Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II and other notes

Tonight we finished Star Wars The Force Unleashed II and boy did the final two areas of the game feel padded, in fact everything after about the second walk through the Salvation and the return to the clone planet felt either really drawn out or an excuse to reuse assets. I am aware this game was developed as a 'cash grab', but at least with the first game the return to previous areas felt both earned and justified.And the least said about the final Vader fight the better....

Story wise, Juno being reduced to a damsel in the distress at least has her trying to take a swing at Vader, and if there is no other lore attached the game, we can safely say that she and Starkiller were either killed by Boba Fett or have gone deep into hiding.

We also did the Endor DLC and sure it's blatant alternate timeline styled fan service, but it was a fun little romp, with Starkiller taking out ewoks, rebel tropps, empire stormtroopers, Chewie, Han Solo and Leia. I can forgive just how badly framed Chewie and Han's death scenes were because the fight with Leia is actually really good and a lot more satisfying from a gameplay stand point than the fight with Vader.

Tomorrow night we starting up Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes

For the raid we dropped in on SweetLindir who was playing Smite

Work was really good with 10 interview done, although now I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to have to swing back to afternoons as opposed to early evenings

About half way finished a Spider-Man related commission which I can easily knock out during the day tomorrow

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Achievements

  • Crack the Sky: Destroy the Star Destroyer.
  • Meeting of the Jedi: Reunite with Kota.
  • To the Face!: Reflect 20 missiles back at AT-MPs.
  • Specialist: Upgrade one Power to Rank 3.
  • A Measure of Mercy: Complete the game and choose the Light Side ending.
  • Padawan: Complete the game on Easy difficulty.
  • Challenger: Complete one challenge and receive at least a Bronze medal.
  • Sith Kicker: Drop kick 10 Ewoks.
  • Don’t let the Wookiee win: Defeat Han and Chewie.
  • Victory!: Complete Endor.
  • One with the Force: Complete Endor without dying.
  • Yub Yub: Complete the level defeating 20 Ewoks or more.

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