Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Last of Us Part II and other notes

 Hi everyone,

We had work tonight, and we was another great night, getting five interview completed. Also took thethe talent assessment test for Comcast, which I hope might lead to something, and I may be able to schedule an interview for Subaru, which has a major office complex in my home town.There is a challenge because all the nearest dates and times are already filled!

Tonight's stream of The Last of Us Part II finally saw us reaching the point where Abby and Ellie meet face to face after the later was hunting down the former's crew, and now we get to see Abby's story, because as I said on stream (and will in an episode of Head Canon in a few weeks) Joel deserved what she got. Now having the added context that it was Abby's father who Joel offed at the end of the first game. 

But what really stands out about Abby is that she is freaking jacked, I mean dude, she has some massive arms, which I wonder is symbolic of her wanting to hunt down of Joel. There's also some complex details regarding her crew of associates that has me a bit curious as to whey they were like before Ellie knocked them off one by one.

The Last of Us Part II Trophies

  • Sharpshooter: Win the marksmanship competition
  • Mint Condition: Find 5 coins

For the raid we went over to , the offical Twitch channel for Mystery Science Theater 3000

Had to throw out one commission request because the client basically was filling so many messages to my inbox that it became intolerable. Which was a shame, but I do have a policy that states just because someone has a commission story in progress does not give them the write to try and have my full attention. So instead of two back to back WWE short stories in the works.

Our next stream over on is schedules for 5 PM Eastern on Saturday Night and will feature the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre game, since it's on Game Pass, making it a perfect little item to feature.

So on that note, have a good night everyone!

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