Saturday, October 26, 2024

Achievements Earned This Week

Influencer of the Ancient Station in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You have helped all ponies in the Ancient Station

Reaction in Action in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery

You got all the emojis!

Influencer of the Night in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You have helped all ponies in the Theater Night

Gardener Influencer in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You have helped all ponies in the Royal Gardens

Influencer of Main Square in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You have helped all ponies in Main Square.

Battle Buds in Costume Quest
Defeated a monster in combat with a friend by your side.

Downsized! in Costume Quest
Defeated BoJonn in battle.

Do the Monster Bash in Costume Quest
Got the jump on 10 monsters.

Skeet Shooting in DOOM + DOOM II
Kill 4 enemies in 1 shot with the Super Shotgun.

Make it Work in Costume Quest

Won the Autumn Haven Mall Costume Contest.

Dressed to Quest in Costume Quest
Acquired 5 Costumes.

Leave some for the rest of us! in Costume Quest

Collected a total of over 4,000 candies.
Dozer Dodger in Costume Quest
Defeated Metxel in battle.

Chompin' Champ in Costume Quest
Won all prizes in Bobbing for Apples.

Shoot It Until It Dies in DOOM + DOOM II
Finish off a Cyberdemon with the Pistol.

Alternate Dimension in DOOM + DOOM II

Find a secret level.

Kill It With Fire in DOOM + DOOM II

Immolate a total of 30 arachnoid enemies with the Incinerator.

Screen Wipe in DOOM + DOOM II
Obliterate 50 enemies with a single shot of the Calamity Blade.

The Last Gourdian in Costume Quest
Acquired the Pumpkin Costume.

All Decked Out in Costume Quest
Collected all Creepy Treat Cards.

Binary Bouncer in Costume Quest
Used the Robot Costume to Boost off of 15 different ramps.

Master of Disguise in Costume Quest
Used every Costume Ability in battle.

They'll be worth a lot someday in Costume Quest

Collected all Battle Stamps.

Mask-O'-Raider in Costume Quest
Completed all Quests in the game.

Sweet Justice in Costume Quest
Finished the game!

Short Stack in Costume Quest

Found the mysterious visitor in the cliffs of Repugia.

Playin' Hooky in Costume Quest
Used the Pirate hook on 5 unique ziplines.

Jeepers Peepers in Costume Quest
Acquired the Eyeball costume.

Revolutionary Hero in Costume Quest
Completed all quests in Repugia

Birdbrain Beatdown in Costume Quest

Defeated Araxia in battle.

Push it to the Limit in Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3: Slime Speedway
Drive through 50 boost pads

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Achievements and Trophies Earned This Week

Keeper of the Vigil in Dragon Age: Origins
Saved Vigil's Keep (Secret)

Heavy Hitter in Dragon Age: Origins
Main character inflicted 250 damage with a single hit

Awakening in Dragon Age: Origins
Completed Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening

A Time of Wood and Stone in Dragon Age: Origins
Gathered the lost lore of Cadash Thaig

Through the Looking Glass in Dragon Age: Origins
Completed the scrying ritual

Witch Hunter in Dragon Age: Origins
Completed "Witch Hunt"

Setting the Tone in MLB The Show 24
Strike out the first batter of the game.

Trading Places in MLB The Show 24
With only a runner on second base, hit an RBI double. (Excludes simulated gameplay.)

Chin Up Champ in MLB The Show 24
As a pitcher, give up a hit on the first at-bat of an inning and then strike out the next batter.

Red Hot Baserunning in MLB The Show 24
In a single inning steal second, third, and score with the same player.

Kitchen Sink in MLB The Show 24
Strike a batter out by throwing at least 4 different pitches during the same at-bat. (Excludes sims)

Derby Level Damage in MLB The Show 24
Hit a home run over 460 ft.

Open the Tool Box in MLB The Show 24
Use two bench players in a single game. (Excludes moments and simulated gameplay.)

40/40 Watch? in MLB The Show 24
Hit a home run and steal a base with the same player in one game. (Excludes simulated gameplay.)

The Best Offense is No Offense in MLB The Show 24
Score a run without getting a hit (have a run score off a walk, error, or sac fly). (Excludes sims.)
Celebrity Shot in MLB The Show 24
Drive in a run with a pinch hitter.

Save Some for Tomorrow in MLB The Show 24
Win a game by 24 or more runs. (Excludes simulated gameplay.)

Maddux in MLB The Show 24
Using a single pitcher, win a complete game in under 100 pitches in a full 9-inning game.

Vendetta in Dragon Age: Origins
Destroyed the career of Guard Captain Eams.

Clean Slate in DOOM + DOOM II
Kill all monsters in any monster-filled level on 'Hurt me plenty' or higher.

Doormat in DOOM + DOOM II
Crush a corpse in a door.

Timing Is Everything in DOOM + DOOM II
Kill 2 enemies with a single barrel explosion

Not So Friendly Fire in DOOM + DOOM II
Cause an enemy to kill another enemy.

Guns Are For Wusses in DOOM + DOOM II
Get 25 kills with your Fists in a single level.

Interior Designer in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You have placed your first decorative object

Izzy in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You've got Izzy!

An Important Looking Door in DOOM + DOOM II
Find a secret area.

Until It Is Done in DOOM + DOOM II
Get 100 Chainsaw kills.

Hoarder in DOOM + DOOM II
Finish a level with 100% items picked up.

Overprepared in DOOM + DOOM II
Finish a level with 200% armor and 200% health.

Pipp in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You've got Pipp!

