Friday, May 31, 2024

Persona 4 Golden and other notes

Tonight's stream of Persona 4 Golden saw me make a huge mistake and we're now behind on two Social Links, Yosuke and Fox, this was due to me not realizing I could have turned in a side quest, and a snowball effect has developed.

Still Rise is now formally apart of the team, Naoto is starting to get involved in the story, and there are plenty of ideas in my head regarding different character combinations.

Saturday's stream is really looking like it will be dedicated to slice of life stuff, so there is a slim-chance we'll start work on the next Dungeon, but if we do, we'll do what we did before, fulfill the side-quests we picked up and knock out the added boss that is now in Rise's Palace.

 Persona 4 Golden will return on Saturday as we have Finals to take part in!

Tomorrow night we're starting J-Stars Victory VS+ on the PS4

For the raid we dropped in on  abenonymous who was playing God of War Ragnarok

Work was solid no complaints or anything to say about it

Finished one Spider-Man commission, and next up is another Spider-Man related one... well more Marvel in general but it does involve Spider-Man

Persona 4 Golden Achievements

  • Movie Buff: Go to 3 movies at 30 Frame.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Sea of Thieves and other notes

Tonight's Sea of Thieves Stream was very silly, as Iceman and I discovered how nuts things can get when it comes to chugging crog.

We also sunk a enemy vessel and found a butt ton of loot on Crescent Isle, though I did get stuck in a watery spot and had to be exploded to escape. We also did some fishing as well, managing to snag  two fishes

Plus made a move for the Fantasy baseball team we're currently in first place overall, and I'm hoping things shake out to where we can build on that lead.

Sea of Thieves returns next Wednesday

Tomorrow night we return to Persona 4 Golden... and we're not seeing Naoto's arc yet, turns out the character is being introduced

For the raid we dropped in on ZoneSama for their weekly Zone-Out stream.

Work was solid, hate that jobs were switched in the middle but oh well.

Got a good portion of the Spider-Man commission done, going to go back and forth on the action bits between two pairs of characters. 

Messed around with MultiVersus, some of the PVE things are cute, but the game does have issues with online, mainly with PC Players who lock in for a match and troll by not playing! That was a major reason why I stopped playing in the first place.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Persona 4 Golden and other notes

We got a lot done in Persona 4 Golden this evening, even with the late start because... things went very wrong for me during afternoon and early evening (not the last time I'll say that in today's notes).

So let's see, we rescued Rise, saw Teddy unlocking his Persona, got Yu up to level 60, started the Hanged Man and Devil Social links, caught a bug perfectly, shopped with Tanaka 5 times and oh yeah... continue to basically out pace the game's enemies by a factor of two to one.

At this point we are waiting for Rise to recover from her ordeal, but I already know the next arc will feature Naoto because of how drunk Dojima got. So finally, the best girl will be apart of the team. 

Persona 4 Golden will return on Thursday

Our next stream will either feature Sea of Thieves or MultiVersus, depends on Iceman's availability.

For the raid we dropped in on on MissCammi316 who was playing Smite

I was late to work today... I know how can I be late to work when I work from home. Answer, simple... things we horrible wrong for me in the late afternoon and early evening.

Finished writing the Teen Titans story, and started work on a Spider-Man related one. Hopefully I can have that done by Thursday

Persona 4 Golden Achievements

  • Moderate Bookkeeper: Register over 50% of the Compendium.
  • Going Nova: Deal over 999 damage in 1 attack.
  • Skilled Commander: Perform 50 All-Out Attacks.
  • The Lounge Is Closed: Rescue Rise Kujikawa.
  • Granter of Your Desires: Buy 5 things from Tanaka's Amazing Commodities.
  • Bug Hunter: Swing the net with perfect timing.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Persona 4 Golden and other notes

We got a lot done tonight in Persona 4 Golden as we started early (at around 8 PM) due to Memorial Day holiday, as the Investigation team has met Rise, Adachi still isn't a suspect yet, but Dojima is starting to get suspicious about our heroes.

We're about level 50, so we're certainly over leveling, this is thanks in large parts to how I explore everything, and we were grinding for specific items to fulfill side quests. The Compendium is already over 40% complete

So when we play Persona 4 Golden tomorrow, we'll be working our way through the 3rd Dungeon to rescue Rise, which probably opens up Teddy to be included in the party since he will no longer be the navigator. 

Thank you to samaell_alwahm for the raid following their stream of Genshin Impact

For the raid we dropped in on PradoxGamerAU who was playing Persona 4 Golden

No work today because of the Memorial day holiday

Finished the WWE story at about 2 AM last night, and the next story on the docket is Teen Titans related, which I already started writing.

This week's episode of the Daria reactions is recorded and will premier on Wednesday morning

Persona 4 Golden Achievements

  • The Nose Doesn't Always Know: Experience a fusion accident

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight's stream of Overwatch started off hot, with quite a few wins but things really tappered off tin a big way when I noticed players cheating and doing things that are not even possible.  

