Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The Casual Approach To Saints Row is what works best

Good morning everyone,

Yesterday was an okay day overall my brother came over to get some things for mom's funeral, going through pictures I found with her in it. Today's going to be a little rough as I have to sign off of somethings pertaining to the funeral.

My cousin Frances pointed out that Lisa Loring who played Wednesday Addams in the 1960s Addams Family series passed away. Instantly remember the 1977 TV Pilot for a sequel series called The New Addams Family, which most people tend to forget about... despite that some of its plot was used for the first of the two Raul Julia films in the 90s!

Last night's stream of Saints Row saw me completing all the of Side Hustles, and having those off the board is huge, because it's one less thing to distract me. We found over 80 of the packets, and I think we have a good chunk of all the discoverable things covered, but there are still a lot to find. We also progressed the story to where we add additional ventures and to open up some smaller side-stories to grow the Saints empire. Also managed to unlock 100 different costume items, but I'm still struggling to find things to give The Boss a defined look as I did with Saints Row The Third and Saints Row IV

On tonight's stream I think I'll start with going after discoverable items that are on the map already and places a few ventures to start the overall cleanup of the game before doing the next story chapters. It's a plan right? Kind of... sorta...

Big thank you to Kalenal for the raid following their stream of Pokemon Scarlet over at twitch.tv/kalenal! I believe they said they were up to 354 on their PokeDex!

For our own raid, we dropped everyone off at PowerThumbZ while they were doing the Mooncrash DLC for Prey over at twitch.tv/powerthumbz

Saints Row Achievements

  • Untouchable: Completed 10 Crimes of Opportunity.
  • Always Be Hustling: Completed all Side Hustles.
  • Took It to The Limit: Reach the maximum level.
  • Closet Space: Own 100 different pieces of clothing.
  • A Young Empire: Unlocked Criminal Empire Tier 2.

At this point I have 4250 Xbox Achieements for a Gamer Score of 98,687

Finally finished that one WWE / NHL short story commission request that I got before mom passed, and got a request for another WWE one based on the Royal Rumble this passed weekend which I did not watch. Also started writing a short story to be exclusives to my SubcribeStar page based on Dragon Ball. 

I did speak brief with my dad to get some clarification on some stories... and leads me to ask my Unlce Abraham about his mighty spoon, or probably not, if I forget about asking.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Waist Shape Focus Combo, Intermediate Combo #2 and Beginner Combo #2 for 21 minutes. You know... ever since last Friday I haven't really been motivated to workout.

"How does the moon cut his hair?" "Eclipse it."

Song of the Day: Everywhere – 2017 Remaster by Fleetwood Mac.

As detailed earlier, the plan for tonight's stream is more Saints Row! So we'll see you all over at twitch.tv/fredcasden this evening!

Monday, January 30, 2023

A Fun Sunday

Good afternoon everyone,

Yesterday started with me starting my vow of trying to speak one family member per day, and first up was my Aunt Maria up in Reading, and I was curious about a building I have a very vague memory of that I swear had RCA on it. Obviously this would've been from like 35 years ago, probably a little longer, but if it was anywhere it was probably in downtown reading.

Last night's stream was a lot of fun, as it was the usual with Overwatch 2... but then again... not so usual, as we were joined by the amazing BestiBunni for the first time ever! Now I've seen then play Overwatch 2 and they are super good in the Team Deathmatch Arcade mode, so when PandaSweet and BangBangBang joined, we ended up with a team of four, and we won the a lot more than we lost as a quartet. Later on in the night LvlStkr joined for a few matches in Quick Play, which was a blast.

As far as my own exploits go, I picked up three Plays of the Game, two as Junker Queen and one as Orisa, and used characters like Junkrat, Ana and Moira throughout the night... and as I type that sentence I realized I had a fourth play of the game as Moira that I didn't mark to save so that I could download it! DARN IT!

For the raid, we dropped in on PowerThumbZ just as they were finishing Prey, it took him 14 different broadcasts to accomplish that. He's a cool dude, check him out over on twitch.tv/powerthumbz!

Anyway, I got most of that commissioned NHL/WWE story done yesterday, just have a few details to add in to wrap it up.

The Eagles beat the Giants yesterday, and I didn't put the game on until my Uncle Abraham DM'ed me through Facebook... and once I saw the score, I instantly thought of mom and how she would stomp her foot up in the living room when the eagles would score... or screw up somehow. So I know she would've been elated! 

Did try to call my Aunt Rosa this morning to see how they were doing, got their voice mail. I'll see 'em Wednesday for sure.

I did get some clothes sorted for mom's funeral on Wednesday... going to wear a long sleeved black shirt she got me for my first a couple of years ago I never had an opportunity to wear.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Double Combo #2, Triple Combo #1, Weaving Combo #2 and Hook Combo #1 for 26 minutes

"I only know 25 letters of the alphabet. I don't know y."

Song of the Day: Trumpets by Jason Derulo.

For tonight's stream, we are continuing Saints Row, with my usual casual approach by doing side quests and exploration to try and find things before advancing too much of the story. It's the best way to get the most out of some games.

On that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Sunday, January 29, 2023

A Day with Family, A Night Of Persona Dancing

Good afternoon everyone,

Yesterday, my brother, his nieces and I went to our Uncle Abraham's house for the first time, and it was a real treat. His wife Carmen, cooked up an incredible meal, pork chops, chicken, salad, rice & beans... it was incredibly tasty. But that wasn't all, we all  then went over to my Aunt Grace and Cousin Frances' new home as well! If I was smart I should've taken some family photos with everyone, but personally, I was really grateful to be reconnecting with everyone. If my Aunt Hilary could be considered in someone ways to be my big sister (at least according to her) then in some ways Frances is my little sister... hell when I was laying out some things about Dragon Ball Z Abridge she picked up where some of the jokes were going. All together this was a fun afternoon.

And if anyone is wondering, yes Carmen did make sure I left with a plate of that awesome food!

