Monday, October 31, 2022

A Super Long Night Of Overwatch 2

Happy Halloween everyone,

Well last night's stream of Overwatch 2 started early, and lasted a lot longer than normal... ended up being a seven hour long stream, with us using a variety of characters,, Junker Queen, Reinhardt, Oirssa, Roadhog, Moira, Brigitte, Mei, Junkrat and others. We picked up four plays of the game as Brigitte, Junkrat, Mei and Junker Queen.  We were also joined by PandaSweet for several matches as well, which is always a treat. Also picked up an in-game achievement as Sigma in a rather frantic moment.

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Conservation of Energy: Gain 350 shields with a single use of Sigma's Kinetic Grasp in Quick or Competitive Play.

That said, there were several moments of major stupidity as I've seen in regards to people not knowing how to deal with Zarya, which is simple... DO NOT SHOOT HER BUBBLES. If you should her bubble barriers, it powers up her weapon, which can melt virtually everyone. Then there was the last match of the night, where as I Mei, Panda as Symmetra and a random player as Brig all had more mitigated damage than a random who refused to use their defensive matrix. 

Twitch Clips

Big thank you to Lunar_Princess for the raid following their stream of Little Nightmares over at!

For our raid, we dropped in on MissCammi316 who was also playing Overwatch 2 over at!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Front-Back Step Combo, Defensive Combo #2 and Uppercut Combo #2 for 28 minutes

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise Stats For October 2022

  • Punches Thrown: 37802
  • Estimated Calories Burned: 15988.11 kcal
  • Sophie's Champion Progress: 74% (37 out of 50)
  • King EX Fight Progress:97%
  • Fitness Boxing 2 Consecutive Days: 689
  • Fitness Boxing 1 & 2 Consecutive Days: 847

I like to spend every day as if it's my last. Staying in bed and calling for a nurse to bring me more pudding.

I got fired from my job at the bank today. An old lady came in and asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over.

Song of the Day: Freaks by Surf Curse

Game 3 of the World Series is tonight, and I am hoping the Phillies can take full advantage of their home field advantage.

Nearly finished writing the short story commission request based on Until Dawn, It's going to be cutting it close to getting it to the requested word count the client wants. In case you can't tell, I'm a very formulaic approach when it comes to writing anything and getting my point across.

For tonight's stream we're playing Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, I think we're in good shape to maybe pick up one achievement.

So on that note, we'll see you later tonight over on!

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Logitech Firmware Update Breaks Audio And Dragon Ball The Breaks Has No One Playing It

Good afternoon everyone,

Let's start with one of the annual pains in the ass that always rolls around whenever Logitech releases a firmware update for its G-Hub... it always... ALWAYS breaks how audio is captured in OBS and it's always a pain to fix, but this time I couldn't fix it with all my usual methods of unplugging and plugging the Elgato HD 60 S back in, it completely screwed with it. Not to mention, this latest Logitech firmware update also broke audio connection in Discord, Overwatch and the Xbox Desktop App on PC. As of this time, I still haven't gotten it fixed. In fact I spent a half hour on stream trying to fix it

Then there is Dragon Ball: The Breakers...which was something we've been playing over the past few weeks, but the long queue times was just getting ridiculous, most I ever saw was 6 at anyone time and I just said to hell with it an uninstalled it, live on stream. Turns out that the lack of cross-play is really hurting Dragon Ball: The Breakers because just a few weeks since launch there are barely 4000 players on the Steam version at any given time. That may seem like a lot, but it's not when you factor in that Dead by Daylight has 10 to 20 times that amount at any given time. Maybe we'll bring it back down the line if there is a major update, but I doubt it.

So we ended up bouncing around from game to game starting with Nickelodeon All-Stars Brawl doing two arcade mode runs, and one of which as the newest character in the game, Rocco from 'Rocco's Modern Life'. He's very floating, in fact much like Stripe over in MultiVersus, Rocco has an attack that can result in him plummeting to his death. The other arcade run was as Oblina from 'Ahhh! Real Monsters', and I actually increased the difficult for that, and if it wasn't for Powder Toast Man, I probably would've had a perfect run through it. Also picked up one achievement in this game

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl Achievements

  • Astonishing!: Clear Arcade with 5 brawlers

Next, we jumped over to Gears 5, and I totally forgot how to play it. We did a horde mode run and a quick Co-Op versus AI, noting major involved, just mindless fun.

Because I do have to put in serious time and grinding effort into Capcom Arcade 2nd Stardium, we spent some time playing that and getting myself on the scoreboard for a few different games. Was rather cool to see my scores for some stuff.

Lastly, we played some Smite, just doing a couple of challenges, lost both matches, but hey, people saw me play as Thor and as Ares, the later of which resulted in me getting an achievements.

SMITE Achievements

  • Two Chains? Nah, Five: Unlock the SMITE Award Twos Chains? Nah, Five.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on aggie_og who was playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II over at

Zach Wheeler got lit up for 5 runs in the Phillies 5-2 loss to the Astros, and like Aaron Nola I think Wheeler is basically cooked. Remember, both pitched in one more series than the Astros starters have and it is starting to show. But, the series is tied 1-1, and the Phillies have home field advantage... so maybe things will work out in their favor for the next three games at Citizens Bank Park.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout will featured Intermediate Combo #1, Triple Combo #2 and Defensive COmbo #2 for 31 minutes.

