Sunday, March 31, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight's stream of Overwatch was pretty good, although the raondomness caused by people playing Venture resulted in several matches being affected by it. Playing against Venture presented some challenges in figuring out what they can do against some of the tanks I often play, I did play as them once, and there is a learning curve to be sure.

Big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of the fun this evening! 

Tomorrow's stream will feature Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed to check out the Frozen Empire content.

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV

Played a little Suicide Squad off stream to work a little on the Battle Pass and grind towards achievements that require a lot of level / content grinding. Did get an achievement this morning which was really cool

Currently working on a Star Wars related commission with the challenge being to stretch it to 5000 words, and with work being questionable at the moment it might behoove me to do that.

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Anger Management: Damage 5 enemies during a single use of Winston's Primal Rage in Quick or Competitive Play.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • All Sorts of Fun: Equip 3 pieces of the Tier 2 Infamy Set

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

So tonight we finally saw the Season 1 stuff in Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League, which featuring a different parallel earth to visit as well as new incursions to mess around with. Of course the big thing is the addition of The Joker, and thankfully this is a unique one who may not have ever met Harley Quinn. Still he has some unique and fun gimmicks, his Traversal Attack can do a hell of a lot of damage when done from the a fairly high point and has great coverage.

Now 'canonically' you unlock The Joker by leveling up the story progression for the season, and liberating him when defeating Brainiac, but you can unlock him by purchasing him out right. I had  the character pass for season one, so that made it easier.

The battle pass is certainly extending a lot of folks to do a lot of grinding, as you're only getting 50 Battle Points per mission/incursion and general activity, and with each tier being 1000 that's going to make it very tough for me to complete it.

Because of the how much apparent XP we can earn (plus we didn't actually free the Joker in terms of the story...) Suicide Squad will stay in the line up for next Saturday

Tomorrow's stream will feature Overwatch 2

For the raid we dropped in on MissCammi316 who was playing Smite

Came across a really well done Audio series called MacGyver SG-1, which combines MacGyver with StarGate SG-1 on the premise that Mac and Jack O'Neil are long lost twin brothers, since both characters were played by Richard Dean Anderson

About 60% finished the Kuroko's Basketball story commission will be working on that after I post today's notes

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • Blaze of Glory: Achieve 39 Stars in Riddler AR Challenges

Ghost of Tsushima and other notes

We got a fair bit done in Ghost of Tsushima, as we found Goro and did the big two man raid on the Fort to advance the plot, along with doing various little side things (Fox Dens, one Shrine and a few side quests).

Next time we play it on Friday, there will be the question of advancing the story right away or working our way along the western half of the map. I'm probably going to do the former.

Saturday's stream will feature Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League to see the Joker related stuff and work towards a couple of achievements, hopefully one for doing all the AR challenges will finally pop.

 Tonight we dropped in on lilmoolah_ who was playing The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

I was right to be concerned as we didn't have work this evening because of the Easter holiday, will be interesting to see if we have work on Monday.

Working on the commission request based around Kuroko's Basketball, I would have had it finished, but I was waiting on Instacart to arrive with my groceries.

Spoke with my father and I was right, he hated Ghostbusters Frozen Empire, calling it woke garbage, as he took issue with the characters of Phoebe and Trevor. What a fucking idiot. Keep in mind, he was really excited about talking about his 'recreation' of baseball seasons from the 1950s...

Ghost of Tsushima (PS4) Trophies

  • Den of Thieves: Discover Umugi Cove.
  • Avid Reader: Collect 20 Records.

Friday, March 29, 2024

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes and other notes

Tonight's stream of Lego Batman 2 saw us knocking out three chapters, and I'm rather impressed with how puzzle heavy this game is in comparison to the original, as having to backtrack and switching suits to make forward progression is kind of important.

Of course one thing that is also standing out is that this game has no problem pointing out how much of a jerk Batman is.

Lego Batman 2 will return on Tuesday night's stream!

Friday's stream will feature Ghost of Tsushima as we will continue roaming the middle area of the game.

For the raid we dropped in on samaell_alwahm who was playing 7 Days to Day

Saw cut-scenes of The Joker for Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League, and I'm glad they are not bothering to try and copy Mark Hamill's Joker. We'll feature the new content on Saturday's stream

Work was really good as we closed out the assignment we had, now the question is... will we have work on Friday?

 Finished the Power Rangers commission story, and next up is something inspired by the manga Kuroko's Basketball... which I have never read. I think I have something figured out with it

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Achievements

  • It's A Bird... It's A Plane...: Fly with Superman
  • Chemical Crisis: Complete story level 5
  • Chemical Signature: Complete story level 6
  • Unwelcome Guests: Complete story level 7

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Sea of Thieves and other notes

Tonight we wrapped up the Pirates of the Caribbean tales in Sea of Thieves, we came close to sinking but Iceman, Striker and I held the ship together and was able to outlast Davy Jones. The send off for the content was quite sweet.

Next week we more than likely will dive in the Monkey Island content of Sea of Thieves.

Tomorrow night we're playing Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes... and I did pick up an extra achievement in that game off-stream as I was trying to see how many codes we could find to get a leg up in the achievement hunting.