As if right now, the funeral for my mom is slated for Wednesday afternoon, that's going to be rough day for sure, I just know it, and I'm trying to brace myself for it.

Made it back home about 15 minutes before the stream, and so I decided to just play the Persona Dancing trilogy, and I spent a lot of time on Persona 5 Dancing In Starlight... which ended up meaning I couldn't do all the character dancers for Persona 4 Dancing All Night. Still, I did managed to see new high scores in both games plus Persona 3 Dancing in Moonlight, picked up a few King Crazys. Since it's been a while since I've played P3D and P4D, remembering the patterns at the speed I have them set at... so I ended up missing more notes than I would've liked.

For the raid, we dropped in on TokuSHOUTsu while it was broadcasting Shaolin Wooden Men as part of a marathon of dubbed martial arts films over at twitch.tv/tokushoutsu

Didn't get any writing done yesterday but I intend to today, because I do want to make the SubcribeStar page something to help supplement lean times. Also need to post several old stories to it as well this afternoon.

Did started doing a routine of just trying to speak to one family member a day, reaching my Aunt Maria first, did also want to reach my dad to ask about some stories I was told on Friday... but i guess he was asleep. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Body Hook Combo, Weaving Combo #1, Beginner Combo #1 and Straight Combo #1 for 26 minutes.

"Why do seagulls fly over the ocean?" "Because if they flew over the bay, we'd call them bagels."

Song of the Day: I.F.L.Y. by Bazzi.

Tonight's stream will feature Overwatch 2, as we'll do out usual of kicking butt and taking names! 

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Saturday, January 28, 2023

First Day Without Mom

Good afternoon everyone, 

I went to bed at 5:40 AM Yesterday morning waking up at 8:30 AM and got on the ball contacting family and friends about mom, getting in touch with quite a few folks. My aunt Grace, cousin Frances, unacle Abraham and his wife Carmen all came to the house... and there were tears and laughter. My brother arrived with food that my aunt Hilary arranged for, so everyone ended up getting fed. My brother has done an amazing job in getting arrangements made for mom's funeral, and it's tentatively planned for Wednesday. The plan is to have mom cremated and to keep the ashes a the house, but first they need my signature to go ahead with the cremation of mom's remains.

Last night's stream, the first 3 hours were me just talking about my mom, my family, the day in general... I ended up giving a toast to mom with the beer she never got to drink. Ended up grabbing two boxes of VHS tapes, finding movies like DC Cab, Mystic Pizza and other films. 

Eventually we got around to playing a video game, namely Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, getting a few achievements in Grand Prix mode, plus taking a 2nd place finish in a match making race. So it ended up being a good night.

Big thank you to Iceman for the $50 donation and gifting Pandasweet a Tier 1 gift sub. He has been an awesome friend during all of this.

And thank you to everyone who was in the chat, either chatting or lurking during the whole night, and just allowing me to just talk about my mom.

For the raid, we dropped in on Oldish22 while they were playing Final Fantasy XIV over on twitch.tv/oldish22!

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Achievements

  • Arrow Of Light: Froze an opponent with Ice from at least 100 meters away
  • Rank B: Earned your B Class License
  • Genesis: Triple-Stunted while transforming into a car or boat
  • Newtron: Manually selected a Random character for a Matchmaking game

I'll upload a few older stories from the Dice and Kristi era to my subscribstar before tonight's stream. We'll see how that goes, and I'll try and finished that WWE/NHL crossover commission request... but it's going to be an busy afternoon.

Found pictures of mom for the funeral... and my brother is picking me up to go visit one of our uncles.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Advanced Combo #2, Hook Combo #2, Left-Right Step Combo

Saw DaemonsW0lf playing the new Dead Space... and boy is that game a buggy mess. Ashame, because it looked like Dae was enjoying it.

"What did the ocean say to the beach?" "Nothing, it just waved."

Song of the Day:Feel Like The First Time by Foreigner.

Not sure what's on the agenda for tonight's stream is since we didn't start Final Fantasy VII Remake, but we'll figure something out.

On that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden

Friday, January 27, 2023

My mom has passed away

Good morning everyone,

Last night a bit before midnight, my mother, Elizabeth Ortiz, passed away at 63 due to lung cancer. She was born December 3, 1959... and I would dare say she was the toughest, smartest person I've ever known. and I'm going to miss her a lot.  My brother came and got me at 1 AM and we spent several hours at  the hospital before we had  to go so they could take her to the morgue

Yesterday afternoon, I went to see her by the time I got to the hospital to visit mom, they had the iv drip already in place, so she was asleep when I got there... but she woke up, and was in and out of it... so she didn't say anything. Funny thing while I was there, the nurses came to clean her up and said earlier she didn't want to be move, but I told my mom to behave, and begrudgingly cooperated. My brother arrived around 1:30ish with his family, and I finally met his wife's mom... talk about bad circumstances. Mom did respond a bit when she was spoken too in Spanish, and smiled when she saw my brother's kids.

I did take advantage of getting some phone numbers from my mom's phone for a few family members, to try and update them on the situation... sent out text messages called a few folks... and I know my Aunt Grace and Cousin Frances will be swinging by the house later. 

The photo you see was taken Christmas day, and my mom is the middle, with the blanket... I got her that blanket for mother's day right in the middle of the Covid Pandemic, and regardless if she slept upstairs in her room, or just crashed on the couch or recliner, she always had it. It was mom's last Christmas....

The last day she was home was December 28th, she went for her 2nd day of Radiation Therapy, because she was intending to fight... but she never came back, She was was in so much pain she was admitted to the ER that afternoon. She was discharged to go to a nursing rehab facility a couple of weeks later, but last Monday the 16th, she was back in the ER and things just deteriorated from there rapidly

As for the stream last night, the new mission in Star Trek Online,The Fujiwhara Effect, brings to an end the ongoing story arc involving the Terran Empire. The ending of this mission hits me a little harder now considering everything involving the mirror versions of Wesley & Doctor Beverly Crusher. O really liked the mission as a whole but the ending just feels... different now.