What's green and has wheels? Grass. I lied about the wheels.

Sometimes I tuck my knees into my chest and lean forward. That's just how I roll.

Song of the Day: Infinity by Jaymes Young

It's the start of a new week, so let's recap what we played over the past seven days which was Overwatch 2, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV, Until Dawn, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, Gears 5, Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium and Smite!

Started work on the Until Dawn commissioned short story, getting the intro done, and I have a good idea for the ending, just the meat of the story will take a bit of figuring out.

For tonight's stream, we're playing Overwatch 2, and we will featured the new Junkenstein's Revenge PVE content that rolled out on Tuesday plus we'll get up to all our usual nonsense.

So we'll see you later over on!

Saturday, October 29, 2022

So who survived my second playthrough of Until Dawn?

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night we finished our second play-through of Until Dawn and we had nearly everyone survive except for two characters. First Emily was sent to the great beyond because of The Exorcism of Emily achievement, and the other was Josh because I didn't find one collectable in chapter 10 to trigger him surviving. Still everyone else survived, which was actually better than my first play through last where where we lost Ashley, Mike, Jessica and Matt.

Of course I know some friends of mind were very disappointed in that result, but I did make it as hard as possible for myself when it came to taking some of the harder choices in terms of quick time events. Still this is a game that has a lot of replay value to try and get different results.

I do want to touch on the collectables for a moment, in that I was being incredibly thorough for this play through of Until Dawn, and outside of the final one associated with the Twins, I have no clue of exactly where some are when it relates the Mystery Man, 1952 and the Totems. I'll probably need a guide to find them.

Until Dawn Trophies

  • The Exorcism of Emily: Mike shot Emily
  • Don't Scare Jessica To Death: Jessica survived her night of terror

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on BestiBunni as they were playing Crusader Kings III over at

Work was kind of interesting yesterday in seeing just how stupid something people are in relation to those who are reasonable. Having been in Market Research for as long as I have, I do miss the days prior to 2016 when everyone on both sides were semi-intelligent. 

It wasn't pretty put the Phillies won game one of the World Series beating the Astros 6-5 in 10 innings. Aaron Nola got rocked, but Justin Verlander wasn't much better as they each gave up 5 runs, resulting in it being a battle of the bullpens. I have a sinking feeling that Nola is at the end of his rope for the year. Still I was hoping for the Phillies to get at least one win in Houston to start the series.

Now it's on to game two tonight with Zack Wheeler on the hill... if the Phillies can win tonight, and that is a huge if, it will mean Citizens Bank Park will be rocking on Monday night.

The legendary Jerry Lee Lewis passed away, and sure he made some questionable choices that hampered his career, but you cannot deny his impact on Rock N Roll.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Difficult Challenge Combo #3, Biceps Shape Focus Combo and Difficult Challenge Combo #1 for 34 minutes. I'm guessing when I woke up late a few weeks ago, that 20 minute workout really change the rotation of exercises.

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise States For Week of 10/13 to 10/29/22

  • Punches Thrown: 9108
  • Estimated Calories Burned: 3804.05 kcal
  • Sophie's Champion Progress: 72% (36 out of 50 hours) 
  • King EX Fight Progress: 97%
  • Fitness Boxing 2 Consecutive Days:687
  • Fitness Boxing 1 & 2 Consecutive Days: 845

I went on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation. Never again.

My grandfather has the heart of a lion and a lifetime ban from the National Zoo.

Song of the Day: Baby One More Time by Britney Spears

Finished writing the TNA short story commission and now work will begin on the Until Dawn short story commission... just need to find a transcript of all possible dialog from before Jessica gets ripped through the door by a Wendigo

For tonight's stream we're leading off with Dragon Ball: The Breakers, and we'll see where we go from there.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Friday, October 28, 2022

So I have to level a crafting skill in FFXIV... UGH!

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream was very productive as it related to clearing out side quests in Final Fantasy XIV in areas related to Shadowbringers, as I knocked out everything possible in two major areas. One can forget that all the maps for Shadowbringers were huge and there was a lot of ground to cover, since it was basically supposed to be a mirrored version in some regard to what players experience prior to that point in the game.

Of course there is one quest that requires a Crafting Skill to even access, which meant I finally had an 'excuse' to resume leveling both Carpentry and Botany, because I know there are similar quests at level 90 in the Endwalker related areas that were added to the game. 

At least going forward I can split the stream into side questing for a large portion and added crafting leveling on the back end. It won't be thrilling, but hey, we'll get it done. If I focus on crafting bulk items, I should be able to level up carpentry pretty quick, as I did get up to level 34 (with a bit done off stream)

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on oldish22 who was also playing Final Fantasy XIV over on

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Straight Combo #2, Block Combo and Difficulty Challenge Combo #2 for 31 minutes.

Work was meh yesterday, but at least one assignment that involved interviewing some of the biggest collection of jerks possible is done with. Hopefully we can end the work week on a high note.

Not to brag, but I defeated our local chess champion in less than five moves. Finally my high school karate lessons came to some use.

I hate Russian dolls. They're so full of themselves.

Song of the Day: Am I wrong by Nico & Vinz  

The World Series begins tonight, and the way I figure, the Phillies have to win in six games or less, because the Astros have much more depth if it were to go seven. 

