Monday, January 3, 2022

The Peppermint Bark Is Mine

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Overwatch was the wrap up of the chase for the three Winter Event skins for 2021, with the goal on unlocking the Peppermint Bark skin for Brigitte. Surprisingly we had quite a few wins and some good matches along the way... with one exception, a match where I had to report five people for game play sabotage. Still we got in matches as, Winston, Reinhardt, Mercy, Brigitte, Moira, Tracer, Bastion and Mei. Actually set a new personal best for freezing people in a round with 18 as Mei so that was pretty cool (Pun intended). Plays of the game were earned as, Reinhardt and Winston!

Something I realized that I forgot to do was to put together the video of all the Plays of the Game I had in Overwatch for last year. Granted it only goes back to February 20, because of the computer issues that occurred, but hey I remembered to do it. Overall I earned 246 Plays of the Game, goes to show I can have my fair share of big moments. Sadly, three clips had issues with how they were saved, so we just roll with the other 243. The video itself will be an hour and 40 minutes. At the time of this post, it was 65% uploaded to YouTube.

Big thank you to LvStrkr for re-subbing to the channel during the stream, the continued support is always appreciated!

Following the stream we sent the fun over to Flint_Locke who was doing a read aloud of the visual novel Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Tsumihoroboshi! You can check them out over at!

Twitch Clip Links

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Hook Combo #2, Beginner Combo #1 and Front-Back Step Combo for a duration of 28 minutes and an estimated calorie burn of 439 kcal. Now here is the progress on the EX Achievements I'm currently grinding towards

  • 49/50 Hours Trained with Karen for Karen's Champion
  • 388/400 Stamps Acquired for Honored Stamper
  • 530,360/540,000 total HITs for Immortal Weight Puncher
  • 84/100 percent of all EX Achievements acquired for King EX Fighter

I should be able to knock off the Karen's Champion achievement sometime this week,  while both Honored Stamper and Immortal Weight Puncher seem like things I might be able to accomplish towards the end of next week.

With Jump Force 100% completed, my attention for X-Bos achievements turns to Dead or Alive 5 Last Round. I knocked off a bunch in the summer of 2020, so now is seeing which ones of the remaining I can get. Some of them involve the tutorial and I hate that with fighting games, so I think I'll focus on things involving time played, mainly one hour in free training and the 100 online matches. But here are the ones I did accomplish tonight.

Dead or Alive 5 Last Round Achievements

  1. Rival Rampage: Fight online 10 times.
  2. Anybody, Anytime, Anywhere: Set "Throwdowns" to "Accept" and have 10 Throwdowns in Versus, Arcade, or Free Training mode.
  3. Change of Power: Press H+P+K during a Power Blow to tag in a partner and deliver a Tag Power Blow.

On the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection side of things, Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting was knocked off the list of games in  the collection to beat, so that just leaves the original Street Fighter and Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers. 

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection Achievements

  1. Hyperactive: Beat Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting.

I advanced the plot in Final Fantasy XIV yesterday afternoon with the main story quests A Sleep Disturbed and An Old Friend. The first saw an interesting take on the Riddle of the Sphinx and a surprising battle that was really well thought out, which made me kind of wish it was a trial or raid. The second quest basically sets the tone that Elidibus is going to be a lot more direct with his intention to be bring back the world he helped destroyed.... but considering this is taking place in the post game of Shadowbringers, it does raise some questions.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife was listed as being available digitally today, but I guess that was a false date as now it's listed for tomorrow, January 4th

For tonight's stream we shall be hooking up the PS4 to continue Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise, maybe I'll try to use the wireless controller to see if we can do the one set of bartender mini-games that is not possible with a wired controller.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!




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