For the raid we dropped in on ZoneSama during the weekly Just Chatting stream

Work was really good, another productive night, even if there were a couple of slight issues

Started work on the Power Rangers story commission, repurposed an old outline to make it a quick and easy story to write.

Recorded episode 3 of The Daria Reactions for my YouTube channel, that will premier next Wednesday at 9 AM Eastern 

Sea of Thieves Achievements

  • Lords of the Sea: You completed 'Lords of the Sea'.

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Achievements

  • Test Hero: Test a custom character


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes and other notes

We started Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes this evening, and outside of having to mute the music because of DMCA issues, we had a fun time, smashing blocks to get studs and beating up villains as Batman and Robin. This is perhaps the first Lego game I've played where things involving vehicles didn't feel clunky. We cover the first four chapters, and I figure it might take three or four more streams to complete its campaign.

Lego Batman 2 will return on Thursday's stream

Tomorrow night the plan is to play Sea of Thieves with Iceman and Striker

For the raid we dropped in on IntergalaticPants who was playing Horizon Zero Dawn

Work was super good this evening, very productive but now we're in danger of me having my schedule swapped around in again in order to keep working. 

Messed around a little with WWE 2K16 as I am considering streaming that as a filler night to chase a few achievements and get some footage 

Made sure to pick up South Park Snow Day

Finished the Spider-Man story commission and began work on the next one on my docket which is Power Rangers related, specifically focused on Light Speed Rescue

WWE 2K16 Achievements

  • Tap! Tap! Tap!: Make an opponent tap out with a submission that is not a Finisher or Signature move. (Single Play)

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Achievements

  • Theatrical Pursuits: Complete story level 1
  • Harboring a Criminal: Complete story level 2
  • Arkham Asylum Antics: Complete story level 3
  • Combo Hero: Do a finishing move
  • Asylum Assignment: Complete story level 4

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II and other notes

Tonight we finished Star Wars The Force Unleashed II and boy did the final two areas of the game feel padded, in fact everything after about the second walk through the Salvation and the return to the clone planet felt either really drawn out or an excuse to reuse assets. I am aware this game was developed as a 'cash grab', but at least with the first game the return to previous areas felt both earned and justified.And the least said about the final Vader fight the better....

Story wise, Juno being reduced to a damsel in the distress at least has her trying to take a swing at Vader, and if there is no other lore attached the game, we can safely say that she and Starkiller were either killed by Boba Fett or have gone deep into hiding.

We also did the Endor DLC and sure it's blatant alternate timeline styled fan service, but it was a fun little romp, with Starkiller taking out ewoks, rebel tropps, empire stormtroopers, Chewie, Han Solo and Leia. I can forgive just how badly framed Chewie and Han's death scenes were because the fight with Leia is actually really good and a lot more satisfying from a gameplay stand point than the fight with Vader.

Tomorrow night we starting up Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes

For the raid we dropped in on SweetLindir who was playing Smite

Work was really good with 10 interview done, although now I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to have to swing back to afternoons as opposed to early evenings

About half way finished a Spider-Man related commission which I can easily knock out during the day tomorrow

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Achievements

  • Crack the Sky: Destroy the Star Destroyer.
  • Meeting of the Jedi: Reunite with Kota.
  • To the Face!: Reflect 20 missiles back at AT-MPs.
  • Specialist: Upgrade one Power to Rank 3.
  • A Measure of Mercy: Complete the game and choose the Light Side ending.
  • Padawan: Complete the game on Easy difficulty.
  • Challenger: Complete one challenge and receive at least a Bronze medal.
  • Sith Kicker: Drop kick 10 Ewoks.
  • Don’t let the Wookiee win: Defeat Han and Chewie.
  • Victory!: Complete Endor.
  • One with the Force: Complete Endor without dying.
  • Yub Yub: Complete the level defeating 20 Ewoks or more.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight's stream of Overwatch 2 was shorter than normal due to a late start that was accounted for. Big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of the fun. Played as Junker Queen, Ashe, Moira, Brigitte, and a few others. We probably should have won a few more than we lost, and that last match saw us getting stuck with people who made no effort at all.

Tomorrow night we'll be looking to finish Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, and then I'll have to consider what we're doing on Tuesday night!

For the raid we dropped in on lucyusmaximus who was playing Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Saw Ghostbusters Frozen Empire this afternoon, and it was fucking awesome! It's been a long time since I've gone to a movie theater and I am super glad that my broker extended the invite! 

Finished the Mass Effect story commission early in the morning, next story commission is based on Spider-Man

The drop in temperatures are driving me nuts!

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Ghosbusters Spirtis Unleashed and other notes

Felt a lot better today than last night ,even if I went to bed at 1 AM and didn't wake up until about 2 in the afternoon.

Tonight's stream of Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed was a blast, plenty of wins and great moments as both a Ghostbuster and as a ghost.

Staying on the Ghostbusters track, I got a few new shirts today as I will be phasing out some shirts that I have worn a lot on stream in the past six months.

And we're seeing Ghostbusters Frozen Empire tomorrow! I'm stoked, big shoutout to my brother for making it a family outing. 

