Saturday, December 9, 2023

Alan Wake Remastered and other notes

Tonight's stream of Alan Wake Remastered ran close to four hours because I was trying to find the chests, pages and coffee thermoses , but we did knock out two chapters, with only dying three times. I fully forgot about how between chapters the inventory resets, which makes conserving all the ammo almost pointless. If there is one thing that bothers me about this game is that it none of the awkward animations that some characters have, in particularly with the character of Barry.

Alan Wake Remastered will return next Friday night!

Our next stream will feature Asura's Wrath with the goal being to finish it along with as much of its DLC as possible before we move on.

For the raid we went over to weirdtiffz who was also playing Alan Wake

Alan Wake Remastered (PS4) Trophies

  • Follow the Light: You were enlightened by a dream.
  • Let There Be Light: You have restored power.
  • Float Like a Butterfly: You avoided getting hit -- with style!
  • Nordic Walking: Unlike Stucky, you enjoy incontestable health benefits. Namely, you're not dead.
  • Bright Falls' Finest: You finally managed to make that phone call.
  • Under a Thin Layer of Skin: You disobeyed the park ranger's instructions.
  • Finders Keepers: You have discovered five of the hidden chests.
  • Paging Mr. Wake: You have discovered 25 manuscript pages.
  • Missed by a Mile: You managed a slow-motion dodge 20 times
  • Park Ranger: You survived Elderwood National Park. 

Work was solid, couple of interviews were done, couple of real jerks tried to damper it with rude language.

Knocked out the RWBY x Justice League crossover story to fulfill commission request, next up is a Spider-Man commission story which should only take a couple of hours to write... more or less.

Did some grocery shopping today, picking up as much healthy alternatives as possible... but I forgot the salad dressing!

Good night!

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