Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Today's Notes 8/24/21: Three Dragons Down and Three To Go

Good morning everybody,

Last night's stream of Chrono Cross saw a lot getting done in terms of side quests before getting back onto the main story to start hunting down the Six Elemental Dragons. 

First destination however was the Isle of the Damned in another world, taking Karsh to have a show down against Solt and Peppor regarding their belief that he killed Dario. Apparently like Radius, Karsh was possessed by the Masamune... but is that really what happened? Because I do know we have a boss battle against Dario coming up later in the game.From there it was off to the Hydra Marshes, where we saved a Beeba and got an ancient fruit before going on to face the De-Hyrate. Now that is a boss fight I have an issue with because of its name. Considering it's the ghost of a Hyrda that in 'Another World', were killed off long ago... shouldn't it be called a De-Hyrda? The joke still work!

Then it was off to Guldove where there is a fight against future recruit Orlha because she thinks Lynx and company are the bad guys. Really a battle because of a misunderstanding, but seeing how you fight folks who will be in your party at some point in this game, it's a nice way to see what Orlha can do. Heading to Guldove is also important as one most go to the Dragon Shrine to get the Dragon Emblem which you must take to the Home World's Dragon Shrine at Guldove. Also at this point, the Lv 7 abilities for characters start being unlocked which means probably a lot of going around and side quests to make sure everyone has their abilities!

Anyway once back in the Home World, I made sure Fargo and Irenes were my party as we head to SS Zelbess. Fargo is important because he basically steals the Zelbess from his counterpart and that goes into the long performance of Nikki and the Magical Dreamers as they play the song to awaken the ghosts on Marbule so they could be dealt with. The performance is really cool, but does make me wonder how it would look in a remastered format. Anyway, Fargo unlocks his Invincible ability, and once everything is done, if you talk to Nikki with Fargo and Irenes in the party, they have unique dialog. As a perk, Miki was also recruited. At that point, it was off to Water Dragon Isle to face the Water Dragon in a straight up fight, peppering him with red elements to wear him down fast before landing the finishing blow. Getting to the Earth Dragon on Earth Dragon Isle involved some light puzzle work in getting Rockroach's knocked into hole, the battle itself also straight forward by hammering it with green elements. 

Now getting to the 'Green Dragon' was a pain in the ass, as you must go to the Hyrda Marshes of the home world, fight an angry Beeba, then learn how to summon the Winagpede. This is why getting the fruit earlier helps out. Once you summon the Wingapede, you're taken to Gae's Navel where you meet Leah and you basically have no choice but to face every creature around the island to lure out Tyrano. Now that doesn't seem to bad, that is until you have to deal with the Prehysterics who cane cast confusion on your team and the animation for that gets real old real quick. Anyone, on top of that, once you lure out Tyrano adnd defeat it, you're pushed right into fight against the Green Dragon. The battle against the Green Dragon can be a nightmare in any of itself because of all the Status Effects it can cause... which was a great concern if a party isn't balanced enough to cover having some elements locked out for a bit. Anyway, once The Green Dragon is defeated, Leah joins the party.

So with all that done it sets up the next part of the game nicely for tonight! Now here are the clips from last night

Following the stream, we raided MommyBee (twitch.tv/MommyBee) who was also playing Chrono Cross!

We added two games to the collection yesterday. First The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles for the Nintendo Switch... and having played the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy back at the end of 2019, I'm looking forward to seeing what this game is like. The other game added is Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of AN Elusive Age - Definitive Edition... which is one hell of a long title. I have never played a Dragon Quest game but my understanding is that they are like Final Fantasy and each game can stand on it's own unless other wise indicated.

Also picked up RWBY: The official Manga Anthology volume 5 which focuses on Team Juniper (Jaune, Pyrrah, Ren and Nora) with some side stories for them. With this being the fifth volume, I wonder when team CFVY will get their own manga... or are their adventures going to be novel exclusives.

Added another Funko Pop to the collection, Becky Lynch (Pop WWE #65) and on top of that a Becky Lynch 'Elite Collection' figure that was released last year shortly after she vacated the RAW Women's Title. I do find it odd that the hands are apparently interchangeable. Now that I'm going to open it find out why that's the case.

DaemonsWolf (twitch.tv/daemonsw0lf) is working on the next art piece, and it will see the return of the Bunny decked out in Division gear! Looking forward to seeing the finished item and to make it the next start screen image! 

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 Daily Workout lasted 28 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 430 kcal. The exercises for today Beginner Combo #1, Hook Combo #2 and Front Back Step Combo. We did a little extra with an additional Difficult Challenge Combo #3, so the  total session was 34 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 531 kcal.

For tonight's stream, we're continuing Chrono Cross and our quest of hunting down the remaining Dragons. We're heading after the Fire Dragon next and I'm gonna have all day to figure out the best course of action because I know I want Fargo in the party, but he's going to be an easy target because he's a blue innate while the Fire Dragon is a red innate which just spells trouble.

Anyway, we'll se you later tonight over on twitch.tv/fredcasden

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