Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Resident Evil and other notes

Happy Halloween!

Tonight's stream featured Resident Evil HD, as we continued our guided play through on the easiest possible difficulty, making it all the way to the Residence save room, which puts on a path to deal with Plant 42 and a big fucking shark! Still I continue to have trouble with aiming, as I went through more ammo and used more healing items than probably necessary.

Also because I didn't save Richard, I didn't get his combat shotgun, and also had to fight to Yawn on my own... which was very unpleasant. 

I do have to say in terms of some of static camera angles, they make for great screenshots of Jill, so I'm pretty pleased with how a bunch of have turned out, some of which you'll be able to see on my tumblr page (https://www.tumblr.com/fredcasden).

Of course our next stream will also feature Resident Evil HD, scheduled for around 9:30 PM Eastern

For the raid we went over to x9abenonymous9x who was playing Resident Evil: Director's Cut, which was the version I played 20 years ago. I do wish I knew where my copy of it was, maybe I traded it in, but I could've sworn I still had it.  

Resident Evil Achievements

  • Not Waiting to Exhale: Survive your first encounter with Yawn.
  • Grave Digger: Defeat a Crimson Head prototype1 using Jill.

Added a bunch of short (about 1000 word) long stories to my Ao3 page.

Knocked out a Spider-Man related commission today, featuring Miles Morales, which turned out to be more of a challenge.

Next commission request is related to All-Elite Wrestling / Pro Wrestling, then behind that there are commission requests for WWE, Spider-Man and Resident Evil.

Good night folks!

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Hi everyone, 

Tonight's stream of Overwatch 2 got off to a rough start because we had to restart the stream due to a Stream Deck update, but once things go rolling we had a fun night. Of course I did have my Halloween costume on from what I was able to piece together, but it was too hot to keep on for the full stream and in the end it was down to the wig and goggles. Big thanks to PandaSweet for joining in a few matches as well!

Picked up one play of the game as Sombra and also the second of her character related achievements. I seriously do like her re-work. Also played as Kiriko, Junker Queen, Moira, D.va, Tracer, Echo and a few other characters

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Power Outage: Hack 5 enemies at once as Sombra in Quick or Competitive Play.

On my next stream we're getting back to Resident Evil HD, hopefully I remember exactly where I left off when it comes to the guides I was using!

For the raid we went over to AnnieTalksShow as they were playing Valorant  

Now I'm not 100% sure of this week's stream start times as the way I submit my schedule to my job was different than normal, so streams may not start until 10 PM Eastern, I'll see about keeping the 9:30 scheduled time, but it may tough to do that.

Knocked off a WWE related commission requests which was a lot of fun to write since I was able to do something totally different with it. Next four commission stories I have on the docket involve two Spider-Man related ones, one for AEW and another WWE one. 

I need to find  the quest order list for Starfield's main story so we can totally focus on that since the scope of the game is too large, otherwise, I'll become tempted to stop playing it on Satudays!

And on that note, good night!

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Starfield and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight we spent the night playing Starfield, and as I dedicated it to sticking to just one planet and exploring trying to see how long it would take to fully survey it, I discovered that the scope of the game is just way too damn huge. Now I have played open world games before, such as Fallout 76, Cyberpunk 2077 and the like, and I've sunk a time of time into massive MMOs like Final Fantasy XIV and Star Trek Online, but unlike those games, Starfield appears to have a massive scale problem when it comes to someone like me who does try to do everything I come across.

And what really compounds this issue is when trying to find all the critters and plant life, if I spend five hours playing a game and I feel like I could not accomplish something simple in that time frame, then there is something wrong. Of course I could simple just stick with the main story and get through that as quickly as possible, which seems like the smart way to do things.

Starfield Achievements

  • Traveler: Reach Level 10

Out next stream on Sunday will feature Overwatch 2!

For the raid we went over to Kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV! 

Got two stories written on Saturday, well actually finished two stories that were in progress, the first was the commission story based on The Flash, which I meant to finish yesterday, and the other was the Persona story I started writing a few weeks ago... which didn't turn out as good as the previous five chapters.

Anyway, I have four commission stories lined up, two of which are through my SubscribeStar page, and the fandoms for these stories are two for WWE, one for Spider-Man and one for AEW. So three wrestling stories... ugh... oh well. 

Laundry, dishes and groceries were all done today, so I'm set up for the week.

Good night!

Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream went way longer than I intended because I was hoping to knock out all the quest related achievements for Horizon Zero Dawn's Frozen Wilds content, and while we finished the main story, some things certainly tool longer than expected. Still outside of the Hunting lodge in the area we pretty much accomplished everything worth doing so next time we play HZD, which will be next Friday, we'll be back to the base games content in roaming around and finding stuff.

The plan for Saturday's stream is to feature Starfield, but at the moment I'm not to sure if that will be the game we'll play. The stream is scheduled to start around 5 PM Eastern.

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • Reached level 50: Reached player level 50.
  • All Combat machines killed: Killed at least one of every type of Combat machine.
  • Won the Werak Challenge: Challenged Aratak at the Frostfigures and won.
  • Fully Improved Weapons: Acquired the improved versions of three weapons from Varga.
  • Completed the Second Expedition: Successfully assaulted Thunder's Drum.
  • Conquered the Mountain: Drove out the threat within the mountain.
  • Killed 15 Scorchers: Killed 15 Scorcher machines.
  • Killed 6 Fireclaws: Killed 6 Fireclaw machines.

For the raid we went over to djparticle who was playing Splatoon 3 

Had another good night of work, even if a part of it dragged a little, but got plenty of completes to make some of it fly by.

Did have a job interview, but they couldn't tell me where the office location was for their branch in Philadelphia, so I don't think I'll pursue it, even if the rate of pay would almost make it possible to get there fairly consistently. 

Worked on The Flash story commission but did not finished, it's about 60% complete so I'll work on it first thing in the morning, and probably work on the Persona story, while saving the WWE and Spider-Man commissions I have on deck for Sunday and Monday.