Tomorrow's stream of Overwatch 2 will be starting late, probably a 6 PM start, 7 PM at the latest I suspect

For the raid we dropped in on IntergalaticPants who was playing Baldur's Gate 3 

Nearly finished a Mass Effect commission, I will be working on that before going to bed.

I continue to mess around a little with Suicide Squad off stream, and bang out a few achievements. Still waiting for the Blaze of Glory achievement to pop!

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • Killin' Time: Complete an Incursion Mission at Mastery level 10

Ghosts of Tsushim and other notes

Wasn't feeling 100% today, as I thought about not streaming, but instead gave myself a limit that I would go off at 12:30 at max, so we managed to hit that mark right on the nose. 

We got a fair bit done in Ghost of Tsushima, all side quest related close to the Castle Kaneda, so we got to know the Warrior Monk a bit and inch closer to wrapping up the Tomoe subplot. Also found some fox dens.

Tomorrow's stream will feature Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed in preparation for seeing Ghostbusters Frozen Empire on Sunday afternoon!

For the raid we dropped in on samaell_alwahm who was playing League of Legends

I was not feeling right all day, and I did something I haven't done in years and called out of work. Which I know is weird considering I work from home.

Barely managed to get any writing done for a Mass Effect commission, will have to work on that all day tomorrow from when I wake up until the start of the stream.

Passing out early tonight folks! Hope to be more with it in the AM

Friday, March 22, 2024

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II and other notes

Tonight we started playing Star Wars The Forced Unleashed II and I have some mixed feelings about it in regards to how very straight forward and streamlined it feels in comparison to the original. The game play mechanics are certainly more intuitive to where you almost don't have to think, there are seemingly fewer puzzles... and I think I'm over half way through the game. 

Don't get me wrong the first game only took me two nights to get through, so by no means am I calling that a long game, but I think I could have torn through TFU2 in one night if put it down to start on a Saturday as opposed to a Thursday.

Still, very good chance we'll finish it on Monday's stream because it's just too short to have on Saturday. Which means this Saturday we're going to play Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed, since I'm seeing Frozen Emprie on Sunday!

But for Friday's stream we are playing Ghost of Tsushima!

For the raid we dropped in on SweetLindir who was playing Smite

Work was really good tonight, but the verbiage of the questions really makes things clunky

Finished the 4th of several WWE related stories and now the next one is Mass Effect related, which I can take some time to put some creativity into. 

People are still mad about an clip from this past Sunday's Overwatch stream that is on my YouTube channel lol

So I picked up the console version of Final Fantasy XIV and man, it's a learning curve to figure out how to get the most basic of things done. I get it that it caters to being for PC players first but the menu navigation and figuring out basic combat and the amount of hoops I need to jump through to get anything done is greatly discouraging me from really diving back into it. At the very least I was able to get several achievements to pop based on what I've done before.  

Final Fantasy XIV Achievements

  • The Art of War V: Reach level 90 with any Disciple of War or Magic.
  • The Art of War IV: Reach level 80 with any Disciple of War or Magic.
  • The Art of War III: Reach level 70 with any Disciple of War or Magic.
  • The Art of War II: Reach level 60 with any Disciple of War or Magic.
  • The Art of War I: Reach level 50 with any Disciple of War or Magic.
  • Green Thumb V: Reach level 90 with any Disciple of the Land.
  • Green Thumb IV: Reach level 80 with any Disciple of the Land.
  • Green Thumb III: Reach level 70 with any Disciple of the Land.
  • Green Thumb II: Reach level 60 with any Disciple of the Land.
  • Green Thumb I: Reach level 50 with any Disciple of the Land.
  • You've Got the Touch I: Reach level 50 with any Disciple of the Hand.
  • Thrillseeker I: Complete 100 instanced dungeon raids or trials.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Achievements

  • Stakross Medal of Excellence: Destroy 12 lightning pylons on the Kamino dive.
  • Sky Killer: Destroy 15 TIE Fighters.
  • Kamfetti: Kill 5 enemies with the fans on Kamino.
  • Escape from Kamino: Escape Kamino in Vader's TIE Advanced.
  • Lucky Streak: Defeat 300 consecutive enemies without dying.
  • Break the Bank: Smash up 10 game machines.
  • Up, Up and Away: Overload 20 Jumptrooper jet packs.
  • Fully Charged: Use an entire bar of Force power on a Lightning attack
  • The Nemesis in Flames: Destroy the Gunship.
  • Bring Down the Giant: Defeat the Gorog.
  • Arachnophobia: Destroy 200 Terror Spider Droids.
  • Droid Rage: Control the Terror Walker and destroy all the Terror Biodroids.
  • The Exterminator: Defeat the Terror Walker.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

The Fantansy Baseball Stream

Tonight's stream was dedicated mostly to drafting a Fantasy Baseball Team for the 2024 season, and thanks to Iceman's help we managed to put together a decent squad. Here is who we got

Gabriel Moreno - C
Christian Walker - 1B
Bryson Stott - 1B
Alec Bohm - 1B/3B
Bo Bichette - SS
Corbin Caroll - OF
Evan Carter - OF
Jordan Walker - OF
Thairo Estrada - 2B/SS
Ryan McMahon - 2B/3B
Alejandro Kirk - C
Noelvi Marte - 3B
Zack Wheeler - SP
Tarik Skubal - SP
Josh Hader - RP
Andres Munoz - RP
Baiely Ober - SP
Jose Alvarado - RP
Griffin Jax - RP
Abner Uribe - RP
Brandon Pfaadt - SP
Logan Allen - SP

We also chatted about other stuff, made some adjustments to my Fantasy Hockey Team, dived into the realm of the South Park / LA Kings shorts and other stuff

For the raid we dropped in on zonesama where Ceclilia Littlewing was hosting.