One shining example was a 76 who was literally floating in the air,

Still managed to get a play of the game as Doomfist knocking people off the ledges, and we were joined by PandaSweet which was awesome.

Overwatch 2 will return next Sunday.

Tomorrow night we are playing Persona 4 Golden, and we might start an hour or two early

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV

Did groceries today, a lot more vegetables and stuff as I want to try and eat healthier.

Started work on the WWE commission and it's about 50% complete, will be working on it for the rest of the night.

Also need to record this week's Daria Reaction video

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Persona 4 Golden and other notes

Our stream of Persona 4 Golden tonight saw us cover from around late May to June 21st, so a lot of progression of Social Links (nearly have Yosuke's completed) and seeing the first instance of Yukiko and Chie nearly killing people with their cooking. Adachi surprisingly comes across as way more charming than I would have assumed as well.

That said, I'm loving Kanji's character and seeing him early on, a lot of his quirks provide some great moments, but at the same time he exposes the flaws in Yosuke's character. In fact some things that happen are because of Yosuke provking Kanji.

That said, the 'campout' scene with Yukiko and Chie rooming with Yu and Yosuke is certainly fic worthy, right up there with basically the entire premise of Persona 5 Strikers and the camper-van.

Anyway Persona 4 Golden will return on Monday as we officially begin the Rise arc!

For the raid we visited samaell_alwahm who was doing an Art stream and also featuring Genshin Impact

Loaded up Just Dance 2020, and I certainly felt my weight when doing some dancing... also, trying to do those dances proves I have no rhythm.

Finished the WWE related story commission and the next one... is also WWE related and is already in progress

Fell down the well of the Pedro Racoon and RPG dance shorts on YouTube

Saw Becky Lynch's attire for the WWE PLE today, and damn that was incredible looking!

Ghost of Tsushima and other notes

Tonight we finally finished Ghost of Tsushima which we started way back on January 26, so about 15, 16 weeks later we have done everything in the base game, every single trophy was earned. 

Found a guide to locate the hidden shrines and apparently I just needed nine of them, so somewhere along the line I bowed to one.

I could have done without having to sneak back into the Castle Shimmura, but the final chase and duels against the Khan and Jin's Uncle's were cool.

Choose to spare the uncle because it is the clear renegade choice... and why not? Considering how he didn't have Jin's back, dishonoring him by letting him live makes total sense! 

Still glad that we've finished and we can move on to something else on Fridays..

Tomorrow night we're playing Persona 4 Golden

Thank you to Oldish22 for the raid following their stream of Final Fantasy XIV

For the raid we dropped in on djparticle who was playing Star Trek Online 

Replacing Ghost of Tsushima in the line up next Friday will be J-Stars Victory VS

Work was solid even though I didn't know I would even be working until 4 PM

Made good progress on a WWE related commission, its about 50% done should be able to finish it tomorrow

Ghost of Tsushima (PS4) Trophies

  • Honor the Unseen: Bow to 10 hidden altars across Tsushima.
  • The Vengeful Warrior: Complete all of Masako's Tales.
  • The Warrior Monk: Complete all of Norio's Tales.
  • Helping Sword Hand: Complete all Tales of Tsushima.
  • The Unbending Archer: Complete all of Ishikawa's Tales.
  • Sovereign End: Confront the Khan.
  • Master Liberator: Liberate the entirety of Tsushima Island.
  • A New Safe Haven: Liberate all occupied areas in Kamiagata.
  • Body, Mind, and Spirit: Complete all Hot Springs, Haiku, Inari Shrines, and Bamboo Strikes.
  • There Can Be Only One: Successfully complete every duel.
  • Mono No Aware: Leave the past behind and accept the burden of your new mantle.
  • Living Legend: Obtain all trophies.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Persona 4 Golden and other notes

Tonight we opened up with Kanji's Steamroom, as we stormed through all 10 floors, fighting every battle, seeking out every treasure chest and leveling up to level 38, meaning I will have to go ahead and fuse the Personas in the gaps from 27 to 38. Might try to knock that out off stream.

Anyway,  I did discover the status ailments in Persona 4 Golden are a lot more heavy hitting than they were in Persona 3 Portable and Persona 5 Royal, and I didn't really come across any items that would help cleanse the effects, and not every Persona has the ability to do that either.

Next time we play we're basically building towards the next story arc, as we wait for Kanji to recover and then look to meeting Rise.

Persona 4 Golden will return on Saturday

Tomorrow night we look to wrap up side-quests in Ghost of Tsushima, slim possibility I might start early depending on work (see below)

For the raid we dropped in on baphythesapphy who was also playing Persona 4 Golden

Work was solid as we closed out an assignment focused on things in Ohio. Not sure if we'll have work tomorrow because of the holiday weekend

Finished the Spider-Man commission story, next one is WWE related... might repurpose an old outline for it to try and knock it out quick.