Good Night!

Friday, October 27, 2023

Resident Evil and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream featured Resident Evil HD, we had an interesting night, making sure that my Capcom ID linked to the game and then using a guide to try and do all the stuff we've came across. The guide we're using (located at https://www.ign.com/wikis/resident-evil/Jill%20Mansion) and managing to do things mostly exactly up to getting the Wind Crest, without any dying, but having to save a a few more times than I would've liked. 

And yes, I was aware of the trick of how to select the easiest difficult (Labeled Talking A Walk) and my playthrough will be focusing on Jill's side of it, because I quickly discovered, aiming is a problem for me. And that's not saying anything about the trouble I have remembering where different rooms are.

Next time we'll be playing this will be on Monday's stream.

Our next stream on Friday night will feature Horizon Zero Dawn

Resident Evil Achievements

  • First Kills Are Special: Defeat a zombie.
  • What a Great Guy: Save Jill using Barry.
  • Not Taking Any Chances: Burn up a zombie.
  • Seeing Red: Defeat a Crimson Head.

For the raid we dropped in on captainchar who was also playing Resident Evil!

Work was really good, I do like it when we have certain surveys can say who we are and explain who the research is being done for. Too bad the intro is wordy as all hell.

Getting back to the subject of Resident Evil, knocked out a commission short story, so the next one I'll be working on will be based on The Flash, followed by a WWE related one.

Lot of folks are wondering when I'll play Spider-Man 2 for the PS5... and the answer will be when I get a PS5! It's not a priority for me at the moment.

I do need to do a little groceries on Friday, nothing major.

And on that note, good night!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Ghostbuster Spirits Unleashed and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream was supposed to feature Journey to the Savage Planet, but the part of Canada where Iceman lives got hit with a massive outage so we had to switching things up.

So the back up game ended up being Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed, and it's a good thing we did switch to it because it had a massive update with new features like a bounty system, and new story line elements with Samhain, and the tease of additional content in the future. 

We certainly had a lot of fun, as I had a fun night returning to Ghostbusting, even capturing a ghost three times in one match. I really like the idea of the bounty system because that becomes you and your A.I. companions versus the A.I. (or you and three buddies versus the A.I.) with different difficulties. Also you can customize your A.I. team, who will roam around the fire house! 

Now our next stream will feature the start of Resident Evil HD, and I hope I can find a decent guide for it to try and get through it without too much trouble.

For the raid we dropped in on x9abenonymous9x who was playing Green Hell

Work tonight was okay, nothing major although the system our client wants us to use has such a delay in logging things that I tend not to pay attention to what automatic messages are saying

Knocked out a 3000+ word story commission based on Spider-Man, and now I have a Resident Evil story to do, followed by a (sigh) WWE / Wrestling related one. We were on a good streak there for a while.

I don't have to (in theory) worry about Jury Duty for another three years... woo hoo!

You know when playing ranked matches in Overwatch on PC, there is always the concern of people leaving matches, it seems to be doubly concerning on the console side of the spectrum

And on that note good night!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Star Wars The Force Unleashed and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream ran long because we went ahead and finished Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and I have to say, this was a fun game. Sure we did it on the easiest difficulty, but what instantly stood out to me was how much of a pain in the ass this game could be and probably is on harder difficulty settings with trying to get around and some very questionable hit-stuns and cheap attacks from enemies.Story wise it does lead into the event of the original trilogy quite nicely in regards to doing the Light Side ending, which was clearly canon. Would I play it again? Mostly to grind out achievements that require defeating enemies different ways, finding the collectables and do the Dark Side ending.

So with this game finished, we are going to pivot and start up Resident Evil on Thursday's stream, and we will use a guide for it.

Out next stream on Wednesday will featured Journey to the Savage Planet, as Iceman and I continue our silly adventures

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Achievements
  •     Empirical: Complete Level - Empirical, act 2
  •     Vapor Room: Complete Level - Cloud City, act 2
  •     Cannon Fodder: Defeat 150 Stormtroopers
  •     Skyhook: Complete Level - Kashyyyk, act 2
  •     The Bigger They Are: Defeat 6 Rancors
  •     Infestation: Complete Level - Felucia, act 2
  •     Impaled: Defeat 100 enemies with Saber Throw
  •     Expert: Earn 500,000 Force Points on a single level
  •     Repulsed: Defeat 100 enemies with Force Repulse
  •     Destroyer: Complete Level - Raxus Prime, act 2
  •     The Harder They Fall: Defeat 10 AT-STs or AT-KTs
  •     Legend: Earn 600,000 Force Points on a single level
  •     Redemption: Complete Game - Light Side
  •     Apprentice: Complete Game - Apprentice difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.
For tonight's raid we went dropped in on Calyria who was playing Cyberpunk 2077

Big thank you to Joliet4 for the raid following their World of Warcraft stream!

Work was okay, just another grind, but we got the hours and that's what counts.

Phillies choked big time and last game 7 to the Diamondbacks, and will miss out of the World Series.

Knocked out a Dragon Ball commission request during the day, and it turned out real good I think in regards to figuring out Chi Chi would be involved in the Future Trunks timeline. Next commission story is based on Spider-Man, in fact I already started writing it.

And those will be all of our notes, have a good night!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Star Wars The Forced Unleashed and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream saw us starting up Star Wars The Forced Unleashed, and for a 15 year old game, it's visuals certainly hold up as do most of it's controls... the jumping is kind of wonky. The seemingly endless waves of enemies certains gives me the vibe that a lot of the grindy achievements were meant to be done in a single play through. Did find some of the placement for hidden items to be weird, but not too far out of the way..The plot of the game of Darth Vader wanting to take down the Emperor is a bit of a stretch because there is no fucking way Anakin Skywalker would have the balls to do that after what he did to the Padawans.Overall, I do find elements of the game to be rather silly and over the top.