Big thanks to Kalenal for the Raid following their stream of Final Fantasy XIV

Work was really good, as we were doing a major assignment to get feedback for a particuarly government organization that we hope starts making an effort to help people.

Got about 40% of a WWE Story commission done, which I'll be working on during the day tomorrow.

Planning to see Ghostbusters Frozen Empire on Sunday with my brother and nieces, should be a lot of fun!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and other notes

Tonight's stream of Suicide Squad saw mostly incursions being done with just general casual gameplay, couldn't get the multiplayer to work, but we did get a couple of achievements. Killing Time is pretty cool with how hard it gets the longer you stay in it.

Next time we'll play Suicide Squad will be some time next week when the Season one content drops!

Tomorrow's stream will feature the Fantasy Baseball Draft, we will be taking suggestions from the chat and Iceman.

 For tonight's raid we dropped in on rumhamshmah who was playing Smite

Work was a real slog... but tomorrow I have another shift in hours, so instead of starting at 1 PM, I'll start at 3 PM, at least I won't have to disrupt the writing flow too much

Finished the 3rd of consecutive WWE related stories, and this one was a straight up commission request so we ere able to get paid by the word for it. Next one is for the SubscribeStar Commission Tier, and then I get a break for the wrestling stories for a few weeks. 

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • The Chosen One: Fully complete the Combat Flair checklist 5 times (Single Player Sessions Only)
  • Battle Lines: Complete an Incursion Mission at Mastery level 5

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Dead or Alive 4 and other notes

Tonight's stream of Dead of Alive saw us going through Time Attack mode for the majority of the cast to unlock Tengu, and some runs were below five minutes but we had a few characters that we struggle learning. Tried Tag Time  Trial, and time were just awful... and we couldn't even beat ten opponents in Survival mode. 

Still, for a final night featuring this game, it was pretty positive, and now we can move on from it!

Tomorrow night we're  also playing Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, mostly just roaming around, leveling and causing casual mayhem! Basically it's filler as planned!

For the raid we dropped in on chronick17 who was also playing Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League

Work was okay, got some interviews, not a fan of the assignment, but gotta do what we gotta do!

Got a fair bit of writing done on the WWE commission... would have had more written, but my work schedule being different interfered with that

Dead or Alive 4 Achievements

  • Unlocked "Tengu": Unlocked the hidden character "Tengu."
  • Total Play Time 10 Hrs.: The total play time reached the 10 hour mark.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight we were playing Overwatch 2, and we were joined by PandaSweet for the entire stream. We had plenty of wins and losses, and we had fun. Because of the crossover with Cowboy Bebop, I did put an effort in playing as Ashe, Mauga, Cassidy and Sombra who have sins as Faye, Jet, Spite and Ed, plus we also had matches as, Orissa, Junker Queen, Wrecking Ball and Moira.

Tomorrow night we're doing one more stream dedicated to Dead or Alive 4 with the goal of trying to unlock Tengu!

For the raid we drooped in on intergalacticpants who was playing Rise of the Tomb Raider

Did some groceries today, was not able to get all the things I wanted not because of cost... but because Shop Rite was sold out!

Finished the second of four WWE related commission stories, and before I go to bed I'll start work on the fourth.... pretty much have to since I'm losing my normal writing time all this week thanks to work.

Happy Birthday to my Aunt Grance!

Played a littled Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League earlier today and managed to pick up another achievement. Also realized that the one achievement I'm waiting on as well as some in-game collectables that should unlock because of chapter progression did not unlock as well

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • Number the Dead: Defeat 10 Raising Hell Hit Squads

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and other notes

Tonight's stream of Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League saw a huge focus on achievement hunting, so at this moment I have 40 of the games 50 achievements unlocked. However I should have 41, so I am hoping the one for getting 39 stars on Riddler's AR courses pops sooner or later. We did dive into the incursions, hit max level with every character and wrapped up the final missions for the support team so that we can really take advantage of various perks and bonus!

Big thanks to Striker for being apart of the fun as we messed around with Suicide Squad's multiplayer, despite some hiccups it was a lot of fun!

Our next stream will feature Overwatch 2, and I will be trying to play as many games as the characters dressed in Cowboy Bebop attire

For tonight's raid we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV

Got some writing done on a WWE related commission request, will be working on that... after I get some dinner... I'm thinking a stromboli or a hoagie... or both?

I'm going to experiment with doing a reaction / commentary series based on the show Daria, lets see how long that lasts... the one for the first episode 'Esteamsters' is already recorded and will premier on Wednesday morning.

I have become a huge fan of Tom Grossi's NFL videos... they are so totally binge worthy!