We didn't stay with STO the entire time, we switched to Final Fantasy XIV after the break, and we did some raids and a few side quests. Two the raids ended up being of the Alliance variety, so those ate up a lot of time

Big thank you to lartheman88 for subscribing to my Twitch Channel using Twitch Prime

For the raid, we dropped in on Kalenal while they were also playing Final Fantasy XIV over at twitch.tv/kalenal

Stream Clip Links

I got started on the next commission requests for a WWE / NHL crossover, and the intro gets the job done... going to have to use another 'time skip' to proceed to the heart of the story, but oh well.

At the time I'm writing this its nearly 5:30 AM... so no Fitness Boxing 2 notes for today.

"Have you heard about the chocolate record player? It sounds pretty sweet."

Song of the Day: Lay Me Down by Sam Smith ft. John Legend.

For tonight's stream the plan was to play Final Fantasy VII Remake on the PS4. As ya'll know I was not a fan of the original version of FF7... but I've seen enough people play the remake to think I might enjoy it...

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden but for now I'm going to bed.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Night I Cried: My Twitch Community Is Awesome

Good morning everyone,

Saying yesterday was rough... is an understatement. At about 3:30 PM, I was in a telephone conference with my Aunt Hillary, my brother Leo and the care team for my mom at Cooper Hospital, where in no uncertain terms they basically laid out the fact that my mom's battle against Lung Cancer is going to require Hospice care. Considering my mom is only 63 years old... and we were reaching milestones to where she could start dialing back and taking it easy for her senior years... this is devastating. See... I had hope, and I still hope, that mom can fight this and make it back home. To live the life she worked for.

After the call, I called my dad, who lives out in the North Dakota... and we had the longest conversation we had in probably ten years or so. Granted we ended up talking about his replaying of the 1953 Baseball season using APBA Baseball for Windows. It certainly was the first breath of levity I needed, all things considered.

Then came time to for last night's broadcast... and for the first time, I cried on stream... and prior to last night, the only folks who have seen me cried was my brother a few weeks ago, and my aunt who came by to pick up some things. I've been open and honest with my viewers, as few as I have, regarding my mom's condition, and ya'll know I've posted updates here in this blog day after day. But last night I openly cried on stream... it's just surreal that i just... talked for an hour, talk about mom, what she means to me and all sorts of stuff... and opened up about a whole lot of things, my failures, and how we both expected things to be.

I want to thank everyone who was in the chat during that, ya'll are awesome for just letting me just talk, because it's not easy for me at all, and just vent like that, with no real judgement. Those in the chat, including new viewers were really kind. And once I started talking other stuff like the VHS tapes I've been finding thing started to get on track a bit.... which lead to me recalling the theme for Felix the Cat, of all things.

Now I've been broadcasting regularly on Twitch since January of 2017, and it has been the only thing I've done where I feel like I could actually be good at something, and while I may have a small community of folks that have stuck with me along the way, they are the best people that I know. It's why I say without question, my twitch community is awesome.

Now once we got into playing Fall Guys like maybe an hour into the stream (I kept saying we'd get to it but I wouldn't shut up lo)l, but when finally we did, I was joined by long time friends of the channel Felkimchi and PandaSweet for a run in the 'Squads' show... and somehow, some way, we won, with me being the last person standing. Talk about surreal. To have that moment was incredible.

Of course we also played Fallout 76, and Iceman joined me for that, and since he's gone through this sort of things, we ended up just talking during an extra final hour of the stream, in addition to our usual hi-jinks that ensured during our adventures in West Virginia.

Last night's stream will be preserved in an uncut state over on my YouTube channel, and I also segmented out the entire first 90 minutes to keep on Twitch as well. 

Stream Clips

With everything going on, I barely managed to finish a short story commission based on things in WWE, and got another one to work on, but I'm going to have to delay writing it until probably Friday, because I intend to see my mom today. The person who requested said story understands.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Defensive Combo #1, Front-Back Step Combo and Uppercut Combo #2 for only 21 minutes. Woke up later than I intended.... sorry.

"What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?" "Supplies!"

Song of the Day: Tuesday’s Gone by Lynyrd Skynyrd.

For tonight's stream the plan is to play Star Trek Online, which has a new episode out that sees the STO debute of Gates McFadden who played Dr. Beverly Crusher on TNG. In addition, we'll also play  Final Fantasy XIV, we'll do some side quests, maybe some raids and other things. We'll see.

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Still Taking The Casual Approach To Saints Row

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Saints Row was a lot of fun as I really focused on the ventures and side jobs for a good portion, with the big realization being that the ones for acquiring the cars was a lot more obvious than they were in other games. We did advance the plot a little in terms of quests associated with Eli, Kev and Neenah that advanced their sub stories and get to know more of what their characters are like in various situations.

Perhaps the highlight was the final mission we did that introduced the LARP aspect Saints Row, and it's a big reminder as to why I prefer Saints Row over Grand Theft Auto, which is how the series is not afraid to be silly and over the top in various ways. 

Something very apparent is that I'll hit Level 20, which is I think max level sometime during the next stream where I feature Saints Row (Monday), because of my focus on avoiding the main story. I just really like being able to take a casual approach to it, getting the most out of the game where I can set my own pace.

Big thanks to TheInsanityInc for resubscribing to my Twitch Channel for a 19th month! It's greatly appreciated! 

For the raid, we dropped in on TokuSHOUTsu, a channel that is always on and features things like Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Ultraman and many other Japanese shows and movies courtesy of Shout! Factory TV! You can check the channel out at twitch.tv/TokuSHOUTsu!   

Saints Row Achievements

  • Kitted Out: Fully upgraded a weapon.
  • Shopping Spree: Bought 1 item from every store.
  • Wrecking Ball: Killed an enemy with a towed object.

Stream Clip Links

I couldn't reach my mom at all yesterday via her cell phone... and I had a pretty bad blow up as well with a lot of hits coming my way. I know I'm not alone, but I'm not the best at expressing myself. Doesn't help that the longer things go on, the more the fact that I'm failing on so many fronts is coming to light.