Also shoulder felt better today, so I think I did strained it a bit doing some like exercisess

Persona 4 Golden Achievements

  • Tactical Fighter: Exploit enemy weaknesses 100 times.
  • Fill Your Hand: Get 50 Sweep Bonuses.
  • A True Man's Stand: Rescue Kanji Tatsumi.
  • Fusion Expert: Perform 50 Persona fusions.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Sea of Thieves, Spider-Man, Persona,

Iceman and I had a fun time in Sea of Thieves finding various treasures and crates of items to turn in. There was a question about trying to get twenty-chests on the ship, but we would need way more time and a lot more luck to pull that off.

Sea of Thieves will return next Wednesday, depending on Iceman's availability.

Tomorrow night we're back to Persona 4 Golden, with the goal of rescuing Kanji!

For the raid we dropped in on ZoneSama for the weekly Zone-Out stream

Work was a slog, felt half as productive as it did when compared to the last two nights

Worked on the Spider-Man commission story, had to do research into who the hell Dr. Young is in the Spider-Man 2 game for PS5 

Shoulder feels a little better than it yesterday

Borderlands 2 and other notes

Tonight we finished Borderlands 2, wrapping up with a total play time of 61.6 hours and 51 of 75 Xbox Achievements unlocked. Because we were over leveled and got our hands on on DLC related weapons and gear, we basically were able to steam roll Jack and The Warrior within a span of maybe 5 minutes (if that).

Overall I liked this play through a hell of a lot more than I did my first one on Steam where I didn't really have a clue and didn't have a plan on how to prepare for key battles, such as not knowing having acid weapons would be very important.

With Bordermands 2 wrapped up, Persona 4 Golden will move into being out main focus with Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday streams being dedicated to it.

Tomorrow night the plan is wither Smite or Sea of Thieves, depending on Iceman's availability 

For the raid we dropped in on AshRe_L who completed a speed run of Borderlands 2 in 5.5 hours!

Got another estimate on having the trees cut down... and was told $550... so I'll go with the first one once I scrape together the cash

Work was solid this evening, and I know I was about 40% over production so thing should work out in getting funds to deal with the rees

Finished the Legend of Zelda story, next up is a Spider-Man related commission

Borderlands 2 Achievements

  • Dang Girl You Ace At This Game: Won the most challenging round in Murderlin's Temple
  • Feels Like The First Time: Opened the chest at the bus stop in Fyrestone
  • Knowing Is Half The Battle: Completed the mission "Data Mining"
  • Cool Story, Bro: Defeated Jack
  • What does it mean?: I can't even capture it on my camera

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Borderlands 2 and other notes

Tonight we did more side quests in Borderlands 2 and progressed the story to where are basically in the final open area of the game to explore. Probably the big highlight was finding Donkey Mong and realizing it had barrels on its back for a Donkey Kong reference!

Beyond that, it was mostly just chaos and carnage, but because I got all turned around and navigating some areas were more annoying that others, we extended the stream an extra hour.

Also, we broke 1000 Gamer Score, so by normal Xbox 'completion' standards, we hit the pinnacle and showed we put in a ton of time.

We shall continue and possibly finish Borderlands 2 tomorrow

For the raid we dropped in on abenonymous who was playing God of War Ragnarok

Work was solid, we did a study focuses on Toledo, and a lot of the folks there were quite nice to talk to

Made good progress on the Legend of Zelda commission request and I should be able to finish it during the day tomorrow... and then put out the word for the top tier SubscribeStar folks to send in their story requests for June

 Got the first of two estimates to cut down the trees behind my house, $475, not bad. But I will get another estimate tomorrow.

Borderlands 2 Achievements

  • Urban Explorer: Discovered all named locations in Sanctuary, Opportunity, and Lynchwood
  • Definitely An Italian Plumber: Killed Donkey Mong
  • Bombs Away: Completed the mission "Toil And Trouble"

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight's stream of Overwatch was the usual, but we it was a double XP weekend, so by doing daily, weekly and event challenges we got closer to the completing the bonus tiers for titles in the battle pass.

We were joined by PandaSweet, which is always awesome as things could and sometimes did get silly with some things that happened.

Picked up one of Mercy related achievements, and I realize the other is for resurrecting a certain number of players without dying... don't think that's going to happen since I rarely play as Mercy. 

Overwatch 2 will return next Sunday

Tomorrow night we're playing Borderlands 2

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV

Already know the electric bill is in, which will be paid on Friday along with the Water Bill

Considering buying more salad stuff next time I do groceries so instead of cooking I can just rip open a bag and chow down.

