Saturday, December 9, 2023

Asura's Wrath And Other Notes

Tonight we wrapped up Asura's Wrath, and I do have to question as to why was episodes 19 to 22 which is the actual ending of the game's story not included when the game was originally release. Was Capcom that shady? And given how they monetized the hell out of Street Fighter IV, the answer is yes. Still I had a lot fun playing it, as and we ended up with a good chunk of achievements. We also featured the lost episodes that were the crossover with Street Fighter IV, and those were incredibly silly. I think I liked the Ryu vs Asura encoutner more than the Akuma one, but both were great.

 What game is going to replace Asura's Wrath in the line up this week? Well it's going to be The Quarry, which we'll put on the Xbox Series console since we already played it once on the PlayStation 4 side. Of course unlike last year, I'm not going to try and keep everyone alive

Our next stream will feature Overwatch 2

For the raid we went over to Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV

Asura's Wrath Achievements

  • It Takes Two: Defeat Deus with Yasha in Episode 17.
  • Karma: Complete Part III: Karma.
  • Ka-ching!: Accumulate a total of 120000 Battle points.
  • The Truth Hurts: Uncover the truth.
  • Be the Fist: Achieve an overall synchronic rate average of 80% on any difficulty.
  • CG Collector: Get all the CG art.
  • Art Appreciator: Get all the illustrations.
  • Movie Buff: Get all the movies and interludes.
  • Can't Touch That: Perform 100 counterattacks.
  • Lightning Reflexes: Achieve 150 EXCELLENT synchronic impact rankings.
  • Daddy's Angry: Defy the supreme being in Episode 19.
  • A Friend in Need: Protect your brother-in-law in Episode 20.
  • How Do Ya Like Me Now?: Receive a parting gift in Episode 21.
  • Blaze of Glory: Put an end to your wrath once and for all.
  • Nirvana: Complete Part IV: Nirvana.

 Finished a Spider-Man commission in the early afternoon and the next story on the docket is AEW related, too bad I know nothing about Julia Hart.

Got dinner from a new place called Wingstop, their BBQ Chicken Sandwich is quite good.

ANd on that note good night

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