Sunday, October 8, 2023

Overwatch 2 and other notes

Hi everyone

Second night in a row that the stream started late, this time because I was taking a nap.

Once we got started, obvious Overwatch 2 was featured as we played matches as Tracer, Junker Queen, Ana, Kiriko,, Junkrat and Moira, plus a few others, adding a Play of the Game as Tracer. Big thank you as always to PandaSweet for being apart of the action!

Picked up one achievement during tonight's sessions, the Enabler achievement, which is the second of the two achievements associated with Ana for when the character was added to the game. We unlocked the Naptime achievement way back on May 14, 2020,

Overwatch 2: Ana Achievements

  • Enabler: Get 4 kills or assists with a single use of Ana's Nano Boost in Quick or Competitive Play.

Channel Raided:
Game Played: CastleVania: Symphony of the Night

Our next stream is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern on Monday with the continuation of Cyberpunk 2077

Did quite a bit of writing today, finishing two stories, one being the Resident Evil commission which I started last night, and the other was a side story I had in mind based on Extreme Ghostbusters. With no commissions on tap at the moment, I might go into writing the next chapter of my Persona series.

My fantasy football team had a really bad week as nearly everyone underperformed. It's funny, I started off 3-0.... now I'm 3-2

Anyway, got a few things to do before I try to go to sleep

Have a good night

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