Finished the Mass Effect commission request and it broke the 6000 word mark. Next story on the docket is based on Legend of Zelda

In regards to the Fantasy Baseball team, we won the week 6 to 4, winning in Runs (37 to 30), (Home Runs (8 to 6) RBI (36 to 27) Saves (5 to 4) ERA (2.008 to 3.58) and WHIP (0.88 to 1.07). We lost on Stolen Bases (6 to 8), Average (.250 to .276) and Wins (5 to 6)

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Group Health Plan: Restore 150 health for 4 allies without dying as Mercy in Quick or Competitive Play.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Persona 4 Golden and other notes

Tonight's stream of Persona 4 Golden saw us learn that Kanji is the next person that needs to be rescued and some things regarding his sexuality have not aged well, but we also got to see Naoto being more apart of the story as well to some degree as she has already been chatting with Kanji.

That said, a lot of the stream was spent building up social links, setting up and completing side quests before finally reaching May 22 to go hunting for items as well as giving us an excellent starting point to rescue Kanji and going through his dungeon next week.

Level wise we're up the upper 20s, which allowed me to knock out some of Margaret's Social Link fusion requests earlier than expected as well as hold 10 Personas at a time. 

Also ran into Death and... safe to say I don't want to do that again until way later in the game with more powerful Personas on hand.

Persona 4 Golden Returns next Saturday night

Tomorrow we're featuring to Overwatch 2

For the raid we dropped in on  intergalacticpants who is playing Baldur's Gate 3

Had a big salad for a late breakfast / early lunch today and some tortellini for dinner

Took advantage of the Assassin's Creed sale because its very rare Ubisoft put there games on sale

Going to do some writing on a Mass Effect commission story since I get to do a lot a lore expanding with it for an Alternate Universe tale

I may also record this weeks Daria reaction video before bed as well

Persona 4 Golden Achievements

  • Fashion Plate: Fight a battle in costume.

Ghost of Tsushima and other notes

Tonight's stream of Ghost of Tsushima was focused on exploring the northern portion of the map, finding a lot of things before realizing two things were back in the central area, and needed a guide to get them (one was a fox den and one was a Haiku that was hidden because of an NPC). I need one Haiku to complete another trophy but that's tied to the main story.

At this point, I have 5 major side quests to do to complete tales associated with three of my allies and the main story itself. There is a slim possibility all of that could be done the next time we play Ghost of Tsushima next Friday. But the goal will be do tackle the side quests first before advancing the plot again.

I do know there will be a good chance to get the Platinum trophy as I knocked out two trophies tonight (Have a Night Fall and Dirge of the Fallen Forge) that I thought would be impossible. I just will need a guide to find 10 hidden shrines to bow to.  Way I figure, my total play time of the base game of Ghost of Tsushima is going to be close to 70 hours... and I'm certainly not going to deal with the DLC any time soon.

Ghost of Tsushima will return next Friday!

Thank you to Oldish22 for the raid following their stream of Final Fantasy XIV

Tomorrow night we begin the second story arc of Persona 4 Golden!

For the raid we dropped in on chaotic_nikki who was playing World of Warcraft.

Since I felt weird all week and felt I've had a good enough 9 days of work to cover one day with potential incentive bonuses, I took the day off.

Managed to finish the Star Wars commission. which would also help partially cover for today as well, I say partially because I did order something to eat as I didn't feel like messing around in the kitchen.

Felt totally embarrassed about missing a text from my brother on mother's day which I didn't noticed until earlier today... what is wrong with me, other than fucking obvious? 

Really looking into services to remove two trees and take care of the yard. At the moment the tree removal might be the bigger priority

Ghost of Tsushima (PS4) Trophies

  • Have a Nice Fall: Kill an enemy with fall damage by knocking them off a ledge
  • Favor of the Kami: Find and honor all of the Shinto Shrines on Tsushima.
  • The Exiled Alliance: Reunite with your allies in the frozen north.
  • Light the Way: Rekindle all the lighthouses of Tsushima.
  • Dirge of the Fallen Forge: Play the "Lament of the Storm" at a friend's grave

Friday, May 17, 2024

Borderlands 2 and other notes

We opened tonight's stream by wrapping up the last of the Commander Lilith stuff which of course sets up the events for Borderlands 3...  then went back to the main story and proceeded to nearly walk through the big moments of reaching Angel, Jack killing Roland and kidnapping Lilith. 

So I'm pretty sure, depending on how thorough I want to be we can finish the main game next week at some point! Again totally depends on how thorough I want to be.

Anyway, Borderlands 2 will return on Monday night!

Tomorrow night we're back to playing Ghost of Tsushima.

For the raid we dropped in on abenonymous who was playing God of War Ragnarok

Work was solid and very productive, gives me confidence my paycheck next week is going to better than expected

Finally reached the point of the Star Wars commission story that is in progress where I can see it's 50% done... and it's all dialog. But it's paid by the word, so it's all good.

