancelled tonight, I wonder how much the threat of a severe storm with nickle sized hail was a factor.

That meant tonight's stream started early, and we played the story mode of Mortal Kombat X, which does such a great job of setting up the future of the franchise that was then squandered in Mortal Kombat 11 and it's expanded story Aftermath. We had some trouble with a few fights because I totally forgot how to play the various characters that are featured in the story mode, in fact the Raiden vs Liu Kang fight in Chapter 10 took me three attempts to do.

We also did a living tower run as Cassie Cage, mostly to make sure we did a fatality at least once.

Mortal Kombat X Achievements

  • It's a Gusher: Spill 1,000 pints of blood
  • Moving Up: Reach personal level 10 in XP
  • A New Beginning: Complete 50% of Story Mode
  • There is a Ruler: Complete 100% of Story Mode

For the raid we dropped in on sweetlindir who was playing Baldur's Gate 3 over on

Did a lot of writing on the commission request for an AEW story involving the Outcasts, putting down 2000 words already. Also picked up another commission request to write something basedon the game Vanquish, which I've never played.

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern over on and I have Mortal Kombat X slated for the night, we might try our hand at something else. We'll see what ends up being the case.

So on that note, have a good night folks!