Saturday, December 30, 2023

Antstream Arcade and other notes

Tonight's broadcast featured random games that are avaliable via Antstream Arcade, so old things like Double Dragon, Burger Time, Earthworm Jim, Top Gear 2, Radical Rex and a bunch of other stuff. Now these games were not downloaded to the Xbox One, they were all played via streaming, and for the most part things went smoothly, but there were still some wonky issues with it as I was booting from a couple of games.

We'll keep the Anstream Arcade installed to throw to it when we have a night open between major games.

Tomorrow's night stream will feature Overwatch and it will be a long one folks as we might start around 5 PM or 6 PM and go straight on past midnight!

For the raid we went over to intergalacticpants who was play Baldur's Gate 3 

Had some family come over today who wanted to do a belated Birthday Celebration, which took up the afternoon. It was fun no complaints.

I do have to make a run to my bank to make a deposit this week. 

Didn't get any writing done today, so I'll be working on the NFL related commission before I go to bed and during the day tomorrow.

We have two new Funkos in the Collection, Ranger Slayer from Power Rangers and Bulma from Dragon Ball.

And on that note good night!

Alan Wake and other notes

Tonight we wrapped up Alan Wake, finishing on the lowest possible difficulty setting, and I was right about the sixth chapter taking about 90-ish minutes to finish, which was spot on given the number of times I died, either by getting cornered or falling off of high places. I'm not really inclined to the DLC content as I did mess around around with those before on the Steam version and didn't care for them.

We also tossed in some Persona 5 Dancing in Starlight, managing to beat my previous scores on a few songs on hard difficulty (and with the note speed turned up).

Tomorrow night we're going to dive into Antstream Arcade and check out what old school games are there. So it's going to be a retro night of gaming with no real plan, as we'll save starting up the New Game Plus run of  Persona 5 Tactica for Monday

Replacing Alan Wake in the Friday night slot will be Catherine Fullbody, which is only available on the PS4 and Nintendo Switch

For the raid we dropped in on zonesama where Cecilia Littlewing was hosting a retro telelvision stream

 Alan Wake Remastered (PS4) Trophies

  • Right of Way: You have peeled 15 Taken off your bumper.
  • Taken Season: You have dropped 50 Taken with the hunting rifle.
  • Tornado Wrangler: You calmed the fury of the storm.
  • Departure: You completed the game on Easy difficulty. 

 Added two Funko Pops to the collection today, Sorsha and Madmartigan from Willow!

With the a four day weekend I got some writing done, knocking off the Spider-Man commission early in the morning and then jumping into a three-screne NFL related commission that will take me a couple of days to write. It's about 30% finished already but tomorrow I'm having family visit, so I'm losing the day of writing.

And on that note, good night!

Friday, December 29, 2023

Mass Effect and other notes

Well tonight we wrapped up Mass Effect, our third run for the Xbox 360, and in our fastest time of 26 hours. We of course skipped Pinnacle Station, if we did that, it may have taken 28 hours, but it wasn't necessary. Now the question comes to if and or when I do another run to go after two of the remaining three of Achievements (Hardcore and Level 60), which I probably won't do until sometime in mid to late 2024.

Now the game that will replace Mass Effect in the lineup will be Persona 5 Tactica in order to chase down the last achievement we need, which is to complete the Compendium... which will involve leveling up to the mid-90s to for the remaining dozen.

Friday's night's stream will see us wrapping up Alan Wake Remastered, we just have episode six to finish and there are a couple of trophies I'm hoping to get that are combat related. Since I don't envision it taking longer than two hours, we might do either Persona 3 Dancing in Moonlight or Persona 5 Dancing in Starlight.

For the raid we dropped in on lilmoolah_ as they were playing 7 Days To Die

I'm currently on a four day weekend, was hoping we'd had work on Friday but oh well.

The current story commission in progress is another Spider-Man one, but it's based on Marvel's Spider-Man 2 for the PS5... which I have not played, so trying to craft something around that is proving to be unique without looking up spoilers.

Redid arranged by Funko collection so you can see it behind me during my streams. I have quite a few!

Good night folks!

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Mass Effect and other notes

Tonight's stream of Mass Effect saw us wrap up everything on Ferros, keeping all the colonists alive in addition to 'borrowing' the Normandy. Did discover there were a couple of side missions we haven't done, so instead of finishing the game outright we'll be able to extended it for one more stream, which will be tomorrows, as we have the Listen Post trio of missions to do before heading to Illos for the final leg.

Also got the Liara's achievement for using her for the majority of the game, so I'm not locked in to using her for the final missions, because as a Biotic, the best duo to bring along will be Tali and Ashley in order to balance things out.

So yes, we're finishing Mass Effect tomorrow, making it the first game we've finished twice in the same calendar year in quite some time!

I've also increased the color saturation on OBS so that colors of the games I play pop a bit more. Realized that when I was adjusting some settings on the new TV. 

For the raid we dropped in on rumhamshmah who was playing South Park: The Stick of Truth

Mass Effect Achievements

  • Asari Ally: Complete the majority of the game with the asari squad member

 Work was okay, a lot of dead air tonight which made things drag.

I'm rethinking my Funk display at the moment, as I think I might use a couple of crates and work plant I have to really make it look neat.

Didn't finish the Spider-Man commission story I had on tap for today, in part because I needed to double check some details about the character of Gloria Davila to make sure I was portraying her correctly. So I'll be working on that before I go to bed!

