Saturday, October 26, 2024

Achievements Earned This Week

Influencer of the Ancient Station in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You have helped all ponies in the Ancient Station

Reaction in Action in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery

You got all the emojis!

Influencer of the Night in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You have helped all ponies in the Theater Night

Gardener Influencer in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You have helped all ponies in the Royal Gardens

Influencer of Main Square in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You have helped all ponies in Main Square.

Battle Buds in Costume Quest
Defeated a monster in combat with a friend by your side.

Downsized! in Costume Quest
Defeated BoJonn in battle.

Do the Monster Bash in Costume Quest
Got the jump on 10 monsters.

Skeet Shooting in DOOM + DOOM II
Kill 4 enemies in 1 shot with the Super Shotgun.

Make it Work in Costume Quest

Won the Autumn Haven Mall Costume Contest.

Dressed to Quest in Costume Quest
Acquired 5 Costumes.

Leave some for the rest of us! in Costume Quest

Collected a total of over 4,000 candies.
Dozer Dodger in Costume Quest
Defeated Metxel in battle.

Chompin' Champ in Costume Quest
Won all prizes in Bobbing for Apples.

Shoot It Until It Dies in DOOM + DOOM II
Finish off a Cyberdemon with the Pistol.

Alternate Dimension in DOOM + DOOM II

Find a secret level.

Kill It With Fire in DOOM + DOOM II

Immolate a total of 30 arachnoid enemies with the Incinerator.

Screen Wipe in DOOM + DOOM II
Obliterate 50 enemies with a single shot of the Calamity Blade.

The Last Gourdian in Costume Quest
Acquired the Pumpkin Costume.

All Decked Out in Costume Quest
Collected all Creepy Treat Cards.

Binary Bouncer in Costume Quest
Used the Robot Costume to Boost off of 15 different ramps.

Master of Disguise in Costume Quest
Used every Costume Ability in battle.

They'll be worth a lot someday in Costume Quest

Collected all Battle Stamps.

Mask-O'-Raider in Costume Quest
Completed all Quests in the game.

Sweet Justice in Costume Quest
Finished the game!

Short Stack in Costume Quest

Found the mysterious visitor in the cliffs of Repugia.

Playin' Hooky in Costume Quest
Used the Pirate hook on 5 unique ziplines.

Jeepers Peepers in Costume Quest
Acquired the Eyeball costume.

Revolutionary Hero in Costume Quest
Completed all quests in Repugia

Birdbrain Beatdown in Costume Quest

Defeated Araxia in battle.

Push it to the Limit in Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3: Slime Speedway
Drive through 50 boost pads

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Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)