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • Welcome to the Jungle!: Complete the final Poison Ivy Support Squad Mission
  • Forces In Motion: Get Poison Ivy to Supercharge the Affliction on a piece of gear
  • Combine and Conquer: Complete the final Toyman Support Squad Mission
  • Grand Experiment: Get Toyman to Elite a piece of gear
  • Harleen the Queen: Reach Max Level with Harley Quinn
  • Lawton's Last Stand: Reach Max Level with Deadshot
  • King For A Day: Reach Max Level with King Shark
  • Act of War: Complete your first Incursion Mission
  • Captain Boomerang! Agent of Oz: Reach Max Level with Captain Boomerang
  • Choice of Evils: Unlock a Villain Synergy
  • The Venom Connection: Equip 3 pieces of the Tier 1 Infamy Set

Ghost of Tsushima and other notes

We got a fair bit done in Ghost of Tsushima this evening, picking up a handful of trophies as we liberated all areas in the Izuhara portion of the map and began work on the next area. Also ended up getting five of the six keys for a special armor, which was pretty cool as I avoided doing major story stuff.

Tomorrow night's stream will be dedicated to Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League as we work on additional achievements.

 For the raid we dropped in on sakuramurayama who was play playing Judgment

Updating schedule for next week will be as follows

Sunday: Overwatch
Monday: Dead or Alive 4 (last stream of it)
Tuesday: Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League
Wednesday: Fantasy Baseball Draft Stream
Thursday: Star Wars The Force Unleashed II
Friday: Ghost of Tsushima
Saturday: Star Wars The Force Unleashed II

Work was solid tonight, but now my work schedule for next week is going to completely disrupt working on writing, as Monday and Tuesdays I have hours from about 1 to 5, then Wednesday to Friday probably from 3 to 7. It's going to suck

Didn't get any writing done today because I woke up super late... mostly thanks to how long it took me to record my review for Suicide Suqad Kill the Justice League (which took three hours last night)

Ghost of Tsushima (PS4) Trophies

  • Gifted: Collect 10 gifts.
  • A Fight For The Isle….: Liberate all occupied areas in Izuhara.
  • Witness Protection: Shoot a Terrified enemy with an arrow while they are fleeing.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and other notes

Tonight we finished Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, and if I thought fighting Superman was a pain in the ass, Brainiac was even more so, since that was a souped-up version of the Flash boss fight. Still we got several achievement thanks to how things progress to the story. All in all I really enjoyed it, and it is just a big budget version of Agents of Mayhem, and I will continue to make that comparison.

Now since this is a 'live service game', replaying it from the start can only be done via chapter select to replay various missions, but I do recommend folks play it.

I do think I will keep it in the weekly line up, moving it to Monday nights not next week but the following one,  since the first season expansion is coming soon, so we can see how that works out, plus if there are achievements being added, I would hate to miss out on them. Plus I suspect with Joker being added to the roster, that will be a good time to try on-line play.

Suicide Squad will be back on Saturday's stream, as we chase more achievements and work on getting everyone to level 30 before determining which character will be my 'main'.

Tomorrow's stream will feature Ghost of Tsushima with the big focus on clearly out the invaded areas in the first area of the map.

For the raid tonight, we dropped in on SweetLindir who was playing Hunt: Showdown

Work was really good, seven interviews on the Health and Wellness Study/

My YouTube Channel is now up to 346 subscribers thanks to the shorts, wonder if at some point I'll be able to earn something from it. Probably not.

Finished the first of four back to back to back to back WWE related story requests, this was was for the SubscribeStar Commission Tier. At least with the next two some extra funds will be earned.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • Their Dark Designs: Achieve 26 Stars in Riddler AR Challenges
  • Your World is Mine!: Complete the final Lex Luthor Support Squad Mission
  • War Machine: Complete the final Gizmo Support Squad Mission
  • Shock Treatment: Complete the final Hack Support Squad Mission
  • No One Defeats Brainiac!: Kill The Collector of Worlds

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Sea of Thieves and other notes

Tonight's stream of Sea of Thieves was a lot of fun as Striker and Iceman joined in as we continued the next Pirates of  The Caribbean content, which was pretty cool, and we ended up getting chased by an enemy ship, having to use all our supplies... only to end up sinking.  

Now next Wednesday's stream will be a special stream focused around Fantasy Baseball as the chat will get to help in putting together a fantasy baseball team!

Our next stream will feature Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League as we do some achievement hunting and level grinding. Currently I have every character up to level twenty-two, so eight more levels a piece are needed to get them to max level.

For the raid we dropped in on ZoneSama for some retro TV watching hosted by Cecilia Littlewing

Work was solid this evening with five interviews for a health and wellness study

Finished about 50% of WWE related story to fulfill a SubscribeStar commission tier request, I should be able to finish it during the day tomorrow.

Sea of Thieves Achievements

  • Dark Brethren: You completed 'Dark Brethren'.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and other notes

Tonight in Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League, we got every up to level 21, we took down Batman (who went out like the punk ass bitch he is!) and then we took down Superman in what had to be the toughest fight of the game, as tracking him was extremely tough. I actually was down to my last revive on that fight which was nerve racking!