Good night folks!


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Mass Effect and other notes

We were able to knock out Virmire straight away to open tonight's stream of Mass Effect, and it certainly lead to a few interesting moments, such as Garrus and Liara both questioning Shepard on dealing with the Salarians, and I did skip a room as well. Also knocked out the extra mission that becomes available depending on which path you take (Paragon or Renegade) before heading to Ferros to knock out the first half of its mission. 

Now there are a couple of side missions that open up if you find their triggers on Ferros, so we'll see if we can find those to extend the play through otherwise its going to be a straight run to the finish

I say that because we are continuing Mass Effect tomorrow night, as Iceman will not be able to join us, so we'll hold off on Sea of Thieves until after the new year/

For the raid we dropped in on sweetlindir while they were playing Baldur's Gate 3

Mass Effect Achievements

  • Turian Ally: Complete the majority of the game with the turian squad member 

Work was solid tonight, got two interviews... and it's rather nice to know the end of 2023 and start of 2024 will be less stressful than it was last year. Of course I wish mom was here...

Got a late Birthday card from my father, oddly enough he sent it after we had a brief conversation last week.

Knocked out the WWE commission request, and managed to push it to over 4000 words. Thankfully the next commission story is for a short Spider-Man related one, which I'm going to start working on before I go to bed,

And on that note, good night!

Monday, December 25, 2023

Mass Effect and other notes

Merry Christmas everyone,

Hope everyone had a great holiday.

Tonight's stream of Mass Effect started early and saw us clear out various side areas and as we completed the grind for both the Lift and Singularity biotic powers. We also tackled Noveria in one direct shot, going the full renegade route by not letting the Rachni Queen leave. Now based on what I have available, the next thing is to head to Ferros, but I would like to see if I can trigger getting the message to go to Vermire first, so maybe a side trip to the Citadel is in order. 

Either way, we're continuing Mass Effect tomorrow night, and the stream will start after 9 PM as I was told we'll have work Tuesday to Friday this week.

For the raid we dropped in on baenalux who was playing Mass Effect: The Legendary Edition

Mass Effect Achievements

  • Lift Mastery: Use biotic Lift 75 times
  • Singularity Mastery: Use biotic Singularity 75 times

 Made use of the Air Fryer I was given to make some eggs, and they turned out alright I think, tasted pretty good.

 Currently in the middle of writing a WWE related commission story, which is about 30% finished at this point. I'll be working on it the rest of the night with the goal of finishing it before work tomorrow night.

And that's all the notes I have for today!

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Overwatch and other notes

Merry Christmas Eve everyone,

Tonight's stream of Overwatch certainly saw me losing my mind with some things other players were doing, but overall we had fun. We did have fun, playing as Junker Queen, Brigitte, Reaper, Orissa, Reinhart, Moira, Mei and several others. Big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of the fun.

Also we ran into a big where if people left matches,there was no one to backfill, it happened about five times and was quite annoying

And yes I did forget to take a screenshot tonight, that is why we have one for Mass Effect lol.

Our Christmas Day stream will feature Mass Effect

For the raid we went over to neperrati who was playing Catherine: Full Body

Set up the new TV my brother gave me in the living room, it's placed in a spot where it can be viewed from most areas, granted at an elevated position.

Going to be working on the Mass Effect story commission for the rest of the night, had to change some things around based on that the client wanted to give the story some decent pacing.

Good night!

Smite, Rock Band and other notes

Today I turned 41 and it was a great birthday. My brother and his family came over, so my nieces got their Christmas presents. I was gifted some shirts, hates, a tv and an air fryer (which I'm looking forward to using once I make space for it in the Kitchen). This was awesome.

Tonight's stream was mostly going to feature Smite once I made up my mind and we were doing well, winning several matches and playing as Skadi and Athena, but then we ran into a series of lobbies where people were leaving or not making a selections.

So I said fuck it and we loaded up Rock Band 4, and sang the night away, with tunes by Van Halen, Billy Joel, Bon Jovi and various other artists, It might end up being archived on the Youtube channel, we'll see,or I might have to cut out the entire Rock Band portion.

Tomorrow's stream will feature Overwatch 2 on Christmas Eve!

For the raid we went over to elegantlyslays who was playing Friday The 13th 

I did some light writing today to work on a Mass Effect commission which I'll be working on all day on tomorrow and into Monday to get done. Would like to get it over 4000 words if possible.

Good night!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Alan Wake and other notes

Tonight we knocked out Chapters 4 and 5 of Alan Wake having a few deaths along the way, but put us in a great position to finish the game next Friday to make it the final game we finish this year. Forgot how awesome the Barry and the Sheriff are in the fifth chapter. The sixth and final chapter should only take maybe an 90 minutes to two hours, so we might do some Persona Dancing behind it next Friday as well. We'll see how that shakes out

Now I'm not sure what I'm doing for my Birthday stream, if we do Mass Effect we'll basically put our selves in position to basically finish the game super earlier than anticipated. Of course we could still finish Mass Effect before the end of the year since I can start Monday's stream early (depending on writing of course)

For the raid we went over to chlomos who was also playing Alan Wake.

