Saturday, August 26, 2023

The Last of Us Part II and other notes

Hi everyone,

Work tonight was okay, as we had the same clunky assignment and I question whoever said  it should only take 5 minutes. It does not take minutes to do this one interview when you have to probe and try and coax answers out of people.

Also had a job interview for a local place on the Camden water front near the Aquarium, which I hope leads to something. It would be way more hours than I'm looking for but at the same time it's also hybrid so it would be workable in that regard .

Tonight's stream of the Last of Us Part II saw us finishing the Abby's version of Seattle Day 1 and getting through the first half of Seattle Day 2. For a good portion of it I had some serious doubts about the time frame, because it looked like it was syncing up with Ellie's Seattle Day 3... but then realize and learn it does show events from Abby's point of over the same time period of each day. The character of Lev is pretty interesting as a Trans Male character (as in Female to Male... and the Abby / Owen sex scene was certainly out of left field.

Getting back to Seattle Day 2, the descent through that skyscraper was torture, and I'm not looking forward to going through the bowls of the hospital when we resume The Last of Us Part II on Friday

The Last of Us Part II Trophies

  • Relic of the Sages: Find the Strange Artifact
  • In the Field: Find 12 workbenches
  • Put My Name Up: Earn the high score in the archery game
  • Survival Training: Learn 25 player upgrades
  • Journeyman: Find all training manuals
  • Tools of the Trade: Craft every item

For the raid we went over to where they were playing Quake II 

Finished the Resident Evil short story commission in fairly short order while playing into the tropes of how zombies are used... and now I have another commission request to do based on modern day WWE... I don't know why people think I follow what's going on with current day WWE, but I'll somehow make it work... now I just kneed to know who the hell makes up the Damage Control group.

Real excited about an idea I have for my Headcanon series for a multi-part feature focused on the idea of What if Vegeta were Female, and I think by and large only Vegeta's relationships would be different. I already have the early years to the end of the Saiyan saga recorded, next is creating notes to cover the Namek & Frieza saga

Our next stream is slated for 5 PM on Saturday over on, and we're getting back to Cyberpunk 2077, doing whatever side quests we can before advancing the main plot to try and out pace the level scaling.

So on that note, good night everyone!

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