We knocked out all of Act 1 tonight, and we'll continue the game on Tuesday's stream starting around 9:30 PM Eastern or as soon as I finish work.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Achievements

  • Frenzy: Get a Frenzy x4 bonus
  • Sith Frenzy: Get a Frenzy x8 bonus
  • Invasion: Complete Level - Prologue
  • Skilled: Earn 250,000 Force Points on a single level
  • Insurrection: Complete Level - TIE Factory, act 1
  • Pushed: Defeat 100 enemies with Force Push
  • Bully: Defeat 25 Ugnaughts or Jawas
  • Junkyard: Complete Level - Raxus Prime, act 1
  • Shocked: Defeat 100 enemies with Force Lightning
  • Jedi Hunt: Complete Level - Felucia, act 1 

Tonight's raid went to lilmoolah_ who was playing Cyberpunk 2077

Jury Duty in New Jersey is a fucking pain, as now I have to check every day at 4 PM this week to see if I have to go to the court house. I can't see how the hell this is even feasible for more people because it becomes a massive inconvenience since it's completely last minute.

Work today was alright if a little blah, did have concerns about a chance in my hours starting next week which would mean stream would start after 10 PM Eastern

Did get a call from a family member who is more or less trying to pressure me to move to Philadelphia, which is many ways isn't possible, and not something I would want to do because since my house is completely paid off. On top of that it would basically be like starting over from scratch with nothing.

Knocked out a massive commission story during the day based around AEW, the client gave me an outline that allowed me to just write the story without having to do too much research to understand how some chracters are. Next commission story will be basedo n Dragon Ball, followed by one based on Spider-Man, then one on Resident Evil

I really need to take a day to finish the 6th chapter of my Persona story... but the commission stories take priority.

Phillies lost tonight to the Diamondbacks backs and now for the first time in the teams history, and now they are forced to play a game 7 tomorrow. It's do or die for the Phillies... 

But hey, congrats to the Rangers for eliminating the Astros.

And on that note, good night!

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Overwatch was the usual nonsense, but we had PandaSweet along for the ride as we had some very good matches statistically while were were let down by people not pulling their weight on several occasions. I picked up five plays of the games this week, two as Junker Queen, one as Dva and one as Sombra.

Speaking of Sombra, who rework certainly fits my play style a bit more with a controller, and no longer having to worry about accidentally pressing L3 and destroy her transmitter to teleporter to a health pack. Of course now the challenge is figuring out the timing of all her cool downs to really be effective.

Anyway our next stream is slated for around 9:30 PM Eastern on Monday with the start of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

For tonight's raid we went over to twitch.tv/kalenal where Final Fantasy XIV was featured. Yes we raided Kalenal last night, but Kal is a great friend, and with my current schedule it's not always easy to catch her streams.

Got a fair bit of writing done finishing the WWE commission request we started yesterday and knocking out the one for The Flash. Next is a complicated commission story based around AEW, then we have a Dragon Ball commission as well.

Of course Monday morning I have that Zoom orientation as a Petite Jury at 8 AM in the morning... ugh. At least I don't have to go to the court house, that's a real pain in the ass.

Phillies and now need one more win to advance to the World Series for the second year in a row. Hopefully they can win on Monday night.

And with that... good night!

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Starfield and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Starfield saw me mostly doing side quests as I came across them, some find of interesting, as we stuck mostly to one planet. I did find it really odds that my characters got roped into being recruited by two factions as I turn down one and then automatically got stuck with the other. Also learned there is no way to break down stuff from the inventory... which makes sense I guess because you are supposed to go out and search for resources, but at the same time inventory management is a fucking chore, not to mention finding vendors who will accept various items is a nightmare because trying to remember where shops are is quickly becoming a pain.

Now we did complete the first big mission for Constellation, so we now apparently have choices on how to proceed on the main story. Anyway, night time we play Starfield will be next Saturday night.

Out next stream on Sunday will feature Overwatch, with a start time of about 5 PM Eastern

Starfield Achievements

  • Dust Off: Reach Level 5

For the raid we over to twitch.tv/kalenal for some Final Fantasy XIV

Didn't get as much writing done as I wanted to today for a WWE related commission, but it's nearly finsihed so after I post this blog I'll get write to that. Then I have two more story commission, one based on the Flash CW series and another one for AEW (thankfully the person who wants that included a nice big outline for me to follow)

I have been watching the Team Four Star commentaries on Dragon Ball Z Abridged, and it's become increasingly fascinating over what they do and don't remember.

At the time I'm writing this, the Phillies were up 6-1 on the Diamondback in game 5 of the NLCS... hopefully they can hold on and return to Philadelphia up 3 games to 2.

So with that, have a good night!

Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Horizon Zero Dawn was the longest weeknight stream I've done in a while, guess having more than just one light on helped keeps me from feeling tired. Anyway, we got a lot done as we spent the entire night in the Frozen Wilds DLC area, finding everything we can find and doing all we could before advancing the plot. We found all the towers, all the animal statures and pigments, so we can pretty much focus on the DLC story next time we play it next week before getting back to the base game.Horizon Zero Dawn will be back next Friday night. 

Also on Monday we're going to start Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, which will be featured Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Saturday's stream will feature Starfield, with the stream starting around 5 PM Eastern.

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • Reached level 40: Reached player level 40.
  • Took the Shaman's Path: Survived the Shaman's Path and found Ourea's retreat.
  • First Spear Modification: Applied a modification to your spear.
  • All Pigments found: Found all of the Pigments in the Cut.
  • All Animal Figurines found: Found all of the Animal Figurines in the Cut.
  • All Control Towers disabled: Disabled all Control Towers by overriding or destroying them.

 For the raid we went to https://www.twitch.tv/misscammi316 where Overwatch was being featured

The Phillies lost tonight as Craig Kimbrel blew a lead in the 8th inning in what turned out to be a battle of the bullpens with the Diamondbacks. So now the Phillies need to win two of the next three games to go to the World Series. It's not looking good folks.

