Saturday, August 5, 2023

The Last of Us Part II and Other Notes

Hi everyone,

We had another mundane day of work, the assignment is so bland and has so many road blocks put in it that I felt like I was going through the motions by the end of my shift. Can't complain, as we did get nearly a full set of hours this week.

Tonight's stream of The Last of Us Part II saw us finished Ellie's version of Seattle Day 1, which involved quite a bit of side questing to all the areas in down town Seattle before progressing with the main story which saw a lot of stealth and combat happening with the Wolves (aka the human villains). There was a number of cool moments, such as Ellie playing 'Take on Me' during a segment where a guitar was found, along with Dina coming to Ellie's rescue on several cut scene occasiosl

Now the Birthday Gift flash back was nice, to try and give the big warm and fuzzy feelings towards Joel, but remember he projected his feelings about his own daughter not being around on to her, so for me it was nice to see the build up towards Ellie learning the truth.

The Last of Us Part II Trophies

  • Mechanist: Fully upgrade a weapon
  • Sightseer: Visit every location in downtown Seattle
  • Looks Good On You: Put a hat on your companion

For the raid we dropped in on zonesama who was featuring Skullgirls over on

DId some writing yesterday on the WWE short story commission, but since it features similiar content compared to the recent commissioned story for the Mass Effect series.

Our next stream is scheduled for 7 PM Eastern on Saturday night, and just for the hell of it we're going to play Borderlands again and work on the DLC content to see if we can get towards    1000 gamer score! 

 Have a good night everyone, and we'll see you later over on!


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