Monday, March 7, 2022

Folks Who Play To Lose

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Overwatch was certainly interesting, as some of the early randoms I've played with had some really questionable decision making processes... and then there were the last two matches of the night where folks were intentionally hiding and just doing enough to not get kicked from the matches. It really makes things frustrating. Everyone knows I don't mind losing if the match itself is good, but to lose a match due to clear sabotage is just wrong on so many levels.

That said, we did have fun overall, and of course big thanks to PandaSweet for being apart of many of the more entertaining moments of the night. I picked up one Play of the Game as, and I feel like I had some equally good plays as Moira and Mei when I was playing as them. I know some folks wonder when will I use other characters, but I've have me favorites when I play Overwatch. I know what I can do with them in almost any situation. Of course, I could come up with a Channel Points redeem for folks to pick the character i play, but that could end up with me using some characters I really don't like the mechanics (Hanzo, Doomfist, Genji)

Twitch Clip Links

  1.  I am powered up!
  2.  QUAD KILL!!!!
  3.  Aw... damn!

For the raid we dropped in on ShadowNeverSeen who was playing Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, which was an Indie Puzzle Adventure game! They stream over at!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Difficult Challenge Combo #2, Difficulty Challenge Combo #1 and Difficulty Challenge Combo #3. We unlocked the Hiro's Champion achievement today, and now my next target are the achievement's associated with Evan... first Evan's Contender which requires 30 hours trained, and then Evan's Champion which requires 50 hours. Currently I have 14 hours trained using him going back to before the EX Achievements were available.

Fitness Boxing 2 Rhythm & Exercises EX Achievements

  • Hiro's Champion: Train with Hiro for over 50 hours

Experimented with CAPCOM Arcade Cabinet last night to see if it could be of a similar achievement journey CAPCOM Arcade Stadium was... and while it does have online play (or had, I didn't try that part of it), CAPCOM Arcade Cabinet feels off in terms of movements I would make when playing something like 1943: Battle of Midway. Still, we might take some time to feature it on a Wednesday night as something to mess around with prior to Gears of War: Ultimate Edition.

Also, it does appear many of the achievements associated with the collection are rather buggy or require circumstances so prescience that I straight up refuse to even attempt going for 100% completion. I figure I'll I'll go after the more logical achievements and then move on from there. 

CAPCOM Arcade Cabinet Achievements

  • AAA: Set a new record on the High Score table.
  • Art Lover: Unlocked a picture in the Gallery.

Now I know that the EA Sports servers for NBA Jam On Fire Edition still worked, since it was a backwards compatible game, however the trick to get the updated terms in conditions required another game, SSX. So by messing around with that for a bit I was able to get the NBA Jam online multiplayer to work a bit. Now the question comes down who is still player either game online in 2022? Who knows, but it's nice to know the option is there.

SSX Achievements

  • That Was Easy: Unlock all Game Modes
  • Grindage: Grind your first rail (not achievable in Tutorial)

For tonight's stream we're going to play What Remains of Edith Finch, which from what I understand is an Indie Puzzle game, that should at most take about four hours to finish. We shall see!

So on that note we'll see you later over on

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