Still with the Justice League eliminated, the 'endgame' portion of the game begins with the grind to eliminating Brainiac is next. It's going to be pretty interesting to see how things play out as I have already put in 38 hours into this game in my quest to do everything I think is possible solo.

Suicide Squad will return on Thrusday as we have a good shot to get several achievements that night.

Tomorrow night's stream is slated for Sea of Thieves, depending on if Iceman is able to join in.

For the raid we dropped in on SweetLindir who was playing Smite!

Work was on fire as I knocked out eight interviews, my throat was ruined by the end of my shift!

Finished the Fairy Tail story request to fulfill a SubscribesStar Commission Tier request and it turned out pretty I think. Next is the first of four (sigh) several WWE related stories in a row... ugh.

Paid the next quarter property taxes on my house today... ugh that was $560 but hey, I didn't have to pay it until May, and the next isn't until August, so I'm ahead of the curve baby!

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • Endgame: Kill The World's Greatest Detective
  • Winged Vengeance: Complete the final Penguin Support Squad Mission
  • Abandon All Hope: Kill The Man of Steel

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Dead or Alive and other notes

We got a lot done in Dead or Alive 4, finishing the story mode with all characters, which lead to unlocking Spartan-458, and then I started doing time trials. Oddly enough, getting the Bronze and Gold achievements for singles were 'easy' in comparison  to the Silver one, which needs to be done in less than 5 minutes but more than 4 minutes 30.

I'm still keeping DOA 4 on the line up for next week as I'm looking to unlock Tengu. There is a question about going after all the costumes, which would require going through time trials on normal settings (2 rounds, 99 seconds), which could take  a long time to do. 

Either way, the game is finished as the credits rolled, so I'll be doing a Casual Review and will have a few things to say about it.

Tomorrow stream will feature Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, we're going to focus on leveling first then do a couple of things to progress the story. I'm really wanting to stretch things out.

For the raid we dropped in on smoresdafloof who was playing Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion

Work was a big of a slog tonight, didn't get an interview done until after we switched assignments 

Started work on the next commission story, which is based on Fairy Tail and is a continuation of sorts to two prior stories based on that anime / manga. I figure this story is about 30% complete.

Would have had more of that done but I dozed off on my recliner shortly after having breakfast.

Dead or Alive 4 Achievements

  • Unlocked "Helena": Unlocked the hidden character "Helena."
  • Completed All Story Modes: Completed Story Mode with all characters.
  • Unlocked "SPARTAN-458": Unlocked the hidden character "SPARTAN-458."
  • Bronze in Time Attack (Single): Completed all of the Time Attack Mode single battles within 6 minutes.
  • Gold in Time Attack (Single): Completed all of the Time Attack Mode single battles within 4 minutes 30 seconds.
  • Silver in Time Attack (Single): Completed all of the Time Attack Mode single battles within 5 minutes.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Overwatch 2 tonight was very hit and miss, sure we won a few, but I swear a lot of folks were playing like idiots, and my natural instinct to not condone stupidity lead to me phoning in several matches. Played matches as Junker Queen, Moira, Ashe, Lucio, Orissa, Sombra and a handful of others.

Big thank you to PandaSweet for being apart of tonight's stream.

Tomorrow nights stream will feature Dead or Alive 4, we're opening with Story Mode runs for the last default three characters, then we're doing Helena's before focusing on Time Trials.

For tonight's raid we dropped in on  intergalacticpants who was playing Rise of the Tomb Raider

Since WB Games has announced they are going to de-list a lot of games, made sure to nab that Samurai Jack game that came out fairly recently.

Speaking of WB Games, jumped into Suicide Squad early this morning to track down the last remaining Riddler trophies, so that's another achievement we have in that game

Nearly finsiehd the NFL related SubscribeStar Commission tier story I was working on yesterday, just have another section to complete and then its done 

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • The Oldest One in the Book!: Collect 40 Riddler Trophies

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

Tonight's stream had a few issues, one there was an hour long delay in getting things going because of a weird glitch that kicked me to where I basically had to re-do escorting Lex Luthor on Earth 2... and it took me an hour to figure out what happened and how to fix it (the Suicide Squad community are a bunch of idiots, so finding the solution took a lot of searching on the official discord)

Then there was the power going out for a hot moment, splitting the stream in two, which was unfortunate, but we did make good progress. We have every around around level 16 or 17, we took our Green Lantern, but Wonder Woman is gone as well, so in terms of dealing with the Justice League we're half-way there. Still have a ways to go in regards to maxing ever character out however.

Next time Suicide Squad will be featured will be on Tuesday's stream.

Sunday night's stream will feature Overwatch 2

For tonight's raid we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV

I got work that day shift will be available, but now I'm not in a position to switch because of how I've locked everything as I go from writing to work to streaming in that order. If I switch to day shift at this point, it would either go work, stream, writing... or work, writing, stream. I'll have to figure all that out.

Speaking of writing, struggled with the set up of the current SubscribeStar commission tier request to set up a contrived set up that makes no sense based on what the client wants, as it combine the NFL and wrestling personalities. So I'll be working on that before going to bed. 