Got the intro part written for the TNA short story that was commissioned earlier this week, took a while to figure out the best way to write it, and I have another commission request in the queue for a short story based on Until Dawn and one of the more hilarious moments of that game.

Speaking of which for tonight's stream we're playing the back half of Until Dawn, chapters 6 through 10 to finish the game for this year.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

So Close To Dropping A Nuke in Fallout 76... and yet so far!

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Fallout 76 was really productive as I was nearly completely focused on the main story quests from the game's original release... and we picked up a few achievements along the way as a result. Unfortunately... the final quest, called 'I Am Become Death' which involves launching a nuke is a place filled with enemy robots and turrets, and I can't imagine soloing it based on what gear I had on hand. The guides gave no indication of how many enemies there are... because they respawn. It's no wonder less than 6% of players have accomplished it.

Really liked the Halloween event, with hunting down Spooky Scorched and 'Trick or Treating' at other people's camps. It made for a nice chill night at times.

Big thanks to Iceman for being apart of the fun as he helped get one of the big quests I completed finished. By the way folks on November 7th over at!, Iceman is planning to do his annual stream of Dead Space in honor of one of his favorite family members. Not sure what time, but I'll try to remind everyone of it the day before!

Fallout 76 Achievements

  • Bunker Buster: Complete "Bunker Buster"
  • One of Us: Complete "One of Us"
  • Officer on Deck: Complete "Officer on Deck"

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on BestiBunni as they were playing Overwatch 2 over at!

Work was rough yesterday, the people I was trying to interview were a bunch of spoiled assholes, and I have no problem saying it. Hopefully today will be a better day. Thing is, I see the assignment I'm starting on and... it doesn't look good.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Swap Back COmbo, Intermediate Combo #2 and Hip oShape Focus Comco for 31 minutes.

The Phillies announced Aaron Nola will start game one of the World Series against he Astros with Zack Wheeler getting the extra day of rest to pitch game two.

I'm no fan of WIP (94.1 FM), one of the two Sports Talk radio stations here in the Philadelphia area... but the stupidity of having Joe DeCamara being the replacement of Angelo Cataldi is just iditoic. One of the reasons why DeCamara was dumped by The Fantatic (97.5 FM) was because he was incredibly smug and a whiner. But to be honest, The Fantatic has made some incredibly stupid decisions when it came to its own Morning and Afternoon shows over the past two years.

I put my root beer into a square glass. Now it's just beer.

They told me a mask was enough to get into the supermarket. They lied, everybody else was also wearing pants.

Song of the Day: Reality by Lost Frequencies (radio edit)

For tonight's stream, we're playing Final Fantasy XIV and will be focused on clearing out the Side Quests in areas related to the Shadowbingers Expansion. I hope to clear out two full areas tonight.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

More Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed!

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed was pretty awesome, as we got in on some really good teams which meant a bunch of Ghosts were caught. We did have one weird instance where an entire match happen with no ghost at all popping up, which lead to the game crashing... and meant I got screwed out of the Mycophile achievement, which I did earn out do by collecting all of the spores molds and fungus in a match.

What's funny is that when we loaded back in I had a bunch of achievements popped in rapid succession which was really cool. Now there was one match where I ran into a level 100 player who just was going to town on everyone. Guess a max level ghost player is damn near impossible to deal with, but it was hilarious.

Because of Halloween, we'll feature Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed on Monday of next week! Which means the next Dragon Ball FighterZ stream will be on Tuesday of next week.

Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Achievements

  • Reckless: Do 100,000 Dollars of Property damage in one Job
  • Pesky Jerks: Destroy 100 Minions
  • I collect Spores, Molds, and Fungi: Collect 500 Spores, Molds, and Fungi
  • Fragile Panes: Destroy 150 Panes of Glass
  • Liability: Do 1,000,000 Dollars of Career Property Damage
  • Stunner: Stun a Ghost with your PKE Blast 25 Times
  • Cultured: Complete a Job at each location

Twitch Clips

 Huge thanks to BestiBunni for choosing to subscribe to my Twitch channel! It is greatly appreciated!

Big thanks to Redneck_23 for the raid following their stream of American Truck Simulator over at

For the raid we dropped in on PowerThumbz who was playing Dead by Daylight over at!  

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Uppercut Combo #1, Advanced Combo #1 and Beginner Combo #2 for 34 minutes. I think this was the first time I've seen this combination of exercises for a session.

I will never understand why manslaughter is illegal. Men should be able to laugh at whatever they want.

What did the green grape say to the purple grape? "Breathe, damn it! Breathe!"

Song of the Day: Who Can It Be Now by Men At Work

Picked up another commission request this time for a short story based around Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. Should be interesting trying to track something down to get an idea of story line references for a time period where the Beautiful People and AJ Styles were both in the promotion.

The new Junkerstein: Revenge of the Bride event in Overwatch is a real blast on it's standard difficulty, once you know what's coming it's easy to prep for it. Also love how it makes use of the Halloween skins that were featured in previous years' events. Cleared it as all four characters (Ashe, Kiriko, Soujourn and Junker Queen), including on Hard and Expert.

Work was... meh yesterday, started off on a good note but things fell flat when I had the assignment switch. Still it kind of looks like today may be a real positive today with what I'm starting on.