As a result, I didn't get any writing done at all yesterday in terms of the commission requests that I do have that helped cover some expenses and odds are that won't be the case today either. 

For anyone wanting to try Hello Fresh, use code POGHF64483 when you sign up at HelloFresh.com for a discount on 21 meals plus free shipping, or sign up via my affiliate link at https://strms.net/hellofresh_fredcasden!  

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Biceps Shape Focus Combo, Triple Combo #2, Intermediate Combo #1 and Defensive Combo #2 for 32 minutes

Also Fitness Boxing 2 had a surprised update, with a new instructor named Leo being added, which is funny to me because that's my brother's named. Other features added was the option to remove Blocking from the daily workout settings, the ability to customize the order of songs on the Song List and check the courses played on the Exercises Results Screen 

Also stepped on the scale, and my weight seems to be down around 238 to 240 pounds, so lets split the difference and call it 239

"Dear Math, grow up and solve your own problems."

Song of the Day: Bury A Friend by Billie Eilish

For tonight's stream the plan is to play Fall Guys and Fallout 76 as part of the usual Wednesday night double header. 

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Finding More Stuff To Do In Saints Row '22

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Saints Row certainly opened with my in a rough place, as I have some great fears concerning my mom's medical condition and how the hospital staff at Cooper Hospital is handling her, in particular with her having food, because she needs to be deemed strong enough for chemotherapy. If anyone would be kind enough to donate to her GoFundMe in her fight against Lung Cancer and other medical expenses, please visit: https://gofund.me/6adf8354

As far as the game play of Saints Row goes, we mostly stuck to exploring and finding side quests and things to through out the game, and it's amazing how much is actually locked behind game progression on different fronts. The Ventures portion in particular, because doing those was always things I try to knock out as quickly as possible on a Saints Row The Third or IV play-through. Still, it does seem like there is a ton that have to be unlocked. Didn't really advance the plot, but did a couple of missions associated with members of the Saints, the chasing after a retro fast food kid's meal toy was rather cute, and the one involving Neema's car certainly makes things more personal.  

We did end up going til close to midnight because of how side track I got whenever I see a collectable item or location on the in-game map. Tonight will be more of the same I bet.

Speaking of tonight's stream... it as well as last night's stream is / was sponsored by Hello Fresh! Use code POGHF64483 for 21 free meals plus free shipping at https://strms.net/hellofresh_fredcasden

For the raid we dropped in on Mystery Science Theater 3000 when the episode covering the movie 'Tormented'. The MST3K channel is on 24/7 over at twitch.tv/mst3k! 

Saints Row Achievements

  • Finders Keepers: Obtained 5 items in the Collectibles app.
  • Landlord: Placed a criminal venture.
  • Hijacked: Pulled out of a car by a pedestrian.
  • Work Ethic: Completed a criminal venture.

Stream Clip Links

Yesterday's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout was shorter than intended, but it still felt good all the same. Today's workout featured Block Combo #1, Straight Combo #2, Difficult Challenge Combo #1 and Difficulty Challenge Combo #3 for 32 minutes

Despite all the stuff on my mind I managed to write one commission request yesterday afternoon based on title matches on WWE programming, and I have another commission request for another one. Can't complain, because these little stories have helped covered some bills.

"What do you call a factory that makes okay products?" "A satisfactory."

Song of the Day: Fix You by Coldplay.

For tonight's stream, well, we're continuing Saints Row obviously, we'll probably knock out a set of quests associated with a Venture and find some more discoverable collectables before doing a story mission or two.

On that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Monday, January 23, 2023

It's A Monday, Visited Mom

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Overwatch 2 was a lot of fun, as I was focused on completing many of the daily and weekly challenges. Big thanks to both LvStrkr and PandaSweet for being apart of matches! Characters I used included Mei, Junkrat, Reinhardt, Bastion, Moira, Ana, D.va, Orisa and a couple of others, with a three plays of the game earned as Mei, Bastion and D.va!

Now during the stream, I did get a call from my mom, but I was not in a position to talk, since I was in the middle of a match at that point. She told me they have her doing some breathing exercises to help her strengthen her lungs, which makes sense considering she's mostly been on her back for the past month. 

I did went to see here this morning, when I got there she was just waking up and she was incredibly groggy. Her bed was locked to keep her head elevated at 30 degrees to keep her airways cleared, so when she asked for it to be raised, it had to be unlocked. When I left,  a respiratory therapist came by to for her to do some breathing exercises. 

If anyone would be kind enough to donate to her GoFundMe in her fight against Lung Cancer and other medical expenses, please visit: https://gofund.me/6adf8354

For the raid we dropped in on PowerThumbz during their 12th night of playing Prey over on twitch.tv/powerthumbz

Stream Clip Links

The Hello Fresh campaign is back, as the next several streams I do on twitch will be sponsored! Use Promo code POGHF64483 at hellofresh.com to get 21 Meals and free shipping!

The string of commission fics based on current WWE continues as the series featuring Triple H is going to have a 10th installment, which I plant to write today.

Also already have three subscribers to my subscribestar archive, which is pretty cool. I'll have to make sure to write some stories exclusive to it for them! In fact I have one based on the Addams Family.

On a silly note, some of the screenshots from the previous night's stream of Catherine got flagged on Tumblr... which gave me a little chuckle.Speaking of Catherine, the archive version of last night's stream won't be viewable in Japan because the entire big cut scene where the revelation about the Bartender being behind Vincent's dreams is restricted in that country. Weird.

I did make some changes to my settings for Fitness Boxing 2, so some days there may be 4 exercises or less, this why was in case I'm running late I can adjust things more easily. That said, today's routine included Hip Shape Focus Combo, Sway Back Combo and Difficulty Challenge Combo #2 for 24 minutes. I woke up later than I wanted.

"I thought the dryer was shrinking my clothes. Turns out it was the refrigerator all along."

Song of the Day: Cool Kids by Echosmith.

For tonight's stream, we are back to Saints Row '22, probably with a focus on exploring and side jobs first before advancing the plot.