Alan Wake Remastered (PS4) Trophies

  • Medical Opinions: You listened to Hartman's recordings.
  • Collateral Carnage: 20 Taken have been drowned, electrocuted, or dispatched by some other indirect means.
  • It's Not Just a Typewriter Brand: QWERTY? DVORAK? 50 Taken know it's neither.
  • Perchance to Dream: Oh, so THAT'S what happened.
  • Drink 'Em Both Up: You drank 'em bot' up.
  • Come One, Come All: You wiped out four Taken with a single flare.
  • What Light Through Yonder Window: It is the east, and the flaregun is the sun to 50 Taken.
  • An Idyllic Small Town: You fought your way through the streets of Bright Falls without getting killed.
  • Gatekeeper: Truly, you are the master of floodgates.
  • The Lady of the Light: Cynthia Weaver has taken you to the Well-Lit Room.

Work was real good today, as we were able to start early and finish early, plus I got several interviews done. Also we'll have work next Tuesday through Friday as well, so we're rolling into 2024 on a good stretch.

Even though I don't intend to do any serious writing on Saturday because of my Birthday, I made good headway on a Mass Effect commission request that will probably be finished on Monday, based on what the client wants.

In fact I have a few large scale commission requests that are going to take me longer than usual to write.

Good night everyone!

Friday, December 22, 2023

Mass Effect and other notes

Tonight's stream of Mass Effect saw me having to do one side mission twice because the game soft locked, but outside of that it was pretty straight forward, as we covered all the side quests areas not related to Noveria or Feros. We ended up doing Bringing Down The Sky, and had a few critical mission failures on the pain in the ass minefield portion.

Now currently, Mass Effect is slated for Saturday, but since that is my birthday, we might do something else that night. I'm still not sure

Big thank you to Kalenal for the raid following their night of Final Fantasy XIV

For our raid we went over to intergalacticpants who was playing The Last of Us Part 1

Mass Effect Achievements

  • Stasis Mastery: Use biotic Stasis 75 times 

Work was really good today, even if one dude was a complete douche-canoe. There is questions about work for tonight however.

Got my nieces Christmas presents ready for them! Even if Amazon was a bit late with some added things I had wanted to get them.

Currently in the middle of writing a story based on the Netflix Punisher series, it'll probably be around 2300 to 2500 words at most.

Because of my birthday, I'm not planning to do any writing on Saturday, so I'll have to double down on Sunday and Monday.

My Aunt wants to visit next Saturday, which will mean probably another day where I won't be able to get any writing done. (Sigh)

Good night folks!

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Journey to the Savage Planet and other notes

Tonight Iceman and I wrapped up the last remaining achievements were able to get in our long play-through of Journey to the Savage Planet, we ended up needing a guide to find the last few plants and creatures. We also did some extended chatting on Fantasy Hockey, Baseball and considering what will be the featured game on Wednesdays.

Starting next week we'll be playing Sea of Thieves, now played it years ago, so I'm hoping we'll be able to get a tutorial to remember how to play. Of course when I played it, it was on PC.

Tomorrow night we're back to Mass Effect with side quests and possibly the Bringing Down The Sky 

For the raid we went over to zonesama for some retro TV shows

Journey to the Savage Planet: Employee of the Month Edition Achievements

  • Your Friendly Neighbourhood...: Execute 10 consecutive grapples without touching the ground. You're like some kind of arachnid-man.
  • The Answer is 42: Fully decrypt and watch the tower origin transmission.
  • Who Is Teratomo?: Collect and read every Alien Explorer Log.
  • Zoologist: Scan all the creatures on AR-Y 26!
  • Botanist: Scan all the flora on AR-Y 26!
  • Turdball Wizard: Consecutively bounce on 5 different Springy Egg Sacs. It's like an ethically-iffy bouncy castle!

Work was alright, and it appears we may night be having the usual holiday down period which will be very good for me if that's the case

Still working on the Rooster Teeth commission request, I was hoping to finish it during the afternoon, but now I'll be up right till 4 AM to finish this.

And on that note good night!



Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Mass Effect and other notes

Tonight's stream of Mass Effect saw more bopping around the Galaxy and doing the side mission, as we're putting off doing the main story missions as long as possible. Thankfully as we level up, running as an Adept-Bastion has meant Shepard can take more hits with a stronger barrier and there are quicker cool downs. We still came across a few extra side missions, so we can start with those next time we play... and chances are we'll do Bringing Down The Sky as the first major story thing in the game.

Next time Mass Effect will be featured will be on Thursday

Tomorrow's stream will feature Journey to the Savage Planet with Iceman as we look to find the last remaining things to 100% complete the base game.

For the raid tonight we went over to lilmoolah_ who was playing Cyberpunk 2077

Work was solid tonight, and I got some insight on the people running to replace George Santos

Currently in the middle of writing a Rooster Teeth story to fulfill a commission request, and I certainly have the attitude of 'lets just get it done and get paid'

Got a Christmas card from my pops, and we talked for a few minutes for the first time in six months. It was what it was.

Good night

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Mass Effect and other notes

Tonight's stream of Mass Effect saw a big focus on finding side missions to level up quickly (but getting out of the Mako whenever possible to fight things on the ground) along with grinding out using the biotic barriers, knocking off Warp, Barrier and Throw pretty easily (and withing a few minutes of each other). We knocked off the Geth invasion arc, making sure to give Tali the information. 

On Tuesday's stream we'll head to the Earth's Moon to deal with what is Edi's origin story first, and then get back on the grind.

