Monday, August 23, 2021

Today's Notes 8/23/21: We Go Rolling Along

Good morning everybody,

We had a fun night of Overwatch, which started with a handful of Mayhem matches before focusing on Quick Play only. Big thanks as always to PandaSweet for joining in on the fun as we had plenty of wins and losses as we played all three roles of Tank, Damage and Support. It did surprise me that the queues for Damage we a lot longer than usual for a Sunday night. Anyway, we ended on a three match win streak, and it's always nice to end on a high note! Here are the match results for each match last night.

Overwatch: Mayhem Match Results

  1. - Loss
  2. - Loss
  3. - Win - Play of the Game
  4. - Win - Play of the Game

Overwatch: Quick Play Match Results

  1. Moira - Loss
  2. - Loss
  3. Moira - Win
  4. - Win - Play of the Game
  5. Reinhardt - Loss
  6. Moira - Win
  7. - Loss
  8. - Win
  9. Torbjorn- Loss  
  10. Tracer - Loss
  11. Torbjorn - Loss
  12. Tracer - Win
  13. - Win
  14. Moira - Win

It is amazing when you look at the results, it's a 50-50 split of wins and losses! I should've made note of which matches I had resulted in not getting killed once because i had a couple like that.

Anyway here are the clips from last night...

After the stream we raided Sw33ts_Gaming ( who was playing Naraka: Bladepoint. I'll say this about Sweets, she loves her multi-player gaming!

Starting using the Xsplit VCam again, which we tried on the previous computer last year, but with the better hardware of the rig we got in February, it makes the Vcam a lot more smoother to use with no hindrance on OBS, plus it gives me an extra option of maybe taking down the green screen if I need to.

Off stream gaming, I messed around some with Pokemon UNITE, the Moba game that recently debuted on the Nintendo Switch, I'm not quite seeing where there are any pay-to-mechanics, as everything seems pretty straight forward, and the variety of Pokemon isn't exactly huge. Sure some Pokemon may be better than others, but I think that comes down to one's play style. I've stuck with Pikachu in the early going as him being an all-rounder seems just perfect for my play style of just roaming around doing stuff. We might feature this on a stream in the future, probably once I get a better understanding on things... which may not be much to learn considering I've taken the MVP spot a few times in the handful of matches I've played.

Before the stream yesterday started I found my two Military Cadence books that I got at Fort Jackson way back 2000... and man do I NOT remember how most of these are supposed to go in terms of which lines are supposed to be call response and which ones are not. Still that's why there is a clip of me doing The Army Goes Rolling Along. Also, flipping through both books one realizes that just how screwed up some soldiers and marines were when coming up with variations of particular cadences.

Here are this week's results for  Dr Kawashima's Brain Training World Champions Competition #80

  • Dual Task: 46.99sec - #1806 out of 2788 - C+ - #196 out of 295 in 35-39
  • Finger Calculations: 29.08sec - #1154 out of 1734 - C - #145 out of 199 in 35-39
  • Calculations x 25:  26.63sec - #1945 out of 2855 - C - #206 out of 293 in 35-39
  • Rock Paper Scissors: 35.88sec - #1193 out of 1704 - C - #130 out of 199 in 35-39

Today's Fitness Boxing 2 daily workout lasted 28 minutes with an estimated calorie burn of 439 kcal. The exercises for today were Defensive Combo #1, Double Combo #1 and Defensive Combo #2. As of today, we're up to 45 out of 50 for the Lin's Champion achievement.I've done the math, and between what's left with Lin and the other trainers, I need to put in 290 hours to get everyone's Champion achievement.

 For tonight's stream we are getting back to Chrono Cross, and if memory serves me right we're picking up at a point where we'll be doing some side quests before going off to deal with the six dragons to advance the plot. Stream will start about 6:30 PM Eastern

Of course the weather says there will be thunder storms in the area, so hopefully they will be a non factor.

So on that note we'll see you later over on!


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