Work was meh, got a couple of interviews but it was real dull

So Jury Duty on Monday involves having to take part in a 90 minute webinar at 8 AM... and then apparently staying on call for the rest of the week? I'm rather confused about that 

Knocked out an story commission based on Arrow, and I have two more in the queue, one based on WWE programing (ugh...) and other based on The Flash which should be interesting to write.

Good night folks!

Friday, October 20, 2023

RetroMania Wrestling & Other Notes

 Hi everyone,

On tonight's stream we played RetroMania Wrestling, the much hyped up throw back to the days of WWF WrestleFest, with a roster of 17 mostly known (not exactly) well wrestlers featuring the likes of Austin Idol, Nick Aldis, the Road Warrirors, and the Blue World Order. Game is pretty much pick up and play, the story mode does have a nice little tutorial to get you used to things, but since it's modeled after WrestleFest, it can be a bit button mashy, yet there is such a thing a being able to time stuff to make cool stuff happened. 

The story mode has a bit of a choose your own adventure vibe to it at time, tag team and six man tags are a lot of fun, but the real chaos is the Retro Rumble with eight characters on the screen at once, making it hard to see where you're at.The 10 pounds of gold is basically your standard arcade ladder, but it's a bit repeative as you go through 5 matches to get the NWA title, then 5 matches defending it, with matches following a pattern where there will be a 3-way Elimination, Fatal Four Way and 2 out of 3 fall cage matches taking place.

Plenty of achievements, and we got about half of them, several of which are character related and tied to doing certain things, Good news is several can be combined and done in a single match. 

Since we covered the story mode and explored the game thoroughly I will count it as a finished game for this year's tour.

Next stream is slated for 9:30 PM Eastern, and will feature Horizon Zero Dawn

RetroMania Wrestling Achievements

  • Big Debut!: Complete Your First Match
  • Learn the Ropes, Kid: Complete The Basic Tutorial in Story Mode
  • The Real Star of the Show: Win a match as Johnny Retro
  • I Hope The Ref Didn't See That: Hit Your Opponent With a Steel Chair
  • I Don't Need The Ring!: Win a Falls Count Anywhere Match Outside the Ring
  • Nowhere To Run: Win a Cage Match inside the "Chain Link" cage
  • Bonesaw is Ready!: Defeat Your Opponent Within 3 minutes Inside a Steel Cage
  • The Best-ler, Better Than All the Rest-ler: Complete the Story mode
  • No One Gets Up From That: Land 3 Finishing Moves in One Match
  • Skinning the Cat: Win a Retro Rumble
  • Innovator of Violence: Win a match as Tommy Dreamer
  • What a Rush!: Win a Tag Team match as Hawk & Animal
  • Established Talent: Win 20 matches
  • That's Why They Call It High Risk: Miss an Attack from the Top of the Cage
  • Unforgiving Steel: Win a Cage Match inside the "Big Blue" cage
  • Generation Clash: Win a match as Nick Aldis against Austin Idol in the NWA Power arena
  • National Treasure: Win a match as Nick Aldis
  • Alwayz Ready: Win a match as Matt Cardona
  • And Then There Was One: Win a 4 Way Elimination Match
  • The Real World's Champion: Complete 10 Pounds of Gold Mode 

For the raid we found someone playing Marvel's Spider-Man 2 over at https://www.twitch.tv/chronick17

Work was okay, couple of interviews, but it was solid to make me feel good.

Knocked out a commission request for a Resident Evil related story and tried to explain some things in the continuity that I've established. I believe the next commission request is for something based on Arrow.

Phillies lost a game tough one, so now they lead the Diamondbacks 2 games to 1, so with luck they win one of the next two games and come back to Philly up 3 games to 2. Preferably we want the Phillies to win the next two games but when it comes to baseball I think logically.

Those are all my notes for today

Good night!

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Starfield and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Starfield was interesting, as the game is very detailed and massive, and I can tell already I'm going to mostly keep it on Saturday nights since that is the largest night of the week for streaming. I certainly spent a lot of time looking around for loot and stuff which is probably going to turn my play-though into a slog. Since we're playing it via Game Pass, I'm going to give it the direct casual approach approach. It is a gorgeous game, and the sound mixing seems spot on.

Our next stream slated for 9:30 PM Eastern on Thursday will feature RetroMania, and we'll see if we like that game enough to want to dedicate serious time to it

Starfield Achievements

  • For All, Into the Starfield: Enter Space for the First Time
  • One Small Step: Join Constellation

For the raid we went to twitch.tv/zonesama for some retro TV watching 

Work was solid, we had a fairly interesting assigned focused on things in New Jersey even if my patience was really tested.

Got a commission story based on Arrow done, and it didn't turn out as well as the previous one, but i got bogged down with some few other things that cropped up. On the plus side, I'm fully caught up on commissions, so I can probably work on the Persona story unless something pops up

Recorded  two videos for my YouTube channel, one being my casual review of Day of the Tentacle while will premier in January, and the other thoughts on the RWBY / Justice League crossovers.

And that will do it for today's notes!

Good night!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Day of the Tentacle, Smite and other Notes

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream opened with Day of the Tentacle and it was pretty much a sprint to the finish, even as I was taking my time and making sure I got nearly every achievement in the game, missing two that are not very obvious. I have a lot of positive things to say about the console port of this game, and it makes me wonder why Lucas Arts and Disney has not done remasters of other games from the Point and Click era of the 90s. Obviously I'll be doing a review of this game for my YouTube channel. Question of what will replace it in the weekly line up is up in the air at the moment.

Now Day of the Tentacle didn't fill the entire stream, as we loaded things up with Smite for the first time in a while, winning a couple of matches and losing a couple, playing as Athena, Baset, Discordia and Cupid. We will not talk about the Assault match which was a 3 versus 5 waste of time and downer to end the stream on.