For tonight's stream we're resuming my quest to do the main story quests in Fallout 76! Not sure if it'll be original story or Wasterlander related, but we'll get somethings done!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The First Story Arc of Dragon Ball FighterZ Is Done!

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Dragon Ball FighterZ certainly felt long as hell because of how long it takes for things to load, I mean seriously, Arc System Works really did a bad job overall in making it seamless of getting from one thing to another. After all souldn't the match up screen actually be loading in the actual fight like, I don't know... EVERY OTHER FIGHTING GAME RELEASED SINCE 1996!

Anyway, we focused on the Super Warrior Arc and I'm surprised that it wasn't until I started seeing enemies at level 20 that the A.I. would start giving me a challenge, so it was actually cool to have a challenge. The mystery of Android 21 certainly does involve playing the other two arcs to get the whole picture because there are a lot of questions, not to mention seeing how something fall into place.

That said, I did managed to unlock a couple of achievements not associated with the story mode, and I'm rather surprised at how few people have bother with the Tournament mode and Arena modes. Guess everyone is obsessed with 'tanked' matches, so I'll happily pad my bragging list with things that are obvious for folks to do. Managed to get to 10 arena matches with six being done off stream, and I need to somehow to 10 more to get another achievement. 

Dragon Ball FighterZ Achievements

  • Link Level 20: Story - Raise Link Level to 20.
  • I am Goku, the Legendary Super Saiyan!: Story - Complete the Super Warrior Arc.
  • Ladies and Gents, We Have a Winner!: Tournament - Emerge as champion.
  • Arena Enthusiast: Arena Match - Play a match.
  • Arena Expert: Arena Match - Play 10 matches.

Twitch Clips

Big thank you to Kalenal for the raid during the stream last night, as they were playing Trials of Mana over at

For our raid we dropped in on BestiBunni who was playing Magic: The Gathering over at

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Weavomg Combo #2, Waist Shape Focus Combo and Hook Combo #1 for 28 minutes.

Where do mansplainers get their water? From a well, actually.

Why are social media influencers afraid when they go to the woods alone at night? They're constantly being followed.

Song of the Day: Revenge by XXXTENTACION

Finished the recent commission request for a WWE short story featuring what became two members of the Damage Control stable at SummerSlam back in August.

Already dreading work today because I saw the assignment I'm on is one where I don't thrive at. Ugh.

For tonight's stream we're playing Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed just for fun, as I already knocked out the story stuff off-stream because it does progress depending in regards to how many matches you play and your overall level.

So on that note we'll see you later over at!

Monday, October 24, 2022

Phillies are going to the World Series

Good afternoon everyone,  

Well at the time of yesterdays blog, the Phillies were winning and they let the lead slip, but came back to win 4-3 behind a huge Bryce Harper home run... so yeah I was pump, it was a great way to go into last night's stream of Overwatch 2. And now The Phillies will be facing the Houston Astros, who swept the Yankees in four-games. Needless to say, I'm not too confident in the Phillies chances of beating the Astros.

Anyway, we were joined by PandaSweet for a lot of fun in Overwatch 2 last night with our fair share of wins and losses, not to mention losing our minds thanks to some stupidity by some of the players. I'm not sure when, but people need to stop shooting at Zarya's bubbles, because all that does is make her strong which leads to her just melting every other tank in the game. 

Pick up two Plays of the Game as Mei and, but I will say this the one POTG I got as Mei was not the best one in the match, as I had a better moment that lead to a Team Kill. Oh well, always nice to pick up the POTGs.  

On a side note, there were no issues with Xfinity last night during the stream, so maybe what happened on Saturday night was a fluke.

Twitch Clips

For the Raid we dropped in on PradoxGamerAU as they were playing World of Warcraft over at!  

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Double Combo #2, Triple Combo #1 and Straight Combo #1 for 31 minutes.

Have akea run to the Post Office today in order to mail off something important. I already have it in my satchel, unlike last week when I realized I didn't put it in until after I got to the post office.

I'm terrified of elevators so I'm going to start taking steps to avoid them.

Have you heard of the band 923 Megabytes? Probably not, they haven't had a gig yet.

Song of the Day: Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler

Played some Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed following the stream and discovered that there is glitch that can result in a player being a Ghost getting stuck in a wall. Thankfully that player left the match and I was able to finally get credit for a ghost capture for the first time.

Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Achievements

  • Welcome to the Crew: Unlock all story elements
  • Clutch Capture: Capture a ghost with less than 30 seconds to spare on the clock

For tonight's stream we are resuming the story more of Dragon Ball FighterZ with the goal of finishing the first arc and getting through most of the second arc. Of course the loading times of the game is what will determine how fast we do things.

So on that note we'll see you later tonight over on!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Return Of Problems From Xfinity?

Good afternoon everyone,

An hour into last night's stream, we started dropping frames and ended up seeing the stream do a reset  We haven't had that problem happen since September 17th when the service drop line from the telephone was replaced and connected to a different node on the tap. So I'm really hoping it was just an aberration and not a sign of those other problems coming back.

Now we opened the night with Dragon Ball The Breakers, and the queue times were rather long, but I did end up being on teams where we survived and even managed to defeat the Raider. Hell I ended up being the solo survivor in one match simply by being away from everyone else. It was certainly a Dead by Daylight way of playing simply by staying out of sight and out of mind.

