Wednesday, June 1, 2022

A Random Night of Old Games

Good morning everyone,

Last night's stream had a wide amount of variety with games from the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 era. We lead off with Legends of Wrestling, which arrived in the mail mid-afternoon, and outside of the unlock all the wrestlers code not working, it was just as mediocre as I remember. Mainly I added it for the purpose of having the completely trilogy of the series. Something of note is that my stream had a few resets which I suspect was due to an issue with Comcast.

Second game was Rocky Legends, which in many ways is the older version of Big Rumble Boxing: Creed Champions which we played last year... just a little less arcade like. It does have a full story mode, with various unlockables that can be earned... but Rocky Legends is a lot more grind heavy. Also of note is that the music from the Rocky films is worked in quite nicely through the game with some musical cues kicking in depending on how a round is going.

We then switched to the PlayStation 3 and checked out Golden Axe: Beast Rider... and from what I experienced, it seemed like a good game The controls are a little over thought out, and the riding of the dragon seemed a little clunky, but beyond that the game looked, sounded and played pretty well in my opinion. Would I dedicate it to a full attempt to beat it... who knows.Still, I did find it to be better than something like Bloodborne.

Marvel vs Capcom: Origins was the next game, which has the full arcade port of Marvel vs Capcom... now i played the EX Edition recently, but going back into the 2v2 style certainly was screwy, as I felt a lot of my timing was way off in regard to what I was able to do. Not to mention the Arcade port A.I. is much more brutal than the PlayStation variant. We closed the night out with a quick look at Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, which was the version of SSF2T that had the more modern look that no one really liked. If I started earlier in the night I probably would have dedicate more time to actually brute force my way through it, but hey that's a challenge for another day!

Twitch Clips

For last night's raid we dropped in on CallMeMsGalaxy who was playing Overwatch over on

Speaking of Overwatch, I did my 5 placement matches for Support... and went 2-3, getting placed at Silver 1724

I would be shocked by all the drama surrounding Star Wars, but lets be honest, at this point, most people are taking the roles in that franchise just to bait trolls.

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 workout featured Triple Combo #1, Double Combo #2, Left-Right Step Combo and Advanced Combo #2. Triple Combo #1 was set to No Mercy Difficulty, and managed to score a new personal best on it.

Started work on the commission request for a WWE story involving Finn Balor, AJ Styles and Liv Morgan, I got the general opening set, and I figure if I don't over complemented I can knock it out gradually over the next few days

Feeling old yet...  rumors are starting to pop up regarding what may be happening for the Power Rangers 30th Anniversary. Although I believe Jason David Frank is done with the franchise because of how his tattoos need to be constantly covered, and of course there is issues with Austin St. John that could result in him spending 20 years in prison due to committing fraud with the PPP loans.

For tonight's stream, Iceman will be unable to join us, so we'll be taking a break from Fallout 76 and focus on something else for to the evening! Thus I think we'll place the Xbox 360 version of Ghostbusters on tonight's stream.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!

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Highlight: Phasmophobia (Episode 7)