Wednesday's stream over on twitch.tv/fredcasden will start around 9:30 PM Eastern, but Journey to the Savage Planet will be on hold as Iceman needs to work late, so we'll either start Starfield or RetroMania

Day of the Tentacle Remastered Achievements

  • Voiding the Warranty: Try to put something metal in the microwave
  • Master Plumber: Flush 50 objects through time
  • Energy Conscious: Turn off the television
  • Rap Sheet: Forger: Try to sign the contract yourself with the quill pen
  • Behind Every Great Man Is a Quality Roadie: Red makes a super battery with only a little help from Hoagie
  • Rap Sheet: Adventure Gamer: Pick up 45 things that don't belong to you
  • Flush: Acquire a diamond
  • That Should Have Worked: Hoagie uses battery with Chron-O-John instead of plug
  • Number One: Power Hoagie's Chron-o-John
  • Music Appreciation Award: Reach yesterday without turning the stereo off
  • Yesterday's News: Defeat Purple Tentacle yesterday
  • Mental Patience: Play the whole game without skipping a cutscene
  • ...Take on the Words!: Sit through the end credits

SMITE Achievements

  • Objective Stealer: Deliver the killing blow on a map objective where enemies did more damage in a qualifying match.

 For the raid we went to www.twitch.tv/EcoNstinct where Fortnite was being featured

Watched Justice League X RWBY Part 2 today, and it was a fun continuation of the first film, but it certainly made quite a few references to things in the later seasons of RWBY I didn't know about, which means I'll have to watch and catch up. There was one minor bit of disappointment in that the second film didn't fully commit to Ruby, Weiss, Yang and Blake adapting things to the DC Universe as things ended up favoring them using their standard abilities in the films climax.

Knocked out an commission story based on the Arrowverse today, and got an instant request for a follow up, which is awesome.

I certainly got something in mind for Halloween, just need to get the pieces together for it.

And on that note, good night!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Day of the Tentacle and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Day of the Tentacle was a lot of fun, as I remembered quite a lot of the game considering I've played it a lot since the mid 1990s, not to mention remembering some of the achievements from the Steam version, so we were knocking Xbox achievements out in rapid succession, while also not skimping on any of the games content. We'll easily wrap up Day of the Tentacle on Tuesday night's stream (which is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern over on twitch.tv/fredcasden)

I am impressed with how well the Mouse and Keyboard controls were adapted for use with a game pad, which made doing a couple of repeated actions a hell of a lot quicker (such as ringing the bell 100 times), which makes me curious to see how other point and click games were adapted to console play

 Day of the Tentacle Remastered Achievements

  • Most Annoying Guest Ever: Ring the front desk bell 100 times
  • Rap Sheet: Trespasser: Find Fred's basement workshop
  • And Then the Universe Explodes: Try to mix the decaf and caffeinated coffees
  • Games History Major: Play Maniac Mansion
  • I'm Sure He'd Never Notice: Try to swap the textbook with the stamp album
  • And Then the Universe Implodes: Try to mix the disappearing ink with Booboo-B-Gone
  • Rap Sheet: Thief: Pick up 15 things that don't belong to you
  • Not Raised in a Barn: Close a door
  • Novelty Enthusiast: Get all six novelty items
  • Dude, It's Like, Cannibalism: Hoagie eats a Hoagie
  • You Call That a Hint?: Try to wash the dirty car with the brush
  • Rap Sheet: Kleptomaniac: Pick up 30 things that don't belong to you
  • Moronic Drone: Get a job
  • Obvious, Really...: Make it rain
  • Only Hoagie Can Make a Tree: Create a cherry tree
  • Only George Can Destroy a Tree: Destroy a cherry tree
  • WWSCD?: Climb through the chimney with all three kids
  • Of Course It Would Still Weigh the Same: Get a tiny sweater
  • Windsock it to Me: Change the flag
  • Missing Pink: Try to mix the red paint and the Booboo-B-Gone
  • Rap Sheet: Yegg: Open the safe
  • Olive Branch: Return the stamp album to Weird Ed
  • Rap Sheet: Fraud: Try to alter the contract with Booboo-B-Gone
  • Rap Sheet: Vandal: Deflate Oozo
  • That Joke Never Gets Old: Squirt five different people with disappearing ink
  • We're All Brothers: Ask the IRS agents if they're related
  • Coffee Achiever: Wake up Dr. Fred
  • Dialog Puzzles Are Hard: Get Fred to sign the contract
  • Costume Quest: Clothe Laverne in the costume
  • Oh Right, I'm Playing a Cartoon!: Make a skunk
  • ESRB Violation: Laverne thinks about eating the cat
  • Chateau Eau Neaux: Make vinegar
  • Are You My Mummy?: Talk to Dead Cousin Ted with all three kids
  • It's an Honor Just to Compete: Enter the human contest
  • Rap Sheet: Cheat: Disqualify Harold
  • Can't Win and Chew Gum at the Same Time: Laverne tries the chattering teeth on her human during the human show
  • Winning Is Better: Win the human contest
  • Don't Try This at Home: Microwave the frozen hamster
  • Now You're Pushing It: Try to microwave the hamster again after he's thawed out
  • You Suck: Vacuum up a hamster
  • Number Two: Power Laverne's Chron-O-John

Tonight's raid was to twitch.tv/lilmoolah_ where Cyberpunk 2077 was being featured 

Word was alright today, picked one interview which made me feel productive and so we get to do it again tomorrow lol.

Knocked out a Resident Evil commission request, which I felt was a little lackluster, but at the same time it was introducing the character of Ada Wong to the nonsense that was established already. Picked up another commission request based on the TV series Arrow to try and feature China White, which is going to be though considering  I don't remember that character at all.

Phillies won tonight, going up 1-0 in the NLCS against the Diamondbacks, now they just need 3 more wins to make to the the World Series.

Good night folks

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Overwatch was kind of weird because the entire first hour was lost, I don't know why but the stream had a weird reset take place which basically removed a great back fill match I had as Moira plus our one look at the Trials of Sanctuary game mode. Can't think of the last time that happened. Big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of the fun tonight.