Zipp in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You've got Zipp!

Misty in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You've got Misty!

Rise My Pretties in SMITE
Unlock the SMITE Award "Rise My Pretties."

Groovy in DOOM + DOOM II
Get 3 multi-kills with the Shotgun.

Heavenly Joy in DOOM + DOOM II
Shoot 200 bullets consecutively with the Chaingun.

Overkill in DOOM + DOOM II
Kill only a single enemy with a BFG9000 blast.

Cookin' With Plasma in DOOM + DOOM II
Kill 5 enemies in 5 seconds with the Plasma Rifle.

Bowling for Gibs in DOOM + DOOM II
Gib three or more enemies with a single rocket explosion.

More Like a Dream in DOOM + DOOM II
Complete a level on Nightmare difficulty.

The Only Thing They Fear Is You in DOOM + DOOM II
Complete any monster-filled level with 100% kills without getting hurt on Ultra-Violence or higher.

Burning Out of Control in DOOM + DOOM II
Complete any monster-filled level with 100% kills, items, and secrets.

A Man and a Half in DOOM + DOOM II
Get 20 kills using the berserk powerup in a single level.

Healing Smoothie in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You cured Sparky of his illness!

The collector's item in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You have obtained the fashion designer's garment!

Influencer of The Mall in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You have helped all ponies in The Mall

Influencer of the Theater in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You have helped all ponies in the Theater

Royal Influencer in My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery
You have helped all ponies in the Throne Room

Guardian of the Far East in God Eater: Resurrection
Wade into danger to rescue the Far East Branch from its predicament. (Secret)

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Achievements Unlocked This Past Week

Special Delivery in Overwatch 2
Stick 4 of Tracer's Pulse Bombs onto enemies in a single Quick or Competitive Play game.

Provocateur in Dragon Age: Origins
Collected and assembled the Battledress of the Provocateur.

Turning Point in Dragon Age: Origins
Heard Leliana's version of her betrayal.

Reaper in Dragon Age: Origins

Defeated the Harvester

Burning Vengeance in Sea of Thieves
You defeated the Burning Blade.

Pride Before The Fall in Dragon Age: Origins
Defeated the baroness (Secret)

Commander of the Grey in Dragon Age: Origins
Reached level 30

Blind Vengeance in Dragon Age: Origins
Escaped the silverite mines (Secret)

Savior of Kal'Hirol in Dragon Age: Origins
Destroyed the broodmothers in Kal'Hirol (Secret)

The Enduring Vigil in Dragon Age: Origins
Acquired all upgrades for Vigil's Keep

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Achievements earned this week

Hunter of Trophy Fish in Sea of Thieves
Received the Commendation for delivering 25 Trophy Fish to The Hunter's Call.     

Not Too Scary in Peggle 2

Completed every level in Gravely Grove

Critical Roll in Sea of Thieves
You rolled a natural 20 using the Roll a D20 Emote.

Trade Ambassador in Sea of Thieves

The Merchant Alliance you now represent, never forget your extra percent.

Golden Ticket in Sea of Thieves
As an Emissary of the Gold Hoarders, your greed knows no limits or borders.

Ship of Souls in Sea of Thieves

Set sail in the Order of Souls' name and gathering skulls will boost your fame.

Support Expert in SMITE 2
Won 5 Games in the Support Role

Opt-in in Peggle 2
Completed 30 Optional Objectives

Mercenary in Dragon Age: Origins

Complete 15 job-board quests

Smooth Landing in Sea of Thieves

You used the Horn of Fair Winds to avoid fall damage from a great height.

But You Have Heard Of Me? in Sea of Thieves
You purchased the Promotion at Reputation Level 25 in any Trading Company.

Night-Time Spectacular in Sea of Thieves
You set off a display of five or more fireworks at night.

The Reaping Begins in Sea of Thieves
You have become a Reaper's Bones Emissary; now your foes find you even more scary.

Flex Those Muscles in Joy Ride Turbo
You completed a Muscle-Only Series

Ceremonialist in Dragon Age: Origins
Defied the Cult of Andraste in "The Urn of Sacred Ashes"

Hero of Redcliffe in Dragon Age: Origins
Completed "The Arl of Redcliffe"

Standard-Bearer in Dragon Age: Origins
Used the Grey Warden treaties to recruit all possible allies

Shadow in Dragon Age: Origins
Main character achieved level 20 as a rogue

Keep on Truckin' in Joy Ride Turbo
You completed a Truck-Only Series

Sports Star in Joy Ride Turbo
You completed a Sport-Only Series

Endurance Driver in Joy Ride Turbo
You raced 50 consecutive laps in Time Trial

Wine, Woman, and Song in Dragon Age: Origins
Experienced the thrill of romance with Leliana

Rabble-Rouser in Dragon Age: Origins
Completed "The Landsmeet"

Master Warden in Dragon Age: Origins
Killed 500 darkspawn

Defender in Dragon Age: Origins

Preserved the lives of half the troops at Denerim's Gates in "The Final Battle" (Secret)     

Traveler in Dragon Age: Origins
Set foot in every area in the game

A Dark Promise in Dragon Age: Origins
Defeated the Archdemon and, through a dark ritual with Morrigan, spared your own life (Secret)

The Ultimate Sacrifice in Dragon Age: Origins
The ultimate sacrifice was made in defense of Ferelden (Secret)

Blue Moon in God Eater: Resurrection

Thwart Schicksal's ambitions and succeed in preventing the Devouring Apocalypse. (Secret)

Highlight: Overwatch 2 (Episode 286)