Tuesday, January 4, 2022

I Finally Saw Ghostbusters: Afterlife... I Loved It

Good morning everyone,

Because of Covid and my anxiety, discomfort and outright unease about being around more than a couple of people, I did not go to see Ghostbusters: Afterlife in theaters... but that has been corrected. I pre-ordered to watch it digitally via Amazon on Sunday night, and exactly at 12:15 AM last night, I sat down to watch it, I turned off the lights, my second monitor, and I sat in the dark watching what clearly was the best movie I've seen in probably the last 15 years. The story made sense, there weren't any out of place jokes for the sake of being demeaning to someone based on their gender, everything built on things being discovered gradually because there was a plan... or rather Egon's back-up plan. The most important detail about the plot of Ghostbusters: Afterlife is how Egon dies in the very beginning... what was in his hand... the P.K.E. meter, it's as if he knew the fate of the world was going to be on those left he left behind, his friends and family. Trust me, it makes a lot of sense, as the theory I've always had in regards to what could actually cause a real life haunting is that if something happened to someone that would leave a large enough psychic and emotional imprint, a spiritual apparition could form tied to its familiar surroundings.

So how about I talk about last night's stream of  Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, and people saw that I used the wireless controller since I wanted to knock out some things related to the Bartending side stories... and what I quickly discovered, and what Iceman pointed out when he saw it, is that shaking the controller is reminiscent of all the jokes related to using a Shakeweight... which, well, let's just say there's a reason why that particular workout fad got spoofed by not only South Park but the Adult Film Industry. Still, we did see that Xsana and Lyra are both really mean drunks that have no memory of what happens after they have a few drinks. And of course this allowed for some in game comedy regarding Kenshiro's reactions.

Also found another sub-stories that involve racing, finding prime beef that shows Kenshiro can beat meat (Pun intended), did a few bounties.... but as far as the main story goes? Well Chapter 7 is what we started, and that lead to the epic show down with Thouzer in the Night Club, and I believe I did see him in what little I've seen of the Fist of the North Star anime back in the early 2000s when it was airing on Encore Action. I do know for tonight's stream we will start with some bounties and then transition the game to 'night' to advance the story.

Following the stream we sent the fun over to AnnieTalksShow who was playing Overwatch, which is something you know I do every Sunday! Anyway you can check out their streams over at twitch.tv/AnnieTalksShow!  

Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise Trophies

  1. The Man who Revealed the Truth: Completed Chapter 7.

Twitch Clip Links

Obviously with me watching a movie last night, I didn't play any Final Fantasy XIV, also didn't get any work done on a new commissioned fic that someone peaked my interest with either... which I really should tackle considering how upside down things have been since the passing of the manager at my day gig last week and what was expected for this week

That said, I did turn my attention to the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection to knock off the last two games I've yet to beaten in it, Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (which I first played on a Sega Genesis was back in the mid 90s), and then that left the original Street Fighter. Using the 30th Anniversary Collection's save state feature, I picked up from a prior save against Adon and basically brute forced my way through him and Sagat... and like so many other people, I will never play the original Street Fighter ever again! The only achievements left are all online multiplayer playing in ranked matches. I might have a shot if I play Street Fighter Alpha 3, since Sakura is in that one, but I don't think I'll pursue that challenge.

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection Achievements

  1. Challenge Everyone!: Beat Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers.
  2. Fighting in the Street: Beat Street Fighter.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout Featured Body Uppercut Combo, Body Hook Combo and Uppercut Combo #2 for a duration of 28 minutes and an estimated calorie burn of 432 kcal. With today's session (and a little extra), I unlocked the final EX achievement for Karen, which brings the completion of the EX achievements up to 85%. With tomorrow's session, I'm switching back to Janice to begin the chase for her final achievement.

Fitness Boxing 2 Rhythm & Exercise EX Achievements

  1. Karen's Champion: Train with Karen for over 50 hours

For tonight's stream we shall continue Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, which should be a lot of fun.

So we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

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