We played some MultiVersus, and picked up an achievement when playing as Stripe which was surprising. I have really figured out how to use him a lot better, as he he has a nice flurry combo as a neutral, and as I said last week, when doing his diving chainsaw attack, it can really be key to victory when it connects. On the downside, I did get stuck with some partners who didn't either know how to play or were in the mood to play. 

MultiVersus Achievements

  • Ringouts Are Better In Pairs: Get 25 Double Ringouts

We closed out the night playing Fall Guys, and had some mixed success, making it to the final round in a solo show once. I did end up running into some of the worst solo races possible where some of the gimmicks are things I can't fully adjust too. So it kind of ended on a slight downer in that regards.

Twitch Clips 

For the raid we dropped in on punsandbunsgg who was playing Overwatch 2 over at

The Phillies and Padres had a bit of a slug-fest last night in what was a Bull Pen game for both teams, with the Phillies winning 10-6. If they win today, they'll go to the World Series. At the time of this post the Phillies were up 2-1 in the top of the 5th. Hopefully they can hold on.

And speaking of the World Series, it's really looking like the Astros will represent the American League as they are up 3 games to none on the Yankees who are floundering.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Beginner Combo #1, Weaving COmbo #1 and Body Hook Combo for 28 minutes.

I'm thinking about removing my spine. I feel like it's only holding me back.

Did you hear about the two thieves who stole a calendar? They each got six months.
Song of the Day: Cheerleader (Radio Edit) by OMI, Felix Jaehn
Started writing the commission request for another WWE short story, certainly bending the realm of continuity with it, but what the hell. It does help there were the rumors that Iyo Sky was looking to leave the WWE prior to Vince McMahon's forced retirement.
It's the start of a new week, so lets recap what we played over the last seven days which featured: Overwatch 2, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV, Until Dawn, Dragon Ball: The Breakers, MultiVersus & Fall Guys.
For tonight's stream we're playing Overwatch 2, we'll focus on doing the dailies and try to wrap up the remaining weekly challenges I have for the week. Of course I did complete the Battle Pass last night off stream, so now it's grinding for the titles
So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Saturday, October 22, 2022

A Friday Night Of Until Dawn

Good afternoon everyone, 

Last night's stream of Until Dawn was a lot of fun, as I tried to do thinks differently than I did last year, to try and trying to see if these characters can be likeable. Jessica and Emily certainly are not, but in general everyone else can have their moments if you try to make them be agreeable. And so far I've only messed up one of the quick time events when Mike got hit by the mining cart.

That said, the second half of Until Dawn really starts to feature the Wendigos so trying to keep everyone alive is going to be interesting because I remember some of the deaths were really cheap. Still if anyone of the characters don't survive it just means we'll have another reason to replay it in 2023.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on BestiBunni as they were playing Overwatch 2 over

The Phillies won last night, and folks knew I was keeping tabs on it during the stream. Ranger Suarez from what I saw deserved a lot better because the defense let him down a bit. The bullpen was a bit taxed as a result.

I do have to say I really hate the player introduction ceremony was not shown, and just was a reminder of how fucking terrible Fox Sports is at covering baseball playoff games.

Work was solid yesterday, not bad, but not too good... but there was a lot of assignment switching because quota marks were being filled up quick.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Advanced Combo #2, Hook Combo #2 and Left Right Step Combo for 31 minutes

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise States For Week of 10/16 to 10/22/22

  • Punches Thrown:8572
  • Estimated Calories Burned:3637.04 kcal
  • Sophie's Champion Progress:  64% (32 out 50 Hours)
  • King EX Fight Progress: 97%
  • Fitness Boxing 2 Consecutive Days: 680
  • Fitness Boxing 1 & 2 Consecutive Days:838

Have you heard the one about the corduroy pillow? It's making headlines.

What's the dumbest animal in the jungle? A polar bear!

Song of the Day: What’s My Age Again by blink-182

I saw how Leon looks in the Resident Evil 4 Remake... and good lord, someone at Capcom beat him with the ugly stick because the new character model actually looks worse than the original version from nearly 20 years ago!

Finished the latest WWE commission request I had on file based around the return of Scarlett Bordeaux, and the client wants a follow up regarding the return of Dakota Kai and call-up from Io Shirai, the later of which was rumored to be leaving WWE back in the summer.

For tonight's stream we're going to open with Dragon Ball The Breakers and we'll play other things like MultiVersus, Fall Guys and or Smite. 

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Friday, October 21, 2022

Stormblood Side Quests Are Done!

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream of Final Fantasy XIV was a nice easy going adventure as we cleared out all the remaining side quests I had in areas related to the Stormblood expansion. Some highlights included seeing the connection between two of the tribes in the Azim Steppe, namely between a cook and a warrior who was not living up to his namesake's legacy.

From there we jumped the Shadowbringers areas and I totally forgot how terrible it is to roam around The Crystariumis because of some things being on different floors and not everything has a direct obvious path to reach. Still because I had Fishing maxed... but there is the obvious thing that I have to get other job classes unlocked and leveled up to complete some 'red' marked side quests down the line.

Way I figure it'll probably take me about a dozen more streams to complete all the side quests I have access too in all areas introduced in ShadowBringers and EndWalker...which shall keep things pretty even keel heading into early 2023 with Final Fantasy XIV

Also did the Halloween event which was a nice little story, and I rather like the costume set that unlocks with it. And PandaSweet made sure I unlocked the Eat A Cookie emote which is just awesome.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal who was also playing Final Fantasy XIV and focusing on the Variant dungeons over at!