We picked up three Plays of the Game, two as Junker Queen and one as Moira. Also played as Reinhardt, Tracer, Ana, Sombra, D.va and Bastion.

Our next scheduled stream is for 9:30 PM Eastern on Monday night, with the Xbox version of Day of the Tentacle, a game I'm very familiar with, but on the PC side of things. Going to be interesting playing it with a controller. 

For tonight's raid we went over to  twitch.tv/x_lumineee who was also playing Overwatch

Did some writing today, finished the Avatar the Last Airbender story commission, and with nothing in the queue I managed to some work on my own ideas for the Persona project I'm working on. Did ended up getting another Resident Evil commission which I worked on a bit as well, which takes priority over the Persona story.

We're finally going to take a look at RetroMania this week, and that's slated for Thursday Night's stream. Heard good things about it, and depending on how I feel, we might try and do it's story mode on stream.

Speaking of new things, we're also putting Starfield on Saturdays, there are other games I want to play during the weekday streams, and since we just finished a massive open world first person game in Cyberpunk 2077, I want to ease me way into Starfield.

Had some Chinese food for dinner today, just a simple change of pace.

All in all, those are out notes for today!

Good night!

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream went about 7 hours starting at 5 PM Eastern as we wrapped up our chosen path for the Phantom Liberty story in Cyberpunk 2077, choosing to send Songbird to the moon, and it certainly was an action packed route, complete with trying to sneak around the airport terminal. Did run into a few glitches in not being able to pull up menus without reloading saves and one side gig not completing but that's alright, it was secondary. Now the thing is we won't be able to do any of the other ending for Phantom Liberty because I don't know where the major branching paths are.

But we did get the final ending and achievement needed for the original game, doing to Nomad raid ending, which leads to V and Judy both leaving Night City, so combining that ending with sending Songbird to the moon makes for a pretty satisfying conclusion.

I am actually going to do a follow up review to my Cyberpunk 2077 that is coming out on my YouTube Channel in a few months.This way I can act like I reconsidered some things

Don't know what's taking over the Monday, Tuesday and Thursday slots of the week yet, but I do not Starfield will be placed on Saturdays starting next week.

Out next scheduled stream is for 5 PM Eastern on Sunday with Overwatch 2 on twitch.tv/fredcasden

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • The Star: Leave Night City with the Aldecaldos.
  • Dirty Deeds: Complete every Gig in Dogtown.
  • Spin Doctor: Complete “Run This Town”.
  • King of Wands: Take Songbird to the stars.

Tonight's Raid: twitch.tv/djparticle
Playing: Portal 2

Need to do the dishes when I wake up, also need to do a better job doing proper proportions with my meals.

Finished the WWE story commission, and started on the Avatar: Last Airbender related one. It'll be finished tomorrow for sure, and I know there is a Resident Evil one in the queue that'll be after it.

Nearly forgot that I potentially have jury duty coming up on the 23rd of October... ugh, hopefully I won't be needed or that I can talk my way out of it.

The people cleaning out my neighbors house broke the latch on the gate... and I know they did it because it was in one piece on Thursday when I went to the post office! Fucking jerks.

And on that note, good night everyone!

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Horizon Zero Dawn saw a big focus on exploration and finding goodies in the Frozen Wilds area, which was originally DLC when the game was released, and the tougher enemies has meant we managed to do some serious leveling, as the entire region was meant to be played after you finished the base game. Now we did cover a good amount of ground, progressing some of it's story and realizing there is a ton of stuff to find that is necessary to be able to get the best weapons and armor

Next time we play HZD, which will be next Friday, we'll continue or journey through the Frozen Wilds

Our next stream on Saturday night, slated fo a 5 PM Eastern start time over on twitch.tv/fredcasden will featured Cyberpunk 2077

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • Drained the Flood: Completely drained the floodwater from inside the Greycatch.
  • First Bluegleam Trade: Traded Bluegleam for a special weapon or outfit.

Tonight's Raid: twitch.tv/erikamonky
What They Were Playing: Phasmophobia

Work was alright, nothing special, just mundane...

Had a sudden job interview where the company a) didn't list themselves as indicated on Indeed and b) was clearly fraudulent in the position they were offering. On top of that their hiring manager certainly did not give me a good impression as they couldn't answer my question

I was not able finish the WWE related commission story today, but it's about 80% complete so I'll be able to bang it out first thing in the morning, and then start on the Avatar The Last Air Bender story request.

And on that note, I'm off to bed!

Good night!


Friday, October 13, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 saw a focus on trying to make sure we had all the relic upgrades, which saw a lot of trying to figure out which ones I had found already before realizing which two I didn't have. This resulted in getting an achievement  that only 0.15% of players unlocked. We also advanced the plot, and put our selves in a position to possibly finished the Phantom Liberty content on Saturday's stream.

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • Relic Ruler: Unlock all Perks in the Relic Perk tree.

Our next stream for Friday night will feature Horizon Zero Dawn as we'll head into the Frozen Wilds area to that content. I believe we should be able to hang in with the apparent tougher enemies there.Stream will start around 9:30 PM Eastern over on twitch.tv/fredcasden

Per the recommendation of alexisthefemboy we raided twitch.tv/brittballs who was playing Portal 

Went out the post office to mail off my mail-in ballot for the upcoming General Election, ended up feeling incredibly sore and stiff in my lower back.

Knocked off a Mass Effect story commission this afternoon which turned out rather nicely.

Speaking of commission, the next two will  involve WWE anad Avatar The Last Airbender.

Work tonight was okay, got one interview done, so I felt productive in that regard.

Phillies beat the Braves 3-1 to advance to the NLCS, pulled up the radio feed on my phone to listen to the final out during the stream

And those are all of our notes today!

Good night folks!

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Journey to the Savage Planet and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream featured more of the weekly fun we have with Iceman as we resumed Journey to the Savage Planet. We ended up focusing on the main story quests in trying to find the elements we needed to get through areas that are quite difficultly if not impossible to get around. We certainly ran into some boss level enemies which added a lot of strategy to deal with. the Floopsnoot requiring the hurling of acid goop took a little while to figure out.

