Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Finding More Stuff To Do In Saints Row '22

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Saints Row certainly opened with my in a rough place, as I have some great fears concerning my mom's medical condition and how the hospital staff at Cooper Hospital is handling her, in particular with her having food, because she needs to be deemed strong enough for chemotherapy. If anyone would be kind enough to donate to her GoFundMe in her fight against Lung Cancer and other medical expenses, please visit: https://gofund.me/6adf8354

As far as the game play of Saints Row goes, we mostly stuck to exploring and finding side quests and things to through out the game, and it's amazing how much is actually locked behind game progression on different fronts. The Ventures portion in particular, because doing those was always things I try to knock out as quickly as possible on a Saints Row The Third or IV play-through. Still, it does seem like there is a ton that have to be unlocked. Didn't really advance the plot, but did a couple of missions associated with members of the Saints, the chasing after a retro fast food kid's meal toy was rather cute, and the one involving Neema's car certainly makes things more personal.  

We did end up going til close to midnight because of how side track I got whenever I see a collectable item or location on the in-game map. Tonight will be more of the same I bet.

Speaking of tonight's stream... it as well as last night's stream is / was sponsored by Hello Fresh! Use code POGHF64483 for 21 free meals plus free shipping at https://strms.net/hellofresh_fredcasden

For the raid we dropped in on Mystery Science Theater 3000 when the episode covering the movie 'Tormented'. The MST3K channel is on 24/7 over at twitch.tv/mst3k! 

Saints Row Achievements

  • Finders Keepers: Obtained 5 items in the Collectibles app.
  • Landlord: Placed a criminal venture.
  • Hijacked: Pulled out of a car by a pedestrian.
  • Work Ethic: Completed a criminal venture.

Stream Clip Links

Yesterday's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout was shorter than intended, but it still felt good all the same. Today's workout featured Block Combo #1, Straight Combo #2, Difficult Challenge Combo #1 and Difficulty Challenge Combo #3 for 32 minutes

Despite all the stuff on my mind I managed to write one commission request yesterday afternoon based on title matches on WWE programming, and I have another commission request for another one. Can't complain, because these little stories have helped covered some bills.

"What do you call a factory that makes okay products?" "A satisfactory."

Song of the Day: Fix You by Coldplay.

For tonight's stream, well, we're continuing Saints Row obviously, we'll probably knock out a set of quests associated with a Venture and find some more discoverable collectables before doing a story mission or two.

On that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!

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Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)