Friday, August 4, 2023

Finished Borderlands and Other Notes

Hi everyone,

Started the day knocking out the 2nd of three commission requests that came in this week, which was focused on Mass Effect and that ended up being over 3000 words, then started work on the 3rd commission requests which is a WWE story... not thrilled with that, but hey we had a variety of stories done. Will work on that story on Friday during the day.

Work was meh, one of the tougher assignments where w just leave voice mails more than actually speaking to people. I did have two possible ones, but they both didn't qualify because of demographics.

So for the stream, we went ahead and finished Borderlands, and I was sticking pretty damn close to all the quests and bounty boards tonight, and since I was over-leveled by a bit and had some fairly good gear, it was basically a cake walk, particularly the descent to the Vault to face the Destroyer. It is the 32nd game we've finished this year, which raises the question over what game will be next?

But before that , we do have 865 out of a possible 1750 Gamer Score, and I would like to get it to over 1000, so we may keep Borderlands around for Saturdays to do the bonus content.

Actually come to think of it, before I work on any commission stories, I'm going to record my Casual Review of Borderlands for my YouTube channel after breakfast.

Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition Achievements

  • My Brother is an Italian Plumber: Killed an enemy plumber-style
  • Discovered Trash Coast: Discovered Trash Coast
  • Destroyed the Hive: Killed the Rakk Hive
  • Ding! Sleepless: Earned level 40
  • Wanted: Flynt: Killed Flynt
  • Fully Loaded: Rescued enough Claptraps to earn 42 inventory slots
  • Made in New Haven: Completed all missions in the Rust Commons
  • Discovered Crimson Lance Enclave: Discovered Crimson Lance Enclave
  • Discovered Eridian Promontory: Discovered Eridian Promontory
  • Destroyed the Destroyer: Killed the Vault Boss

For the raid we went over to kaedmon who was playing The Elder Scrolls Online over on

Assuming there is work, our next stream over on is scheduled for 9:30 PM Eastern and will feature The Last of Us Part II. I really like what I experienced last week, so I'm interested in seeing how this double story goes.

So on that note, have a great night every one! 

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