Thursday, June 2, 2022

Just Your Typical One Night Playthrough of Ghostbusters

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream featured Ghostbusters; The Video Game, and went a lot longer than it probably should for a couple of reasons... one being I was trying to get as many achievements as possible in a single play-through, and I missed out on a few 100% PKE, but I did find every single collectable item, which was something I didn't do when I played the Remastered Version last year. Now my desire to get some achievements certainly lead to me having to re do certain parts, which was frustrating... particularly with the infamous Stone Angels late in the game. The stream itself ran 7 hours, which is long for a Wednesday night for sure but hey, it is the 34th game finished this year

Still on a positive note, I did show that the online multi-player still works... now I just need to find 3 people to play it with! Also a positive is that the Xbox 360 version of Ghostbusters The Video game holds up rather nicely, and outside of textures there really isn't that much difference in how it and the Remaster look, in my opinion. On a side note, in comparison to my play through of the Remastered version last September, I actually grabbed 3 more achievements.

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Achievements

  • You Gotta Try This Pole!: Slide down the fire pole.
  • Total Protonic Reversal: Knock yourself down with your own weapon.
  • I Ain't 'Fraid of No Ghost!: Trap a ghost.
  • We Have the Talent!: Complete the Firehouse training level.
  • I'm Picking Up A Signal...: Obtain a 100% PKE scan on a paranormal creature.
  • ...And You Want to Keep It?: Collect a Cursed Artifact.
  • Aim for the Flat Top!: Eliminate a creature.
  • I Feel So Funky: Get slimed by a charging ghost.
  • The Flowers are Still Standing!: Complete the 'Welcome to the Hotel Sedgewick' level.
  • Slam Dunk!: Slam dunk a ghost into a trap.
  • I Looked at the Trap, Ray!: Recover 20 of your own full ghost traps.
  • I Love You When You Rough-House!: The tidy arcitectural office could use some Proton-based humbling.
  • Once S'more into the Breach: Complete the 'Panic in Times Square' level.
  • But the Kids Love Us!: The children's reading room has a story to tell, but it will take more than your eyes to see it.
  • Slime Dunk!: Trap a ghost using the Slime Tether.
  • I'm a Ghostbuster, Not a Doctor!: Revive your teammates 20 times.
  • Mother Pus Bucket!: Purchase all upgrades for the Slime Gun.
  • Get Her!: Complete the 'Checking Out the Library' level.
  • Stasis Dunk!: Trap a ghost using the Stasis Stream.
  • Heat 'Em Up: Purchase all upgrades for the Proton Gun.
  • You Never Studied: Keep your ears open to learn everything you can about the Civil War.
  • We be fast! They be slow!: Purchase all upgrades for the Dark Matter Generator.
  • Ghost Fever Grips New York: Complete the 'Museum of (Super)Natural History' level.
  • Ghostbusters Drinking Game: Quench your thirst wherever possible to avoid being scared spitless.
  • I've Quit Better Jobs Than This.: Some ghosts had a real blowout in the Coat Room. Clean it up?
  • I Don't Want My Face Burned Off: Purchase all upgrades for the Meson Collider.
  • We Have the Tools!: Purchase all available equipment upgrades.
  • Somebody Saw a Cockroach on 12: Complete the 'Return to the Sedgewick' level.
  • Hedgebuster: The hedge maze is a real eyesore; do some Protonic pruning.
  • Let Me Guess, Gozer Worshippers: Complete the 'Lost Island Rising' level.
  • Spores, Molds, and Fungus: Collect all Cursed Artifacts.
  • Disaster of Biblical Proportions: Complete the 'Central Park Cemetery' level.
  • We Came, We Saw...: Complete the game on 'Casual' or 'Experienced' difficulty.

Twitch Clips

Big thanks to Redneck_23 for the raid after his stream of Farming Simulator 19, which e was playing over on!

For last night's raid we dropped in on SweetLindir who was playing Smite over at

With last night's stream going a lot longer than intended, it meant I didn't exactly have much time to  look into other topics for today's blog. It does indeed happen.

Something that was trending (kind of) on Twitter was posting what cartoons premiered in the year you were born... and boy the pickings were rather slim for 1982 with things like Gilligan's Planet & The Gary Coleman Show hitting the airwaves in the United States.

For today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout, the exercises were Weaving Combo #1, Weaving Combo #2, Uppercut Combo #1 and Straight Combo #1. Workout was a solid 45 minuets long.

Kind of work related... so there is this guy running for Govenor of New Mexico named Mark Ronchetti, who was a meteorologist...but one of things he wants to claim is that climate change doesn't exist. Like seriously... dude... you were a weatherman! Clearly you've seen how the climate has changed in your career! 

SNK, the developers of the Fatal Fury and King of Fighters series of games... is now owned by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. This completely flew under the radar when it happened in April, and safe to say... and while I do have a great deal of respect for the history of SNK, safe to say, I will not be featuring anything from that company going forward.

For tonight's stream we shall be playing Final Fantasy XIV, and depending on how long it takes me to get various things done, we may toss in some Star Trek Online as well!

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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