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern as we continue Cyberpunk 2077 to continue the Phantom Liberty story arc over on http;//twitch.tv/fredcasden

Journey to the Savage Planet: Employee of the Month Edition Achievements

  • Floopsnoot Queen Defeated: Successfully ended the bloodline of an endangered alien species! Congratulations!
  • Ambidextrous: Use every left hand tool in the game. Gotta hand it to you: You're pretty handy.
  • A Little Help, Please: Revive your Co-Op partner. Let's hope they learn to start pulling their weight.

Tonight's Raid: twitch.tv/mst3k
Streaming: Mystery Science Theater 3000

Finished a Spider-Man commission today in fairly straight forward order, making the sixth in a series based on the PS4 games.

Next commission story is based on Mass Effect, which will then be followed by a WWE commission request and then one based on Avatar The Last Airbender.

Work was solid if mundane...but right now I'm valuing the fact we got consistency for now.

Had a job interview today, think it went okay.

Picked up a few groceries, nothing major but enough where I shouldn't need to grab anything for a couple of weeks. 

Past made some pasta for two dinners.

Thursday is my niece Layal's birthday! 

And on that note good night!

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 was pretty solid, as we advanced the plot of Phantom Liberty a bit by infiltrating Hansen's tower and meeting Songbird face to face. Also did enough of the reoccurring driving missions to get the Eurodollars needed to acquire the remaining the vehicles to unlock one of the final achievements in the base game, leaving just one more to unlock as it relates to endings.

Next time we're scheduled for Cyberpunk 2077 will be on Thursday's stream, and we'll be jumping straight into the next main story question, unless the next set of gigs in Dogtown unlock.

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • Autojock: Buy all vehicles available for purchase.

Out next stream will be on Wednesday night at around 9:30 PM Eastern on twitch.tv/fredcasden and will feature Journey to the Savage Planet, as Iceman and I continue our adventures 

Tonight's Raid: twitch.tv/sweetlindir
Playing: Baldur's Gate 3

I'm really leaning towards putting Starfield on Saturday night's once we're fully done with Cyberpunk 2077 and then shifting focus to a smaller game for a bit, now what exactly will that be, I do not know!

Work was okay, rather mundane, but it's consistent, and all we can do is try and push through a terrible call sample. Was told everything should stay steady up through December.

Finished writing the 20th story in a series of specific Resident Evil commissions, and reached the point where I can use characters from Resident Evil 2.

Next story commission that is in progress is based on Marvel's Spider-Man (as in the PS4) game, then there is another 'sigh'... WWE related story as well

Got to remember to toss out more of mom's clothes with the trash this week, always tough going through her closet and stuff.

And on that note, good night!

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Cyberpunk 2077 was solid as we covered a lot of side content, doing three gigs and major side stories, plus taking advantage of the grind of the salvaging the item drops and the new occuring random car retrieval to get the euro-cash to unlock a lot of the cars. All it all it was pretty straight forward, so the next time we play it which will be tomorrow at around 9:30 PM Eastern (over on twitch.tv/fredcasden) we'll start up on the next major quest apart of the Phantom Liberty content. 

Big thank you for the resubs tonight, I deeply appreciate the support

Tonight's Raid: twitch.tv/lilmoolah_
Playing: Cyberpunk 2077

Got two commission requests, one of which is already started, the first being focused on Resident Evil for a series based on the franchise, which now has reached the point where Resident Evil 2 characters will be featured. The other commission request is based on the Spider-Man games for the PS4.

As far as my own ideas go, started writing the next chapter of the Persona 5, granted with elements from Persona 3 and Persona 4. In face the 6th chapter will focus on Kotone from P3P

Work was alright, real straight forward, granted we were back on the assignment where we're stuck and limited to the on-screen script for an introduction.

I wish I could say I was surprised by the Phillies losing tonight to the Braves, but I wasn't, they left a ton of runners on base after chasing the Braves starter. So now they return to Philadelphia tied 1-1 instead of being up 2-0

Good night everyone!

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Hi everyone

Second night in a row that the stream started late, this time because I was taking a nap.

Once we got started, obvious Overwatch 2 was featured as we played matches as Tracer, Junker Queen, Ana, Kiriko, D.va, Junkrat and Moira, plus a few others, adding a Play of the Game as Tracer. Big thank you as always to PandaSweet for being apart of the action!

Picked up one achievement during tonight's sessions, the Enabler achievement, which is the second of the two achievements associated with Ana for when the character was added to the game. We unlocked the Naptime achievement way back on May 14, 2020,

Overwatch 2: Ana Achievements

  • Enabler: Get 4 kills or assists with a single use of Ana's Nano Boost in Quick or Competitive Play.

Channel Raided: twitch.tv/Wilveren
Game Played: CastleVania: Symphony of the Night

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern on Monday with the continuation of Cyberpunk 2077

Did quite a bit of writing today, finishing two stories, one being the Resident Evil commission which I started last night, and the other was a side story I had in mind based on Extreme Ghostbusters. With no commissions on tap at the moment, I might go into writing the next chapter of my Persona series.

My fantasy football team had a really bad week as nearly everyone underperformed. It's funny, I started off 3-0.... now I'm 3-2

Anyway, got a few things to do before I try to go to sleep

Have a good night

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream started an hour late because I got held up taking care of things while waiting for dinner to arrive.Granted part of this was also caused by unusual sleep pattern as of late.

Anyway, in Cyberpunk 2077 we focused on three achievements revolving around side activities in the Phantom Liberty expansion before  advancing the main story a bit, getting Reed, meeting Alex and seeing that once again V is going have to sneak into a very larger skyscraper tower. 

So far I've been given very little reason to like Reed and his whole 'need to know' approach. At the same time, I suspect the big emphasis on the Blackwall, which was not really a factor in the base game is something that is being set up for a sequel game.