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Visited Mom Yesterday; Catherine's Final Towers Were Nuts!

Good morning everyone,

First off, obviously, I went and saw mom yesterday at the hospital, and funny thing, myself and my brother got there around the same time, not knowing the other would be there, so he and I had a nice chat when he came down from her room. (They only allow one person up at a time). When I went up, mom was asleep, because they had to sedate in order to have her be still when doing an MRI and other scans earlier in the morning. She woke up for a little bit but went right back to sleep. It was nice to see her. If anyone would be kind enough to donate to her GoFundMe in her fight against Lung Cancer and other medical expenses, please visit: https://gofund.me/6adf8354

Last night's stream of Catherine actually saw us finish the game, it did take 6 hours, because those final towers got pretty nutty and I ended up having to retry a lot of my attempts. I can't imagine how insane things are on the hardest difficulty settings for this game. I did enjoy me experience playing it, and the choose your own path aspect of the game really mattered as it related to the ending and the achievements that were earned.

As for the ending, I got the normal lovers ending, which sees Vincent and Katherine reunite and plan their eventual wedding. I'm sure there are guides on how to get all the possible endings, but for a first time play through, I can't pleased with the results.

Now would I play Catherine again... yes I would, but at the same time, I might want to eventually get Catherine: Full Body, which is the remastered and expanding version of the game, that introduces 'Rin, a third possible love interest for Vincent. That game I believe is only on the PS4, so tracking down a physical copy would be my preference. OF course.. with the Xbox 360 version that I played, it does have the achievements I could target on a second playthrough

For the raid we dropped in on MissCammi316 while they were playing Dead By Daylight over on twitch.tv/misscammi316!

Catherine Achievements

  • What Time is It?: Conquer Stage 6.
  • Path to the Altar: Conquer Stage 7.
  • You Don't Have To Go Home...: Stay in the bar until all the other customers leave.
  • Making Legends: Conquer Stage 8.
  • One Last Case: Help Morgan clean up his mess.
  •  Read All About It!: Get Justin out of his jam.
  • A New Look: Help Todd out of his trouble.
  • Mother Inferior: Help Archie work through his quandary.
  • True Freedom!: Conquer Stage 9.
  • Just Like Old Times: View the normal Lover ending.
  • Welcome to the Colosseum: Unlock the Colosseum mode.

Stream Clip Links

Had a couple of commission requests for WWE stories back to back, got one written yesterday and will work on the second one today, both basically focused around Triple H running things. I do feel I've been expanding a few things a bit to try and flesh out my fic writing process. Now if only it didn't take me 4 hours to write a 2000 word story lol.

Recorded a new tier-list video for the YouTube Channel, it's focused on Capcom Fighting Games, though the tierlists I found were not exactly a complete list of all the fighting games Capcom published. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Beginner COmbo #2, Advanced Combo #1, Uppercut Combo #1 and Intermediate COmbo #2 for 35 minutes.

"If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?" "Pilgrims."

Song of the Day: Dark Red by Steve Lacy.

For tonight's stream, well you know what time it is, Overwatch 2 is on deck and I'll probably put in an effort on playing support because I haven't exactly gotten to play that role much in off-stream matches this week. 

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Adachi's P4AU story fills in the gaps

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream saw us featuring Persona 4 Arena Ultimax one final time in order to see Adachi's story play out, and it certainly filled in the gaps as to why he was out of police custody and why he was 'helping' in his own way during the P4 version of events. It does however raises a question as to how much of the P3 side of the story is actually canon because both side contradict one another yet complement each other at the same time, particularity once the True Ending is considered.

Anyway, we did do one Score Attack run as Elizabeth to get its related trophy and also a few attempts a flows 41-50 in the Golden Arena to see if we could get further in that, but a lot of grinding is involved as far as that goes, since that mode is more of an RPG.

We also revisited Persona 5 Dancing in Starlight, picking up a couple of King Crazy's and setting a few new high scores on some songs. I was a tad bit rusty at it since it's been about a month since I last played it any of the Persona dancing games.

One thing I did reveal during the stream is that next Friday... the PS4 game will be Final Fantasy VII Remake

For the raid we dropped in on Flint_Locke while they were doing a VRChat stream over at twitch.tv/flint_locke

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax Trophies

  • Score Attacker: You completed one Score Attack Course.

Stream Clip Links

My brother and one of my aunts visited mom at the hospital yesterday, and I talked to her a bit, she sounded better for sure, so maybe what the doctors did for her throat helped some. There are lot of concerns for sure still. I didn't get any updates or news regarding her condition, but if anyone would like to help out, please donate to mom's gofundme at https://gofund.me/6adf8354, all funds go directly to covering medical expenses in her fight against lung cancer and other ailments!

Also went and saw mom this morning, but she was sedated because they took her to get an MRI earlier, so she was partially asleep

Managed to finish the Gotham Knights commission request rather easily, despite not playing the game and not having any context as it relates to how the four characters interact in it, but I'm not complaining as it was nearly 4000 words long. Got another short story request for a WWE, I'll get to work on that in the afternoon. And all these little commission requests I've been doing with work being slow has certainly helped out in covered my electric bill for this month.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Weaving Combo #2, Hook Combo #1 and Waist Shape Focus Combo for 28 minutes

"How do you follow Will Smith in the snow?" "You follow the fresh prints."

Song of the Day: Shake Your Groove Thing by Peaches & Herb.

For tonight's stream, we're resuming Catherine after completing the first five floors last week. And if the giant bride is any indication, things in the second half of the game is going to get crazy.

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Friday, January 20, 2023

Thoughts on the New Alliance Raid in FFXIV

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Final Fantasy XIV saw a huge focus on 6.3 content, namely the story associated with the new Alliance Raid. The Raid itself certainly is incredible, as all the gods introduced for the boss fights looked great... but with it being my first time doing said raid, I had quite a lot of trouble picking up on some of the mechanics, particularly on the final two bosses.