For the raid we dropped in on SweetLindir who was playing Smite

Mass Effect Achievements

  • Warp Mastery: Use biotic Warp 75 times
  • Barrier Mastery: Use biotic Barrier 75 times
  • Throw Mastery: Use biotic Throw 75 times 

Work was solid, even if some people wanted to be dicks about giving their opinions about organizations that help the disenfranchised.

Currently in the middle of writing at Batman: Arkham Origins related commission story, and I got about 13 more in the queue. Which is going to help me recover financially from paying my house taxes for February two months early 

Good night foks!

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Overwatch and other notes

Tonight we had the usual mix bag of Overwatch 2, with plenty of wins and losses and wondering what the hell some random teammates were doing. We did have a few big moments, plus we were joined by PandaSweet for some really good matches. Played as Brig, Winston, Junker Queen, Reaper, Orissa, Ashe, Baptiste, and several other characters.

Some have asked why I don't play Mercy, it's just that I don't like using her with a controller.

Anyway Overwatch 2 will return on Sunday for the Christmas Eve stream.

Tomorrow night we're playing Mass Effect, continuing the Bitching Biotic run!

For the raid we dropped in on intergalacticpants who was playing Mass Effect Andromeda

Had some writers block last night and didn't get to sleep until 7 AM, while not waking until 2 PM.

I did get over 1300 words written in the AEW commission request I have on the docket, but I am looking for this story to be close to 4000 words long, if not longer.

And with that good night folks!

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Mass Effect and other notes

Tonight we started up another Mass Effect run where we're playing as an Adept class and will be limited to using Garrus and Liara for the vast majority of the game, and I one thing I forgot to do was to give Shepard an additional weapon trait, so I basically made this run a lot harder than it probably needs to be. We did pretty much everything possible on the Citadel along with rescuing Liara in a stream that lasted about six hours.

Mass Effect will return on Monday as we'll focus on doing side missions before focusing on Noveria or Ferros.

Sunday's stream will feature Overwatch 2

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal playing Final Fantasy XIV 

Got a fair bit of writing done, knocking out a commission request based on The Flash, next story on the commission docket is based on AEW. I'll be starting on that in a bit

The new animated emotes are now available for Tier 1 subscribers over on my Twitch channel!

And that's about it for today!

Good night!

Alan Wake Remastered and other notes

Tonight's stream of Alan Wake was a bit odd with as we only knocked out Episode Three , which oddly took me longer than I would have thought as I was looking to knock out two chapters on tonight's stream. That said, we got a lot of achievements done which were related to combat, which was nice, I do want to make sure Alan Wake to be the last game we finished this year so we have an even total of 52.

Tomorrow night, we're starting up the Biotic run of Mass Effect (360), of course we're doing a FemShep run, and will go full renegade because I want to call it the Bitching Biotic saga.

For the raid we dropped in on misscammi316 who was playing Smite 

Alan Wake Remastered (PS4) Trophies

  • Sound and Fury: You blasted four Taken into ashes with a single flashbang.
  • Damn Good Cup of Coffee: You have found 25 coffee thermoses.
  • Back! Back, I Say!: You bought yourself some breathing time with a flare.
  • Heavy Metal: You destroyed the bulldozer.
  • Thunder and Lightning: 50 Taken have felt your fury. Also, your flashbangs.
  • Two For the Price of One: You took out two Taken with a single barrel.
  • The Six-Gun Scribe: You capped 100 Taken with the revolver.
  • They're Heeeeeere!: You have destroyed 20 poltergeist objects.
  • Iron Horse: You made the train engine run out of steam.
  • Wheels Within Wheels: You found the kidnapper, but what he had to say wasn't what you wanted to hear.

Work was brutal, the assingment I'm on had people interested in doing it, but the amount of probing and clarifications needed made what should be a 25 minute survey take nearly double that.

Currently in the process of writing commission story based on the Flash, the goal is to finish it on Saturday, but I'll work on it before going to bed.

Did pick up a couple of things cheap on the end of year Xbox Sale.

The new animated emotes certainly should be added to the Twitch channel on Sunday at the latest. If they are delivered to me early, I'll try to have them up for tomorrow's stream

Good night

Friday, December 15, 2023

The Quarry and other notes

Tonight we wrapped up The Quarry, keeping most people alive... or at the very least the most likeable characters alive, as well as finding 80% of the clues, which pretty much got us the best possible ending on a time play through without trying to do various objectives (As indicated by the epilogue). We did pass up on the Laura reunited with Max achievement, because that would have been too sappy. Will we play this again? Oh yeah, it's easily a three night game, I'll just have to remember to do things from the chapter select menus and not start a new game out right.

Strongly considering starting up the Mass Effect Biotic run on Saturday, but we may do something else if I feel there's another game we can knock out in short order. Alan Wake may be that game, we'll see.

And speaking of that, Alan Wake Remastered will be featured on Friday night's stream.

For the raid we went over to rumhamshmah who was playing South Park The Fractured But Whole

The Quarry Achievements

  • Forewarned is Forearmed: Got a Tarot reading
  • Chapter 8: Completed Chapter 8
  • You're Breathtaking!: Passed 5 Don't Breath events
  • Phlebotomy: Accepted the bite of a werewolf
  • Above the Law: Travis and Laura agreed to work together
  • Chapter 9: Completed Chapter 9
  • The White Wolf: Killed Silas
  • Chapter 10: Completed Chapter 10
  • Epilogue: Witnessed the Epilogue 

Work was really good tonight, despite some slight weirdness

Currently in the middle of writing a Resident Evil story to knock out a commission request, will work on that first thing in the morning (depending on how long it takes me to record The Casual Review for The Quarry)

We should have new emotes for the Twtch channel by Sunday. I saw how the rough draft looks, and they look great!