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • Blackest Night: Kill The Green Lantern

Ghost of Tsushima and other notes

Tonight's stream of Ghost of Tsushuma saw a huge focus on exploration and trying to find areas I've been, only for things to become available after I finished the first act. Still we advanced the story, rescued Jin's uncle, fell off some high spots and had a good time overall.

Ghost of Tsushima will return on next Friday's stream with the focus on liberating the final six spots in the first area of the map

Tomorrow's stream with feature Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League, with probably as huge focus on level grinding, as we do have to get every character to level 30.

For the raid we dropped in on samaell_alwahm who was playing Genshin Impact

Work was surprisingly good, even if our system was rather Jekyll and Hyde which drove me nuts

Managed to get my hands on a complete set of the 1992 Impel/Skyboy DC Cosmic Cards, I had a bunch of the cards as a kid, so managing to get the whole set was pretty cool. Also realize and learned DC couldn't include Batman in the set because of the license agreement they had with Topps for the cards based on the Batman '89 and Batman Returns

Finished the NFL related s tory commission today, though it did take longer than expected to write

Next story on my commission docket is also NFL related but with a loose wrestling connection because people want to torture me

Ghost of Tsushima (PS4) Trophies

  • Family Reunion: Free Lord Shimura from the Khan's clutches.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League and other notes

Tonight's stream was pretty good, even if I lost track of time because I was looking to knock out the 100th Support Contracts. We did advance the plot a lot, knocking off the Flash and rescuing Lex Luthor, In terms of leveling up I have some characters as level 15 and other as a level 14, so if I continue taking m time we'll can get spread this game out for a lot longer than most people did.

Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League will return on Saturday's stream. Expect level up grinding and other things being done.

Friday night's stream will feature Ghosts of Tsushima as we work on advancing its plot

Big thanks to Olidhs for the raid following their stream

For the raid we dropped in on makaybear4 who was playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare III

Work was pretty good, despite some weird technical issues that means I'll have to clear cookies every time an interview is an incomplete

Didn't finish the NFL related commission story that I had on the books for today, will try and finish in on Friday

Akira Toriyama passed away, obvious we featured his characters lot either for stories related to SubscribeStar or games I've played over on Twitch, such as Dragon Ball

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • Thunderstruck!: Kill The Fastest Man Alive
  • Hell and Back: Rescue Lex Luthor
  • Turn and Turn Again: Achieve 13 Stars in Riddler AR Challenges
  • Need to Know: Complete 100 Support Squad Contracts

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Sea of Thieves, Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed and other notes

Tonight's stream opened with my not realizing that I didn't start the stream, so some of the early stuff with me and Iceman was cut out. But we got a fair amount of loot found, and picked up a few achievements.

Also played Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed and I elected to move up a rank after hitting level 100, so now I get to do the grind all over again, just without n

Thursday night's stream will feature Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League

For the raid we dropped in on smoresdafloof who was playing Genshin Impact

Work was solid today, not as much of a slog as yesterday.

Picked up a big steak sandwich and a pot luck shirt from Donkey's Place, so now I have three of those.  

Finished the Star Wars commission, and am now waiting for payment for that story.

Next commission is NFL related, and I get to mock the Detroit Lions a little, heh.

Tracked down the Game Guide for Dragon Age Origins, so almost guaranteed we'll play that on stream again at some point.

Sea of Thieves Achievements

  • Colourful Sails: You purchased a new ship customisation from the Shipwright.
  • A Wild Excursion: You paid a visit to the imposing Dagger Tooth Outpost.
  • Be In-Spired: You paid a visit to the unforgettable Ancient Spire Outpost.


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and other notes

Tonight's stream of Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League saw the plot progress some, as we had to deal with the first major boss fight which was a giant canon and of course witness The Flash take the heart out of Lex Luthor. I kind of figure that if I was only focused on one character at a time, I probably would have hit max level at this point, however, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Deadshot and King Shark are at levels 11 and 12.

Also I did put in some play  time during the day as I want to make sure the Contracts achievements are earned and knocked out. Some of them are a lot easier to complete than others.

Wednesday's stream is slated to feature Sea of Thieves with Iceman, but if he's not avaliable the back up plan may either be Smite or Ghostbusters Spirtis Unleashed

For tonight's raid we dropped in on MissCammi316 who was playing Smite

Work was a slog tonight, same assignment as last night, but didn't have the same amount of luck

Finally got paid for that Dragon Ball commission from last week, only after I said I was going to list their series as something someone else can commission entries for.

About 75% finished the current Star Wars commission, it's a length one, and I had a few hiccups figuring out the right approach to some things.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • Allies: Complete 50 Support Squad Contracts
  • Blitzkrieg Bop: Destroy the Behemoth
  • Managing People: Complete the final Rick Flag Support Squad Mission

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Dead or Alive 4 and other notes

Tonight's stream of Dead or Alive 4 saw a big focus on the story modes, as we got through quite a few for various characters, and I certainly was shocked by a couple of things I saw (Jann Lee kicking a T-Rex topping the list). We managed to get a few achievements, as well as unlocking a few characters as we put in some quality time on a pretty much forgotten fighting game. 

Tomorrow night's stream will feature Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League as we focus on leveling up each character equally, so we may night advance the plot much if at all.