The story on the other had, while cute when going to the Marks of the 12, certainly revealed that there is not anything subtle with the fact that the character of Deryk is the 13th 'god', who is unnamed. At least that is my theory, but a lot of things point to him because of dialog he says.

Beyond the new stuff, I did a couple of side quests and also some roulette runs... and boy did I forget the mechanics on a lot things, granted some of the ones that I was randomly put in were big battles that I only did once. So my gear took a punishment. On the plus side, did discover that that the awesome Hildibrand dance sequence can be viewed again!

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal while they were also playing Final Fantasy XIV over on twitch.tv/kalenal!  

Stream Clip Links

Update on mom is that the doctors discovered an issues in her esophagus that was making it tough for her to swallow but apparently that was easily treatable. They also discovered some apparent spine compression that may be the cause of her weakness in her limbs. As far as the fluid in her lungs, the cause has not been determined but the words of possible heart failure was mentioned... if anyone wants to help out in her fight against lung cancer and these other medical issues, please donate to her gofundme https://gofund.me/6adf8354!

Finished another Dragon Ball short story commission yesterday afternoon, and the streak of those is broken, because the next commission is to be based on Gotham Knights, but I have not played it yet... so I'll have to wing it a bit and rely on what I know of the Bat Family. Should be fun to write!

With Star Trek Online's anniversary coming up, next Thursday's stream will be split between STO and FF14. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Straight Combo #1, Double Combo #2 and Triple Combo #1 for 31 minutes.

"What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?" "Sofishticated."

Song of the Day: Star Shopping by Lil Peep.

For tonight's stream, we're returning one final scheduled time to Persona 4: Arena Ultimax to see the Adarchi story which was originally DLC for the game's initial PS3/Xbox 360 release. Once the story is done, we'll probably jump into the Golden Arena mode or try and knock out a few score attack runs to see if we can get a few achievements.

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Middle Of The Week

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream was plagued with frame drops, but everything seemed stable as Twitch only showed once instance of stream instability. It was rather peculiar as we dropped frames off and on throughout the entire night.

In Fall Guys, I ended up in the Final Round a few times, gained a first place finished and had some very questionable eliminations with last minute failures on squads. It was the usual silliness of pretty much. We did pick up an achievement during it because of the one first place finish, and if I can finish a race in first place 15 more times that'll be another achievement down the road!

We also played Fallout 76, helping Iceman with his main story quests, as he's in the Wasterlanders portion of the story, which means on track for the Treasure Vault raid which is going to be very interesting considering how much of a pain that was for me solo. At least I'll be able to help him out when he reaches that point!

For the raid we dropped in on x9abenonymous9x while they were playing God of War II over on twitch.tv/x9abenonymous9x!  

Fall Guys Achievements

  • Quite Dashing: Get first place in a racing round 5 times

Stream Clip Links

Update on mom, they drained some fluid from around her lungs yesterday, and when I talked with her, she sounded better than she did when I saw her on Monday, but from what I understand they are draining more fluid today, so I think that obviously would delay her chemo treatment that was scheduled. If anyone would like to help my mom in her fight against Lung Cancer, please donate to her gofundme at https://gofund.me/6adf8354!

Wrote another short story commission based on the world of Dragon Ball yesterday, and have another lined up for today to work on as I wait for work to pick back up while also looking for a more stable gig. At lease these tales are keeping my brain occupied.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Beginner COmbo #1, Body Hook Combo, Weaving Combo #1 for 28 minutes

Found boxes filled with VHS tapes the other day, and I figure a good idea for content for my YouTube Channel is to go through them and see which films have I seen and which ones I haven't. Recording the first one yesterday, which will be viewable on Monday

"What do a tick and the Eiffel Tower have in common?" "They're both Paris sites."

Song of the Day: Gloria by Laura Branigan.

For tonight's stream we shall be playing Final Fantasy XIV, with the first main goal being to play the new Alliance Raid... which I should've done last week, but I was unaware of it. So once that's done, we'll get back to side questing!

On that note, we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

So Saints Row '22's origin for The Saints actually makes sense in context

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Saints Row '22 saw us start with off roaming around, doing the side hustles, finding stores and any landmarks we could find before making some headway when it came to the main story, which saw the unlocking of the JimRob's Garage, and the advancement to where The Boss gets canned by Marshall because of the other factions crashed a museum. This lead to mission where the two companion characters who had affiliation with the those other factions basically quitting and which leads to the creation of the Saints. 

Now that may seem convoluted, but one has to remember in the original Saints Row, the Saints were already established, and because of the events of Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell, Johnny Gat basically has an option to reboot the universe, which means the Saints don't come into existence until much later on. So with that in mind, the story actually works.

One thing that was cool was that folks realized that I made The Boss character apart of the LGTBQ community, which just makes sense because of the 'Romance' scenes in Saints Row IV. Regardless of the gender, the Boss has relations with all members of the Saints in that game. 

On a side note: I found an Indiana Jones style hat, jacket and pants with a whip in one of the in-game stores, which was pretty awesome!

For the raid we dropped in on PowerThumbz while they were playing Prey over on twitch.tv/powerthumbz

Congratulations to Monicaneo who is getting married in October! Hope they and their partner have a long and happy marriage!

 Saints Row Achievements

  • Tune Up: Customized a vehicle.
  • Food for Thought: Staggered an enemy with a vending machine.
  • Performance Review: Got fired.
  • Making a Name: Named your criminal empire.

Stream Clip Links

There was some miscommunication regarding what was going on with mom, but it was discovered that she has some fluid around her left lung that may be causing some shortness of breath. Had a long talk with my brother and one of the doctors who are taking care of mom, and the subject of how weak she has gotten because she's basically been bed ridden since initially going to the Emergency Room back on December 28. If anyone would like to help my mom in her fight against Lung Cancer, please donate to her gofundme at https://gofund.me/6adf8354!

Continued my string of daily commission writings with another Dragon Ball tale, and I have another one in line.as well that is apart of the established series of stories featuring Videl... even if she won't be featured in the next one that was requested. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Advanced Combo #2, Left-Right Step Combo and Hook Combo #2

"Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth. Then it's a soap opera."

