Saturday, December 16, 2023

Mass Effect and other notes

Tonight we started up another Mass Effect run where we're playing as an Adept class and will be limited to using Garrus and Liara for the vast majority of the game, and I one thing I forgot to do was to give Shepard an additional weapon trait, so I basically made this run a lot harder than it probably needs to be. We did pretty much everything possible on the Citadel along with rescuing Liara in a stream that lasted about six hours.

Mass Effect will return on Monday as we'll focus on doing side missions before focusing on Noveria or Ferros.

Sunday's stream will feature Overwatch 2

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal playing Final Fantasy XIV 

Got a fair bit of writing done, knocking out a commission request based on The Flash, next story on the commission docket is based on AEW. I'll be starting on that in a bit

The new animated emotes are now available for Tier 1 subscribers over on my Twitch channel!

And that's about it for today!

Good night!

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