Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Side Content Is What Carries Fist Of The North Star: Lost Paradise

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise certainly featured some bizarre things, such as having to stare at Xsana for three minutes straight, having to fight Jagi from a First Person Point Of View  Perspective... but the length of the main campaign is certainly coming into question. If I subtract the time of me just roaming around, looking for side quests, playing the mini-games and so forth... then that tells me the main story is only maybe 10-12 hours at the most. Don't get me wrong, I get why that is, as all the side stuff is meant to keep people playing with goals in mind.

Hell, I've fallen for the trap that is FotNS:LP's side content, it certainly is a lot of fun, even if certain things feel as if its meant to handicap the player to some degree (the race against Diego for example), and the reoccurring bounties can be a little silly but considering the 10 Million IDL debt Kenshiro gets put under is a major part of the game's side story. Not to mention finding little things like seeing Kenshiro hand out groceries and other mini cut scenes is a nice motivator.

That said, we did finish chapter eight, so that leaves three chapters left, so we could a few more streams left of this game, and if I want to just throw it in for a night of just mindless tomfoolery. Will be interesting to see how I choose to feature Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise after eventually finishing the main story.

On a different note, I did watch some of Dub of the North Star, and the three videos that did abridged parodies of some of the big story arcs...they were interesting to say the least.

Big thanks to FelKimChi for the raid during the stream! They were playing Minecraft, working on a rail! Their channel is over at!

Following the stream we raided Joliet4 who was playing Borderlands 2! They often do music streams and can be found over at!  

Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise Trophies

  1. Ahem. Yuria?: Stare at Xsana in First Person Mode for 3 minutes straight.
  2. Battler Royale: Complete 50 encounters each in Eden and the Wasteland, 5 scripted encounters, and 5 in-store battles.
  3. The Man who Broke Ties: Completed Chapter 8.

Twitch Clip Links

With today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout, we're back to using Janice as the trainer! The Exercises for today were Left-Right Step Combo, Advanced Combo #2 and Double Combo #2 for a duration of 31 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 556 kcal.

Knocked off three achievements in Dead or Alive 5: Last Round, which I'm surprised were all Diamond ranked considering they involved triggering the Danger Zones on three different stages. 

Dead or Alive 5 Last Round Achievements

  1. Tango Kilo November: Trigger the Special Danger Zone in Hot Zone.
  2. Gesundheit!: Trigger the Special Danger Zone in The Show.
  3. Catch and Release: Trigger the Special Danger Zone in Sky City Tokyo. 

Also more achievements unlocked in the Microsoft Solitaire Collection, it's getting really interesting to see what things I can add to my current streak of daily X-Box related achievements.

Microsoft Solitaire Collection (UWP) Achievements

  1.  Aces High: Cleared 3 Aces from the board in a sequence without using the stock pile
  2.  Snowfall Success: Won 10 Klondike games
  3.  Peak Jumper: Cleared a board where your last three cards cleared were at the top of each peak in TriPeaks
  4.  Good To Be King: Played a game of TriPeaks and Pyramid in which a King was the last card removed from a board

Played some Final Fantasy XIV, and I think I finished what was the initial Doma Enclave improvements as it related to the area called 'The Yard'. Also knocked out the MSQ quests Deep Designs and A Whale's Tale. Next time I play I know I'm going to be dealing with a dungeon and the end of the 5.2 content, which means I should be able to get back to the Eden side-story

For tonight's stream, we shall lead off with Forza Horizon 4, seeing what carnage we can get up to in that, and then after 9 PM Eastern, it'll be Gears 5 with Iceman and LvStrkr!

So on thate note we'll see you later over on!

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