Saturday, October 28, 2023

Horizon Zero Dawn and other notes

Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream went way longer than I intended because I was hoping to knock out all the quest related achievements for Horizon Zero Dawn's Frozen Wilds content, and while we finished the main story, some things certainly tool longer than expected. Still outside of the Hunting lodge in the area we pretty much accomplished everything worth doing so next time we play HZD, which will be next Friday, we'll be back to the base games content in roaming around and finding stuff.

The plan for Saturday's stream is to feature Starfield, but at the moment I'm not to sure if that will be the game we'll play. The stream is scheduled to start around 5 PM Eastern.

Horizon Zero Dawn Trophies

  • Reached level 50: Reached player level 50.
  • All Combat machines killed: Killed at least one of every type of Combat machine.
  • Won the Werak Challenge: Challenged Aratak at the Frostfigures and won.
  • Fully Improved Weapons: Acquired the improved versions of three weapons from Varga.
  • Completed the Second Expedition: Successfully assaulted Thunder's Drum.
  • Conquered the Mountain: Drove out the threat within the mountain.
  • Killed 15 Scorchers: Killed 15 Scorcher machines.
  • Killed 6 Fireclaws: Killed 6 Fireclaw machines.

For the raid we went over to djparticle who was playing Splatoon 3 

Had another good night of work, even if a part of it dragged a little, but got plenty of completes to make some of it fly by.

Did have a job interview, but they couldn't tell me where the office location was for their branch in Philadelphia, so I don't think I'll pursue it, even if the rate of pay would almost make it possible to get there fairly consistently. 

Worked on The Flash story commission but did not finished, it's about 60% complete so I'll work on it first thing in the morning, and probably work on the Persona story, while saving the WWE and Spider-Man commissions I have on deck for Sunday and Monday.

Good Night!

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