Yankees lost last night to the Astros 3-2 meaning they are down two games to none in the ALCS with the next three games being in New York. Hey at leas the Phillies are tied one game a piece with the Padres. 

Cosmetic surgery used to be such a taboo subject. Now you can talk about Botox and nobody raises an eyebrow.

What do you call someone who immigrated to Sweden? Artificial Swedener.

Sing of the Day: Mess is Mine by Vance Joy

Work was bleh yesterday as I got saddle on assignment that really doesn't play to my strengths, as I hate dealing with gate keepers. It was a fluke of a day in terms of it being as productive as it was. 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Double Combo #1, Body Straight Combo and Body Uppercut Combo for 28 minutes. Also did an extra few minutes with the short version of Difficult Challenge Combo #1 to make up a bit for yesterday.

Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight will be an upcoming Friday Night game in a couple of wakes, it's already installed with all the DLC for it.... and the reason why it'll be in a couple of weeks is because for tonight's stream we're starting up this year's play through of Until Dawn, I hope to not make the same choices as last year, but we'll see how it goes!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Fallout 76's Steel Reign content is completed

Good morning everyone,

Well last night's stream of Fallout 76 saw us finally wrap up all the major story content that was associated with the Steele Reign expansion. The Catalyst as a quest certainly a nice ending point for it as we got a big boss fight, got rid of Knight Shin and got promoted. Of course now my big focus will be getting back to the other quest lines from the original release of the game, which we did by knocking off the Belly of the Beast quest, which sets up the final leg of the original story. 

So at some point I'm going to have all of the main story stuff finished, which I'll count after we make sure we do all the things associated with the Wasterlander's expansion, such as siding either with Crater of the Foundation. We're probably still several months away from that at the pace I'm going.

Big thanks to Iceman for joining in on some of the fun as we knocked out a bunch of the Daily and Weekly Challenges. Granted with how I only play Fallout 76 once a week, the Daily Challenges are Weekly. Trust me that made more sense in my head than it does when I look at it here on the blog.

 Fallout 76 Achievements

  • Steel Brethren: Complete “The Catalyst”

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on BestiBunni who was playing Overwatch 2 over at!  

Speaking of BestiBunni, they invited me to be apart of an amateur e-sports team, but because  time zone differences and my normal work and Twitch schedules I couldn't make it work. Still it was awesome to be asked!

What does dad hate about Father's Day? Having to celebrate it.

Why can't you hear a Pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the pee is silent.

Song of the Day:  …And to Those I Love, Thanks for Sticking Around by $uicideboy$

The Phillies had a round day out in San Diego as the Padres lit up Aaron Nola, and to be fair Nola was probably due to get smacked around considering how good he's been in his last few starts. Now the series comes back to Philly for the next three games, so the Phillies could in theory win three straight at home and go the World Series.

Not surprised that the Yankees lost game one of the ALCS to the Astros considering the fiasco that surrounded Game 5 of the ALDS against the Guardians.

Work was solid yesterday, decent assignments and had little trouble completing interviews. I always take the positives where I can get them.

Got some writing done as it related to the latest commission request I received for a WWE Short Story, I'm going to try and finish it by Friday evening.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured only Uppercut Combo #2 and Defensive Combo #1 because I woke up late. Duration was only 20 minutes.

For tonight's stream we're back to Final Fantasy XIV as we'll be resuming our progress towards completing every single side quest in the game. I think I have only a handful more in the Stormblood areas before moving on into the Shadowbringer expansions.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

First Impression of Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed

Good morning everyone

Last night we played Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed and it's really awesome, you get to play as either your own custom Ghostbuster or as a Ghost in a 4 vs 1 match. The objectives are to close the Ghost Rifts and to capture the Ghost, while also keeping civilians calm. The tutorials for both being a Ghostbuster and a Ghost are very descriptive to let you know what you can do. Finding a match was pretty easy with Cross-Play, and one can easily tell that some folks are really looking to play as the Ghost because I ran into dude who already had things ranked to level 30 and above.

In terms of presentation, there is a story that is gradually unlocked as you play, and I've seen the first three major cut scenes that involves Winston getting possessed because of something in a trap that Venkman sent to the firehouse so there is incentive to keep playing to see how the story plays out. Sound effects and music are really solid, voice overs are also decently done. There is also a 'ping' system so voice chat isn't needed but one has to hope folks are paying attention.

Now it may get 'old' seeing the same few maps over and over again, however, I think there is a lot of long term potential with GB:SU because more maps can easily be added down the road, and I can easily see maps being based on locations from the movies being added to make things really interesting down the road.

We'll do another stream of Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed next Tuesday!

Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Achievements

  • Stylish: Equip an unlocked cosmetic item to your Buster
  • Vaporous Expansion: Unlock a Ghost class variant
  • Discovery: Break open an artifact to reveal a Rift
  • Swift Rift Removers: Destroy all Ghost rifts within 5 minutes of the match start
  • Advancement: Equip an upgrade to a piece of gear
  • Fully Upgraded: Equip an upgrade to every slot of a piece of gear

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on PowerThumbz who was playing Tom Clancy's The Division 2 over at

Work was pretty solid yesterday, even though it was really focused on speaking to people in New York state, and man there are some real loons out in some of those boondocks.

