Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Borderlands 2 and other notes

So tonight we did the The Big Game hunt content in Borderlands 2 and I have to say... I didn't really care for it as much as the first two DLC expansions, mainly because it took way too long to figure out how to navigate things comfortably in the main area, and the amount of back tracking was rather obscene,

That said I did like how it pretty much ties into Tales from the Borderlands as Nakayama's obsession with Jack is pretty important to that games plot, so it was nice to see how his fall actually happened. The battle against Jackenstein was pretty gnarly. 

Not sure if we'll start the Tiny Tina DLC campaign for Borderlands 2 next, or wait and instead finish the main game. 

Borderlands 2 will return on Thursday

Tomorrow's stream will feature either Smite or Sea of Thieves 

For the raid we dropped in on MissCammi316 who was playing The Mortuary Assistant

Work day was very productive, and I do believe despite the unwanted days off in the last pay period I might get a little extra in my pay do to being about 20% over production

Finished one WWE related commission and started on the next request which is also WWE related. At least I've had a nice variety of stories to keep from being stuck in wrestling hell

Borderlands 2 Achievements

  • Face Off: Completed the mission "The Fall of Nakayama"

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