Song of the Day: Bad Liar by Imagine Dragons

For tonight's stream, Fall Guys will lead thing off then after the 9 PM break, we'll switch over to Fallout 76 as I work my way to level 100!

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Mom's back in the hospital; The Saints Row '22 Game Isn't Bad

Good morning everyone,

First off, an update on my mom, apparently she had an appointment at MD Anderson that no one knew about, and she wasn't feeling well while over there. She was admitted to the Emergency Room at Cooper Hospital in the late morning, early afternoon. I went over to check on her in the late afternoon, but wasn't able to speak to a nurse or doctor, but mom seemed a little loopy, which I guess was from whatever medication they gave. I do know she was moved to the medical / surgical floor of the hospital, and she may have gotten an infection on top of everything else, there was an increase of white blood cells. I spoke to her this morning, and she was in a lot of pain, and according to the nurses station, they'll be doing tests and other evaluations of her today.

With everything going on, if anyone can donate to her gofundme to help, please visit: https://gofund.me/6adf8354

As for last night's stream, we started playing Saints Row, the reboot of the series released last year, and we're playing it with the licensed music turned off, which probably dings the experience, but I've done that with several other games in the series. I'm not particularly sure where exactly people said this game was bad, but then again I'm fairly early into it, only done two missions and spent a lot of time exploring and doing side quests because that's how I played other Saints Row games.

When it comes to visuals and the audio, Saints Row '22 looks and sounds great, and funny enough I managed to find a character voice that is fairly similar to Laura Bailey's performance in Saints Row The Third and Saints Row IV. There are enough customization options to tweak things to how I want them when it comes to combat and just wanting to get things done. It's clear that the flight suit is in the game because of the glide mechanics in Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell. 

If there is one draw back, it's that Saints Row '22's character creation suite seems more limited than the ones in Saints Row The Third and Saints Row IV, as I do like making the Boss look a certain way. I wonder if some things are unlockable. 

Big thanks to BangBangBang for resubscribing to my Twitch Channel for a second month! It's greatly appreciated!

For the raid, we just dropped everyone off over at Mystery Science Theater 3000, the movie that was playing was Invasion of the Neptune Men! You can check out old MST3K episodes at twitch.tv/mst3k

Saints Row Achievements

  • First F#@!ing Day: Completed First F#@!ing Day.
  • To The Nines: Opened the Style app for the first time.
  • The Side Job: Completed a Side Hustle.
  • Wet Work: Completed a job on the Wanted app.

Stream Clip Links

Despite everything that happened yesterday, I did manage to finished two Dragon Ball commission requests featuring Future Trunks. I have another commission request to work on that is still based in the world of Dragon Ball, but with the focus being on Videl.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Double Combo #1, Body Straight Combo, Body & Body Uppercut Combo for 28 minutes

"Why do fathers take an extra pair of socks when they go golfing?" "In case they get a hole in one!"

Song of the Day: Fortune Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival

For tonight's stream, we shall continue Saints Row '22, I'll probably resumes exploring and doing what side stuff I come across before we dive into the next mission.

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden

Monday, January 16, 2023

A Good Night Of Overwatch 2

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Overwatch 2 was a lot of fun, first big thanks to BangBangBang and PandaSweet for joining on matches, as it's always great to be playing with friends. We all ended up getting plays of the game at different points which was really cool. For myself, I picked up four POTGs, two as Junkrat and two as Torbjorn. Other character sued during the night included Moira, Ana, Mei, Junker Queen, Orisa, Reinhardt and several others.

It was funny that I was able to get up to 8 of the weeklies done considering wins were really tough to come by during the course of the week, since I often play Overwatch 2 following the Monday to Saturday streams. Then again, I can almost instantly tell when a match is won or loss pretty quick, so often times I end up just looking to finish the match!

For the raid we dropped in on PowerThumbZ while they were playing Prey over on twitch.tv/powerthumbz!  

Stream Clip Links

Been having a little trouble reaching mom yesterday, but I do know my Aunt Grace and Cousin Frances were visiting her, and mom said she was doing okay. We are raising funds for her fight against Lung Cancer, if you'd like to help please visit: https://gofund.me/6adf8354

Finished another 2 Dragon Ball short story commissions based around Future Trunks and was given the go ahead to continue this unexpected series of stories. I really should consider starting that Subscribstar account.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Uppercut Combo #2, Front-Back Step Combo and Defensive Combo #1 for 28 minutes.

"My wife said I should do lunges to stay in shape. That would be a big step forward."

Song of the Day: I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor

For tonight's stream we're going to start up Saints Row, which was released last year. Now it launched with a ton of bugs and issues, so I waited several months after it go various patch updates. Now I heard it was a mixed bag... but as long as its as fun as Saints Row The Third, Saints Row IV, Saints Row Gat Out of Hell and Agents of Mayhem, I'll be pleased.

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Catherine is a Crazy Game

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream featured only Catherine, namely the Xbox 360 version of it. It's a story driven puzzle platformer, and even on easy difficulty it's a nutty game. The plot is that Vincent ends up cheating on his long time girlfriend named Katherine with a woman named Catherine right when he's starting to have nightmares based on his fears (commitment, being a father, etc). Being a game published by Atlus, there is a ton of surreal imagery including some 'what the fuck' moments.

In terms of progress, we cleared the first five stages (Underground Cemetery, Prison of Despair, Torture Chamber, Inquisition and Quadrangle), and more often than not, it was my own mistakes that lead to me falling to my demise... except  when it comes to the fifth boss, that Hell Bride certainly threw in some pain in ass mechanics that caught me way off guard. In fact that was where I had the most trouble... so I can imagine how the remaining stages are going to go.

At this point, I think I'll slot Catherine in for Next Saturday's stream instead of trying to finish it on Monday, because I have a feeling it'll take me a while to finish it! 

