Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Today's Notes 3/16/21

Good morning everybody, 

Well last night's stream was not plagued by any internet connection issues, just a few minor blips that were only really noticeable by me, but there was barely any frame drops, so Comcast had their shit together last night. Now I'm waiting for a call from them regarding this manner, since they must reach out to me regarding this since I did take the extra step to complain to the FCC. So let's see where that takes us.

As for as for the stream itself goes, we got a lot done in Dragon Age Inquisition, finishing up everything we could do in the Forbidden Oasis and a couple of other areas before the story was progressed that saw our base at Haven being invaded by the real antagonist of the game, the Ancient One and his arm of Red Templars. This saw us relocate to our new fortress at Skyhold and opens up a shit ton more to do in terms war table operations, areas to explore and missions to wrap up.

Tonight's stream will see us continue Dragon Age Inquisition, and I think we'll be spending a lot of time in Skyhold, as there seems to be a lot of things to do there, even if I went all over the place last night, there are conversations to be had and places to revisit, in addition to all the stuff at the war table that needs to be done. 

Woke up late, as I did hear my alarm go off then I went back to sleep only to keep up after 10 AM, so today's workout was on the short side. I did do a little extra with the free training, so today's workout was longer than indicated via the screen shot. As of today we've earned 70% of all in-game achievement, and here are the new one. Janice's Best Friend which required to exercise using Janice as the Trainer 100 times, Hiro's New Student, which is to use Hiro as the instructor once, and Hiro's Best Sudent which was to receive a three-star rating using Hiro as the trainer. And of course for earning 70% of all achievement milestones, that was called Big Fit FIghter.

At the moment I do plan for Friday's stream to be focused on the PlayStation 3, I'll have to double check to see what games I would want to feature for just one night need to be directly installed first, because I know that was something that needed to be done with DC Universe vs Mortal Kombat and maybe TNA Impact, but I can't remember about things like Gran Turismo 5.

Anyway on that note we'll see you later over on twitch.tv/fredcasden!


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