Monday, October 17, 2022

Kicking Booty In Overwatch 2

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Overwatch 2 was awesome, as we were joined by PandaSweet for the full stream, so we had plenty of wins and losses. I picked up six plays of the game as Junker Queen (1), Mei (3) and Moira (2), and PandaSweet even picked one up as Moira in our last match of the night. 

I have found Junker Queen to be a lot of fun to play as, and found that her Ultimate combined with getting nano'ed by Ana means for a potential fun time of carnage. Did learn the hard way JQ's ultimate can be stopped by Junkrat's trap and she can be hooked by Roadhog as well during it.

OF course I have been keeping up with doing all the dailies. and I'm nearly done through 60 levels of the Battle Pass. With luck I should have it all banged out by the end of next week. Also learned that once level 80 of the Battle Pass is reached

Twitch Clips

 Big thank you to RedFoxUKCov for resubscribing to my channel! It is great appreciated!

For the raid we dropped in Joliet4 as they were doing a music stream featuring their original tunes over at!  

The Yankees managed to hold off the Guardians to force a game five in the ALCS, but whoever wins it will be at a major disadvantage 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Difficulty Challenge Combo #2, Difficulty Challenge Combo #2 and Block Combo for 34 minutes. We knocked off the Evan's Champion EX Achievement following the first exercise set. We'll now focus on training with Sophie to work on her Champion EX Achievement.

Fitness Boxing 2 Rhythm & Exercise EX Achievements

  • Evan's Champion: Train with Evan for over 50 hours
  • King EX Fighter Progress: 97%
  • Sophie's Champion Progress: 60% (30 out of 50 hours trained)

Rather surprised the Eagles are undefeated, as it did look like they were going to collapse in the 2nd half of their game against the Cowboys.

Why do you smear peanut butter on the road? To go with the traffic jam.

When is your door not actually a door? When it's ajar.

Song of the Day: Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham!

A lot of folks are whining about complaining about the Frames Per Second for Gotham Knights when it comes to running on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S consoles, which was confirmed by the developers to be at 30 Frames Per Second. I myself, cannot tell the difference between 30 FPS and 120 FPS because for me, there is no actually difference. I've looked at comparison video of different things and to me, there is never any difference that is meaningful. Anyone who says FPS matters is a fucking idiot

Comcast is pulling the plug on G4 less than a year after it's launch and I'm not surprised, because what was it doing that 90% of gaming associated YouTube channels wasn't doing? Answer: Nothing.

Loaded up Dragon Ball FighterZ after last night's stream to try and knock out some achievements and managed to get three. The try hard nature of those playing Ranked and the fact there the match making is just awful speaks volumes when it came to completing 20 Ranked matches. I can only imagine how long it'll take to do the achievements for Casual and Arena matches, which very few people have bothered with.

Dragon Ball FighterZ Achievements

  • You Can't Win This...: World Match - Play 10 Ranked Matches.
  • This Pain Will Make Me Stronger!: World Match - Play 20 Ranked Matches.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Practice - Perform a combo that deals 5000 or more damage in Training Mode.

And speaking of Dragon Ball FighterZ, For tonight's stream we'll be starting up its story mode, which may actually take us 2-3 streams to complete depending on how the difficulty curve adjusts.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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