On a side note, I did notice the Teddy plush in the Stray Sheep bar for obvious Easter Egg for Persona 4. Which makes sense because from what I understand, the team that worked on Catherine also worked on the Persona games (or at least Persona 5).

For the raid, we dropped in on Kalenal while they were playing Final Fantasy XIV over at twitch.tv/kalenal!  

Catherine Achievements

  • The Nightmares Have Just Begun.: Conquer Stage 1.
  • The Great Escape: Conquer Stage 2.
  • Play It Again, Vince...: Use the jukebox to change the music.
  • Let My Sheep Go: Conquer Stage 3.
  • No One Expects the...: Conquer Stage 4.
  • Push It to the Limit!: Push 5 blocks at once. (Golden Playhouse)
  • Crossing the Courtyard: Conquer Stage 5.

Stream Clip Links

While going through some boxes to see what is going to go to the trash, I found a bunch of games of the Sega Genesis, which were NBA Jame, Sonic & Knuckles, Mortal Kombat 3, Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, X-Men, Ghostbusters, Madden '94 and NCAA Football. We have the carts and the cases... just not any of the manuals! Still what a find! I know we had more, so I wonder if the others will turn up?

Spoke to mom a few times yesterday, the weekend staff of the facility where she is at for physical therapy wasn't exactly on the ball... hope they'll do better today. We are raising funds in her fight against lung cancer, if you'd like to help out please visit: https://gofund.me/6adf8354

My hot streak of completing short story commission continued with the finishing writing another Dragon Ball story featuring Future Trunks, and I have another request in the works.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Intermediate Combo #1, Defensive Combo #2 and Triple Combo #2 for 31 minutes. 

I'm afraid for the calendar. Its days are numbered."

Song of the Day: Someone You Loved by Lewis Capald

For tonight's stream, well you know what day it is, its Sunday night which means its time for Overwatch 2!

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Saturday, January 14, 2023

The True Ending Of P4AU Was Perfect

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, picked up in the middle of the P3 version of the main story, with a big focus on Labrys. We got a lot more backstory as it pertain to the character of the main villain Sho as to why he is the way he is, saw the return of Shadow Labrys and even learned more about Labrys herself. The personalized endings for the P3 cast were great, particularly the ones for Aigis and Labrys which hit a little close to home.

To my surprise, I was able to get access to the True Ending, which actually leads to Sho getting his head straighten out a bit, and the tease that Elizabeth could potentially be a future main protagonists considering her goals. But the real treat was the big part featuring the Shadow Operatives and the Investigation Team. Considering I haven't played Persona 3 or Persona 4, it certainly made me even more interested to see how these characters were during those games.

Now I'm already considering P4AU a finished game for this year's tour because we got the True Ending... however, there are still a few more things I want to do on stream, so next Friday we'll feature the Adachi chapter to see the story from his point of view, since he does has some direct involvements.

For the raid we dropped in on Mystery Science Theater 3000 while the episode for Catalina Caper was playing over on twitch.tv/mst3k!  

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax Trophies

  • Shadow Operative: You completed Story Mode from the P3 perspective.
  • A New Journey: You witnessed the story's True Ending.

Stream Clip Links

Update on my mom, as I figured out why I wasn't able to reach her when I took breaks during my last few broadcasts, its because she was getting her medication at a time which makes her sleepy. I do know she had a physical therapy session yesterday, and they had her walking a bit more. We are raising funs to help cover her medical expenses, if you'd like to help out please visit: https://gofund.me/6adf8354

Finished the one commissioned short story based on Dragon Ball and featuring Future Trunks, and I did such a good job that the client wants follow up right away.

I did get some very good news concerning something I was denied that takes some pressure off my shoulders.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Difficulty Challenge Combo #3, Biceps Shape Focus COmbo and Difficulty Challenge Combo #1 for 34 minutes

What to hear a joke about paper? Never mind, it's tearable.

Song of the Day: When The Party’s Over by Billie Eilis

For tonight's stream, well it's Saturday so we'll play some different games, and we'll start with playing Catherine, a game published by Atlus Games. I have seen others playing it and since it's been in my backlog for a while, might as well give it a spin right?

Still we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Friday, January 13, 2023

Zero is so freaking cool, love the new 6.3 MSQ in FF14

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Final Fantasy XIV was totally focused on the new Main Story Quest content, and I loved it... mostly because of how gave a big push on developing Zero's character, with her gradually regaining her forgotten humanity. The scene with her having the dumpling was really cool, and I can safely say I will easily ship Zero with Alisaie as they have perfect character chemistry. And yes I was more than happy to see Alisaie involved with the main story, since of all the scions she is my favorite.

The new dungeon and trial were surprisingly straight forward, which I can greatly appreciate considering how some in the past have featured some really bullshit mechanics and gimmicks to deal with. 

Now one of the side quests I came across last week was one that gave lore and context to two of the archifiends that were faced in a previous update, so after I was done the MSQ, I went and did the side quests for the two that were in update, which certainly added a lot more flavor to the motivations... and the whole deal with Golbez (the big bad of this story arc). It's really a tragic story, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how it eventually plays out down the line!

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal while they were playing Final Fantasy XIV over at twitch.tv/kalenal

Stream Clip Links

Happy birthday to long time friend of the channel Felkimchi! 

So the update on my mom is as follows, she was deemed strong enough to begin chemotherapy on January 19th, with subsequent sessions every three weeks. Not sure when she'll be able to come home because there are concerns over mobility and she only had two physical therapy sessions. 

Featured two Mass Effect short story commissions yesterday, which surprised even me considering it takes me a couple of hours to write a 2000 word short story. Next commission request was for a Dragon Ball story involving Future Trunks.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Straight COmbo #2, Difficult Challenge COmbo #2 and Block Combo for 31 minutes

What do you call a boomerang that never comes back? A stick.

Song of the Day: Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd

For tonight's stream, we're resuming the P3 side of the Persona 4 Arena Ultimax story, and we'll be going through that till the very end. Way I figure we'll get in at least two more full streams with the game because of the requirements to get the true ending and doing the Adachi DLC story.

So on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)