 Good night!

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Journey to the Savage Planet and other notes

Tonight, Iceman and I  spent the evening finding many of the items and completing the requirements to get all upgrades as we close in on 100% completing all in game objectives for Journey to the Savage Planet. We have a few plants and animals to find, along with the remaining alien tablets and explorer logs. We should be able to pull that off next Wendesday in pretty short order.

Of course the stream opened with my putting on the wrong headset, which was the one I use for work, as opposed to earbud I use for voice chat. Plus I had the wrong shirt on as well, lol.

Our next stream will feature The Quarry as we'll have a good shot of finishing that, since we don't have to worry about anything involving Emma or Jacob

 For the raid we dropped in on ZoneSama for some Christmas related cartoons, including The Real Ghostbusters

Journey to the Savage Planet: Employee of the Month Edition Achievements

  • Stronger, Faster, Probably Poisonous: Recklessly and irresponsibly eat every Orange Goo on AR-Y 26.
  • Scott Norwood in the Hizzy...: Kick 25 Pufferbirds and 25 Maroons. It's ok. I don't know who Scott Norwood is either.
  • Shocking: Stun 5 creatures simultaneously with Shock Fruit. Stone cold.
  • The $600 Man:  3D-print all the 3D-printables. After that, go ahead and 3D-print yourself a gold star! 

Work was a struggle, as I didn't get a complete until the end of the shift.

Currently in the middle of writing a WWE related commission which I'll be working on after I post this blog. I figure it's about 60% complete at this point.

Found someone who could do animated emotes over on Fiver, hopefully I'll have those by the end of the week, and a new opening song before my birthday.

Good night folks!

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Quarry and other notes

Tonight's stream of the Quarry ran longer than I thought, but we did knock out chapters three through seven, and lost Emma and Jacob in the process due to... bad choices being made. Chapter 7 with Laura certainly was a long chapter, an I did remember various things from my PS4 playthrough such as cutting off Dylan's hand when he gets bit. The plan is to continue The Quarry on Thursday's night stream, and potentially we could finish it then if I choose to extend the stream.

Wednesday's night stream is planned to feature Journey to the Savage Planet with Iceman, if he's available. If he's not, then we'll continue The Quarry

For the raid we went over to who was playing Baldur's Gate 3 and Paladins

The Quarry Achievements
  • Chapter 3: Completed Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4: Completed Chapter 4
  • Reactionist: Activated 15 Interrupts
  • Just a Flesh Wound: Saved a friend from infection
  • Chapter 5: Completed Chapter 5
  • Chapter 6: Completed Chapter 6
  • Bizzare Yet Bonefide: Listened to the podcast
  • Chapter 7: Completed Chapter 7
Work was solid, pretty even if not to spectacular. 

Didn't finish the Star Wars commission story I had slated for today, so I'll be working on that before I go to bed.

Had to swap controllers for the Xbox Series console due to stick drift issues, which meant I had to get two back ups.

Good night!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Quarry and other notes

Tonight's stream featured The Quarry, this time playing the Xbox Series version, and I after two chapters, I still haven't found any of the tarot cards, but at the same time I'm glad I didn't find them because now I have to try and make the right choices without any hints. I also forgot how much of a tool Jacob was as a character, but I did find Emma's bracelet which I didn't do on my PS4 playthrough last year.

We'll continue The Quarry picking up with the start of Chapter 3 tomorrow night

For the raid we went over to MissCammi316 who was playing Fears to Fathom: Ironbark Lookout

The Quarry Achievements

  • What's This?: Collected first clue
  • Prologue: Completed the Prologue
  • The Truth is Out There: Collected first piece of evidence
  • Chapter 1: Completed Chapter 1
  • It's All Coming Together: Found a matching clue
  • Chapter 2: Completed Chapter 2 

Work was alright, got two interviews done.

Knocked out two story commissions one based on AEW and the other Spider-Man related, next one is tied in with Star Wars.

After four years I am going to have some new music intro music made for my streams, thankfully the person who did the majority of the music back in 2020 is still around.

And on that note good night! 

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight's stream of Overwatch was rather strange as it seemed to swing from a lot from one side dominating the other, which made things really unusual. Big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of the fun this evening. Character I used were Junker Queen, Anna, Tracer, Mei, Reaper and a few others.

Also played Overwatch on the Xbox Series console as opposed to the Xbox One, the tradeoff being faster load times at the expense of being able to save Plays of the Game, which is really weird.

Tomorrow night's stream will see us starting up The Quarry, which should be pretty fun. The Quarry is also slated for Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

For the raid we dropped in on elegantlyslays who was playing Dead by Daylight

Got my review of Asura's Wrath recorded, and it'll premier in March of 2024 over on my YouTube channel.

After I have a little something to eat I'm getting back to work on a commission request involving AEW, I got half of it done before the stream.