Borderlands 2 Achievements

  • Identity Theft: Completed the mission "The Man Who Would Be Jack"
  • Highlands Explorer: Discovered all named locations in The Highlands, Thousand Cuts, and Wildlife Exploitation Preserve
  • An Angel's Wish: Completed the mission "Where Angels Fear To Tread"
  • Decrypted!: Defeated the Dark Web.
  • 3 or Bust: Completed the mission "Paradise Found".
  • Went Five Rounds: Completed Round 5 of any Circle of Slaughter
  • Girl's Gotta Eat: Fed thy noble queen 3 times during one visit to her quarters

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Smite and other notes

Iceman was not available so instead we featured Smite, and shockingly we won 5 matches... while losing 5 matches, although one of those losses was due to being stuck with a player who refused to play. We were joined by Strike for a couple of games.

Picked up the discounted Battle Pass to make sure I go that Athena skin, as well as gnabbed all the RWBY related skins to make sure I didn't miss out on them a second time.

Gods used tonight were Athena, Cupid, Chang'e, Terra, Thanatos, Freya and Amaterasu, the last four having the skins for Yang, Ruby, Weiss and Blake. 

I think when Smite 2 launches, we'll dedicate a few Saturdays to it since by then we'll be pretty far into Persona 4 Golden

Tomorrow night we're back to Borderlands 2

For the raid we dropped in on ZoneSama for the weekly Zone-Out streams of retro TV

Work was solid, if unspectacular, not as productive as the previous nights

Picked up the Porsche bundle in Overwatch 2 since I already had the coins in my account

Finished the Back to the Future story and started work on a Star Wars commission which might take me until Friday to finish given how much dialog I have to write!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Borderlands 2 and other notes

So tonight we dived into the Commander Lilith & The Fight for Sanctuary and I was shocked that it is a continuation of what I've seen in Tales from the Borderlands with Vaughn being a major character, and how this is setting up and acting as a bridge to Borderlands 3.

What I really like is that it's more scale down than the Assault of Dungeon Keep, with not to many side quests to get bogged down in. According to the mission flow chart, I've covered half of its content. So when we continue it, it should pretty much be a straight shot to wrapping it up... then doubling back to finish the main campaign.

And why I choose to do the DLC? Mostly because all the achievements are 'diamond' rare, so I figure I can get a few bragging rights! 

Borderlands 2 will return on Thursday

For tonight's raid we dropped in on MissCammi316 who was playing Smite

Speaking of Smite, we are going to dedicate a night to it next week.

Grabbed the Mercedes bundle for Overwatch 2 since I had the extra coins 

Square-Enix admitting that taking the exclusive contract from Sony has hurt them in a big way and hopefully this means the end of console exclusivity.

Work was solid, loved the first half, but hated the second half

Nearly finished the Back to the Future Commission story, it's about 75% complete, going to work on it before bed.

Borderlands 2:  Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary Achievements

  • Anyway, Here's "Firewall": Activated the Backburner's firewall.
  • Chocolate Chip Confirmed: Allowed Tiny Tina to arm the moonshot cannon.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Borderlands 2 and other notes

We finished the Tiny Tina Assault on Dragon's Keep DLC and I rather like it as an epilogue to the main story of Borderlands 2 with how it is Tina coping with the deaths of Roland and Bloodwing. Plus we got to see Buttstallion... Handsome Jack's infamous horse.

We were joined by a few people who joined in randomly, one to give me 'better gear' and another to complete the main story of the DLC. Big thanks to them for being apart 

Now the question is do I go ahead to do the main story, do I do the head hunter stuff or do I do the Commander Lilith stuff. I think I'll have check the achievements list as we're already 45 hours in

We will be playing Borderlands 2 tomorrow

For the raid we dropped in on samaell_alwahm who was playing 7 Days to Die

Work was solid tonight even if we had to switch assignments

Got a good start on the Back to the Future commission request, finishing one scene and next will be a second, much longer scene

Borderlands 2 Achievements

  • t's Like That One Video: Showed thine worst enemy, the abomination known as "The Darkness," who is the nerdiest of them all
  • Shorty, You So Best: Completed thy quest by rescuing yonder queen

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Tonight's stream was dedicated to mostly playing as Dva to give a good idea of how I tend to literally play her as a tank with some dive-bomb attempts when I see an opening.Did get in several matches as Brigitte, Zarya and a few other characters as well.

Of course there were some very suspect people both terms of who we played with and against that very much had me scratching my head.

Still, mostly playing as Dva had me thinking I could go on a string of dedicating nights to playing as specific characters. Just a thought.

Big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of the fun

Overwatch 2 will return next Sunday

Tomorrow night we're back to Borderlands 2 to continue the Tiny Tina DLC content.

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV

Did groceries today, had to spend more than I was planning  to because I needed contractor bags.