Next time we'll be playing Cyberpunk 2077 will be on Monday night.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Achievements

  • Easy Come, Easy Go: Steal the Arasaka medical truck or deliver 10 vehicles to El Capitan.
  • Judgement Day: Eliminate three bosses from the "Increased criminal activity" category.
  • The APB is Not Enough: Become Dogtown's most wanted criminal.

For the raid we went over to twitch.tv/kalenal who was playing Final Fantasy XIV 

Our next stream on Sunday nigh over at twitch.tv/fredcasden, which should start at 5 PM Eastern, will featured Overwatch as we're just days away from the Halloween events

Got some writing done, knocking out a Resident Evil story commission and getting the go ahead to do a continuation.

Also started a side story based around Extreme Ghostbusters, taking a slight break from my Persona story

Those are really all my notes for today!

Have a good night!


Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Horizon Zero Dawn saw us casually roam into the area that was part of a DLC expansion for the game, but instead of  focusing on that I went back to exploring and pushing westward towards Meridian... but I got side tracked looking for things and exploring. Kind of amazed at how many camps there are, with quite a few being close together. 

Next time we play HZD we'll have a choice of pushing forward with the main story or doing the DLC content, since I'm about the right level for it. Plus it's a more condensed area (more or less)

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • Fought back the corruption: Destroyed the corruption inside the Nora valley.

For the raid we went over to twitch.tv/starmagegaming who was playing Party Animals 

Our next stream is scheduled for Saturday at 5 PM Eastern with the continuation of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty over on twitch.tv/fredcasden

The Phillies and Braves begin their Division Series on Saturday, and I'll be honest, I think everything lines up well for the Braves in this series, but we'll see how it all plays out.

Knocked out the Spider-Man short story commission today, and the next one on the docket is for Resident Evil, which I should be able to take care of in a good amount of time. Big thanks to everyone who has been commissioning stories, it mans a lot!

Might do an extra story this month for Halloween, question is what do I base it on?

Work was solid tonight, we got an assignment were things flowed nicely, able to adjust some wording without too much hassle and not being bogged down.

And on that note, good night!

Friday, October 6, 2023

Cybperunk 2077 and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream got off to a rough start because apparently Cyberpunk 2077 and its DLC expansion Phantom Liberty don't update as a single game like you know... every other fucking game on the planet, so the first 30 mintues was a complete wash. Once the two updates (when one was really needed) was done, a bunch of achievements that I know I didn't unlock related to the base game popped, meaning I'm two achievements away from completing the default achievements.

As far as the actually playing the game knocked out a few side quests, 'claimed' a few cars and generally made sure anything doable was done before advancing the plot, getting Idris Elba's character involved and seeing just how nutty things can go. Trying to make sure I don't do anything that kicks me from the Phantom Liberty content since some choices can and will be a factor

Next time we'll be playing it will be on Saturday's stream at 5 PM Eastern over on twitch.tv/fredcasden

Of course Friday's stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern and will see us playing Horizon Zero Dawn

Cyberpunk 2077 Achievements

  • The Devil: Help Takemura avenge the death of Saburo Arasaka.
  • Gunslinger: Shoot an enemy grenade in midair with a revolver.
  • Two Heads, One Bullet: Kill or incapacitate 2 enemies with the same sniper rifle shot.
  • Rough Landing: While Berserk cyberware is active, perform a Superhero Landing to kill or incapacitate 2 enemies.

For the raid we went over to twitch.tv/sweetlindir who was playing Smite 

Work was okay, not as draggy as the other nights this week... didn't get any completed interviews, just people who feel outside the parameters.

Finished the last WWE related commission story that I had booked today, and now I have two commissions based on something else to do, one for Spider-Man and another for Resident Evil.

I did actually force myself to do something not related to work, writing or streaming and sat down to watch RWBY / Justice League Part 1... and I thought it was okay, unfortunately unlike the comic book the first crossover, the film didn't have the balls to fully commit to having the DC Heroes being natives to the world of Remnant, and went with a half-baked trapped in a virtual reality world story. Now it was part 1 and there was a tease that there was another villain involved, so hopefully when part 2 comes out, it'll be better.

And on that note, good night!

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Journey to the Savage Planet and other notes

Hi everyone,

Well the Phillies crushed the Marlins tonight to go on to face the Barves in the Division Round of the Playoffs... in a rematch of the same Division Series from last year. It's going to be interesting follow

Tonight's stream featured Journey to the Savage Planet, and following some issues in me being unable to hear Iceman and invites not working, we were able to get into a lot of exploring and finding the resources needed to unlock new gimmicks to help reach new areas... when we weren't figuring our own ways of getting around stuff. Looking forward to the next time we play it, which is slated for next Wednesday.

Journey to the Savage Planet: Employee of the Month Edition Achievements

  • Return To Sender: Retrieved your own loot box. Death is no excuse for leaving behind Kindred property!
  • I Want To Go Home. Eventually.: Marked your first fuel pod. Momma, I'm coming home!
  • That's all people really want to do...: Kick 10 Pufferbirds in 45 seconds. It's why you bought the game. We get it.
  • We came, We Saw, We Kicked Its Ass: Crack Cragclaw with a Co-Op partner. Teamwork really does make the dream work.
  • Cragclaw Defeated: Cragclaw down. Break out the garlic butter! 

For the raid we went over to twitch.tv/zonesama during Cecilia Littlewing's marthone of retro television 

Our next stream is slated for Thursday night at 9:30 PM Eastern with Cyberpunk 2077, continuing doing stuff related to Phantom Liberty

Work tonight was okay, got a solid interview done right off the back before it became mundane and mind numbing in the final hour.

Finished the Watch Dogs commission story requests and got started on the WWE commission request straight away, trying to make it different from another similar is going to be a challenge. Also in the queue are commission stories based on Spider-Man and Resident Evil

Picked up a birthday present for my niece, as well as some sweatpants and the 2nd Justice League / RWBY crossover

And on that note, good night!