Monday, October 31, 2022

A Super Long Night Of Overwatch 2

Happy Halloween everyone,

Well last night's stream of Overwatch 2 started early, and lasted a lot longer than normal... ended up being a seven hour long stream, with us using a variety of characters,, Junker Queen, Reinhardt, Oirssa, Roadhog, Moira, Brigitte, Mei, Junkrat and others. We picked up four plays of the game as Brigitte, Junkrat, Mei and Junker Queen.  We were also joined by PandaSweet for several matches as well, which is always a treat. Also picked up an in-game achievement as Sigma in a rather frantic moment.

Overwatch 2 Achievements

  • Conservation of Energy: Gain 350 shields with a single use of Sigma's Kinetic Grasp in Quick or Competitive Play.

That said, there were several moments of major stupidity as I've seen in regards to people not knowing how to deal with Zarya, which is simple... DO NOT SHOOT HER BUBBLES. If you should her bubble barriers, it powers up her weapon, which can melt virtually everyone. Then there was the last match of the night, where as I Mei, Panda as Symmetra and a random player as Brig all had more mitigated damage than a random who refused to use their defensive matrix. 

Twitch Clips

Big thank you to Lunar_Princess for the raid following their stream of Little Nightmares over at!

For our raid, we dropped in on MissCammi316 who was also playing Overwatch 2 over at!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Front-Back Step Combo, Defensive Combo #2 and Uppercut Combo #2 for 28 minutes

Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise Stats For October 2022

  • Punches Thrown: 37802
  • Estimated Calories Burned: 15988.11 kcal
  • Sophie's Champion Progress: 74% (37 out of 50)
  • King EX Fight Progress:97%
  • Fitness Boxing 2 Consecutive Days: 689
  • Fitness Boxing 1 & 2 Consecutive Days: 847

I like to spend every day as if it's my last. Staying in bed and calling for a nurse to bring me more pudding.

I got fired from my job at the bank today. An old lady came in and asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over.

Song of the Day: Freaks by Surf Curse

Game 3 of the World Series is tonight, and I am hoping the Phillies can take full advantage of their home field advantage.

Nearly finished writing the short story commission request based on Until Dawn, It's going to be cutting it close to getting it to the requested word count the client wants. In case you can't tell, I'm a very formulaic approach when it comes to writing anything and getting my point across.

For tonight's stream we're playing Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, I think we're in good shape to maybe pick up one achievement.

So on that note, we'll see you later tonight over on!

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