Have a good night!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Asura's Wrath And Other Notes

Tonight we wrapped up Asura's Wrath, and I do have to question as to why was episodes 19 to 22 which is the actual ending of the game's story not included when the game was originally release. Was Capcom that shady? And given how they monetized the hell out of Street Fighter IV, the answer is yes. Still I had a lot fun playing it, as and we ended up with a good chunk of achievements. We also featured the lost episodes that were the crossover with Street Fighter IV, and those were incredibly silly. I think I liked the Ryu vs Asura encoutner more than the Akuma one, but both were great.

 What game is going to replace Asura's Wrath in the line up this week? Well it's going to be The Quarry, which we'll put on the Xbox Series console since we already played it once on the PlayStation 4 side. Of course unlike last year, I'm not going to try and keep everyone alive

Our next stream will feature Overwatch 2

For the raid we went over to Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV

Asura's Wrath Achievements

  • It Takes Two: Defeat Deus with Yasha in Episode 17.
  • Karma: Complete Part III: Karma.
  • Ka-ching!: Accumulate a total of 120000 Battle points.
  • The Truth Hurts: Uncover the truth.
  • Be the Fist: Achieve an overall synchronic rate average of 80% on any difficulty.
  • CG Collector: Get all the CG art.
  • Art Appreciator: Get all the illustrations.
  • Movie Buff: Get all the movies and interludes.
  • Can't Touch That: Perform 100 counterattacks.
  • Lightning Reflexes: Achieve 150 EXCELLENT synchronic impact rankings.
  • Daddy's Angry: Defy the supreme being in Episode 19.
  • A Friend in Need: Protect your brother-in-law in Episode 20.
  • How Do Ya Like Me Now?: Receive a parting gift in Episode 21.
  • Blaze of Glory: Put an end to your wrath once and for all.
  • Nirvana: Complete Part IV: Nirvana.

 Finished a Spider-Man commission in the early afternoon and the next story on the docket is AEW related, too bad I know nothing about Julia Hart.

Got dinner from a new place called Wingstop, their BBQ Chicken Sandwich is quite good.

ANd on that note good night

Alan Wake Remastered and other notes

Tonight's stream of Alan Wake Remastered ran close to four hours because I was trying to find the chests, pages and coffee thermoses , but we did knock out two chapters, with only dying three times. I fully forgot about how between chapters the inventory resets, which makes conserving all the ammo almost pointless. If there is one thing that bothers me about this game is that it none of the awkward animations that some characters have, in particularly with the character of Barry.

Alan Wake Remastered will return next Friday night!

Our next stream will feature Asura's Wrath with the goal being to finish it along with as much of its DLC as possible before we move on.

For the raid we went over to weirdtiffz who was also playing Alan Wake

Alan Wake Remastered (PS4) Trophies

  • Follow the Light: You were enlightened by a dream.
  • Let There Be Light: You have restored power.
  • Float Like a Butterfly: You avoided getting hit -- with style!
  • Nordic Walking: Unlike Stucky, you enjoy incontestable health benefits. Namely, you're not dead.
  • Bright Falls' Finest: You finally managed to make that phone call.
  • Under a Thin Layer of Skin: You disobeyed the park ranger's instructions.
  • Finders Keepers: You have discovered five of the hidden chests.
  • Paging Mr. Wake: You have discovered 25 manuscript pages.
  • Missed by a Mile: You managed a slow-motion dodge 20 times
  • Park Ranger: You survived Elderwood National Park. 

Work was solid, couple of interviews were done, couple of real jerks tried to damper it with rude language.

Knocked out the RWBY x Justice League crossover story to fulfill commission request, next up is a Spider-Man commission story which should only take a couple of hours to write... more or less.

Did some grocery shopping today, picking up as much healthy alternatives as possible... but I forgot the salad dressing!

Good night!

Friday, December 8, 2023

Asura's Wrath and other notes

 We continued Asura's Wrath this evening, going from Episode 10 to 15, plus doing the glorified FMVs that were DLC chapters 11.5 and 15.5, which adds context to the story, but at the same time, really has some questionable choices. Really enjoying the game, and in terms of  the base game achievements we have nearly 50% of them, of course there is the question of how many achievements we'll get as I did see there are some tied to difficulty settings and game play modifiers.

Funny thing, apparently screenshots of Asura's Wrath are forbidden on Facebook... go figure, but not on tumblr.

Next time we'll play Asura's Wrath will be on Saturday, where we'll go through the rest of the game and the extended story, with luck we may even do the Street Fighter crossover stuff.

Friday's stream will feature Alan Wake Remastered

Asura's Wrath Achievements

  • View of the Valley: Continue to stare at the hot spring attendant's assets.
  • Like a Fish: Consume more alcohol than you should.
  • Sometimes I Feel Like...: Find all the peeping Doji at the hot spring.
  • Denied: Get scolded by your former master in Episode 10.
  • They Don't Stand a Chance: Defeat 50 enemies while in Unlimited Mode.
  • Shut Up, Augus!: Interrupt Augus' monologue.
  • Heads Will Roll: Completely lose it in Episode 12.
  • Rebirth: Complete Part II: Rebirth.
  • Rebel with a Cause: Do what you think is right in Episode 13.
  • Can't Touch This: Perform 50 counterattacks.
  • Taking Out the Trash: Defeat 300 enemies with heavy attacks and/or lock-on fire.
  • Unstoppable Force: Defeat 100 enemies while in Unlimited Mode.
  • A Cry of Anger: Activate Burst 50 times.
  • Quick on the Draw: Achieve 70 EXCELLENT synchronic impact rankings.