Got a good deal of writing done on a WWE commission, will be working on that after this is posted

Also will record this week's Daria Reactions before bed. 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Persona 4 Golden

Tonight we completed the Rescue Yukiko arc of Persona 4 and realized two things, one being the enemies due respond, two it's going to be real easy to lure about the Reaper and three save-scumming (basically saving and reloading) is very much encouraged (and we did that ONCE just to get an achievement) 

Still one thing I really picked up on is that earning XP is going to be a lot easier in Persona 4 Golden than when compared to Persona 5 and Persona 3, as we're already in the low 20s with the initial crew. 

That said, if each 'dungeon' is 8 to 12 floors, we should be able to pace things out in order to get advancing things at a fair pace. Of course this is going to depend on how complex the floor maps get. Not to mention how much back tracking will be required because I suspect revisiting different dungeons is going to be tied to various side questss.

Persona 4 Golden will return next Saturday

Tomorrow's stream will feature Overwatch 2

For the raid we dropped in on intergalacticpants who was playing Baldur's Gate 3 

Got the Arrow commission request finished real early in the morning and started work on the next fic which is WWE related, which will be on my agenda for Sunday. If I keep it simple and light, I should be able to knock it out in short order.

I say that because I couldn't sleep at all last night and when I did fall asleep it was like 6 AM and I woke up at 3 PM.

Persona 4 Golden Achievements

  • A Favor for Marie: Register a Skill Card.
  • Persona Shopper: Buy a Persona from the Compendium.
  • Lucky Me!: Win a prize from the vending machine.
  • Seize the Moment: Buy a special croquette from Sozai Daigaku.
  • It's Working Today: Buy an item from the Capsule Machine.
  • Grasping at Greed: Defeat a Golden Hand.
  • Displaying Adaptability: Switch Personas 5 times in 1 battle.
  • A Prince Appears: Rescue Yukiko Amagi.

Ghost of Tsushima and other notes

Tonight's stream saw us finding the last 'quick shot' skill which allows for Jim to have a flaming sword, plus closed in on completing Bamboo Strikes and finding various shrines and collectables. 

Now at this point there are two trophies I'm probably not going to get, finding hidden shrines that apparently are not part of the standard set as well as defeating an enemy with fall damage

Ghost of Tsushima will return next Friday as we continue  to explore as much of the third area as possible without advancing the plot.

Tomorrow's stream will see us resuming Persona 4 Golden

For the raid tonight we dropped in on ZoneSama who was playing Splatoon 3

Work was a slog, but it was a recruit assignment as we were looking for people who fit the parameters of a study.

About 60% complete of the commission story based on Arrow, could easily finish it early tomorrow before starting on the next one

Ghost of Tsushima (PS4) Trophies

  • Mass Eviction: Liberate 7 occupied areas in Kamiagata.
  • Teller of Tales: Complete all of the Mythic Tales.


Friday, May 10, 2024

Borderlands 2 and other notes

So the Tiny Tina's Dungeon Keep DLC for Borderlands 2 is way more interesting than the Hammerlock Big Game Hunt, just in terms of everything making sense in how each area is laid out and no cheap instant fail side-quests. We only knocked out the first two chapters but did every side quest I came across.

That said, I figure the DLC is basically Tiny Tina's way of coping with a lot of the hardship she went through considering how she seems to want to think Roland is alive... well technically he is because I have not finished the main game of Borderlands 2 yet lol.

Also, it really shocked me to realize that the DLC was later released as a stand along game. I get that it's a unique novelty but I'm not sure that was a good idea or even a good value since it's basically about 10-12 hours worth of content. 

Borderlands 2 will return on Monday 

Tomorrow's stream will feature Ghost of Tsushima

Big thanks to Oldish22 for the raid following their stream of Final Fantasy XIV

For the raid we dropped in on rumhamshmah who was playing Cat Quest II 

Work was super productive this evening, thing I was about 20% over production give or take as an assignment that would normally run in the day was tried in the evening, and we totally kicked ass.

Finished the WWE story commission and started work on the next one which is Arrow related  

Have to consider what groceries to get since it's that time again! Also pay Comcast and probably pre-pay the Water Bill as well.

Borderlands 2 Achievements

  • I Totes Planned That Boss: Slew Mister Boney Pants Guy
  • Keep Rollin' Rollin' Rollin': Demonstrated your skill, or lack thereof, at rolling the magical treasure orb of many sides
  • Yaaaaaay: Introduced thyself to the White Knight
  • They Was All "Hey That's Mine": Unsheathed 5 swords from Immortal Skeletaurs without leaving the area

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Sea of Thieves and other notes

Striker was not able to join us this evening so Iceman and I held off on doing the 3rd chapter of the Monkey Island adventure, so instead we dropped in various islands finding loot and stuff, before realizing how the fishing mechanic works. 

