Monday, August 14, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Overwatch 2 was a lot of fun, we started early and featured all three story missions which is limited to those who have the story mission pack along with the Underground mission that is available to everyone. We of course also got in a lot of quick play matches as well, and shockingly we didn't really see the Flashpoint mission too much tonight. Big thank you to BangBangBang, PandaSweet and Odeu for being apart of the fun this evenings.

I picked up one play of the game on stream as Ashe, in addition to playing as Junker Queen, Moira, Tracer, Bastion, Mei,, Orissa and a handful of others. The new progression system means I may end up focusing on a few characters in particular to grind out levels for each character depending on role type.

For the raid we went over to where x9abenonymous9x was playing Midnight Club: Los Angeles 

Pre-recorded the second 'episode' of my new Headcanon series for my YouTube channel focusing on Mass Effect 3 and how the Illusive Man's entire arc as a character hides the fact that the players choice as Shepard matters. 

Speaking of Mass Effect I knocked out another major chunk of the latest commission request based on the party that takes place during the Citadel DLC.

I have to take a day trip out to Mount Laurel on Monday, and if all goes well (which I doubt) I'll have some exciting news. But more than likely it's going to be the waste of $60 in terms of transportation.

Our next stream is schedule for Monday night at 9:30 PM Eastern over on and will feature the start of Spirit of the North. In theory it should only take about 5 to 7 hours to finish, so if there is no work, we'll start early to try and do the game in one session. But if we do have work (which we hope), we'll split it over two nights

So on that note... good night everyone!

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