The Phillies won game one of the NLCS against the Padres 2-0 behind two home runs from Harper and Schwarber. They only need to win three more games to make it to the World Series... I'm not getting my hopes up, because the Padres are a good team. In fact I saw stats that basically indicated the Padres and Phillies have basically the same win-loss record going back several years.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Front-Back Step Combo, Defensive Combo #2 and Triple Combo #2 for a duration of 28 minutes.

What did one dish say to the other? Dinner is on me!

What does a house wear? Address! 

Song of the Day: Self Esteem by The Offspring

Nabbed Doom, New Tales from The Borderlands, Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova and Them's Fightin' Herds: Deluxe Edition on the Xbox side of things. So you can beat we'll featuring them as soon as possible based on the currently line up of games we have already in place.

For tonight's stream we're back to Fallout 76 with the goal being focused on doing the final mission of the Steele Dawn story arc. Granted I still have not finished the story arcs for things that were part of the original release of Fallout 76.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

First impressions of Dragon Ball FighterZ Story Mode

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream was focused on the story mode of Dragon Ball FighterZ, and the first thing I have to point out is that the tutorial fights are ridiculous with how they are repeated constantly. Like why? Shouldn't there be more battles instead of running the gauntlet of seeing things I've already done over and over again?And of course there is the fact it has a 'game board' style approach similar to Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2 which I haven't played in close to 20 year.. and I thought that was a neat call back. Then there is the difficulty or lack their of against the A,I. in normal fights, it's not really proving much of a challenge with how quickly I start out of the gate. In fact the loading screens are lasting longer than the fights in most cases.

Still all those complaints aside, I do have to say the story itself is rather good and whoever wrote it certainly played into the memes a bit with how much of an idiot Goku can be. Found a few 'special event' dialogs where rather humorous takes on things are presented, and the one where Goku is justifying why Yamcha should train with him because the later is not married had me shocked.Then there is Android 21 and... hot damn I see why she was everyone's favorite addition to the Dragon Ball lore from this game. Great design on all fronts in terms of both her lab coat and majin forms.  

So we didn't finish the first story arc tonight even after nearly 5 hours because I am doing every single fight, rotating characters to try and level everyone up equally, except Goku who I'm using in every fight. I know there is an easier way to level him up but to do that one needs to have the Zenii to get the Capsuls to get the Hercule Coins to nab the boost to level 100.

Also took a shot at getting an S Rank on Snake Way (the 3 fight arcade run), and got S ranks on the first two fights... but a C rank on the 3rd, which dropped the final grade to an A... so close. Maybe next time.

Dragon Ball FighterZ Achievements

  • Conversationalist: Story - Trigger a special conversation sequence.
  • Bye-Bye Buu: Story - Defeat Clone Kid Buu.

Twitch Clips

For the raid we dropped in on BestiBunni was they were playing Magic The Gathering over at

So let me get this right, once again Major League Baseball dropped the ball when it came to rain in the forecast, and now the Yankees and Guardians have to play game five of their series this afternoon, then then winner has to go to Houston on Wednesday. This really screws both teams over.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Intermediate Combo #1, Difficult Challenge Combo #1 and Biceps Shape Focus Combo for 34 minutes.

Finished the Resident Evil commissioned short story and picked up one for what seems like will be a renouncing commission request based around some of the recent returns to the WWE Roster. Hey, it's extra cash for games and stuff while leaving my work earnings for savings and bills.

What's green, fuzzy, and would hurt if it fell on you out of a tree? A pool table.

A communist joke isn't funny unless everyone gets it.

Song of the Day: Blinding Lights by The Weeknd!

For tonight's stream we are playing Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed as it launches today, and that should be a lot of fun. 

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Monday, October 17, 2022

Kicking Booty In Overwatch 2

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Overwatch 2 was awesome, as we were joined by PandaSweet for the full stream, so we had plenty of wins and losses. I picked up six plays of the game as Junker Queen (1), Mei (3) and Moira (2), and PandaSweet even picked one up as Moira in our last match of the night. 

I have found Junker Queen to be a lot of fun to play as, and found that her Ultimate combined with getting nano'ed by Ana means for a potential fun time of carnage. Did learn the hard way JQ's ultimate can be stopped by Junkrat's trap and she can be hooked by Roadhog as well during it.

OF course I have been keeping up with doing all the dailies. and I'm nearly done through 60 levels of the Battle Pass. With luck I should have it all banged out by the end of next week. Also learned that once level 80 of the Battle Pass is reached

Twitch Clips

 Big thank you to RedFoxUKCov for resubscribing to my channel! It is great appreciated!

For the raid we dropped in Joliet4 as they were doing a music stream featuring their original tunes over at!  

The Yankees managed to hold off the Guardians to force a game five in the ALCS, but whoever wins it will be at a major disadvantage 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Difficulty Challenge Combo #2, Difficulty Challenge Combo #2 and Block Combo for 34 minutes. We knocked off the Evan's Champion EX Achievement following the first exercise set. We'll now focus on training with Sophie to work on her Champion EX Achievement.