So yeah, there could be times we are just fishing while playing Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves will return next Wednesday assuming Iceman is available, otherwise Smite will be on the agenda

Tomorrow's stream will feature Borderlands 2 as we'll start the Tiny Tina DLC content

For the raid we dropped in on Zonesama for the weekly Zone-Out stream

Work was super productive, wouldn't be surprised if the assignment closed this evening because of how awesome it was going.

Made good progress on the WWE commission request, will finish it tomorrow.

Somehow my Ao3 account was suspended... and I bet it was the result of trolls.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Borderlands 2 and other notes

So tonight we did the The Big Game hunt content in Borderlands 2 and I have to say... I didn't really care for it as much as the first two DLC expansions, mainly because it took way too long to figure out how to navigate things comfortably in the main area, and the amount of back tracking was rather obscene,

That said I did like how it pretty much ties into Tales from the Borderlands as Nakayama's obsession with Jack is pretty important to that games plot, so it was nice to see how his fall actually happened. The battle against Jackenstein was pretty gnarly. 

Not sure if we'll start the Tiny Tina DLC campaign for Borderlands 2 next, or wait and instead finish the main game. 

Borderlands 2 will return on Thursday

Tomorrow's stream will feature either Smite or Sea of Thieves 

For the raid we dropped in on MissCammi316 who was playing The Mortuary Assistant

Work day was very productive, and I do believe despite the unwanted days off in the last pay period I might get a little extra in my pay do to being about 20% over production

Finished one WWE related commission and started on the next request which is also WWE related. At least I've had a nice variety of stories to keep from being stuck in wrestling hell

Borderlands 2 Achievements

  • Face Off: Completed the mission "The Fall of Nakayama"

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Borderlands 2 and other notes

So Tonight's stream was really weird as we did the entire run of Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage thanks in large part to a lot of folks jumping in at random. Now I did say I would considered not having it open for randoms to join in, but I went with it anyway. 

Of course things were made super easy when people who sunk hundreds of hours into the game joined in and it became a case of trying to keep up. Which also meant I didn't get to experience how some of the boss battles were supposed to go. But we take the good with the bad.

We finished the night at Level 32, and I believe all the DLC content enemies cap at level 30, so we should have an increasingly easier time at things go forward.

Tomorrow night we will continue Borderlands 2 and probably set my sights on the Hammerlock content which was the 3rd DLC expansion. Of course I could just go ahead and finish the game, but we're taking out time on games these days.

For the raid we dropped in on YourStarling who was doing a music stream. We use to do duets with them way back in the era of Twitch Sings

Work was solid this evening with a slighting longer survey, as well as a very confusing understanding of how Primaries work in Missouri.

Started on the next commission story which is WWE related. Would have had a lot more done... but I kind of didn't feel all there today and just rested.

Borderlands 2 Achievements

  • Explosive: Completed the mission "Long Way To The Top"

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Overwatch 2 and other notes

We were joined by PandaSweet for many matches in Overwatch this evening, and I branched out a little playing as a wider variety of characters that I normally doing use, and ended up having some very decent moments as Repaer and Zarya. About a year ago I got the first of Zarya's two character related achievements and tonight I got the other. 

Of course there was a huge issue with running into random who were either choosing not to fight on the objective or going so far out of their way to show off it kept putting us on the back foot. So yeah, I checked out of several matches.

Overwatch 2 will return next Sunday

Tomorrow's stream will feature Borderlands 2 as we turn our attention to the next DLC related thing

For the raid we dropped in on samaell_alwahm who was doing a music stream we dropped in

Finished the NHL related story this afternoon and the next one on my agenda is WWE related, which thankfully should only take maybe a day and a half 

Going to record this weeks Daria reaction before going to bed as we're up to episode 9

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • The Power of Attraction: Capture 4 enemies in a single use of Zarya's Graviton Surge in Quick or Competitive Play.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Persona 4 Golden and other notes

We opened up Persona 4 Golden tonight, and the intro certainly reminded me of the one for Persona 4 Dancing All-Night... and of course I made sure to voice my displeasure for Teddie right off the bat. We're playing this on the easiest difficulty to ensure we can cover a lot of ground, and do a lot of level grinding (already hit level 10 for the 'Hero').

Rather impressed how detail things get with a lot of the dialog, with some jokes really hitting the target perfectly. There is probably more of a sense of urgency with Persona 4 Golden than Persona 3 Portable because of the weather factor. I do wonder if there are save points in the dungeons as well or some sort of safe room or some sort of mid-level save mechanic as with Persona 3 Portable and Persona 5 Royal. 

Also despite my disdain for Teddie... I am surprised that he was really subtle at first... until he hears the 'scoring with studs' from Chie....

Persona 4 Golden will return next Saturday!

