Sunday, July 30, 2023

Overwatch and other notes

 Hi everyone,

Tonight's stream of Overwatch certainly saw more losses than wins, in fact we won only two matches in the last two hours, but we did win the final match of the night. What we ran into was a lot of questionable folks who weren't bothering adjusting to what the opposing team was doing along with not playing their roles correctly. Big thanks to PandaSweet and Odeu for being apart of the fun over all!

Characters that I used included Kiriko, Reinhardt, Orissa,, Junker Queen, Ashe, Tracer, Bastion and others, unfortunately I picked up no plays of the game this week on stream, but I had some particuarly good matches in terms of statistics. But we did get an achievement as Mei.

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Cold Snap: Freeze 4 enemies at once with Mei in Quick or Competitive Play.

For the raid we dropped in on The offical channel for Mystery Science Theater 3000 over at

Made up for the time lost yesterday but writing the Mass Effect short story commission, creating an whole alternate lore for different version of FemShep that fits in with the world of the previous 35 entries in the series. It turned out rather well.

Our next stream is scheduled for Monday night at 9:30 PM Eastern with the continuation of Borderlands. We'll focus on the side quests I picked up, in addition to leaving the option open for people to join in. Of course if there is no work, I might start early, depending on if another story commission comes in.

So it's a light post tonight, so on that note we'll see you next time over on

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