Sunday, March 6, 2022

A Night Of SmackDown 2: Know Your Role

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream certainly was a throw back to the year 2000 with WWF SmackDown 2: Know Your Role. Now I would've just done exhibition matches, but turns out I didn't have a save file for it on any of my memory cards, so that meant going through the season mode to unlock various characters, like Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels, the Mean Street Posse and others, which meant sitting through skipping matches I was not involved in and seeing the many... many cut scenes and the numerous loading screens.

Game play wise, SmackDown 2 is fine, and I was playing it on its hardest difficulty setting (unknowingly) and I was mostly using Shawn Michaels once we unlocked him. There was of course the awkwardness when Chris Benoit appeared, so that had to be glossed over to some degree. It is amazing looking at the roster from mid-2000 to realize who's dead and who's alive at this point, considering the major string of WWE Alumni deaths that occurred from 2005 to 2015, and to some degree marveling over who is still having matches every now and then.

Now we only got through to September of the Season mode, so this gives me an excuse to feature it again next week, probably on Saturday night to get the remaining characters... and probably count the game towards this years tour list, since we're doing an entire season.  

Twitch Clip Links

  1. Getting the tag!
  2. The Big Kick For the KO!
  3. Lita is the Winner

For the raid we dropped in on Kalenal as they were playing Final Fantasy XIV over at!  

As far as my own Final Fantasy XIV adventures go, I went hunting for some Blue Mage spells, grabbing a few fairly easily before I ran into some over whelming odds.

I forgot to get enough clips from last night's stream for the Facebook page's highlight reel... oops!

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout featured Straight Combo #2, Sway Back Combo and Hip Shape Focus Combo. During the extra bits I was doing I set a new personal best for Block Combo set on No Mercy Difficulty. Following everything, I'm now at 49/50 for the Hiro's Champion achievement, so I should hit it tomorrow.

Okay, why are people being mad that Russell Westbrook is being called 'Westbrick'... the dude has bricked many shots during his NBA Career started back in 2008 with OKC. And it wasn't Skip Bayless who first started calling him that, calling Westbrook 'Westbrick', this goes back to the 2011 Playoffs against Dallas and shot 36%

My Xbox achievement streak continued early this morning with knocking out three achievements, and let me tell ya finding all the roads in LEGO® Valley was more of a pain in the butt than one would have thought... because some roads in the city center overlap!

Forza Horizon 4 Achievements

  • I Live My Life…: Reach Round 10 in the Horizon Drag Racing Series.
  • Ground Force: Get 3 stars at a Danger Sign in a vehicle from the Trucks Car Type.
  • Microscale Explorer: Discover all the roads in LEGO® Valley.

It's the start of a new week which means a video recap of the things we played over the last seven days, which included Overwatch, Light Fairytale, SoulCalibur, Street Fighter Alpha Anthology, Gears 5, Final Fantasy XIV, Persona 5 Royal and WWF SmackDown 2 Know Your Role! 

For tonight's stream, well you know what day it is... it's Sunday which means Overwatch!

So we'll see you later over on!

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