 For the raid we went over to zonesama who was featuring Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire

Work was solid tonight, no real complaints

Finished the wrestling related story after last nights's stream and started work on the RWBY x Justice League commission, and counting that I have 10 stories to write to earn extra income this month. 

I really hate how long the Amazon Prime reward codes for Dead by Daylight are... and too bad the developers of that game don't have a way to link an account to just have the redeem kick over.

Good night folks!


Thursday, December 7, 2023

Asura's Wrath and other notes

I've heard a lot about Asura's Wrath over the years, hearing how difficulty it is, and then I learned it has a mode for casual players... plus I looked at the achievement's list, there is no incentive to make this game any harder than it needs to be! So on that front I'm already on the path recommending this game for a casual experience. 

I do really like the presentation of Asuara's Wrath with everything playing out like an anime story arc. Asura's motivations for being very pissed off are more than justified with everything being laid out the way it is as well.

Looking forward to continuing it on Thursday' stream!

For the raid we went over to SweetLindir who was playing Hunt: Showdown

Asura's Wrath Achievements

  • Anger Management: Activate Burst for the first time in Episode 1.
  • Mortal: Achieve a D rank or higher on any episode.
  • Shut Up, Wyzen!: Interrupt Wyzen's monologue.
  • The Six-Armed Man: Grow a few extra limbs in Episode 5.
  • Suffering: Complete Part I: Suffering.
  • Pain Is Universal: Accumulate a total of 10000 in damage.
  • Shut Up, Kalrow!: Interrupt Kalrow's monologue.

 Work was 'meh' today, only one interview, hope tomorrow is better.

Nearly finished a WWE related commission request, going to bang that out before I go to bed.

Craig Kimbrel signed with Baltimore, too bad he ran out of gas, but without him the Phillies wouldn't have been in the playoffs at all.

Good night folks!

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Dead by Daylight and other notes

Tonight's stream of Dead by Daylight saw the realizing that the controller I use for the Xbox One was borked with a number of issues with the LT button,, then we had a match in DBD where I couldn't move... but beyond that we had a lot of fun, surviving a few matches, getting hooked, trying out the new killer (Chucky) and getting a few achievements. Did run into a few matches with real try harder killers and players, but it was a chill night.

Tomorrow's stream will feature Asura's Wrath which should be fun.

For the raid we dropped in on mikenaiders who was also playing Dead by Daylight, the raid destination was selected by long time friend of the channel LvStrkR

Dead by Daylight Achievements

  • Zealous: In a public match, get more than 8K blood points in one scoring category.
  • Adept Jill: Escape with Jill using only her 3 unique perks in a public match.
  • Flight to Freedom: In a public match, repair the generator in the eyrie and escape. 

Work was solid, got a few interviews done, but I did see how bad a hit I'm taking thanks to the three days off for Thanksgiving that I got stuck with. Gonna have to bang out a lot of stories to make up the difference and cash out the next payment from SubscribeStar.

Speaking of stories, since I recorded the casual review for Stray it did push back the story I was hoping to finish today based on Avatar The Last Airbender.

Also picked up the season pass for Overwatch, there are some neat skins, particularly for Junker Queen.

And on that note, good night!

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Stray and other notes

Tonight we wrapped up Stray and I actually remembered quite a bit from the previous play through to where I was able to avoid a lot of the death traps from before. I do kind of wonder what I missed or did wrong to not get certain achievements, but this is a game that has replay value and does have a chapter select so I can jump around to different points.

Our next stream will feature either Dead by Daylight or Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed, I'm leaning towards the former in terms of trying to get achievements, but of course the later is certainly a lot of fun just for the hell of it.

For the raid we went over to misscammi316 who was playing Smite

Stray Achievements

  • Cat's best friend: Nuzzle up against 5 robots.
  • Catwalk: Reach Midtown.
  • Scratch: Scratch the vinyl in the club.
  • Al-Cat-Raz: Go to jail.
  • Eye Opener: Complete the game and open the city.

Work was really good tonight even though we ran a bit over my scheduled time, but hey it was a good night.

Picked up a bunch of Funkos and more on the way, going to have a real solid display of them behind me on camera.

Amazon has a real problem in using so many boxes for small items that all could be put in one box. 

Finished a Resident Evil related commission and so the next one is based on Avatar The Last Airbender

Going to record my casual review of Stray before I go to bed

See ya tomorrow!

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

 Today would have been my mom's 64th birthday, and well, she was on my mind all day, but it was made better since my brother and his family came over for a little party to remember her. 

Tonight's stream of Overwatch started an hour late because I was kind of out of it, but we did do a full four hour stream, and we were joined by PandaSweet fir a large chunk of it. We certainly had moments of questionsable teammates which drove us nuts, but we had a nice mix of wins and losses. Picked up three Plays of the Game as Junker Queen, and Soldier 76. Other characters used were Orissa, Genji, Echo, Torbjourn, Moira, Kiriko and Reinhardt. We also picked up an achievement as well, so all and all positive vibes.

Our next stream will see the continuation and possible wrapping up of Stray on Monday.

For the raid we went over to x_lumineee who was playing Sulka Game

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Rocket Man: Get 2 killing blows with a single use of Soldier: 76's Helix Rockets in Quick or Competitive Play.

I got one short story commission in progress based around Resident Evil with another seven stories behind it this week, two of which are subscription stories for my SubscribeStar page. 

