Sunday, March 10, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Overwatch 2 tonight was very hit and miss, sure we won a few, but I swear a lot of folks were playing like idiots, and my natural instinct to not condone stupidity lead to me phoning in several matches. Played matches as Junker Queen, Moira, Ashe, Lucio, Orissa, Sombra and a handful of others.

Big thank you to PandaSweet for being apart of tonight's stream.

Tomorrow nights stream will feature Dead or Alive 4, we're opening with Story Mode runs for the last default three characters, then we're doing Helena's before focusing on Time Trials.

For tonight's raid we dropped in on  intergalacticpants who was playing Rise of the Tomb Raider

Since WB Games has announced they are going to de-list a lot of games, made sure to nab that Samurai Jack game that came out fairly recently.

Speaking of WB Games, jumped into Suicide Squad early this morning to track down the last remaining Riddler trophies, so that's another achievement we have in that game

Nearly finsiehd the NFL related SubscribeStar Commission tier story I was working on yesterday, just have another section to complete and then its done 

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Achievements

  • The Oldest One in the Book!: Collect 40 Riddler Trophies

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