Saturday, November 2, 2024

Achievement and Trophies Earned This Week

Untouchable in DOOM + DOOM II
Complete 8 different levels sequentially under par time without dying on Ultra-Violence or higher.

Hog Wild in Overwatch 2
Knock 2 enemies to their deaths with one use of Roadhog's Whole Hog in Quick or Competitive Play.

Reach the end of 'DOOM'.

Reach the end of 'DOOM II'.

Putting the "Cap" in "Caper" in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Successfully slipped Safi the bottle cap (Secret)

A Trick of the Light in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Found all photos in Chapter 1

Art Restoration in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Fixed all the paintings (Secret)

The Mail Gaze in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Retrieved the package for Vinh (Secret)

Split Decision in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Completed Chapter 1: Still Life (Secret)

Favor Saver in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Never cashed in your favor from Vinh (Secret)

Further Developments in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Found all photos in Chapter 2

Thirst Trip in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Watered both plants (Secret)

Bullet, Proof in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Completed Chapter 2: Penumbra (Secret)

Master Levels in DOOM + DOOM II
Reach the end of 'Master Levels for DOOM II'.

Evilution in DOOM + DOOM II
Reach the end of 'TNT: Evilution'.

Page Turner in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Read all staff books (Secret)

It's Complicated in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Romanced both Amanda and Vinh (Secret)

Face to Façade in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Completed Chapter 3: Spin (Secret)

Selfie Care in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Found all photos in Chapter 3

Plutonia in DOOM + DOOM II
Reach the end of 'The Plutonia Experiment'.

Legacy of Rust in DOOM + DOOM II
Reach the end of 'Legacy of Rust'.

Indiscriminate Headhunter in DOOM + DOOM II
Kill one of every enemy.

No Rest for the Living in DOOM + DOOM II
Reach the end of 'No Rest for the Living'.

Sigil in DOOM + DOOM II
Reach the end of 'Sigil'.

Heavy Petting in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Petted the cat (Secret)

Nothing Lasts Fur-Ever in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Found the cat's owner (Secret)

Home Sweet Home in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Helped Moses finish the gingerbread house (Secret)

Picture Taking in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Found all photos in Chapter 4

Fade to White in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Completed Chapter 4: Diptych (Secret)

Viewfinding in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Found all photos in Chapter 5

Archival Footage in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Found all photos in Life is Strange: Double Exposure

Commencement in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Finished Life is Strange: Double Exposure (Secret)

Tempest Fugit in Life is Strange: Double Exposure
Completed Chapter 5: Decoherence (Secret)

To Me, My X-Men! in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Play X-Men: Children of the Atom.

Hyper X Finish in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
KO an opponent in X-Men: Children of the Atom with a Hyper X move.

Heroes Never Give Up in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
In any game, use a continue for the first time.

Uncanny X-cellence in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Complete X-Men: Children of the Atom. (Continues OK)

War of the Gems in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Play Marvel Super Heroes.

A Whole New World of Pain in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Pull off an Air Combo in Marvel Super Heroes.

Across Infinity in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Complete Marvel Super Heroes. (Excludes auto mode. Continues OK)

The Crossover Begins in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Play X-Men vs. Street Fighter.

You Just Sit Back and Relax in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Eliminate all opponents without using your reserve character in X-Men vs. Street Fighter.

Mutations vs. Martial Arts in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Complete X-Men vs. Street Fighter. (Continues OK)

Welcome to the Adventure! in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Play Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter.

Remade With Real Power in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Complete Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. (Continues OK)

Bosom Buddies in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Call your Special Partner in Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes.

Let's Go Crazy! in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Play Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes.

Beyond the Battle in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Complete Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes. (Continues OK)

Exit, Stage Left in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Pull off a Snapback in Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes.

The Battle for Survival Begins! in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Play Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes.

Give 'Em the Ol' One-Two in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Deal simultaneous damage to active and reserve characters in Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes.

Galactic Smasher in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Pull off a Team Hyper Combo in Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (consumes 3 Hyper Combo Gauges).

I Wanna Take You for a Ride in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Complete Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes. (Continues OK)

If You Want Peace, Prepare for War in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Play The Punisher as Punisher.

Jaunt Across the Universe in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Play each game in the collection.

Oh, Thank You! in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Save Barbara from a jail cell in The Punisher.

One Batch, Two Batch, Penny and Dime in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Complete The Punisher. (Continues OK)

Master of the Universe in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Complete each game in the collection. (Continues OK)

Say Your Prayers! in MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Reach the top of the offline rankings in The Punisher.

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Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)