Assuming we finish Stray on Monday, Tuesday we'll play Dead by Daylight or Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed.

Iceman won't be able to join us on Wednesday, so my next Xbox solo campagin game will start that night. which will be Asura's Wrath.

And on that note good night

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Stray and other notes

Tonight's stream was a bit shorter than usual for a Saturday because of the length of last night's stream. But at the same time, since we were playing Stray, I was able to remember 90% of the first half of the game so we were able to get all the way past AntVillage. 

Of course I was taking my time trying to find various things... and safe to say, since the stream was nearly four hours there was no chance to finish it in two hours. Did have a little trouble finding the last soda can and the yellow flowers, plus had a few deaths in the zurk chase sequences.

Anyway, Stray will return on Monday night's stream, and if we can get through the remainder of the game on that night, we'll probably do something like Dead by Daylight or Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed on Tuesday.

Our next stream for Sunday will featured Overwatch 2... and will be dedicated to my mom, as she would've been 64.

Stray Achievements

  • A Little Chatty: Meow 100 times.
  • Missed Jump: Fall inside the city.
  • Not Alone: Meet B-12.
  • Cat Got Your Tongue?: Have B-12 translate a robot.
  • Boom Chat Kalaka: Dunk the basketball.
  • Curiosity Killed the Cat: Wear the paper bag.
  • Cat-a-Pult: Jump 500 times.
  • Télé à chat: Browse through all of the TV channels
  • Meowlody: Bring all the music sheets to Morusque.
  • Cat-a-strophe: Try to play mahjong with the robots.

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV 

Did get dinner from the 45th Street Pub, really didn't want to cook anything tonight.

Finished the NFL related commission story, and started up work on a Dragon Ball related commission, which should be pretty straight forward as way to highlight Mr. Satan.

Good night!

Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

Tonight we wrapped up Horizon Zero Dawn, extending the stream to six hours... I could have finished it sooner but I was trying to find various power cores for the ancient armor, plus quite a few cut scenes lasted a while, and I did go in deep on every side conversation where possible. But we did knockout about 70% of everything that was pretty much possible to do in the game with a few stray things that can be knocked out if I ever want to go back and try to do trophy clean up.

This game was as good as people say it was, will I want to play it again, start to finish? Probably on a new game plus run with all my gear and stuff.

The next PlayStation 4 game on the tour will be Alan Wake Remastered, which we'll start playing next Friday.

Our next stream on Saturday night will feature Stray!

For the raid we went over to missbrittgaming who has started their first play through of Horizon Zero Dawn!

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • Reached Level 60: Reached player level 60.
  • All Frozen Wilds Skills: Learned all of the new skills in the Frozen Wilds.
  • Crashed the Eclipse network: Infiltrated the Eclipse battle camp and crashed their network.
  • All Skills learned: Learned all available skills.
  • Aided the defectors: Aided the escapes of Uthid and the child king Itamen from the Shadow Carja
  • Discovered the truth: Discovered the truth of Zero Dawn.
  • Broke the siege of All-Mother: Defeated the invaders and went inside the sacred mountain.
  • Recovered a powerful weapon: Explored the Mountain That Fell and recovered a powerful weapon.
  • All allies joined: Given Aloy's actions, all possible optional allies joined the defense.
  • Ended the war machine threat: Ended the threat of the ancient war machines.

Work was solid tonight, got three interviews, even if some dudes were just rude... one person was a real treat to speak to even it took 40 minutes.

Didn't finish the story I had on deck for Friday, so it gets pushed back to Saturday. This is due to recording my casual review for Persona 5 Tactica, since I do like to record those as soon as I finish a game. In fact I'll be doing one for Horizon Zero Dawn before I go to bed as well.

Sunday would have been my mom's birthday... and that is weighing on my mind a lot.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Persona 5 Tactica and other notes

Tonight we wrapped Persona 5 Tactica, and I have to say, start to finish, this was a great little game, a nice way to introduce people to the mechanics involved in a tactic style game. The story certainly lost a little steam with the whole fight for your beliefs in the face of stagnation, but since it was focused on a politician finding his nerve to do the right thing, it does come across as ironic considering how the Republican party here in the United States refuses to do the right thing. 

Without question I will play this again, as there are only two achievements left, one for completing the compendium and the other for passing the the baton ten times. There is also the mater of the DLC story, but since I don't care for the character of Akechi I can easily treat the DLC as something extra to do (since there are no achievements tied to it)

So that said, our next game will be the Xbox Series version of Stray, which we'll start on Saturday night.

For our next stream on Friday, we'll be getting back to Horizon Zero Dawn

Persona 5 Tactica Achievements

  • A Will for Change: Defeated the fourth Kingdom's boss.
  • Endless Journey: Played through 500 turns.
  • The Ultimate Mask: Fused Satanael.
  • Quality Time at Leblanc: Watched all hideout Talk conversations.
  • Grand Thievery: Earned all awards.
  • A Tale of Revolution: Completed the game. 

For the raid we dropped in on rumhamshmah who was playing South Park: The Fractured But Whole 

Picked up some new slippers and a bunch of Funko Pops off of Amazon real cheap. Picked up few based on WWE, Marvel, Star Wars, Justice League and the US Marine Corp

Finished a Mass Effect story commission and waiting for the payment on that, and started work on the next commission request which is based on a recent game in the NFL

And on that note, good night!