Monday, March 15, 2021

Today's Notes 3/15/21

Good afternoon everyone,

Last night's stream of Overwatch started off rough with an apparent weak upload signal / stream, now I wonder if it was because of the strong winds or if Comcast my ISP did not fully fix things on Saturday, this was further compounded in the last hour of the stream where latency in the game of Overwatch was spiking like mad. Since this corresponded with frame drops that were happening at the same time, I suspect again, it was my ISP that was failing to perform up to the standards I expected. That said, when things were smooth during the majority of the stream things were good, picking up three plays of the game, and getting in some games with Kalenal and PandaSweet is always awesome.

Staying on the subject of Comcast, the FCC sent me a notification that they have reached notified them about my complaint and that I should be hearing from Comcast about this matter. In fact I just got an email from Comcast's Executive Support regarding this matter.

Today we did a much longer Fitness Boxing 2 set to help make up for the the shorter sets during the weekend, Which meant we ended up having a new record set for estimated calories burned in a day. We got a few new achievements done today to. First was Heavyweight Puncher Lv. 1 which was to reach a total punch count of 126,000,  we wrapped up the Janice's Buddy achievement which was to perform 10 free exercises with Janice (we did 3 free ones today to finish it) and with that we switched to Hiro as our trainers, and instantly going for the Hiro Stylist and Hiro's Fashion Saboteur achievement which are to change Hiro's outfit and put him in a mismatched outfit, and we also got the Hiro Fashion Designer which was to put a matching outfit together... which oddly enough was just put him back in his default attire. 

We also unlocked the Weight Forward achievement which was to enter 10 days worth of weight data.
And with today's weight in, the scale indicated I weighted about 250 lbs! We lost 2 pounds from the last time we weighed in! Yay! 

Also just realized I need to do one more set with Jancie to finish up her achievements as well, which I think to do 100 exercise sets with a particular trainer.

Jim Cornette has been in the news recently, and look, people need to understand something about him, he's a master of getting a reaction, always has been. Give him just a bit of info to work with and he can play those who don't know any better like a fiddle. To take him down a peg, all one has to do is present the truth, i.e. how Eric Bischoff did in their Table For 3 episode. Here is how Bischoff did it, by catching Cornette in a lie with regard to when Smokey Mountain Wrestling working with WCW, where Cornette said Bischoff was the one who ended that, Bischoff pointed out using the actual order of events, that he had nothing to do with it because he didn't have any power in WCW until after the WCW/SMW partnership ended in early 1993, because Bischoff didn't get the executive producer job until the middle of the year following the firing of Bill Watts.  Cornette's responsive of 'well it was what he heard' in a manner so sheepish you'd think he was a Senator from Kentucky 

Tonight we have Dragon Age Inquisition scheduled as we'll focus on side-questing and doing as much as we can before advancing the story. Hopefully this stream will not have any issues that I can trace back to my Internet Service Provider.

And on that note we'll see you later over on!

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