For tonight's raid we dropped in on SweetLindi who was playing Remnant II

Work today was pretty good with a community health survey, and folks were more or less happy to take part.

Finished the Spider-Man commission and got started on the Star Wars commission that almost seemed like it was going to be scrapped.

Still have not been paid for one of the Dragon Ball commission from last week. That guy is now black listed as far as I'm concerned.

Picked up several strategy guides for various games that we may be featuring at some point, including Dragon Age II, Final Fantasy XIII-2, and Tomb Raider Legend

Dead or Alive 4 Achievements

  • Unlocked "Ein": Unlocked the hidden character "Ein.
  • Unlocked "Gen Fu": Unlocked the hidden character "Gen Fu."
  • Unlocked "Leon": Unlocked the hidden character "Leon."
  • Total Play Time 5 Hrs.: The total play time reached the 5 hour mark.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight's stream of Overwatch featured way too many instances of odd things happening, such as real suspicious aim tracking to a degree I've never seen before. Anyway, big thank you to PandaSweet for being apart of what was an odd night, that did have some hilarious moments.

Tomorrow night's stream will feature Dead or Alive 4, we'll be doing Story Mode runs with various characters, hopefully we can pick up and achievement or two

For the raid we dropped in on samaell_alwahm who was playing League of Legends

Got a fair bit of writing done on a Spider-Man commission which should be wrapped up tomorrow, just need to write the back end of it which I should be able to tackle in the morning.

Dude got back to me regarding a Star Wars commission so that is back on my agenda and will be the next one I write.

Also messed around with Suicide Squad early on and picked up another achievement. Really considering this making this a long haul on stream game once we finish the campaign in order to grind out achievements. 

Then again I could do that for Final Fantasy XIII too!

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • Level Up: Reach Level 10 with any Squad Member

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League and other notes

Tonight's stream was completed dedicated to Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League with a huge focus on finding all the landmarks associated with the Riddler's Puzzles to get The Real Deal achievement before progression forward to do level grinding and actual missions to progress the story. We found Poison Ivy who is a lot smaller than one would have thought (if they didn't see clips before hand) and I got a lot more comfortable using the characters different travel abilities to get around  and engage in combat. 

Next time we'll play it will be for Tuesday night's stream.

Sunday night's stream will feature Overwatch of course.

For tonight's raid we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV

Because I didn't get confirmation, I had to put a commission request on hold because the client didn't respond to me. I'm certainly not going to write stories for people who can't respond to emails.

By the way, I didn't get paid yet for the more recent Dragon Ball commission I did, but I did get paid for the Spider-Man commission i wrapped up this morning.

So with all that said, next story in progress is also Spider-Man related but will involve an original character. It's already in progress, maybe 20% complete at the moment.

A bit worn down, so I'm heading to bed

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • The Real Deal: Solve 21 of Riddler's Riddles
  • Choices: Get Penguin to overhaul a piece of gear
  • Walled In: Escape plan gone wrong
  • Death Blooms: Recruit your second Support Squad member

Ghost of Tsushima and other notes

Tonight's stream of Ghost of Tsushima saw us advanced the plot towards the completion of Act 1, and involved some more major quests and having to actually play the game as intended. It was pretty fun over all, and picked up a few trophies along the way.

Tomorrow night we're playing Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League and that will focus on leveling up, finding Riddler trophies and possibly solving puzzles, basically doing anything and everything we can do without moving the story forward.

For tonight's raid we dropped in on Zonesama who was celebrating their Twitch Partner anniversary.

Work was okay this evening, got a few interviews done in an interesting study regarding school funding.

Had to throw out someone's commission request when I realized they were wanting me to plagiarized someone else's work. Since it was WWE related I'm not too upset about it.

Speaking of commission stories, I'm over half-way done writing a Spider-Man related one, I was hoping to have it finish today... but I actually slept more than four hours for the first time this week.

Got some groceries, all the usual goodies along with a few alternatives.

Ghost of Tsushima (PS4) Trophies

  • Company of Wolves: Recruit the Straw Hat ronin.
  • Every Trick in the Book: Acquire all the throwable Ghost Weapon techniques.
  • Stoking the Flame: Rescue Taka from Mongol captivity.
  • Quick Study: Learn the Stone, Water, Wind, and Moon combat stances.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League and other notes

 Tonight's stream of Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League saw a focus on my figuring out how to level up character at an equal pace, and what I'm settling on is rank up each character one at  time to keep them all at the same level, this way we use every character equallyWe did advance the plot a little since some things and abilities don't unlock until some parts of the story are done. And we gained accessed to the Riddler and crafting for better gear,.

Anyway the next time we're playing Suicide Squad will be on Saturday's stream.

Friday night's stream will feature Ghost of Tsushima

For the raid we dropped in on maximilian_dood who was playing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

We had work tonight, and it was pretty solid.

Finished writing the Dragon Ball commission, ashamed it took an extra day, but the question is will the client pay for it.

Next story commission is Spider-Man related, already started on it, it's probably 10% finished already,.

Tired, going to bed as soon as I get stuff posted to Facebook and Instagram

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • Stop Me If You've Heard This One: Collect 10 Riddler Trophies
  • The Right Question: Solve 5 of Riddler's Riddles