Tomorrow's stream will feature Overwatch 2

For the raid we dropped in on foxy_harley as they were doing a Just Chatting theme 

Big thanks to Kalenal for the raid following their stream of Final Fantasy XIV

Knocked out the My Hero Academia commission request in the afternoon, and I'm going to try and not put any thought into continuity or world building going forward

Started work on the next commission fic, which is NHL related will need to use an awkward in story 'cut transition' to make it so I can probably knock out 80% of it during the day

Persona 4 Golden Achievements

  • The Other Self: Obtain the Persona Izanagi.
  • Advantage Mine: Enter a battle with Player Advantage.

Ghost of Tsushima and other notes

Tonight we knocked out the four areas to find the Khan armor in Ghost of Tsushima, and mostly just roamed around finding a couple of side quests (doing one which had a disturbing twist) and found a few things in the extreme northern part of the map. 

I do have an idea of where two light houses are and we're steps closer to completing several the the collectable lists. Way I figure we should finish the Ghost of Tsushima with at least 80% of the Trophies unlocked.

Also completed the Sly Cooper outfit... for the lone trophy earned this evening.

Ghost of Tsushuma returns next Friday for more wandering around action!

Tomorrow we're starting Persona 4 Golden!

For the raid we dropped in on ZoneSama who was playing Splatoon 3

Work was solid if unremarkable... will have to reply on my SubscribeStar earnings to make sure I break even after bills get paid next Friday

Speaking of which got a good start on the My Hero Academia story which I should be able to knock out in short order during the day tomorrow 

I did behave myself and not order takeout today... but I did misbehave by having about 5 small meals... and by small I mean at least two of those meals were enough for probably two people.

Ghost of Tsushima (PS4) Trophies

  • Cooper Clan Cosplayer: Dress up as a legendary thief.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Borderlands 2 and other notes

Tonight's stream of Borderlands 2 was a mix of getting things done and over leveling myself for the original story content... as well as seeing the problem with playing with others in it. The big issue is a lot of people want to speed through things while I want to take my time... which was certainly the case in regards to some buried  treasure.

We did finish the Captain Scarlet and her Pirate's Booty story, so we can now either focus on the next DLC content or go back to the main story of Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 returns on Monday

Our next stream on Friday night will feature Ghost of Tsushima

For the raid we dropped in samaell_alwahm who was playing Genshin Impact

Work was bleh... felt barely productive and incredibly long

Finished the WWE story commission so next on my agenda is a My Hero Academia related one.  

I really hate it when people leave my gate open when they come to my front door trying to get me to go their church.

The Xbox 360 store is shutting down soon... a shame many developers never bothered to make many of their games backwards compatible

Borderlands 2 Achievements

  • Cute Loot: Killed a Chubby
  • Treasure Hunter: Completed the mission "X Marks the Spot"

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Sea of Thieves and other notes

Tonight, Striker and Iceman were apart of the fun in Sea of Thieves as we knocked out part two of the Monkey Island cross-over adventure, and the 2nd chapter was certainly a lot more puzzle heavy and cryptic much like the original Monkey Island game. 

I did like the inclusion of the Insult Sword fighting, the appearance of Stan and many of the call backs to the original game Monkey Island game. I am convinced that a full 3D remake of the Secret of Monkey Island game will actually be really cool in regards to how well Melee Island looks.

Sea of Thieves will return next Wednesday, depending on the availability of Iceman and Striker

Tomorrow's stream will feature Borderlands 2 as we continue the Captain Scarlet content

For the raid we dropped in on ZoneSama for their Zone-Out stream featuring Bravestar and COPS

Work was solid if a little less productive than yesterday

Finished the second of two Fairy Tale commission requests, next up is a WWE related one, which is already about 20% complete.

Sea of Thieves Achievements

  • Port of Call: You paid a visit to the sprawling Port Merrick.
  • The Quest for Guybrush: You completed 'The Quest for Guybrush' Commendation.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Borderlands 2 and other notes

Tonight's stream of Borderlands 2 saw us go into one of the DLC  content of Captain Scarlet and her Pirate's Booty, which has everything scaled to be at the the mid to up 20s in terms of levels, which means I'm getting to grind out levels to put myself in a good position to make the main game's final few mission areas trivial.

Was joined by a couple of people at random, so I got to see how much more damage is needed to be done to enemies with as many as two other people playing at the same time. Only problem is since I don't use a headset voice chat was not possible.

Borderlands 2 will return on Thursday

Tomorrow's stream will feature either Sea of Thieves or Smite, depending on who is avaliable

For the raid we dropped in on gatling_hawk who was also playing Borderlands 2

Work was solid this evening despite a weird moment where I got disconnected even through there was no issues with my internet connection.

60% finished the current commission request based on Fairy Tail, will easily finish it tomorrow, trying to get it as close to 5000 works as possible

Picked up the Grandia Collection for Xbox... one of these days Grandia III will see a port

Borderlands 2 Achievements

  • Decked Out: Had Purple-rated gear or better equipped in every slot
  • Always Improving: Reached level 25

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)