Fitness Boxing 2 Rhythm & Exercise EX Achievements

  • Evan's Champion: Train with Evan for over 50 hours
  • King EX Fighter Progress: 97%
  • Sophie's Champion Progress: 60% (30 out of 50 hours trained)

Rather surprised the Eagles are undefeated, as it did look like they were going to collapse in the 2nd half of their game against the Cowboys.

Why do you smear peanut butter on the road? To go with the traffic jam.

When is your door not actually a door? When it's ajar.

Song of the Day: Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham!

A lot of folks are whining about complaining about the Frames Per Second for Gotham Knights when it comes to running on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S consoles, which was confirmed by the developers to be at 30 Frames Per Second. I myself, cannot tell the difference between 30 FPS and 120 FPS because for me, there is no actually difference. I've looked at comparison video of different things and to me, there is never any difference that is meaningful. Anyone who says FPS matters is a fucking idiot

Comcast is pulling the plug on G4 less than a year after it's launch and I'm not surprised, because what was it doing that 90% of gaming associated YouTube channels wasn't doing? Answer: Nothing.

Loaded up Dragon Ball FighterZ after last night's stream to try and knock out some achievements and managed to get three. The try hard nature of those playing Ranked and the fact there the match making is just awful speaks volumes when it came to completing 20 Ranked matches. I can only imagine how long it'll take to do the achievements for Casual and Arena matches, which very few people have bothered with.

Dragon Ball FighterZ Achievements

  • You Can't Win This...: World Match - Play 10 Ranked Matches.
  • This Pain Will Make Me Stronger!: World Match - Play 20 Ranked Matches.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Practice - Perform a combo that deals 5000 or more damage in Training Mode.

And speaking of Dragon Ball FighterZ, For tonight's stream we'll be starting up its story mode, which may actually take us 2-3 streams to complete depending on how the difficulty curve adjusts.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

Sunday, October 16, 2022

First Impression Of Dragon Ball: The Breakers

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream opened up with Dragon Ball: The Breakers, where the premise is you're either part of a team of survivors looking to escape in a time machine from a power raiders (Kid Buu, Perfect Cell, Frieza). It is basically Dead by Daylight with the Dragon Ball premise attached to it, and let me stress that... 'Dragon Ball', as that era's version of Bulma and Oolong are optional characters to play as. Of course I created my own character, named it Beeri via a random name generator.

Game play is pretty straight forward from the survivor point of a view, you find power keys to power a time machine or wait long enough for Trunks to send one that only allows for a few people to escape. During each match you can also find people to rescue and get some rewards, and you do have the option to fight the 'raider', but it's not advisable unless everyone is ganging up on it at the same time. If you are downed, other players can come to your aid and vice versa. 

Much like the Killers in Dead by Daylight, the Raiders have special ways of 'killing' survivors, in addition to transformation animations if they get strong enough to reach various forms, which is a great nod to the show.

Now something I also want to point out is that Dragon Ball: The Breakers does take place in the same continuity of the Dragon Ball Xenoverse games, in fact your 'hub' in between matches is literally a safe harbor located right next to Conton City. So from a fan fic perspective I could write a story where my OCs from both Xenoverse games and it would make sense. 

In terms of Recommending the game, I would say wait till it's on sale, but at the same time it's only $20 US for the base version, so it's worth checking out.

Dragon Ball: The Breakers Achievements

  • We'll Survive If We Work Together!: Complete the prologue.
  • Time for a Makeover!: Change your costume.
  • Heya!: Send an emote.
  • Am I a Genius or What?: Find two super time machine power keys in one match.
  • Find the Power Keys!: Open five red item boxes in one match.
  • First-Time Customer: Buy something in the shop.
  • My First Skill: Use an active skill as a survivor.
  • Thanks a Bunch!: Rescue five civilians in one match.
  • A-Time-Travelin' We Will Go: Escape in the time machine with three or more allies.
  • Here's a Senzu Bean!: Revive three downed allies in one match.

Now we did get in some MultiVersus and spent time playing as Stripe who originates from Gremlins. He's an 'assassin-hybrid', and while he can do a fair amount of damage outright, his big gimmick is a diving chainsaw attack that can also unintentionally be a 'dive to death'  which I proved several times. That said Stripe is a little easier to learn than Gizmo was.

We also played Fall Guys, and actually won a show as part of a Squad which was epic! There was the usual silliness involved with me falling to my doom repeatedly.

Twitch Clips

For the raid last night we dropped in DaemonsW0lf as they were playing Resident Evil Village over at

For The Phillies ended up winning yesterday, and because of it I was rocking one of my two jerseys on stream. Now they 'll be facing the Padress in the NLCS starting on Tuesday. Speaking of Baseball, we had the Guardians vs Yankees game on and ended the stream right when Cleveland completed a bottom of the ninth comeback.

What don't ants get sick? They have anty-bodies.

What do you call a fish with no eye? Fsh.

Song of the Day: Loser by Beck

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Hip Shpae FOcus Combo, Straight Combo #2, and Intermediate Combo #2 for 28 minutes

Its the start of a new week, so lets recap what we played last weeks which included: Overwatch 2, The Last of Us: Remastered, Streer Fighter V, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Fallout 76, Final Fantasy XIV, Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight, Dragon Ball: The Breakers, MultiVersus & Fall Guys!

For tonight's stream we'll be playing Overwatch 2, we'll work on the daily challenges of course and just have a good time! 

So on that note we'll see you later over on!