Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Middle Of The Week

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream was plagued with frame drops, but everything seemed stable as Twitch only showed once instance of stream instability. It was rather peculiar as we dropped frames off and on throughout the entire night.

In Fall Guys, I ended up in the Final Round a few times, gained a first place finished and had some very questionable eliminations with last minute failures on squads. It was the usual silliness of pretty much. We did pick up an achievement during it because of the one first place finish, and if I can finish a race in first place 15 more times that'll be another achievement down the road!

We also played Fallout 76, helping Iceman with his main story quests, as he's in the Wasterlanders portion of the story, which means on track for the Treasure Vault raid which is going to be very interesting considering how much of a pain that was for me solo. At least I'll be able to help him out when he reaches that point!

For the raid we dropped in on x9abenonymous9x while they were playing God of War II over on!  

Fall Guys Achievements

  • Quite Dashing: Get first place in a racing round 5 times

Stream Clip Links

Update on mom, they drained some fluid from around her lungs yesterday, and when I talked with her, she sounded better than she did when I saw her on Monday, but from what I understand they are draining more fluid today, so I think that obviously would delay her chemo treatment that was scheduled. If anyone would like to help my mom in her fight against Lung Cancer, please donate to her gofundme at!

Wrote another short story commission based on the world of Dragon Ball yesterday, and have another lined up for today to work on as I wait for work to pick back up while also looking for a more stable gig. At lease these tales are keeping my brain occupied.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Beginner COmbo #1, Body Hook Combo, Weaving Combo #1 for 28 minutes

Found boxes filled with VHS tapes the other day, and I figure a good idea for content for my YouTube Channel is to go through them and see which films have I seen and which ones I haven't. Recording the first one yesterday, which will be viewable on Monday

"What do a tick and the Eiffel Tower have in common?" "They're both Paris sites."

Song of the Day: Gloria by Laura Branigan.

For tonight's stream we shall be playing Final Fantasy XIV, with the first main goal being to play the new Alliance Raid... which I should've done last week, but I was unaware of it. So once that's done, we'll get back to side questing!

On that note, we'll see you later over on!

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